The message of His Holiness Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji, Sankaracharya of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, Kancheepuram for Deepavali Festival.

Light of Knowledge Deepavali

In darkness things are not visible. They could be understood only when light comes. For a blind person, even in light the things will not be seen and understood. So far he is concerned; darkness and light are the same. The blind person would be able to know and understand about the things only when he is told about the things by a person who has seen and understood them. For a person who has no faculty of intellect nothing will be known even if some one tells in detail about the things. A dumb person who could see things will not be able to express by words. A deaf person would not be able to hear and understand what is told. Power is required to understand even small things.

To create each items in the world knowledge and power are needed. To manufacture wooden articles such as table and chairs, the knowledge of a carpenter is needed. To construct a building the knowledge and efforts of a mason is needed. To produce iron products the knowledge of a blacksmith is required. To design gold and silver jewelleries the knowledge of a goldsmith is needed. To weave a cloth the knowledge of a weaver is essential. To manufacture dress materials the knowledge of a tailor is a must. Paintings and Sculptures are produced by the painters and sculptors with their special knowledge of painting and sculpture.

A tree grows to full only when a seed is sown, properly watered and nurtured. For every act the knowledge and power is essential. The protection of fourteen worlds after creating them, the enormous knowledge of power of god alone would be able to accomplish. Brahma creates the world. Goddess Saraswathi gives the knowledge of education for those that are created by Brahma.

Maha Vishnu protects what is created by Brahma. Mahalakshmi provides the required riches to those who are protected by Mahavishnu.

Parasamasiva accords peace to those protected by Mahavishnu. Devi Parvathi eradicates all the sufferings of the created and provides with them peace and prosperity.

On top of all the Super Power remains for ever as the Para Sakthi, Para Brahma, Param Porul and Param Jyothi. This is the light of knowledge (i.e.) the Gnana Jyothi

To understand this light of knowledge the Pancha Gnana Indriyas, Pancha Karma Indriyas, Pancha Pranas, Manas, Bhuddhi, the Ahankara (i.e) ego should not be allowed to wander outside but to turn inwards. Once this is done, the light of knowledge which is very much present always in the heart could be easily realized. To realize this light of knowledge is the sole aim of the birth and to remind this to the human kind, the festival of Deepavali is observed every year.

Bhagwan Sri Krishna who inaugurated the Deepavali says in Geetha as Gnana Deepena Bhaswatha.

During the Deepavali festival all are blessed to take oil bath in the water of Ganges, wear new clothes, share sweets with kith and kins, worship Bhagwan Sri Krishna and lead a happy, healthy, prosperous life glittering in the light of knowledge.