Volume: 21 Roudra year- Chitra, Vaikasi April, May- 1980
Issue No. 3, 4
By R. Lakshmana Iyer
(Retired District Judge)

Once, when I was the Magistrate of Ramanathapuram District, I had travelled to Chennai by car. On my way back, I went to have a darshan of the Jagadguru, the Paramacharya of Kanchi, who was then camping at a place 15 kms from Kanchipuram. I was anxious to return to Chennai the same night after meeting him. At that time, Dr. T. N. Ramachandran, Assistant Director, Department of Archeology, was projecting some slides using a Magic Lantern. These were slides showing images of two birds perched on a tree: one relishing the fruit—now, savouring the sweetness and now, grimacing at the sourness—and the other observing this with detachment. Perhaps, my face gave away my anxiety to reach Chennai by 10 o’clock, perceiving which the Acharya told me, “I know you have to reach Chennai tonight. But aren’t you reminded of an Upanishadic mantra on seeing these slides?” Saying thus, he recited the mantra:
Dvaa suparnau sayujau sakhaayau samaanam vruksham parishasva jaate|
Tayoranyah pippalam svaaddhati anashnan anyo-abhachaakashithi||
(Two birds are perched on a tree. While one tastes the fruits, the other watches on.
The Supreme Lord, Parameshvara, dwelling within all physical forms, experiences the fruits of karma as joy and sorrow. At the same time, as Ishvara, He remains untouched by cause and effect.)
I said I was familiar with it.
“Watching these slides will add clarity to your religious discourses. That’s why I made you stay back. Do you see now? Here, take this prasadam,” saying so, he sent for a coconut, smeared turmeric over it and bestowed upon me the poornaphala prasadam. Prostrating before him, I received it. Then, I told him, “I should have been promoted as a District Judge by now. Since a retired judge was given a three-month extension by the Disciplinary Tribunal, my promotion has been withheld.” Even before I could finish saying this, the Acharya said, “When you now return to Devakkkottai, your promotion orders will be waiting.” Having reassured me with his Abhayahastaa, he bid me farewell.
On my return to Devakkottai, I received promotion orders for the post of District and Sessions Judge.
I have heard many devotees recount to me instances of the Paramacharya’s boundless Grace showering unexpected blessings on them.
Rishinaam punaraadhyaanaam vaachamarthoranudhaavathi|
This brings to mind Bhavabhuti’s verse which says that when a SEER speaks meanings run after his words.
Translated from Tamil by: Shri Ganesh, Shrimati Deepa & Shrimati Latha, Shrimatham devotees from Chennai.
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