Essence Of Devi Bhagavatha Purana |
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Devi Bhagavati - ‘Nirguna’ and ‘Virupa’ Shakti At this juncture, the congregation of Sages at ‘Nimisharanya’ needed suitable clarification as to whom precisely should one pray to or anchor one’s hearty devotion to a specified target. The query appeared to be reasonable and the replies so far looked rather nebulous. Muni Suta however did his best to reply this pointed question with an equally pointed clarification. Indeed the Supreme Force in action is one and only the one! |
That Force is Eternal, Unborn, All Encompassing and Unknown. Having firmly established this Reality, the clarification required is as to whom one should dedicate and pray to. Vedas, Sastras, Puranas, Upanishads and name which ever Scripture was sourced, they all emphasized one uniform Truth that there were Satvik, Rajasic, and Tamasic ‘Gunas’ ( Aspects) and the Trinity of Gods represented Creation by Brahma, Preservation by Vishnu and Destruction by Siva. Trinity is Unity and Unity is Trinity! They all represented the same and were not detached. It is one’s vision that might get blurred but not the Realism. Side by side, one should also recognise the ‘Nirguna’Aspect-an amalgam of all the features. Now, where would be the aspect of Maha Shakti emerge here? That Super Force again was the Nirguna Facet. Thus when one prayed, there was no canalisation or distinction of Gods. But for the purpose of Idenification, one might keep the entire target as an Entity, imagine a Physical form and facilitate one’s concentration at it. Thus Siva is a part of Kundalini Shakti dominated by Tamo Guna; Brahma is dominated by Rajasik Sakti, and Vishnu is Satvika Sakti; indeed they are all one and the same. However Maha Sakti has no sex, age, form, ‘Gunas’, Characteristics and Identity; in fact, that precisely is the Unknown Truth. Thus replying to the question raised by the congregation of Sages, Saunaka Muni asserted that pure thoughts or prayers, or whatever ‘means’ that one might practise ought to be squarely targetted to Brahma Sanatani Sakti, since there could never be any Super Energy without It; this was emphasised by Narada Maharshi as was gathered from (and corraborated from Vyasa Deva) Brahma who in turn was advised by Maha Vishnu Himelf! |
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