Camp at Bangalore - 6 May 2014
Sri Adi Sankara Bhagwadpadacharya in his Bhaja Govindam says "Gangajala lava kanika peeta". Many of the Bhashyams written by Shankaracharya has been done at Varanasi. Sasthra Artham, Karma kandam and Gnana kandam were discussed with Kumarila Bhatar at Kasi. Shankaracharyas' connections with Ganga is historic.
6th May this year (Tuesday) is the day of Gangothpathi. In Haridwar, this day is day celebrated on a very grand scale with processions of Ganga Jal and Ganga Harathi. Gangothpathi day was celebrated at Adi Sankara Bhagawatpada Paramparagatha Moolamnaya Sarvagna Peetam Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam camp at Vidya Niketan Public School, Ullal Road Cross , Ullal Upanagara, Bangalore.
Ganga Jal was brought from Allahabad Sangamam. Pooja was performed to Ganga Matha. Ganga Stuti and other mantras were recited. His Holiness distributed Ganga Jal to devotees as Prasad.
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