Camp at Bangalore - 5 May 2014
With the benign Blessings of His Holiness Pujyashri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji, His Holiness Pujyasri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji distributed the Veda Poorthi Pariksha Certificates to the Students on 5 May 2014 - Sankara Jayanthi day at Shrimatam camp in Bangalore . His Holiness conferred His Blessings to the Vidyarthis and their Gurus. Vidyarthis from various patasalas pursuing studies in the different branches of the Vedas had participated in the examinations conducted at Srimatam. Every year, the certificate distribution takes place twice - on the Shankara Jayanthi day and on Vijayadashami day.
Photos taken on the occasion:
His Holiness in the programme
His Holiness Giving Anugraha Bhashanam
View of the recipients of the Veda Poorti pariksha Certificates
Certificates being distributed by Justice Venkatachaliah
His Holiness blessing the young vedic scholars - recipients of the certificates
His Holiness blessing the young vedic scholars
His Holiness blessing the young vedic scholars
His Holiness blessing Senior Vedic Scholars
Three recipients from a single family
Senior Vidwan being honoured
Senior Vidwan being honoured

Camp at Bangalore - Special Pujas and Programmes |
Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamijis camp at Bangalore 21 April 2014 onwards |