1    Introduction


Avikaaraya Shuddhaaya Nirtyaaya Paramaarmaney,

Sadaika Rupa Rupaaya Vishnavey Sarva Jishnavey/

Namo Hiranya Garbhaaya Harey Shankaraayacha,

Vasudavaaya Taaraaya Sarga sthityanta karmaney/

Ekaaneka Swarupaaya sthula sukshaatmaney namah,

Avyakta Vyakta bhutaaya Vishnavey Mukta Hetavey/

Sarga sthiti vinaashaaya Jagetoyo-jaraamarah,

Mula Bhuto Namastasmai Vishnavey Paramatmaney/

(My obeisances to you Vishnu Paramartma! You are the ‘Hiranya Garbha Brahma’, Hari, Shankara, Vaasudeva and Sarva Deva Jyoti Swarupa; you are the ‘Avikaara’ devoid of the six characteristics of Existence, Birth, Growth, Evolution, Decay and Destruction; the Symbol of Purity and Transparency; the Everlasting, Supreme, Unique and All-Pervading Vishnu. My reverences to you as the Integrated and Resplendent Entity of Brahma, Hara, Shankara and Vaasudeva who is the Root Cause of Creation, Presence and Termination; the Substance of the Miniscule to the Maximum Magnitude and the Undefined yet Visionable Being of Paramatma).

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