Sahasra Naama:
Achintya Lakshanaavyaktaartha maatri Maheshwari, Amritaarnava Madhyasthaajitaaparaajitaa/ Animaadi gunaadhaaraarka mandala samsthita, Ajaraajaapaaraadharamaakshasutradharaa/ Akaaraadyhaksharaantaa Arishadvargabhedini, Anjanaadri prateeksha Anajanaadri nivaasini/ Aditiyajapaavidyaaravinda nibhekshana, Antarvahisthitaavidyaadhvamshini Antaraatmika/ Ajaa Ajaamukhavaasaaravindanibhaanana, Arthamaatra arthaadaanaanjana arimandalamardini/ Asuraaghni Amavasyaa Alakshmidyantyajaraachita, Adilakshmi Adishktyaakrityayataana/ Aditya padavichaara Adityaaparisevitaacharyaavartanaachara Adimurti nivaashini/ Agneyi Amari Adyaaradhyaa Ashanaasthita, Adhaara nilayaadhaara Akaashaanta nivaasini/ Aham tatwaa Adyaakshra sumyuktaa Antariksha Swarupini, Adityamandalaagataa Antardhwaantanaashani/Indira Ishtada Indiraanivekshana Iravati Indrapada Indrani Indurupini/ Ikshukodanda samyukta Ishusandhana kaarini, Indranilasamaakara Idapingala rupini/Indraakshi Ishwari Devi Ihatraya vivarjita, Uma Usha Udunibha Urvaakaphalaanana/ Uduprabha Udumati Udupa Udumadhyayaga, Urdhaa Uddhakeshi Urdhaadhogati bhedini/ Urdhavaahupriya Urmimaalaagrandhi dayani Rita Rishi Ritumati Rishi Devanamaskrita/ Rigvedi Rinahatri Rishimandalacharini, Riddhida Riju –maargastha Rijudharma Rijuprada/ Rigveda nilaya Rijvi Luptadharma pravartini, Lutaadivara Sambhuta Luta divisha harini/ Ekaakshara Ekamatra Eka Ekakanishtha, Aindri Iravatarudha Aimushaamikaprada/ Omkara Oshadhi Ota Otaprota nivashini Aurva Auoshadha sapmanna Aouposhana phalaprada/ Anda madhyasthita Ahamkara nirupini Chahkaara manu rupini (Visarga swarupini), Katyayani Kaala raatri Kaamakshi Kama Sundari/ Kamala Kamini Kanta, Kamini Kala kanthini, Kari kumbha stanabhara Karaveera Suvasini/ Kalyani Kundalavati Kuruksherta nivasini, Kurivinda dalaakaara Kundali Kumudaalaya/ ( 1-30)
Achintya Lakshana: Devi Gayatri is of incomprehensible features; Avyakta: She is undefinable; Artha maatri: Mother of prosperity being an integral component of Chatur Vidha Purusharthas or the Four Motivations of Moral Life viz. Dharma-Artha-Kaama- Mokshas; Maheshwari : The Eternal and Paramount Shakti; Amritaarnava Madhyastha : The One residing in the deepest and the middle most region of the Ocean of Elixir; Ajita or the Invincible against the toughest forces of Evil; Aparajita or undefeatable;
*Animadi Gunadhara or the One who is is the unique clutch of several supreme powers like Siddhis or Achievements-[*‘Anima’ or to miniaturise, ‘Garima’ or turn a body heavy, ‘Laghima’ or to make a body light and weightless, ‘Prapti’ or to accomplish, ‘Prakamya’ or to make a body invisible, ‘Mahima’ or to increase the body manifold, ‘Ishitwa’ or to attain divine powers, ‘Vashitwa’ or to control other’s actions, etc.];
Arka mandala samstitha or Devi Gayatri is present right inside Surya Mandala or the Solar Zone; Ajara or she is ageless and thus never of old age; Aja or Unborn; Apara or She is peerless; Adharma or She is devoid of any dharma or religious faith or even a caste barrier; Aksha sutradhara or She possesses a rosary garland as her sign of ‘Japa’ or of repetitive meditation; Akaaradi Khshakaaraanta or Emblem of Knowledge and Vidya from the Syllables from the very beginning to the end; Arishadvarga bhedini or One who destroys the barriers of six enemies in the form of impulses viz. Kama/ Desire, Krodha / Anger, Lobha or Narrow Mindedness, Moha or Excessive Possessiveness, Mada or Arrogance and Matsara or Jealousy;
*Anjanadri prateekaasha or The One existing atop Anjana Mountain which is as high as the Sky itself;[Another allusion is that Devi is like the Anjanadri where Anjana Devi gave bitrh to Lord Anjaneya as Vayu Putra Hanuman’s birth place was in the range of the Seven hills viz. Anjanadri, Garudadri, Narayanadri, Neeladri, Seshadri, Venkatadri and Vrishabhadri to approach Lord Venkateshwara; Anjanadri Nivasini or Devi Gayatri is reputed to reside on Anjanadri which is as high as Sky];
Aditi or the Glorious Mother of Devas headed by Indra; Ajapa or She is the One who performs no Japa or She is the Destination of all Japas herself especially of the Supreme Gayatri Mantra; Avidya or She needs to learn no further as She is Vidya Swarupini herself; Aravinda nibheksana or She is of the Graceful Visage of Lotus- like looks of grace and auspiciousness; Antarvahistha or Devi Gayatri is of the Resider of Inner Self; Avidya dhwamsini or the destroyer of Ignorance; Antaraatmika or She is the Inner Consciousness herself; Aja or the Unborn; Ajamukhavasa or as she has a Self-Generated Face; Aravinda nibhaanana or She is possessive of Lotus like radiant Face; Ardhamatara or Vyanjana or of Half Lettered ‘Om’ Swarupa; Artha daanajna or She is fully aware of the extent of providng Arthaadi Purusharthas viz. Prosperity and other fulfillments; Arimandala mardini or the uptooter of enemies but the total clan of the enemies; Asuraghni or the decimator of Asuras the Evil Forces; Amavasya or Darkness that gradually follows with brightness till its climax; Alakshmidhyantya -jaarchita or Devi Gayatri is worshipped by Matangi Devi who is the decimator of Poverty and Paucity;
*Adi Lakshmi or the very Original materialisation of Prosperity and Abundance as other Forms of Lakshmis like Dhana-Dhanya-Gaja-Santana- Veera-Vijaya-Vidya-Ishwarya-Soubhagya- Rajya-Varaadi Lakshmis;
*Adi Shakti or the Adi Para Shakti followed by Tri Devis of Lakshmi-Parvati-Saraswati and Sati-Durga-Kali-Sita-Radha- Maha Vidya-Nava Durgas-Matrikas viz. Brahmi, Vaishnavi, Maheshwari, Aindri, Kaumari, Varahi,Chamunda, Narasimhi –[Adi Para Shakti, Aditi, Akhilandeshwari, Alakshmi, Alamelu, Anasuya, Gayatri, Harasiddhi, Ila, Prasuti, Ptatyangira, Prithvi, Annapuurna, Anumati, Aranyani, Bagalamukhi, Bhadra, Bhadra Kali, Bhagavati, Bhairani, Bhargavi, Bhavani, Bhuvaneshwari, Brahmani, Chamundi, Chandi, Chhaya, Chhinnamastaka, Devayani, Kanya Kumari, Danu, Ishwari, Jagaddhaatri, Jyeshtha, Kaala Raatri, Kali, Kamakhya, Kamalatmika, Katyayani, Kaushiki, Khemukhi, Kumari, Lajja Gauri, Taarini, Maha Devi, Manas, Manisha, Matangi, Naina Devi, Nandini, Nava Durga, Ranganayaki, Rati, Renuka, Rohini, Rukmini, Shachi, Santoshi, Sharanyu, Satyabhama, Savitri, Shanta Durga, Shashthi, Shatarupa, Sheetala, Sinivali, Swaha, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Tridevi, Tulja Bhavani, Ushas, Vaishnavi, Vaishno Devi, Mohini, Nila, Nirruti, Parna Shabari, Vajreshwari, Valli, Varahi, Varuni, Vasavi, Vijaya Durga, Vindhyavasini, Yami, Yoga Devi and so on.]
Aaakriti or Gayatri is of the Form of Sky or alternatively She manifests herself in Physical Form; Aayataana or She has a countenance with resounding laughter or alternatively She is beyond the sufferings of Samsara; Adityapadavichara or She follows the steps and the movements of Aditya Deva; Aditya parisevita or she is worshipped by Aditya and other Devas; Acharya or She is the Role model -Instructor of Vidya; Aavartana or She is the Creator of the Universe which rotates and revolves; Aachara or of Customary and Traditional Conduct; Adi Murti Nivasini or the Resider of Brahma Loka; Agneyi or the Alternate Swarupa of Agni; Aamari or She is of the Celestial Form as the resident of Amarapuri; Adya or the very Original Maha Maya swarupini; Aaraadhya or the ever-worshipped; Aasanasthita or She is always seated in ‘Padmaasana’ or with crossed legs; Adhara nilaya or the One existent at the hinge of the Universe; Aadhaara or the Supporter of the Universe herself; Aakaashaanta nivaasini or the One who is spread all over from the beginning till the end of the Sky; *Aham Tatwa or the One replete with Her Own Self that emphasises th Basic Idealogy of ‘Aham Brahma’ or ‘ I am Brahma Myself’; Adyaakshara Samyukta or She is the beginning of Vidya or the very First Letter of Alphabets viz. ‘Aa’ upto ‘Ksha’; Antariksha Swarupini or She is of the Form of Sky which is endless and everlasting; Aditya mandalagata or She is right inside the Solar Enclosure covering Aakaasha and Daharaakaasha; Antaradhwanta naashani or the smasher of Darkness in which Invisible Forms of Evil Forces thrive; Indira or of the Swarupa of Devi Lakshmi; Ishtada or the Fulfiller of desires; Ishta or She is worshipped by all the Practitioners of Sadhana or Endeavour; Indeevara nibekshana or Gayatri is of Lotus-like looks; Iraavati or of the alternate Swarupa of Gaja Lakshmi or alternatively stated of the Form of Iravati River; Indrapada or She who awarded Indratwa to Indra Deva; Indrani or the Consort of Indra; Indurupini or of the Swarupa of Chandra Deva with his qualities of coolness and tranquility; Ikshukodanda Samyukta or the One possessive of sweet sugarcane bow and arrows; Ishu sandhaana karini or She excels in the art of Archery; Indranila samaakara or She possesses the Swarupa of the brightness of Indra Nila diamond;
*Ida pingalika Rupini or Devi Gayatri represents two Nadis’ or Body Tissues called Ida and Pingala which are the facilitators of the passage of Praana Vayu or the Vital Energies/ Life Forces as these are the channels of nerve currents or the flows of consciousness in any physique-*[Pingala is active as the Solar Nadi corresponding to the right side of a Body or the left side of the brain while Ida is a dormant Nadi called Lunar Nadi corresponding to the opposite sides of the body and brain respectively. Ida is a cooling nadi and Pingala is a heating one; Ida flows through left nostril and Pingala through the right nostril and breathing thus flows through these nadis. Now, Sushumna nadi is the most significant of some 72000 nadis in a body most important of which being Sushumna, Gandhari, Hastajihva, Pusa, Yusaswini, Alambusa, Kuhuh and Shankhini all of which carry Prana of the Life Energy Flow. But Pingala-Ida-Sushumna are the major carriers of this Life Force with Surya-Chandra-Agni as the Adhishtaana Devatas respectively. When ‘Prana’ or the Life Energy moves into Sushumna and Dhyana or meditation is resorted to, then the coiled energy named Kundalini passes up along the Sushumna nadi and moves from chakra to chakra or the 'Shat Chakras' or the Six wheels viz. Muladhara situated at anus, Swadhishtaana at the genitals, Manipura at the navel point, Anahata at the heart, Vishudda chakra at the throat, Aagjna Chakra betwixt the two eye brows called Bhru Madhya and finally at Sahasrara Chakra or the top of head. In yoga, Pranayama thus travels from Ida-Pingala-Sushumna through the Shat Chakras meaning thereby the purification of Prana segragating Apana comprising Ucchvasa-Nishvaasa-Dharana or Inhalation-Exalation -Retention the whole process being known as Pranayama. Indeed Devi Gayatri is seated on a white lotus with petals of the nadis and chakras chanting the Three words of AUM the Pranava pracitising Yoga Dhyana or the Awakening of Prana through the built in Nadis and Chakras enabling free flow of Life Energy culminating in Pranava Naada or the Great Resonance!]
Indrakshi or Gayatri has the vision of Indra; Ishwari or She is of the Amsha of Devi Uma; Devi or Maha Maya; *Ihatraya Vivarjita or She is beyond the bonds of Life-
[*viz. Praneshana-the bond of Life, Dareshana or the bond of wife, Putreshana or the bond of progeny, Dhaneshana or the bond of wealth, Sukheshana or the love of happiness and contentment and Dharmeshana or the quest of Virtue; but the first three bonds of life above are the strongest ie the Ishatrayas];
Uma or the Life Partner of Shiva; Usha or the beloved of Surya Deva; Udunibha or She has the sparkle of a Star; Urvakaphaala aanana or She is of the sparkling countenance of Vishnu in his magnificent Virat Swarupa; Uduprabha or of the glow of Nakshatras; Udumati or of the features of a dark Sky and Star; Udupa or the Outstanding Constellation of Nakshatras; Udumadhyaga or Devi Gayatri is the central and outstanding dazzle of Nakshatra mandali; Urdhwa or the One conceded as the Peak of the Universe; Urddhakeshi or Her hairstyle is likened by the heights of mountain ranges; Urdhadhogati bhedini or Devi Gayatri is the unique leveller of dizzy heights and deep depressions of Nature and natural phenomena of human psyche; Urdhwabaahupriya or Devi Gayatri is fond of those who lift their arms and pray-alternatively She likes the ups and downs of Prakriti and also the tribulations and even levels of Life which cause excitement and relief of existence; Urmilavakgrandha dayani or She is the Scripter of such speech pattern like the ups and downs of waves-alternatively She is the provider of high velocity currents of shattering distresses and uncontrollable vicissitudes of Life; Ritam or the essence of Truthfulness; Rishi or She is the Incarnation of a 'Sthita Pragjna' totally unaffected by the lows and heights of experiences; *Ritumati or She is fully conscious of the evolution and passages of Ritus or Seasons ranging from Vasanta the Spring Season to Greeshma or Summer, Varsha or of Rains, Sharad or Autumn, Hemanta or the pre winter and Sishira the fulfledged winter; Rishi Deva Namaskritah or Devi Gayatri is worshipped by Rishis and Devatas always;
*Rigveda or She is the Esssence of Rig Veda which is the most ancient Script available handed down the generations to comprising Hymns of Praise to the Almighty-[ The Hymns are addressed to vividha Devas especially Indra, Agni, Soma, Dwadasaadityas, Savitur, Vishnu, Rudra, Mitra Varuna, Ushas, Pushan, Brihaspati, Dyaus Pita or the Father of Firmament, Prithvi, Surya, Vayu, Apas (Water), Parjanya or thunder and Rain, Vak or the Word, Sapta Sindhu Rivers, Ashta Vasus, Ekadasha Rudras, Sadhys, Ahwins, Maruds, Ribhus, Vishva Devas and so on. Rig Vedas is arranged in ten Mandalas comprising some thousand hymns in all.]
*Rinahatri or the dissolver of Debts owed by the Beings in the series of their present and previous births- the Rinas are of the three major types viz. Deva Rina, Rishi Rina and Pitru Rina; Rishi Mandala Charini or Devi Gayatri is supposed to be a frequent visitor to the Abodes of Sapta Rishis or alternatively to the Sapta Lokas of Bhur-Bhuvar-Suvar-Mahar-Janar- Tapas-Satya Lokas where all Maharshis exist; Riddhida or the Provider of Abundance; Rijumargastha or Gayatri is right on the path of righteousness-the Sanatana Dharma of Satya-Shiva-Sundara or Truth-Auspiciousness and Bliss; Riju Dharma or the Practice of Sanatana Dharma; Rijuprada or the bestower of Virtue and Nyaya; Rigveda Nilaya or the Store House of Rigveda; Rijvi or the Symbol of Uprightness and Morality;
* Luptadharma pravartini or Devi Gayatri follows the concealed Dharmas or Duties of Life [ like Apaddharma, Dharmas by interpretations, Dharmas by subtleties and Lupta Dharma like pronounciations of Beeeja Mantras with hidden meanings or those that are out of place normally as also of Pitru Karyas performed by the principles of Strong Beliefs and approved by Long Standing Practice; Lutadivara Sambhuta or She is the One who restores the denied fulfillments];
Lutaarivara sambhutaa or She is of the Mantra Swarupa to cure various concealed illnesses; Lutaadi visha harini or Gayatri is the perfect antidote of the poisons of Life-alternatively She is capable of reversing the losses of Fortunes; Eakaakshara or She represents a single Letter of the Alphabet viz. OM; Eka matra or She is of one Expression viz. again Om; Eka or She is Singular and Unique; Ekaaki nishtha or Devi Gayatri is all alone yet is highly disciplined with self made regulations for the Universe to follow; Aindri or She assumes the Swarupa of Aindri as she regulates the movements of all the Devas as per her directives; Iravataarudha or She is the one to override Indra to travel as per her wishes; Aaimushmika pradaata or She grants boons of Aihika and Amushmika nature or of worldly fulfillments and the desires there after to Beings in the Universe as she decides; Omkara or indeed Gayatri is the unquestioned Omkara Swarupa; Aoushathi or the Outstanding medicine for all the ills and negative forces of Existence; Ota or Gayatri represents the Concept of the warp-and woof of the Universe-Space-and Time;
*Otaprokta nivasini or Devi Gayatri exists in the warp and weft of Bhumi-Akasha-and Kaala maana-[*Brihadaranya Upanishad quoted the conversation of Gargi Muni and Yagjnavalkya Maharshi: If everything ( Bhumi) is 'otaprokta' or warp and woof, then what was 'otaprokta' with Bhumi: the question/answer session went on as follows: water is otaprokta with Air-Air with Antariksha- Antariksha with Gandhrava Loka- Aditya Loka-Chandra Loka- Deva Loka- Indra Loka- Prajapati Loka-Brahma Loka and besides this warp and woof there are also the concepts of Space and Kala maana comprising the Past-Present- and Future and Gayatri resides in that intangible frame work of Eternity!];
*Aurva or She of the Swarupa of Aurva Maharshi the descendant of Bhrigu Maharshi-[Kartaveerya's sons desired to uproot the vamsha of Bhrigu as Prashurama avenged his father Bhrigu's killing as also uprooted the Kshatriya clan as a whole; in further retaliation the progeny of Kartaveerya sought to remove the Bhrigu clan but one of the women from Bhrigu's vamsha secretly secreted the embryo into her thigh (Aurva) from her womb and thus Aurva Muni was born; the sons of Karta veerya were blinded on seeing the child with the fires of his looks which threatened to engulf the World when one of the Pitru Devas of Bhrigu Vamsha descended from Pitru Loka and diverted the flames to the Oceans now called the Badabagni and the resultant Agni is sgtated to have a horse face!];
Aoushadhi sampanna or She is the Embodiment of Medicines to cure all kinds of diseases of Physical and Internal nature viz. the Tapatrayas of Adi Bhoutika-Adi Adhyatmika and Adhi Daivika Nature; Aoupashana phala prada or She is the bestower of the fruits on account of deeds of virtue including the Nitya-Naimittaka-Daana, Japa, Homa, Vrata, Pujaadi and Pitru Karyas involving Aouposana or iniltial invocations by way of Pranava and Govinda Naama Smarana;
*Anda madhyasta or Devi is right in the middle of Brahmanda or the Huge Golden Egg inside which is seated Hiranya Garbha Brahma with the Brahmanda comprising two parts half of which is Unknown and the other half consists of Diva or the Urthwa Lokas, Bhumi and Adho Lokas the Space in between occupying 'Aakaasha' –[*The Universe represents Sapta Lokas of Bhu-Bhuvar-Swar-Mahar-Jananar-Tapo and Satya Lokas; Sapta Patalas of Atala-Vitala-Sutala-Talaatala, Mahatala-Rasatala-Patalas; Dasa Dishas, Sapta Dwipas of Jambu,Plaksha,Salmali, Kuusha,Krouncha, Shaka, Pushkalas; Sapta Samudras of Lavana, Iksharasa, Sura,Ghrita, Dahi, Ksheera and Suswada Jala; Sapta Parvatas of Sumeru, Kailasa, Malaya, Himalaya, Udyachala, Agastyaachala, Suvela and Gandhamadana; Ashta Loka Palakas of Indra-Agni-Yama-Niruti-Varuna-Vayu-Kubera -Ishanas; Kaala Maana; Nava Graha; Pancha Bhuta of 'Prithivyaapastejovaayuraakaashas'; Chatur Vedas; Shad Vedangas of Siksha-Vyakarana-Kalpa Grandha-Nirukta-Chhanas-Jyotishas; Sapta Rishis; Chatura -ashramas; Yagna Homas, Ashtaadasha Puranas; Chaturdasha Manvantaras and so on]
*Ahamkara Nirupini or Devi is the Unique Representaion of the Alternate Swarupa of Paramatma as Maya which further materialised Maha Tatwa or the Great Awareness which in turn created the Abstract Form of Ahamkara or Ego the Inner Consciousness which further got transformed as Narayana or 'Apo Naara' who deposited his virility which further created Brahmanda or the Golden Egg referred to above;
*Ahamkaara Manu Rupini or Devi Gayatri is thus the Swarupa of Ahamkara which eventually led to the birth of the Fourteen Manus viz. Swayambhu, Swarochisha, Uttama, Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusa, the present Vaivaswata, Savarni, Bhouthya, Roouchya and four more Savarnyas;
*Katyayani or One of Nava Durgas stated as Nine Manifestations of Durga –
[Viz. Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skanda Mata, Katyayani, Kaala Ratri, Maha Gauri, and Siddhi dhatri was foremost worshipped by Katya Maharshi as his own daughter and the slayer of Chanda Munda and Mahishasuras; She was invoked by Devas, Indra, and Tri- Murtis of Brahma-Vishnu- Maheshwara to destroy the greatest menaces of the times viz. Chanda-Munda-Mahishasuras; She was the combined Shakti of Devas, Devendra, and Tri Murtis for the purpose as she was of the refulgence of thousand Surya Devas, black hair, eighteen hands and a personality which frightened the demons but of extreme coolness to the virtuous and the noble; Shiva gifted his Trishula, Vishnu his Sudarshana Chakra, Brahma his kamandalu and Rosary beads, Varuna Shankha, Agni his arrows, Vayu's bow, Surya's extreme radiance and anger, Indra's Vajrayudha, Kubera's mace, Kaala's sword, Vishwa Karma's axe and so on];
Kalaratri was also another manifestation of Nava Durgas; Kamakshi or the Bala Swarupa Devi; Kama Sundari or the Great Temptress; Kamala or of the Swarupa of Devi Lakshmi materialised on a huge Simhasana of Lotus Flowers; Kamini or the Supreme Enchantress that subdued her antagonists by her looks alone; Kanta or Maya the Embodiment of Womanhood in its extreme Form and Features; Kamada or the Provider of Kama even to Maha Deva even for a while; Kaalakanthini or She could retain even Kaala Deva or the God of Death in Her throat; Karikumbhastanaabhara or Her breasts were like those of elephant's huge pitchers/ tubs for its drinking water ; Karavira Suhasini or She is full of smiles akin to the charm of Karavira flowers; Kalyani or the ever flowing spring of Auspiciousness; Kandalavati or her charisma is enhanced by the brightness of her Ear rings; Kuruksherta nivasini or She is the resident of Kurukshetra which was the battle ground that vindicated justice and virtue against vile and unfairness; Kuruvinda dalaakaara or She is like the beautiful cuts of a bright red ruby; Kundali or the ear rings that She wears enhance their radiance; Kumudalaya or Devi Gayatri is like a Lotus Pond which is full of sticky mud but the provider of flowers known for their pureness and elegance);
Kaalajihva Karalaasya Kaalika Kaalarupini Kamaniyaguna Kanti Kalaadhaara Kumudvati/ Kaushiki Kamalaakaara Kaamachaara prabhanjani, Kaumari Karunaapangi Kakubantaa Karipriya/ Kesari Keshavanuta Kadamba kusumapriya, Kalindi Kalika Kaanchi Kalashodbhava samstuta/ Kama maata Kratumati Kaamarupa Kripaavati, Kumari Kundanilaya Kiraati Keeravahana/ Kaikeyi Kokila -alaapa Ketaki Kusumpriya, Kamanduladhara Kaali Karmanirmula kaarini/ Kalahamsagati Kaksha Krita Koustubha Mangala, Kasturi tilaka Kamra Karindragamana Kuhu/ Karpuralepana Krishna Kapila Kuhuraashraya, Kutastha Kudhaara Kamra Kakusishtaakhila vishtapa/ Khadgaketadhara Kharbha Khechari Khaga -vaahana, Khatyaanga dharini Khyataa Khagarajoparisthita/ Khalaaghni Khanditajaraa Khandaakhyana pradaayani, Khandendu tilaka Ganga Ganesha Guha Pujita/ Gayatri Gomati Gita Gaandhari Ganalolpa Gautami Gaamini Gaadhaa Gandharvaapsara sevita/ Govinda charanaakraantaa Guna traya vibhavita, Gandharvi Gahvari Gotraa Gireesha Gahanaa gamih/ Guhaavasa Gunavati Gurupaapa prashamani Gurvi Guhya Gopatavya Gunadayani/ Girija Guhya- Matangi Garudadhwaja vallabha, Garvaapaharini Goda Gokulashta Gadaadhara/ Gokarna nilayasakta Guhya mandala vardhini, Gharmada Ghanada Ghanta Ghora Daanava Mardini/ Ghrini Mantramayi Ghosha Ghana sampada-dayani, Ghantaarava priya Ghraana Ghrina Santhusta kaarini/ Ghanaari Mandalaa Ghurnaa Ghritaachi Ghana Vegini,Gjnaana dhaatu mayi Charcha Charchini Chaaruhasini/ Chatula Chandika Chitra Chitramaalya vibhushita, Chatur bhuja Chaarudantaa Chaaturi Charitaprada/ Chulika Chitra vastranta Chandramah Karna Kundala, Chandra haasaa Chaarudaatri Chakori Chandrahaasini/ Chandrika Chandradhatricha chouri chouracha Chandika, Chanchat Vaagavaadini Chandra chooda Chora vinashani/ Charu chandana liptangi chanchat-chamaravijita, Chaarumadhya Charugati Chandila Chandra rupini/ Charu homa priya Charvaa- Charita Chakrubaahuka, Chandra mandala madhyastha Chandra Mandala darpana/ Chakravaakastani Cheshta Chitra Charu Vilaasini, Chit Swarupa Chandravati Chandrama Chandanapriya/ Chodayitri Chirapragnya Chataka Charuhetuki, Chhtrayaata Chhatradhara Chhayaa Chandra pariccheda/ Chhaya devi Chhidranakha Chhannendriya Visharpini, Chhandoshtup parishantaa Chhidropadrava khedini/ Chedhaa Chhatreshvari Chhinna Churika Chhedana priya/ Janani Janmaraarahita Jateveda Jaganmayi, Jahnavi Jatila Jaatri Jaraa marana varjita/ Jambu dwipa mayi Jihva Janaki Jagati Jara, Janitri Jahnu tanaya Jagatraya hitaishini/ Jwaala Mukha Japavati Jwaraghni Jitavishtapa/ Jitakrantamayi Jwaalaa Jagriti Jwara devataa, Jwalanti Jalada Jyeshtha Jayaghosha sphotadinmukhi / Jambhini Jimbhana Jhrumbha Jwaalaa manikya kundala, Jhinjhika Jhanarirghosha Jinjha maaruta vegini/ (31-60)
( Kalajihwa or Devi Gayatri in the Swarupa of Kaala Shakti or of the Power of Demolition with her long tongue of poison; Karaalaasya or of the frightening countenance of Karaala Devi; Kalika or of the Alternate Form of Kalika the devastator of Evil Spirits; Kaala rupini or she is of the Form of Death and Destruction; Kamaachara prabhanjani or the destroyer of virtueless animal instincts of perversion; Kaanti or the Unique Fund of Radiance; Kalaadhara or the Excellence of ‘Chatusshaashti Kalas’ or of a suggestive sixty four arts ranging from music-dance-painting-poetry to archery, horse riding, warfare and technology applications; Kumudvati or She is of the softness of a flower Petal but of high resilience and staying power in muddy surroundings like that of a Lotus; Kaushiki or the reputed Vindhya Nivasini of Kaushiki materialised from the body cells of Devi Parvati who assigned the task of demolishing Sumbha Nikumbha demons; Kamalaakara or She is of the Alternative Swarupa of Brahma the Creator of Saraswatii; Kaamaachara Prabhanjani or Devi Gayatri is the constant wiper of the followers of evil shaktis for petty ends for short term returns and in the long time such Shaktis devour the practioners without mercy;
[* Kaumari or Gayatri representing Kaumari being one of the Ashta Matrikas viz. Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshwari, Aindri, Vaarahi, Chamunda, Naarasimhi and Kaumari while Kaumari stands for Chastity and Purity devoid of envy with Dwadasha Bhujas or Twelve Hands carrying Bow, Arrows, Axe, Spear, Staff, Water Jar, Lotus, Ghanta/Bell, Pustaka / Sacred Book, Cock, Tanka or Silver Coins and Shakti alternatively called the Amsha of Kumara's mother; Karunaapaangi ir Devi Gayatri is the Symbol of Karuna or Kindness];
Kakubanta or the Presiding Deity who controls all the Directions; Karipriya or the One who is fond of Elephants representing Royalty and Authority; Kesari or Devi Vaishnavi or also as a Lioness identified with Mother Goddess; Keshava nuta or She is worshipped and prayed to by Keshava Narayana; Kadamba Kusumapriya or Devi Gayatri is extremely fond of Kadamba Flowers or of a combination of fragrant flowers; Kalindi or River Kalindi or Yamuna but basically the name of Surya Deva; Kalika or Gayatri as of the alternate form of Kaali or Mother Parvati; Kaanchi or Devi Gayatri is also of the Sacred Form of Kamakshi;
*Kalashodbhava Samstuta or She is worshipped by Agastya who was born of a Kalasha or a Pitcher into which the Veerya or Manhood of Mitra and Varuna as enticed by Apsara Urvashi was deposited; Kamamata or Devi Lakshmi the mother of Manmatha is another Form of Gayatri; Kratumati or Gayatri is the essence of Krathus and Homas; Kamarupaa or She assumes myriad images; Kripavati or She is the Source of Kindness; Kumari or as already described above Gayatri is a manifestation of Kumari or one of the Matrikas; Kunda nilaya or the Resident of Kunda or Lakes or Sarovaras; Kirati or Gayatri as Devi Durga who was predominantly worshipped in Kirata desha alias Tripura ; Kiravahana or the rider in darkness or literally meaning Devi who rides over a parrot;
*Kaikeyi or the Epic Warrior who fought demons when King Dasaratha of Ramayana was about to be killed but his youngest and beloved wife Devi Kaikeyi who accompanied the King smashed the enemies and saved the King's life-[* As a girl child princess before marrying King Dasaratha, Kaikeyi annoyed a visiting Sage to her father's home by smearing the Sage's face in black in his sleep and the latter cursed the child that her entire life ahead would be painted with such disrepute that even his son would hate her misdeeds; the child got frightened but in her innocence offered her plaything ie an iron rod to the Sage to soften him; the Sage appreciated her innnocence and blessed her that after her marriage she would save her husband King from death in his battles by using her hand to act like iron rod; in one of Dasaradha's encounters his chariot got stuck and she was able to lift the chariot with her iron hand and he fought the enemies to their death; in return the King granted a wish to her and Rama was asked to exile to forests in return to her earlier boon; thus Devi Gayatri got the negative reputation like that of Kaikeyi who was ill reputed and as a negative character of Ramayana];
Kokilaapana or Devi Gayatri is of Saraswati Swarupa who like Kokila or cuckoo has the soft and musical voice in chanting Veda Mantras in cadence and resonance; Ketaki or She is the negation of Ketaki the ill-famed cream coloured flower unusable for the worship of Shiva as this flower was stated to stand false witness to Vishnu and Shiva that Brahma discovered Shiva Linga's height; Kusumapriya or She is indeed fond of all fragrant and beautiful flowers in Creation; Kamadula dharini or Devi Gayatri is identified as the One to carry 'Mantra Jalas' or Sacred Waters in her vessel ready to reward the Virtuous and curse the Vicious and the immoral instantly; Kaali or Devi Kaali the destoyer of the Evil Powers; Karmanirmula or She is merciful to pardon one's past deeds of depravity provided she is convinced of the remorse and eventual deeds of virtue; Kalahamsa gati or Devi Gayatri has the gait and grace of the Noblest Swan in Creation comparable to the most reputed and virtuous Maharshis and Maha Yogis; Kaksha or the Orbit of Planets or Devi Gayatri is the One who decides the pathways of Grahas; Krita or One who is of the Swarupa of perfection in assessing past deeds called 'Praarabdhá' either in the form of Fortune or misfortune since Devi Gayatri is the essence of justice and virtue; Kautuka Mangala or She is the Source of Happiness and Auspiciousness; Kastuti Tilaka or She is beautifully painted with the fragrant 'Kasturi' or the musk of deers on the foreheads of sensitive women as a mark of attraction and grace; Kampra or She is like swing in reactions ie. to some she is of a soothing and benign countenance and to others she looks daggers; Karidrama -gamana or she is well-poised, steady and cool as of an elephant walk; *Kuhu or She is independent, serious, studious and responsible and is likened to a bird withe sweet notes of singing especially on a full moon day- also she is also among the principal nadis of a human body carrying the Life Energy all over their the vast net work specifically carrying impulses of male energy; Karpura lepana or She is fragrant with the smearing of camphor on her physique; Krishna or like Vishnu's Avatara as Shri Krishna;
*Kapila or She is likened to the Celestial Cow Kapila or the Illustrated Maharshi Kapila the Originator of Ganga's descendence from Vishnu's feet to the Earth thanks to the persistent efforts of Bhariradha-Kapaila is also the propounder of Sankyha Yoga or the concept of Dualism of Paramatma and Devi Maya; Kuhurashraya or She is always near those who are upright and noble; Kutastha or the Immovable Inner Consciousness and being the Kutastha Chakra of the body is the cleanser of blemishes of body, mind and Soul and also the inducer of meditation and concentration; Kudhara or Gayatri is dynamic, creative, outspoken and transparent; Karma or the Deed or Action-oriented apparently to yield excellent end-results; Kukusishthaalkila vishtapa or She is like the Universe filled up with the joy of the musical voice of Koils or Cuckoos; Khadgketadhara or She is the warrior against Evil Forces carrying a powerful sword and a Flag of Victory; Khyata or Devi Gayatri is of Universal renown; Kharba or of diminutive or Sukshma; Khechari or of Akasha Swarupa; Khagavahna or of the Form of cloud; Khattvaanga dharini or the carrier of a sheath and sword; Khyata or the One with Universal Reputation; Khagarajosparishthita or the One who mounts comfortably on the King of Birds viz. Garuda Deva and moves about all over ; Khalagni or She is the Fire devastating the Wicked and the Viscious; Khandita jara or the One who smashes Old Age and Disease; Kadhaakshinya pradayani or the bestower of kindness to those who are hungry and thirsty; Khandendu Tilaka or She is the One with half Moon as her facial ornament; Ganga or the Alternate Swaupa of Devi Ganga; Ganeshu Guha Pujitam or She is ever worshipped by Ganesha and Kumara Deva; Gayatri or She indeed is the Mantra of Gayatri her self which is eternally venerated Universally by all those who seek refuge and solace from it; Gomati or She is the Alternate Form of Devi Gomati; Gita or She is the Essence of Gita that Lord Krishna rewarded to Arjuna with and by the latter to the Posterity that the Lord would appear as an Avatara again and again when Dharma would be in peril and Evil would gain extreme prevalence;
*Gandhari or She assumed the Form of Gandhari or the Unsung heroine of Maha Bharata who was an ardent 'Pativrata' of the Blind King Dhritarashtra who sacrificed her eye sight and folded her eyes with cloth as her husband was born blind too but at the end with the sorrow of the death of her hundred sons of ill-repute cursed Krishna with the destruction of Yadavas; Gandhari is one of the most famed 'Ragas' of Sangeeta or Traditional Music and Gandharai as also one of most reputed 'Nadis' of human physique next only to Ida-Pingala and Sushumna naadis; Gana lolupa or Devi is obsessed with various forms of music;
*Gautami or Devi Gayatri assumes the Rupa of the Sacred the River Gautami or Godavari as also the wife of Gautama Rishi-[*Sage Gautami secured a boon from Brahma after severe Tapsya in Dandaka Forest that he should be able to feed any number of guests with abundant supply of food; Brahma granted a Cow with the help of which the Sage was able to provide food to several guests daily. Once there was a long duration famine when Brahmanas and others in huge numbers and were able to get good food daily; some of the Rishis however got jealous of Gautama, killed the cow provided by Brahma, created a Maya or Illusory Cow and made Gautami a victim of Go Hatya or the worst possible sin of killing a cow. Gautami was upset with the entire episode, gave a curse that the Jealous Rishis would in the ensuing births in Kaliyuga be born as worshippers of Khudra Devatas, fake Sages, meat eaters, liquor consumers, womanisers and soo on. Then he proceeded to perform long Tapasya to Mahadeva and got him pleased to pull out a ‘Jatajuta’ or coarsed bunch of head hair to materialise a Sacred River to flow over the dead cow gifted to him by Brahma and get its life revived; the Sacred River so materialised was named Gautami whom Gautama married. Till date, men of virtue perform Pitru Tarpana especially when Brihaspati Graha enters Simha Rasi to achieve Salvation toPitru Devatas and to themselves too, as assiured by Maha Deva him self- another reference about Gautami states that Gautami was a Pativrata who was deceived by Indra assuming Indra''s form and enticed her into bed and when sthe came to know of the Truth she cursed Indra to carry thousand eyes on his body as a punishment as he became victim of passion and lust];
Gamini or She is Devi Gamini or Ever-Mobile; Gaadha or She is not too difficult to realise as her prayerline is simple enough although the meaning is too deep and complex; Gandharaapsara sevita or She is worshipped and revered by Gandharvas and Apsaras; Govinda charana kraanta or She is always in the protection of Govinda Bhagavan; Gunatraya vibhavita or She no doubt assumes Trigunas of Satwa-Rajasika-Tamasika features but She is herself far above their influences; Gandharvi or She is like a woman of Gandharva characteristicsof excellence in music and singing but she is indeed farther superior of these disciplines; Gotra or all the Rishis and Rishi Gotras are originated from Gayatri, Girisha or Bhagavan Shiva; Gamana gaami or the One Ever Moving and fond of Mobility; Guhanavaasa or the One who seeks her abode's whereabouts are kept concealed; Gunavati or She has all the Gunas yet she displays none; Gurupapa pramashani or She seeks to reduce the impact of the most unpardonable and heinous crimes as she keeps her options open to the perpetrators; Gurvih or of the Swarupa of an Instuctor and Teacher; Gunavati or of Noble and Illustrating traits worthy of emulationn; Guhya or Unknown and of confidential nature; Gopa tatwa or of extreme faith, devotion and dedication; Gunadayani or She guides her followers about the excellent traits that one needs to practise; Girija or Devi Parvati;
*Guhya Matangi or the Dark Form of Saraswati -[*the daughter of Matanga Rishi who was actually a chandala but determined to attain Brahmanatwa the hard way of 'Karmaacharana' or the studious way of following the rigours and descipline of superior-most Brahmanas and dedicated to worship Saraswati in the Swarupa of Matangi; among Maha Vidyaas are stated to be Matangi, Kaali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chhinna masta, Kamala, Dhumravati, Bagala Mukhi, Tripara Sundari,Kamakshi, Tulaja Devi, Jambhini, Mohini and so on.]
Garuda dhwaja vallabha or Gayatri is of the alternate Form of Vishnu whose carrier is Garuda Deva; Garvaapahaarini or She is the antithesis of Pride verging on arrogance and is the smasher of One's Self Pride and Feeling of Superiority;
*Goda or Devi Gayatri s of the Swarupa of Goda Devi-[ *Once a devout Brahmana who served Lord Krisha in a Temple was in the regular habit of garlanding a string of fresh flowers as a Sacred Offering to the Idol; one day he discoverd a baby near a Tulasi Plant and adopted as he was childless; the baby grew up as the daughter of the Brahmana couple as Goda Devi who prepared the garland daily praying intensely to Krishna and yearning to marry him one day. After stringing the garland she used to secretly admire herself as the bride of Krishna and wearing the garland herself first and to Krishn next after quietly keeping it back in the basket that her father daily offered to the Idol; Once the Brahmana noticed some hairs and asked his daughter the reason; she confessed that she was in the habit of wearing the garland first by herself and to an idol next; the highly agitated Brahmana chided Goda and prepared the garland himself being highly repentive of what happened and tried to garland the with fresh flowers but each time he tried to garland the idol with the fresh garland, it slipped again and again and when he tried to force, the Vigraha broke up. The Brahmana grieved so much that he fasted for days together the one night the Lord appeared in his dreams and advised that a garland as prepared and worn by Goda be tried again and the miracle happened when a fresh garland strung by her was adorned by Goda as the Bride and the broken Vigraha reappeared as the Original and Goda Devi disappeared into the Vigraha called Ranganatha at Sriranga Temple. That is the Story of Goda Devi who is famed till date as Andal or the Ruler of the Lord who was the One who wears and offers and is also reckoned by Viashnavaites as one of the Twelve Alwars or Saints ];
Gokulashtaka or Devi representing the date of Bhagavan Shri Krishna’s birth when Gokula celebrated it with great pomp on Krishna Paksha of Shravana Ashtami; Gadadhara or Her alternate Swarupa as Vishnu or Ganesha or Bala Rama the weilder of Mace;
*Gokarna nilayaasatka or Devi is fond of staying at the Sacred Place Gokarna literally meaning that Shiva manifested from the ears of a Cow or Devi Bhumi where Maha Baleshwara and Tamra Gauri stay-[ * As Ravana got the boon of accomplishing Shiva’s Atma Linga and was carrying it, Vishnu created an illusion that there was prodosha time (Twilight) and being a devout Brahmana Ravana wished to perform worship and asked Lord Ganesha a passer boy in disguise to hold the Linga for a while but the latter kept the Linga down and thus prevented Ravanasura to carry it to Lanka ; Ravana tried to pull out the Atma Linga firmly set in the Earth in desperation but it was broken into pieces one of which fell at Gokarna which is also the Place where Brahma paid penance for long];
Guhya mandala vardhini or Devi Gayatri is the Promoter and Preserver of Guhya mandali or the Secret Place in the Universe as also the Interior Consciousness or the ‘Antaratma’-the Inner Soul which is dormant but ever-awake;
*Gharmada or Kartikeya reared by Six Krittikas the Celestial Nymphs – Six Stars of the constellation of Mars- who shared the semen of Shiva and Parvati carried by Agni who could not bear the heat and energy and dispersed it into the flow of Ganga and this was stocked in the reeds on the banks and reared in the wombs of six Krittikas who delivered a single entity of a boy with six heads and six sets of eyes, noses, ears and mouths as Shanmukha;
Ghanada or the Provider of Impenetrable Clouds that eventually end up in excessive rains; Ghanta or the Cymbal which is carried by the ‘Ashtadasha Hasta Dharini Shakti’ to announce her entry into the battle fields with the Asuras like Mahishasura; Ghora Danava Mardini or Gayatri in her Swarupa of Anger and Ferocity is the devastator of Danavas; Ghrini Mantra Mayi or She is of the Mantra to invoke Surya Deva who is the Fund of Brightness and Sunshine of helpfulness;
* Ghosha or One of the Select few Vedic Women Seekers of Fame mentioned in Vedas such as Ghosha, Lopamudra, Maitreyi and Gargi-[* Ghosha was the grand daughter of Dirgha Tama and Devi Pakshivat, both being the worshippers of Ashvini Devatas or the Celestial Physicians; Ghosha who remained a spinster as he had leprosy too worshipped the twin Ashwinis and authored Hymns of Praise with the desire of curing her disease and bestowing conjugal happiness and excelled herselh as a Great Seeker; Lopamudra was the wife of Agastya Muni who originally created her by his Mantra Siddhi and gave away as the daughter of the King of Vidarbha; she attained extraordinary knowledge of Rig Veda and entered into enquiries with the Muni and finally the latter was so impressed and accepted as his life partner with the distinction of scripting Hymns that defined the rights and duties of men and women as equal partners of family life; Maitreyi was the wife of Yagjnyavalkya who also had another wife named Katyayani a pious woman but Maitreyi had the unique distinction of Rig Veda dedicating some ten stanzas accredited to her fund of knowledgeand acquired the epithet of being a Brahma Vaadini which enhanced the husband’s erudition; once when Yagnyavalkya decided to renounce his Ashram into Sanyasa, Katyayani opted for wealth but Maitreyi opted for wealth and Immortality and the latter secured the same; Gargi had the distinction of dominating a Vidvat Sabha at a Brahma Yagnya performed by Videha the Formless King Janaka the Rajarshi and embarrassed Yagnyavalya Muni with confusing queries about Amta and Paramatma such as:‘where is the layer above the Sky and below the Earth stated in Sciptures as the symbol of the Past- Present and Future situated?’]
Ghana Sampada dayani or the Bestower of Profuse Wealth; Ghantaarava Priya oe Devi who is pleased with the resonant and reverberating sounds of huge bells; Ghrana or the One who is the essence of inhaling power; Ghrini Santushta dayani or She is delighted with the satisfaction of smelling of fragrances; Ghanaari Mandala or She is enthused with the views of most powerful enemies in a congregation so that she could destroy them collectively; Ghurna or She is like a Whirl wind;
*Ghritachi or Gayatri is of the Alternate Swarupa of Devi Saraswati or like an Apsara by that name-[* The Apsara was the Spiritual Mother of Drona as Bharadwaja could not control his virility on seeing her semi nude dance and deposited in a Drona or a container; she was also the mother of Shuka Maharshi as Vyasa saw her as a parrot while performing a Yagjna and he spilt his virility in the Homa Kunda when Shuka was born];
Ghana Vegini or Devi Gayatri is of unusual speed like say as fast as wind or mind; *Ghana dhatumayi or She is of the Swarupa of the most essential body tissues or *Dhatus whose synchronised action makes the body parts function-[* There are seven dhatus of a body viz. Rasa or Plasma, Rakta or blood, Maamsa or muscles, Medha or fat, Majja or bone marrow, and Shukra or the reproductive fluid];
Charcha or the Unique Subject Matter about Existence-Aspects of Existence viz. Material-Means of Achievement viz Dharma-Artha-Kaama-Moksha-Supreme Power-Ways and Means to realise and so on; Charchini or Devi Gayatri who formulates the Guide Lines the Methodology of the Charcha; Charuhasini or She is the Countenance of Happiness and Bliss; Chatula or a flash like a lightning / Chanchla like Lakshmi; Chandika or Devi of Mahishasura Mardini Fame; Chitra or Outstanding, Eminent and Luminous as also being a Nakshatra or Star and significantly enough the most important ‘Nadis’ of Ida-Pingala-Sushumna travelling upto the ‘Brahma Randhra’];
Chitra maalyayi bhushita or She is ornamented with distinct and colourful garlands; Chaturbhuja or Four Armed; Charudanta or of sparkling teeth; Chaturi or highly intellectual and wise; Charitaprada or of Most Illustrative and Distinguished One bestowing excellent training in Good Conduct; ; Chulika or the Occupant of the most promient status among Devas or alternatively the ‘Sutra Dhaari’ or the Conductor cum Prompter; ChitraVastraanta or Distinct Border Line of a Cloth ie. the Beginner and Terminator of the Peculiar Cloth of theUniverse; Chandrama Karna Kundala or Gayatri Devi has the unique ear rings akin to the brighteness of Moon; Chandrahaasa or Her smile is as placid and glittering as that of Moon; Chandrika or She is the typical Moon Shine; Chandra dhatri or She has Chandra as her Head Ornament; Cha or the Moon herself or alternatively explained as a conjunction of two existences viz. the Supreme and Maya or Prakriti; Chouri or Devi of enormous concealed might or Top Popularity Level yet without publicity; Choura or of Dominance and Distinction decimating the sins of her followers; Chanchat Vagvadini or She is of such argumentative capability that confounds even extraordinary imagination and mental calibre; Chandra chooda or Chandra is her ornament; Chora vinashani or She uproots any kind of robbery or thefts especially as the antithesis of ‘Arishad Vargaas’ or the common enemies of Kama-Krodha-Lobha-Mada-Matsaraas; Charu chandana liptangi or Devi is anointed with excellent sandal wood paste all over her body; Chanchacchaamara veejita or She is worshipped with a cool and nicely waving hand fan; Charumadhya or She is the Central Figure in excellent surroundings; Charu gati or Her gait is admirable; Chandila or Devi Durga of fierce Form; Chandra rupini or Devi Gayatri is of tranquil Form like tht of Chandra; Charu Homa Priya or She is fond of Agni Homaas with Charu or cooked rice with ghee; Charva or She is of the Form of Rishi known by that name who stood for analytical philosophy instead of repeating rituals and tasks of repetitive nature out of blind faith or ignorance; Charita or Devi has along standing reputation and proven background; Charu baahuka or She is of the hands of excellence and proven might – or She is equipped with Sudrshana Shakta; Chandra mandala madhyasa or She is existent right in the center of the cool and serene relaxation of Chandra Loka; Chandra mandaladarpana or She is like the reflecting mirror of Chandra mandala; Chakravakastani or the musical notes in between the Chakravaka Raaga or She is of the Form of Chakravaaka who has robust breasts; Cheshta or the Swarupa of Attempt or Effort and Action; Chitra or Most Distinguished and Extraordinary; Charu -vilasini or the One full of Happiness and light-hearted playfulness; Chitra Swarupa or of distinctive and above normal Form; Chandravati or She wears Chandra on her head with the features of Chandra of being cool, calm and unperturbed; Chandrama or the Moon Shine; Chandana Priya or She is fond of Sandal wood materials like powder, paste and scents; Chodayitri or She is the Inspiration, Stimulation and Motivation of deeds of virtue ; Chirapragna or Ever Knowledgeable and Experienced with utmost discretion; Chataka or the cloud and rain as also the chataka bird heralding the season of rains; Charuhetuki or She has excellent ability to argue and convince; Chhatrayaata or the One who is the source of solace, shade and succor; Chaatradhara or the provider of relief in seasons of incessant rain and thunder; Chhaya or the Great Shade in times of extreme heat and difficulties; Chhanda paricchadha or the One Providing fulfillment of One’s justified desires; Chaaya Devi or She is the Source of Comfort; Chhidra nakha or She is of piercing and crooked nails; Chhannendriya visarpini or She is capable of reversing the spread of canker; Chhandonushtup parishtanta or She helps to complement the Poetic Meters or the Prosodial cadences of Chhandas or Anushtup; Chhidropadrava khedini or She is highly sensitive and sympathetic to natural disasters and provides timely relief to such happenings; Cheda or the One who provides reliefs by smashing the obstacles; Chhatreshwari or She is reputed as instant reliever of stresses and strains; Chhinna or Chhhinnamasta Swarupini and the Smasher of Obstacles and difficulties; Chhurika or She cuts through difficult knots and bumps- also an Astra named Churika ; Chhedanapriya or She is popular as the dependable slasher of hard problems and reliever of complications; Janani or Gayatri is the Supreme Mother of the Universe; Janma rahita or She neither has birth nor termination; Jataveda or She is of the Form of Agni or Fire God as also an epithet of Vedas; Jaganmayi or She is the Mother of Universe and has the knowledge of what Creation-Sustenance-Dissolution and Creation once again is all about;
*Jahnavi or Gayatri as Jahnavi or Devi Ganga as released by the ears of Jahnu Muni at the request of Bhagiratha who made unique efforts to bring Ganga from heavens to Shiva’s Jatajuta or coarsed hair to Earth but drunk by Jahnu Muni as it plunged the Muni’s Ashram; Jatila or Gayatri is difficult to understand much less to realise her concealed meaning; Jetri or the Invincible and never defeatable like Vishnu; Jaramarana Varjita or She suffers neither age nor death;
*Jambu dwipa vati or She is essentially of the Jambu Dwipa or the Practice of Gayatri worship and Japa is predominant in this Dwipa-other Dwipas being Plaksha-Salmaali-Kusha-Krouncha-Shaka-and Pushkala; *Jwala or Devi Jwala one of the Shakti Peethas where Sati Devi’s tongue fell at the Homa Kunda of Daksha Prajapati’s Yagna which was destroyed by Maha Deva; Jayanti or Devi as the Signage of Victory against Evil Energies; Jalashayani or like Narayana She too floats on the deep waters of Oceans; Jitendriaya or She has total command of her Physical and Inner Limbs or Personalities; Jita krodha or She keeps Anger under her control; Jitamitra or She has mastered all the Beings into the net of her freindship and affectionate awe and respect; Jagat Priya or She is the One whose love of the Three Worlds is consummate and vice versa; Jwala mukhi or Devi Gayatri has the countenance of huge flames; Japavati or She is the Swarupa of Japa or the Unique Gayatri Mantra; Jwaraghni or the destroyer of Illness both of physical and psycholigical nature; Jalada or the Provider of esistence and life next only to air; Jyeshtha or of the Swarupa of Jyeshtha Devi or Jyeshtha Nakshatraa; Jayaghosha sphota dinmuhkhi or She who is of the Countenance thrilled and animated with the thudding flames of victory; Jambhini or one of the Maha Vidyas mentioned in respect of Matangi above; Jambhana and Jrimbha or Manifestaions of Maha Devi and the relevant Kama Mantras mentioned in Lalithopakhyana in Markandeya Purana; Jwalan Manikya kundala or Devi is ornamented by fiery ear-rings made of Manikya Jewels; Jinjjika or the sound of stormy squall; Jhana nirghosha or Devi is like the reverberation of jingling sounds; Jhinjha maruta vegini or She has the alarming speed of a sandy gale);
Jhallari Vadya Kushala Nyarupa Nyabhuja Smita,Tangkabaana Samyukta Tangkini Tangkabhedini/ Tangki gana ghosha Tangkineeya Mahorasa, Tangkaarakaarini Devi Thham shabda ninaadini/ Damari Daakini Dimbhaa Dundamaaraika nirjita, Damari Tantra Margastha Danda damaru naadini/ Dandivarasaha Dimbhalaasat kreedapaaraaya, Dhundi Vighnesha janani Dhakkahasta Dhilivraja/ Nityajnaana Nirupama Nirguna Narmadanadi,Triguna Tripada Tantri Tulasi Taruna Taruh/ Trivikrama padaakrantaa Turiya padgaamini,Tarunaaditya samkaashaa Taamasi Tuhinaa Turaa/ Trikaalasampanna Trivaalicha Trilochana,Trishakti Tripuraa Turangavadanaatathaa/ Timingilaagila Teevraa Trisotra Taamasaaguni,Tantramantra Viseshagjna Tanumadhyaa Triambikaa Trivargaa Trikaala JnaanaDaayani, Tarpanaa Triptida Tripa Tamasi Tumburastuta/ Taarkshyatha Trigunaakaara Tribhaagi Tanuvallari, Tatkari Tharava Tanta Dohini Dina vatsala/ Daanaantakari Durgaa Durgaasura nibarhini,Devariti Divaraatri Droupadi Dundabhiswana/ Devayani Durvasaa Daaridyodbhedini Diva, Damodarapriya Deepta Digvaasa Digvimohini/ Danda kaaranya nilaya Dandini Devapujita, Devavandya Divishada Dweshini Danavaakriti/ Deenaanadhastyutha Deeksha Daivataadi Swarupini/ Dhatri Dhanarudhaara Dhenudhaini Dharmacharini/ Dhurandharaa Dharaadhara Dhanadaa Dhanyadohini Dharmasheelaa Dhanaadhyaksha Dhanurvedavishaaradaa Dhrutirdhanyaa Dhrutapadaa Dharmaraajapriya Dhruva, Dhumavati Dhumakeshi Dharmashastra prakaashini/Nandaa Naadapriya Nidraa Nrunrtuta Nandanaatmika, Narmadaa Nalini Neela Neela -kanthasamaaashraya/ Narayanapriya Nityaa Nirmalaa Nirgunaanidhih Niraadhaara Nirupamaa Nityashuddhaa Niranjana/ Naadabindukalatitaa Naadabindukalaatmikaa Nrisimhini Nagadharaa Nripapannagavibhushitaa/ Narakakleshashamani Naarayanapadodbhava/ Niravadya Niraakaaraa Naaradapriyakaarini/ Naanaajyotihsamaayukta Nidhida Nirmalaatmika Navasutradhara Neeti Nandanirrupadravakaarini/ Nandaja Navaratnaadhya Naimishaaranyavaasini, Nimisheni Nadirupa Neelajeemutanishwana/ Naamamaali Nishuwanabhaagni Nagalokanivaashini/ Navajambunaada prakhya Naagalookaadidevata, Nupurakaanticharana Narachittapramodini/ Nimagna raktanayana Nirghaata sama nishwanaa Nandaanodyanilaya Nirvyaahopachaarini/ Parvati Paramodaaraa Parabrahmaatmikaparaa Panchakoshavinurmuktaa Panchapaatakanaashaini Paraachittavidhaana -jnaa Panchikaa Pancharupini, Purnima Paramaapreetih Paraateja Prakaashani/ (61-91)
(Jhallari Vadya Kushala or She has enormous expertise in jingling the sounds of Cymbols; Nyarupa or Devi is of extremely charming Form; Nyabhuja or She is of pretty and shapely hands too; Smita or the Ever-Smiling and happy; Tangka baana Samyukta or She possesses a battle axe and piercing arrows making hissing sounds; Tankini or She is penetrating and high pitched; Tangki gana kritha ghosha or She like Rudraganas makes such reverberating noises announcing the arrival of her powerful army that is famed for precision and valour; Tanikeeya maha rosha or She is of the Form of huge offensiveness and spite; Tankaraakrani or She is ruthless in her outlook against the enemies; Tatha tatha Sarvadani naadini She is energetic and ready to shout and pounce; Damari or She has a ‘damaru’ or a small sized drum to caution and scare the enemies-another explanation is that She is the Prime Shakti of Tantra Shastra; Dakini or the is the antithesis of the Evil Energies as Dakani Shakti; Dimbha or She as as a Bala is the Pride of Fiery Action; Dandamaraika nirjita or She is the One who readily subdues her antagonists;
*Damari tantra margastha or She is the essence of Damari Tantra in which worship of Shaktis is involved like Damari, Dakini, Dimbha and so on -[*In Maha Shodasha Tantra for instance the Yoginis included are Amrita, Rakini, Kalaratri, Khandita, Gayatri, Ghantaakasshini, Narna, Chanda, Chaya, Jaya, Jhankarini, Jnaana Rupa,Tanka hasta, Tankarini, Damari, Lakini, Parvati, Phatkarini, Kakini, Bandhini, Bhadrakali, Yashaswini, Rakta, Lamboshti, Shakini, Varada, Shri, Shanda, Saraswati,Hakini, Yakini, Kshamavati. Some others in various other Tantras, worship with appropriate Mantras is performed to Shaktis like Bherunda, Jatila, Karala, Karabalika, Ghargara, Ghora, Ghanta, Ghoni, Sugandhika, Handi, Tundi, Dingima, Manjuranika, Chakkini, Chandika, Charchi, Dindima, Dambhi, Danka, Patala Devi and so on- The purpose of giving a few names of Shaktis is to emphasize the fact that there are countless Tantra-Mantras in the Shaktism to achieve material ends, some to destroy and some for genuine spiritual purposes];
Danda Damaru naadini or Mother Gayatri is of the sound of the powerful symbolic instruments of attack against the Evil Powers; Dandeeravaasa or She exists in such Forms of Decimation as Dandis or powerful Shaktis as sticks of Dindi drums; Dimbhalasat kreeda parayana or She as a Matrika along with Bala is excited and exhuberant in battles against enemies; Dhundi Vighnesha Janani or She is the Mother of Dhundi Ganesha; Dhakka Hasta or She handles huge double drums heralding the big battles; Dhilivraja or She is accompanied by fearful Shiva ganaas; Nitya jnaana or She is the eternal knowledge; Nirupama or the Incomparable; Nirguna or beyond the reach of the Gunas viz. Satvika-Rajasika-Tamasika characteristics; Narmada Nadi or the Sacred River Narmada ; Triguna or She is basically a Nirguna but at the same time She is the Origin of the Three Gunas; Tripada or She expands herself all over the entire Universe in three steps like Vamana Deva; Tantri or She is of what Tantra Jnaana and Practice all about; Tulasi or the Alternate Form of Devi Tulasi worshipped all over; Taruna or She is the representation of womanhood in its full bloom and maturity; Taruh or She is also the Symbol of Trees and Plants in the Lord’s creation; Trivikrama Padaakranta or She is at the feet of Bhagavan Vishnu as Vamana Deva;
*Turiya pada gaamini or She is of the Ultimate Form of Yoga Practice viz. Jaagriti or the State of Awakening or Full Wisdom-Swapna or the State of Awareness of the Subtle Body- Sushupti or the State of Inwardness and finally the Turiya pada or the Ultimate Accomplishment;
Tarunaaditya samkaasha or She is of the effulgence of Mid-Day Sun; Taamasi or the One with the Destructive Mode of Universal Dissolution; Tuhina or Devi Gayatri is easily overcome like Snow when Devotees take to earnest and constant worship and Japa of the Gayatri Mantra; Tura or Devi is the representation of Sublimity or the State of Union of Paramatma and Jeevatma or the Almighty and the Inner Consciousness; Trikaala Sampanna or She is indeed aware of the Past-Present-Future; Trivali or Devi is ornamented with jewellery as necklaces, girdle at waist and trinkets around ankles; Trilochana or She has three eyes signifying Creation-Preservation-Dissolution; Tri Shakti or Devi Gayatri represents ‘Devi Traya’ or three Forms of Energies viz. Lakshmi or Material Fulfillment, Saraswati or Power of Knowledge and Parvati the Swarupa of Vitality and Valour; Tripura of Three Worlds viz. Bhumi-Akaasha-Nether Regions; Tunga or Devi is Lofty and Pre-eminent; Turanga Vadana or the alternate form of Hahagriva the Incarnation of Vishnu who destroyed the demon of the same name; Timingila gila or Devi is so mighty amd huge that She could overwhelm Timingalas which themselves are the swallower of whales; Teevra or the Sharpest and the Most Severe; *Tristotra or She is prayed to for her three most dominant faculties of Aishwarya- Vigjnaana- Shakti ie Opulence-Knowledge-Might; Taamasaaguni or She is of the epithet of Devi Durga who is of Taamasika characteristic; Tantra Mantra Vishesajna or She is an oustanding Expert in Tantra and Mantra; Tanumadhya or Devi is slender in the waist; Trivishtapa or Gayatri is the Swarupa of Swarga; Trisandhya or of Ushah kaala-Madhyaana- Saayam kaala; Tristani or Devi as Tristani the antithesis of one of the Rakshasis surrounding Devi Sita seeking to impress Ravanasura’s magnificence under the Ashoka Tree in the Asura’s custody; Tosha Samstha the Storage Place of Happiness and Fulfllment; Tala praatapini or Devi is an expert in slapping her palms in cadence in appreciation of an event or sight; Tatankini or one of the names of Sacred River Yamuna- another explanation is that she is an expert in Dhunush Tankara or making enormous sounds of her bow string; Tushaaraabha or Devi is of the Swarupa of beautiful and charming view of Snow; Tuhinaachala Vaasini or She is Parvati the Resident of Himalayas; Tantujaala Samyutaa or She is of the Swarupa of Devi Sarasvati holding a Veena the stringed musical instrument; Taara haara vali priya or She is fond of wearing a necklace strewn with Nakshatras or Stars; Tila homa priya or She is desirous of performing homa karyas with tila/ sesame seeds; Trilochana priya or She is fond of Bhagavann Shiva the Three Eyed; Tirtha or She is of the Form of various Tirtha Places adjoning the Sacred Rivers; Tamala Kusumaakriti or She is of the Form of Sandal wood flower; Taaraka or She is the deliverer of the Beings from Samsara; Triyuta or the representaion of Srishti-Sthiti-Samhara or Creation-Preservation-Dissolution; Tanvi or a slim and gentle woman of Grace-another explanation is Devi Gayatri is of Sukshma Swarupa or Minutset Form; Trishanku Parivara or She is like King Harischandra and Lord Rama being of Trishanku Dynasty; *Talodari or She though of slender waist contains Sapta Pataala Lokas viz. Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talaatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Paataala; Tila bhusha or She has blue Tila Flowers as her body ornaments; Taatanka priya vaadini or she likes the sounds of Tamtaka instrument of music or alternatively she likes wearing Karnapura flowers; Trijata or likes wearing three pleats of her long and thick black hair or the Practitioner of the Trijata Aghori Mantra for Devi Lakshmi Sadhana Tantra;
*Tittri or Devi assumes the Form of a butterfly which hops from one flower to another and collects honey- *[Another explanation is that the famed Yagjnyavalkya Muni was asked by his Guru Vaishampayana Maharshi was annoyed with him to vomit what all he learnt and the Muni’s juniors and colleagues took the form of patridges and picked up the ‘Ucchishtha’or what was coughed up and that portion of Yajur Veda was called Taittireeya Samhita; subsequently Yagnyavalkya approached Surya Deva to teach Veda and the latter assumed the form of a horse (Vaji) and taught a completely different Veda since called ‘Vaajasaneeya’ Shukla Yajur Veda which has the rhythm of a horse gallop since immortalised thereafter; Devi Gayatri is of both the Forms];
Trishna or Devi is the aspect of Thirst which is never quenched since that constitutes her compassion to her devtees; Trividha or She is realisable in three ways viz. Jnaana-Karma-Bhakthi or Knowledge-Rituals-Dedication and Devotion; Tarunaakriti Gayatri is identified as a woman of youth; Taptakanchana Samkaasha or She is of the Physical appearance of bright and glittering molten gold; Tapta Kanchana bhushana or She is ornamented with items made of freshly molten gold; Traiyambika or of the combined Swarupa of Lakshmi-Laitha-Saraswati; Trivarga or of three objects of worldly existence viz. Dharma-Artha-Kaama or Virtue-Prosperity-Fulfillment; Trikala Jnaanadaayani or She is fully aware of the Present-Past-Future times; Tarpana or the Essence of Tarpana or the formal offerings of water to Devas-Rishis and Pitru Devatas; Triptida or She is the Provider of Satisfaction to Devas and Pitruganas accepting the offerings as also those humans providing the offerings; Tripta or She is the Symbol of Satisfaction and fulfillment; Taamasi or Devi of Taamasi Shakti; Tumburastuta or She is eulogised by Tumbura the Gandharva Singer and Musician; Tarkshya or the Swarupa of Garuda Deva the vehicle of Bhagavan Vishnu; Trigunaakara or of the crux of the Satwa-Rajo-Tamasa features; Tribhaagi or She spreads herself across the Trilokas; Tanuvallari or She is of a thin creeper like physique; Thaatkaari or She keeps making the high vocal sounds of ‘Thaat’while in battle grounds; Tharava or She makes reassuring sounds and words to the frightened Beings seeking access to boat across deep waters; Thanta or Ritual to overcome obstacles;
*Dohini or one of the Sixty Four Yoginis – Chhaya, Maya, Narayani, Brahmayai, Bhairavi, Maheshwari, Rudrayani, Baseli, Tripura, Ugratara, Charchika, Taarini, Ambika Kumari, Bhagabati, Nila, Kamala, Shaanti, Kaanti,Ghatabari, Chamunda, Chandrakanti, Madhavi, Kachikeshwari, Anala, Rupa, Baaraahi, Nagari, Khechari, Bhuchari, Betali, Bali, Dohini, Dwarini, Sohini, Sankata Taarini, Kotalai, Anucchaya, Khechamukhi Samuha, Ullaka, Samsil, Mudha, Dhakinai, Gopali, Mohini, Kamasena, Kapaali, Uttaraayani, Trailokya Vyapini, Trilochana, Nimaayi, Dakeswari, Kamala, Ramayani, Anadi Shakti, Balakshatraayani, Braahmani, Dharani, and Matangi];
Deenavatsala or Devi is the provider of succor to the hapless; Daanavaantakari or the One who terminates Danavas; Durga or Durga Devi whose instinct is to protect and assure solace as also reprimand or decimate the wicked; Durgaasura nibarhini or the destroyer of the Asura called Durga; Devariti or She is of the pattern and practice of Devas; Draupadi or She assumes the Form of Draupadi ( of Maha Bharata) whose cult as a Shakti is prevalent as the Goddess of Revenge; Dhunda bhishwana or She is of the reveberating sound of a large drum; Devayani or She assumes the Rupa of *Devayani the daughter of Shukracharya and Jayanti the daughter of Indra-
*[ Devayani was rejected by Kacha the son of Deva Guru Brihaspati who reached Sukracharya to learn ‘Mrita Sanjeevani Vidya’ or the Art of Reviving the dead; Devayani fell in love with Kacha but he rejected her and she therefore cursed him that the Vidya would not work and he gave a return curse that she would never be married to a Rishi Kumara. Subsequently she was married to King Yayati the son of Nahusha. Devayani was famed for her master-mind and came to be worshipped as a Devata for her mantal calibre];
Duraavasa or Devi Gayatri destroys those who take to wrong ways; Daaridra bhedini or the choppper of Poverty; Diva or of the Celestial; Damodara Priya or the beloved of Krishna Bhagavan; Dipta or the personification of Radiance; Digvaasa or She has all the directions as her clothing and exists in all Directions; Digvimohini or the One who enchants all the Directions and their Governors; Dandakaa- ranya nilaya or She is the resident of Dandaka Forests where Shri Rama and Devi Sita stayed for fourteen long years; Dandini or the Punisher of wrong-doers; Deva Pujita or Gayatri is worshipped by all the Devatas as she is the Supreme; Deva Vandya or all the Deva-Devis prostrate before her; Divishida or the Paramount Shakti of the Celestial Regions; Dweshini or She hates viciousness and hypocrisy; Danavaakrti or She assumes the Form of Danavas with their patent qualities of ferocity and brutality; Deenaanaastuta or She is always prayed to by the helpless and hapless as She is the Last Refuge to them all; Diksha or She is committed to Discipline and Restraint in practising Vratas, Sacrifices, Homa Karyas etc. Daivata Divya Swarupini or She is the quintessence of Divinity and Celestial Magnificence; Dhatri or like Bhu Devi She is the embodiment of Tolerance and Fortitude; Dhanurdhara or like Lord Rama She sports bow and arrows to destroy evil powers; Dhenu or Her symbol is that of a Cow who is an Lasting Provider; Dhaarini or the Upholder of Three Lokas; Dharmacharini or She is what Dharma and Nyaya is all about as she is the Origin, Precept, Practice, Encouragement and Enforcement; Dharandhara or She is totally committed and dedicated; Dharaadhaarra or She is the support of Bhumi; Dhanada or the Provide of wealth and Prosperity; Dhanyadohini or the Provider of Food to one’s content and with surplus to spare; Dharmasheela or She is totally steadfast and deeply rooted in Dharma; Dhanaadhyhasha or the Presiding Deity of Material wealth like Kubera; Dhanurveda Visharada or She is an extraordinary expert in Archery; Dhriti or She is of Bhu Devi Swarupa; Dhanya or She is the Form of Blessings to all; Dhaanya or the Personfication of excellent Crops and Foodgrains, Dhrutapada or of firm and decisive footsteps and She is established and deep rooted in the highest region of Dharma; Dharma Raja Priya or She has a liking of Yama Dharma Devata; Dhruva or She is Firm and Fixed One like Dhruva the Pole Star;
*Dhumavaati or She is like the Maha Vidya Swarupinis including Dhumavati representing Destructive Smoke, besides Matangi, Kaali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhairavi, Bagala, Kamala, Bhuvaneshwari, Chhinnamasta and so on;
Dhumakeshi or She is also like Shakti Dhumakeshi or the Smoke-haired; Dharma Shastra Prakashini or Devi Gayatri is the outstanding publisher of Dharma Shastra; Nanda or She is of the characterisa -tion of happiness and alternatively like Nanda Gopa the foster father of Vaasudeva; Nanda Priya or She likes Nanda; Nidra or She is of Yoga Nidra-or alternatively She isNidra Devi the personification of Sleep of the Beings in the Universe; Nrinuta or the One who is praised and glorified by one and all; Nandanaatmika or She is the essence of joy;
*Narmada or She is an alternate Form of the Sacred River Narmada-[King Puruktsa the Son of the famed Mandhata of Surya Vamsha of the yore married Devi Narmada the sister of Naagas of Rasatala; Nagaas were torminated by Gandharvas as the latter were after the Precious Ratnas / Jewels from their hoods; Nagas prayed to Vishnu and Mandhata assured that his son Purukutsa would uproot the vicious Gandharvas attacking the Nagas; the grateful Nagas gifted Devi Narmada to Purukutsa and gave a boon that whosoever bathed in Narmada River or even recited a Shloka would never ever be affected by Sarpa Visha or the Poison of Snakes; the relevant Stanza is: Narmadaayai Namah Pratar narmadaayai Namo Nishaa, Namostu Narmadey tubhyam traahimaam Vishah Sarpataah/ - incidentally, Purukutsa was the ancestor of Harischandra-Bhagiratha-Ambarisha-Ikshwaku- Shri Rama : Source Vishnu Purana];
Nalini or She is like the Lotus the core of Purity and Cleanliness; Nila or Devi Aditi the mother of Devas as also the mother of Radha Devi; Nilakantha Samashraya or She is with Parama Shiva always; Narayana priya She is of the Swarupa of Lakshmi the beloved of Narayana; Nithya or She is eternal irrespective of periodical dissolutions of the Universe; Nirmala or Devi Gayatri is of Spotless Tranquility; Nirguna or She is beyond Tri Gunas or of faculties and characteristics of Satvika-Rajasika-Tamasika nature; Nithi or She is the Unique Deposit of every thing and any thing in the Creation of ‘Charaachara Jagat’; Niraadhara or She requires no support since She is the Outstanding Support herself; Nirupama or She is peerless; Nitya Suddha or the Lasting Embodiment of Spotlessness, Transparency and Clarity; Niranjana or Devi Gayatri is flawless, fearless and serene; Naada bindu kalaateeta or Gayatri is far beyond the Omkara Naada and of Bindu or the Nothingness; Nrisimhini or the Shakti Swarupa of Nrisimha Deva who is the Symbol of Ferocity and Retribution as also of Protection and Compassion; Nagadhara or Devi Parvati the bearer of Mountains; Nripanaaga Vibhushita or She is of the Swarupa of Maha Deva who is ornamented with Kings of Serpents; Naraka klesha Shamani or She is the One who assuages the severity of the tortures of hells by way of retributions of wrong doings; Narayana padodbhava or Gayatri is like Devi Ganga who originated by the Sacred Feet of Bhagavan Narayana; Niravadya or the Supreme, Pure, Unaffected by Gunas and transcendental; Niraakara or Devi Gayatri has neither a shape nor Physicla Form;
*Narada Priya Kaarini or She is enthused with Devarshi Narada -*[‘Na’ represents Knowledge and ‘Da’ implies the Provider. Narada was the Brahma Maanasa Putra but he refused his father’s instruction to become a House Holder and expand progeny and an angry Brahma gave a curse to Narada to become a Loka Sanchari, Kalaha Priya, a Yogi, a quixotic-glibly-dreamy-frivolous-talkative-much-married Gandharva and in suceesive births as a son of a servant maid and also as a woman by him self. When Narada replied to Brahma that simply beacause he did not wish to become a Samsari and preferred to devote his life to Narayana, Brahma lashed away several curses and that was blatantly unfair; Brahama then relented and negated the curses that Narada’s michievous, frivolus, vagabondish, talkative, romantic nature would be tempered with the objective of Loka Kalyana or for Universal Benefit and in his successive births he would be a Great Musician as a Singer, Veena Player, a Veda-Vedanga Exponent, and a Parama Bhakta of Narayana; incidentally, Narada retaliated Brahama’s curses that Brahma would never be worshipped in the entire Universe by way of Stotra-Kavacha-Mantra-Puja-Vrata-Agni Homas for the next three Kalpaas; the exception however is at Pushkara where Devi Gayatri is venerated too];
Naana Jyoti Samaakhyata or Devi Gayatri is worshipped by innumerable illuminations all over the Universe; Niddhida or the Bestower of Funds of Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha besides prosperity, Knowledge, Fame, Progeny, Longevity and over-all fulfillment in One’s Life; Nirmalatmika or She is of Pureness devoid of predilections and prejudices; Nava Sutra dhara or She represents a new Yagjnopavita changed from time to time; Neeti or the Symbol of Morality; Nirupadrava haarini or She is the Source of hassles and tribulations of Life on account of ‘Taapatrayas’ of Adhi Bhoutika or Physical Nature-Adhyatmika or Manasika or Psycholgical nature and Adhi Daivika or of Praakritika Occurences created by Nature; Nandaja or She is the alternative Form of Lord Krishna / She is the Outcome of Spiritual Joy and Contentment;
*Nava Ratnaadhya or Devi is magnificently ormamented with the Nine Gems-[*Manikya or Ruby, Mukta or Pearl, Vaidurya or Coral, Marakata or Emerald, Pushyaraga or Topaz, Vajra or Diamond, Nila or Saphire, Gomedhika or Garnet, Vaidurya or Cat’s Eye; it is stated that the above Gems are worn for offsetting / protecting the effects of Surya-Chandra-Mangala-Budha-Guru-Shukra-Shani-Rahu-Ketu Grahas respectively in the order afore mentioned]
*Naimisharanya Vasini or Devi Gayatri is reputed to be the resider of Naimisha Forest-[ * The Naimi Forest has attained the reputation of being Symbolic of Hindu Dharma for the reason that while Dwapara Yuga was nearing to an end and Kali Yuga was to be entered into, Brahma released the Kaala Chakra or the Wheel of Time called Manonmaya / Maya Chakra to assess the impact of the change-over of the Yugas. This Chakra travelled all over the Universe and finally broke down at a Place when Brahma decided to take up ‘Punah Srishti or a Fresh Creation as the break down was caused due to the ‘Nemi’or the rim of the wheel broke down and the ‘Safety Zone’ was thus discovered. This hallowed Land was utilised for Brahma Yagjna too and later on Veda Vyasa settled to execute division of Veda Vedangas and scripting Puranas and continues to be the Illustrious Tirtha Place ever since; incidentlly the Chakra Tirtha there where Suta Muni addressed Sages and conducted Yagnas after their Sacred Baths is stated to be legendary as it is fathomless for the experiments by Britishers to seek the depths upto one thousand metres gave up; the belief of that ‘Mairavana’ the son of Ravanasura who reigned Patala Loka kidnapped Rama and Lakshmana to Patala and Hanuman rescued them after killing Mairavana and returned to Naimisha even in the Treta Yuga. Little wonder Devi Gayatri resided at Naimishaaranya where Lalita Devi’s Temple is there even now and Yagnya Homas are performed besides thousands take bath in the Chakra Tirtha especially on Full Moon days and Solar/Lunar Eclipses];
Navanita priya or like Bala Krishna, Devi Gayatri too melts away like butter by the sincere offerings by devotees; Naari or Devi Gayatri is the Ideal Representation of womanhood; Nila jeemuta nishwana or Devi Gayatri appears reclined on thick black clouds while making thunderous sounds and rains ; Nimisheni or Her Nimisha or twinkling of an eye is stated to be the Creation-Sustenance and Termination of the Universe; Nadi Rupa or She is of the Form of a Sacred River; Nilagriva or She is of the incarnation of Shiva the blue throated; Nishishwari or of the Goddess Form of dark night; Naamaavalih or Devi Gayatri has an illustrative thousand names;
*Nishumbhagni or Devi Gayatri in the the destroyer of Nishumba-[* As Maha Devi Kaushiki / Ambika in response to the appeal from Indra and Devas decided to kill the Asura brothers Shumbha and Nishumbha who became invincible and tormented Tri Lokas, She decimated the followers of the demons first viz.Chanda and Munda, Dhumra Lochana, Raktabija etc.and finally She destroyed the brothers having assured the Devas that she would reappear again and again as Vindhyachala vasini, Rakta Dantika, Shataakshi, Shakambhari, Bhima Devi, Bhramaramba and so on as per Markandeya Purana]
Nagaloka Nivasini or Devi Gayatri resides in Naga Loka too; *Nava Jambu Nada prakhya or S he is famed like the Jambu Nadi or River which formed the Juices of Jambu Phala or Fruits of Kapitha or Wood Apples of the Jambu Trees on Meru Mountain as the fruits were of the size of elephants; Naga lokaadhi Devata or She is the Paramount Goddess of Naga Loka; Nrupuranta charana or She has her feet adorned by laces studded with jewels; Narachitta pramodini or She is amused with the mental frame work and psychology of human beings; Nimna Rakta nayana or She possesses blood-red and thoughtful eyes looking down; Nirghaata Sama Niswana or She has her normal breathing sound in a pounded and striking manner; Nandanodyana Nilaya or She resides in Nananodyanas or Gardens named as Nandanas; Nirvyohopacharini or Devi Gayatri is always in the mode of rejection of Samsara as against Ayuha or Acquirement and Achievement; Parvati or Devi Gayatri as Devi Parvati Swarupa; Paramodara or She is of the Highest Form of Compasion; Para Brahmatmikaa Para or She is far beyond the comprehension of even Para Brahma; *Panchakosha vinirmukta or She is devoid of the Five Sheaths of Human System-[* The Five Layers are akin to those of an Onion viz. Annamaya Kosha or Food based-Praanamaya kosha or based on Vital Air-Manomaya Kosha or based on mental faculties-Vigjnana maya kosha or based on knowledge and the receptive wisdom and Anandamayakosha or basis of the gratification];
*Pancha Paataka vinashini or She is the destroyer of the Five heinous Patakas viz. Murder, Theft, Intoxication, Adultery and abuse of Guru]; Para Chitta or of Transcendental Thoughts; Vidhanajna or She believes in Procedures and Methodology;
*Panchika Pancha Rupini or Devi is of Five Means of Swarupas-[*viz.Pancha Bhutas of ‘Prithivyaapastejovauraakaas’ Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Sky; Pancha Ahamkaras or ‘Mano Buddhi Siddha Angara Ahamkaras’ or Mind, Thought, Understanding, Mental Caliber, Excitement or Sensitivity and Self-Image; Pancha Tanmatras or Light, Sound, Taste, Smell and Consciousness; Pancha Karmendriyas of Eyes, Nose, Tongue, Mouth and Skin; and finally Pancha Jnaanendriyas or Sense Organs for Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Eating and Touching]
Purnima or Devi Gayatri is always of Full Moon Form; Parama or She is the Supreme; Preetih or She the One immensely liked by all; Paraateja prakaashini or She is of Outstanding Luminosity);
Puraani Pourushi Punya Pundarikanibheshana, Paataala Taalanirmagnaa Preeta Preeti Vivardhani/ Paavani Padasaahiyta Peshala Paapanaashani,Prajapati Parishrantaa Parvata Stana Mandala/ Padmapriya Padmasamsthaa Padmakshi Padmasambhava, Padmapatra Padmapaadaa Padmini Priyabhashini/ Pashupaasha Vinurmuktaa Purandhari Puravaasini, Pushkala Purusha Parva Parijata kusumapriyaa/ Pativrata Patirvataangi Pushpahasaparayana, Prajnaanavatisuta Poutri Putrapujyaa Payaswini/ Pattipaashdhara Pankti Pitrulokapadaayani, Puraani Punyasheelaa Praanataarti vinaashani/ Prithujanghaa Prithubhujaa Prithupaada Prithyodari Pravaala Shobhaa Pingakshi Peetavasa Prachaayala/ Prasavaa Pushtidaa Punyaa Pratishtha Pranavaagatih, Pancha varnaa Panchavaani Panchika Pinjarasthitaa/ Paraamayaa Paraajyoti Parapreethi Paraagati, Paraakshastha Pareshani Paavani Paavakadyutih/ Punyabhadra paricchedya Pushpahaasa Prithudari, Peetangi Peetavaasanaa peethashayya Pishaachini/ Peetakriya Pishcachaghni Paataalaakshi Patukriyaa, Pancha bhaksha priyaakaaraa Putanaa praanaghaatini/ Punnagavana madhyastha Punya Tirtha nishevitaa, Panchaagni ( Panchangi)cha Paraashaktih Paramaahlaada kaarini/ Pushpa kandasthitaa Pushaa Poshitaakhila vishtapaa, Paana priyaa Pancha Shikha Pannagopari shaayini/ Pancha mantratmikaa Prithivi Pathika Pitru dohini, Puraana nyaaya meemamsa Paatali Pushpa gandhini/ Punyapraja Paraadaatri paramaargyaika gochraa, Pravaalaa shobhaa Purnasaa Pranavaa Pallavodari/ Phalini Phalaa Phalguh Phut Phalakaakritihkaari, Phanindra bhoga –shayanaa Phani mandala manditaa/ Balabalaa Bahumataa Baalatapa nibhamshukaa, Balbhadra priya Vandyaa Yadava buddhi samyuktaa/ Bandidevi Bilavati Badishaaghni Balipriyaa, Baandhavi Bodhitaa Buddhirbandhuka Kusumapriyaa/ Bala Bhanu Prabhaakaaraa Braahmi Brahmana devata, Brihaspati stutaa Vrindaa Vridavana Viharini/ Baalaakini Bilaahaaraa Bilavaasaa Bahudakaa, Bahu netraa Bahupadaa Bahukarnaavitamsikaa/ Bahubaahu yutaa Beeja rupini Bahurupini, Bindunaada kalaateetaa Bindunaada Swarupini/ Baddha godhaangulitranaa Badaryaashrama vaasini, Bridaarakaa Brihadskandhaa Brihati Baana paatini/ Vrindaadhyakshaa Bahunutaa Vanitaa Bahu vikrama, Baddha Padmaasanaashina Bilvapatra talassthita/Bidhidruma nijaavaasa Badisthaa Bindu darpanaa, Baalaa Baanaasanasanavati Bada -baanala vegini/ Brahmaanda bahirantahsthaa Brahma kankini sutrini, Bhavaani Bheeshanavati Bhavini Bhayahaarini/ Bhadrakaali Bhujangaakshi Bhaarati Bharatataashayaa, Bhairavi Bheeshanaakaaraa Bhutidaa Bhutimaalini/ Bhaamini Bhoganirataa Bhadradaa Bhurivikramaa, Bhutavaasaa Bhrugulataa Bhargavi Bhusuraarchitaa/ Bhaagirathi Bhogavati Bhavnasthaa Bhishagvaraa, Bhaamini Bhogini Bhaashaa Bhavani Bhuridakshinaa/ (92-120)
( Puraani or the very Original; Pourushi or the One with Courage and intrepidity; Punya or the embodiment of Punya or the accumulated merit or rewards of virtuous deeds; Pundareeka nibheshana or She has the benign looks of a lotus; Paataala taala nimnagnaa or She is engrossed with the affairs of Paataalaadi Lokas; Preeta or the chatacterisation of Fondness and attachment; Preeti vivardhini or She is the promoter of affections; Paavani or the embodiment of Sacredness; * Pada Sahitya or Devi Gayatri is the Originator of comprehensive knowledge of vocal and instrumental music, Natya or dance and literature for instance in reference to the music and dance forms the details of Pallavi, Anupallavi, Muktaiswara, Charana etc. or in the case of Literature the erudition of Chhandas / Prosody, diction, and so on];
Peshala or charming and skillful; Paapanaashani or the instant destroyer of sins; * Prajapati or of the Swarupa of Prajapatis or the sons of Brahma created with the duty of expanding progeny as also as the Caretakers of the Fourteen Bhuvanas like Daksha Prajapati-
[* viz. Daksha, Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, Kashyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, Vasishtha, Gautama, Angirasa, Pulastya, Kratu, Prahlada and Kratu as per Maha Bharata];
Parishraanta or Devi despite of her briskness of thought and action, She tends to relax at the time of Universal Destruction and Punah Srishti; Parvata Stana Mandala or Gayatri like Bhu Devi manifests huge mountains like her breasts; Padmapriya or her fondness of Lotuses is well-known; Padmaasana- sthaa or She is comfortably seated on a magnificent Lotus; Padmaakshi or Her eyes and vision are crystal clear; Padma Sambhava or Being Brahmani she is manifested from a Lotus Flower; Padmapatra or She is like a lotus leaf on which drops of water are never absorbed just as She is totally unaffected by the happenings of the Universe; Padmapada or Her every step is as soft and delicate as of a Lotus; Padmini or Gayatri like a Lotus herself reflects the prime most category of Padminis of Universal Womanhood; Priya bhashini or Her conversation is sonorous and sweet; Pashu paasha vinirmukta or She is the Unique One who could tear away the shackles of Samsara by humanity comparable to animals; Purandari or She is of the Swarupa of Indrani- another explanation is that Devi Gayatri is like the model womanhood as a superior ‘Grihini’ or Householder ; Puravasini or She is the Resident of Kundalini; Pushkla or She is surfiet with every thing and also the bestower; Prurusha or the Adi-Sanaatana-Sarva vyaapa-Niraadhaara-Avyakta-Shaswata-Niraakaara-Prakriti- Purusha; Parva or a Phase of Kaalamaana comprising the Cycles of Eternal Time like Kalpa-Yuga and such other Creations-another explanation is that She is of Punya Parva Swarupini; Parijata Kusumapriya or She is affectionate to Parijata Flowers once a Speciality of Swargaloka but Lord Krishna fetched from there and planted in the backyard of Devi Rukmini;
*Pativrata or Devi Gayatri as Prakriti is preoccupied and engrossed with Maha Purusha in many forms as Parvati to Shiva-Lakshmi Devi to Vishnu-Saraswati to Brahma and so on; Pativratangi or Her entire body, mind and soul is fully committed to the Purusha Swarupa concerned-[* An explanation of a Parivrata refers to Ahalya though She slept with Indra but she had her husband Muni Gautama was genuinely on her mind and when turned into a stone due to Gautama’s Shaap Rama purified her too for her dereliction due to her ignorance; Draupadi though she married Pancha Pandavas since all the Pandavas were of the Amsha of Indra whose virility was distributed to Devi Kunti through Yama Dharmaraja to beget Yudhishtara, Vayu Deva to beget Bhima, Arjuna from his (Indra’s ) own and Ashwini Kumars from Devi Maadri as Nakula and Sahadeva apart from the fact that Draupadi was Indra’s better half viz Sachi Devi who was originallyYagneshani the daughter of Agni as clarified in Markandeya Purana ; Devi Sita despite Ravana’s pressure tactics had only Rama always; Devi Tara the wife of Vaali but the Tradition of Kishkindha allowed Sugriva to marry after Vaali’s death as approved by Rama himself and Mandodari of course was a fixation on Ravanasura despite his infatuation with Sita; Anasuya the wife of Atri and the the illustrious Kardama Prajapati ; Sumati who was an outstanding Pativrata who adored her husband a Leper and even prostrated before a woman whom her husband desired to sleep with];
Pushpahaasa paraayana or She is accustomed with the practice of flowery smiles; Pragjnaavati Suta or the happy child of wisdom and judgment; Poutri or the One with maturity and dignity; Putrapujya or as all the Beings on Creation are her own progeny they all worship her with great veneration and admiration; Payaswini or the Sacred River at Chitrakoot Mountains in Madhya Baharat-alternatively stated She is the Provider of nectar like milk to one and all; Pattipashadhara or She carries a sharp spear and noose; *Pankti or Devi Gayatri’s representation of Vedic Meters –[Viz. Gayatri, Pankti, Anushtup, Brihati,Viraj, Trishtup, and Jagati made of 24-28-32-36-40-44-48 syllables; these are also the Seven horses tied to Surya Deva’s chariot];
Pitruloka pradayani or She bestows residence in Pitru loka; Puraani or She is the Original most; Punyasheela or the one with only Punya or the fruits of what the virtuous existence of Beings is all about; Pranataatri vinashani or She destroys the obstacles of those who prostrate befote her; Pradyumna janani or She she is of the Form of Devi Rukmini the Prime wife of Lord Krishna; Pushta or the Symbol of excellent health and happiness; Pitamaha parigraha or She is the better half of Lord Brahma; Pundarika puraavaasa of She is the resider of Pundarika pura or the Abode of Vishnu Swarupa as Pandu Ranga; Pundarika samaanana or She is like the countenance of a Lotus; the Prithu jangha or Gayatri constitutes her lower shin as Bhumi; Prithu Bhuja or Her hands are like those of Bhu Devata; Prithupada or Bhumi’s feet are like those of Gayatri’s; Prithyodari or her belly is like that of Bhudevi; Pravala shobha or of the brightness of corals among the Jewels; Pingakshi or She is of brown eyes; Peetavasa or her clothing is of yellow complexion; Prachaalaya or She is an exponent of the Veena the stringed instrument of music- another version of the concerned Sahasra naama is Prachaapala or of unpredictable nature; Prasava or the Generator or the Creator of the Universe; Pushtida or the Provider of good health; Punya or the Symbol of good returns of good deeds; Pratishtha or She is of established and long standing fame;
*Pranavaagatih or She is the pathway of Omkara the representation of the Eternal Cosmic Vibration comprising the Panchaakshara viz. ‘A kaara-U kaara- M kaara- Bindu-Naada’ or the Omkaara;
Pancha Varna or Devi Gayatri possesses five countenances with Pancha Varnas of white-yellow-red- blue and green; Pancha Vaani ; Panchika or as already explained above Devi is of Panchika Swarupini -comprising Pancha Bhutas, Pancha Ahamkaras, Pancha Tanmatraas, Pancha Jyananendriyas and Pancha Karmendriyas; Panjarasthita or She is of the Swarupa of Devi Parvati like a Parrot in the embrace of Shiva in a cage- another explanation is that She is the Life Energy in a Body compared to a mere cage; Para Maya or Devi Gayatri is the Supreme Maya or Prakriti the alternate Swarupa of Maha Purusha; Paraajyoti or the Ultimate Form of Lumonosity; Parapreeti or the Utmost Bliss; Paraagati or the Path towards the Ultimate Destination; Paraakshastha or She is Absolute and Total; Pareshaani or She is the Supreme Administator insisting on the Practice of her Laws; Paavani or the Form of Sacredness and Purity; Pavaakaadyutih or She is of the Swarupa of Agni the Purifier; Punyabhadra or She versatile in keeping Punya or the Result of Virtue adequate and intact; Paricchedyaa or She is totally distinct as her characeristics and features are outstanding- another explanation is that She is able to assess and define the stock of Punya or the fruits of virtuous deeds perfectly; Pushpahaasa or She is of flowery smiles; Prithudari or of the appearance or Bhu Devi; Peetangi or of yellowish physical parts; Peeta vasana or She is robed in yellow; Peeta shayyaa or Her resting place or bed too is of yellowish complexion; Pischachini or She keeps around her super natural Shaktis like Shakini, Daakini and Pishachini; Peetakriya or Baala is Peeta Rupini and her worship is akin to that of Icchaa Shakti-Jnaana Shakti-Kriya Shakti; Pishachaghni or Devi Gayatri is the destroyer of the Super natural powers like Pischaachas; Paatalaakshi or Her eyes and vision tend towards Paataala Loka-another explanation is Devi’s eyes are like of ripe roses; Patukriya or Actions are tough but befitting; *Pancha bhaksha priyaachara or She is used to enjoy Pancha bhakshyas-[Comprehensive meals comprising Bhakshya-Bhojya-Lehya-Choshya-Paniyaas or Fried or other sweet accompanist embellishments, Cereals and Pulses, Tongue teasing preparations that are licked, Choshya or treated preparations like paayasaas and Paaniyaas or sweet or sour juices etc];
Putanaa Praana ghaatim or She like Bala Krishna who decimated Putana and other dangerous trouble makers despatched by the villianous King Kamsa; Punnaga vana madhyastha or She is right in the middle of the gardens of Kambhoja or Naaga Champa trees and flowers; Punya Tirtha nishevita or She is of the Swarupa worshipped at all Punya Tirthas;
*Panchaagni or Devi Gayatri is of Panchagni Swarupa –[* The Panchagnis are Garhyapatya Agni for cooking in homes-Aavahaniya to invoke Surya Deva-Dakshinagni or Atmosphric Agni in the form of Lightnings or that which is invoked in Dakshina disha, Saabya and Avaastya for Vedic Purposes; Agnis various Synonyms include Anala, Bhuriteja, Chitra bhanu, Havya vahana, Hutaashana, Jaateveda, Jwala, Parthiva, Paavaka, Plavanga, Rudra garva, Hiranya krita, Shikhee, Vaishwanara, Vibhavasu and so on; Sapta Jihvaas or tongues of Agni are stated to be Hiranya, Kanaka, Rakta, Arakta, Suprabha, Bahurupa, Sattee; another version is Vishwa murti, Sphalini, Dhhumavarna, Manojava, Lohitasya, Karaalasya and Kaali; the Agni Swarupas for performing offerings are as follows viz. for Nitya Karma the type of Agni is called Prabha-Pushpa homa / Bahurupa-Anna and Kheera homa / Krishna Agni- Ikshu homa/ Paraaga-Padm homa/ Suvarna or Lohita-Bilwa homa /Shweta-Tila homa/ Dhumni-Kaashtha or wooden pieces of various trees / Karaalika-Pitru homa/Lohitasya and Deva homa /Manojava; (Narada-Markandeya-Bhavishya Puranas)];
* Panchaangi or Devi Gayatri is of Panchanga Swarupini viz. PARA or the Ablolute Supreme- Vyuha or in the Forrms of Vaasudeva, Samkarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha- Vibhava or in the Form of Incarnations-Haarda or present in the hearts of those who assimilate the Existence and Meaning of Paramatma- Archa or worship in whatever form either of Niraakara or Aakara manifested in Idols and by means of Bhakti, Prapatti or Rituals ie Karma or Jnaana or Vairagya through Tapas, Yoga etc.;
Paraashakti or Devi Gayatri is the Supreme Shakti Swarupa; Paramaahlaada kaarini or the One who provides the elevated happiness; Pushpakaanda sthita or She is present in the branches of trees with clusters of fragrance and charming flowers; Pusha is well nourished as also the Pushya Nakshatra; Poshitaakhila vishtapa or She is the Preserver of the three worlds; Paanapriya or She is delighted in drinking ‘Amrita’;
*Pancha Shika or the five tufts on the top of the head-[That is the Place of the Cerebral Nucleus (Sahasrara) representing intellect, memory, farsightedness, duty and knowledge-another explanation is that a Brahmana by birth attains the status of a Dwija or twice-born once the Five Duties are taken up viz. Gayatri Dhyana and Japa-Yagnopaveeta-Pancha Shikha- Yagnya- and Veda Pathana and most significantly the practice of Brahmacharya or Celibacy];
Panngoparishyini or She like Bhagavan Narayana rests comfortably on Adi Shesha; Pancha matraatmika or Devi is of Five Tanmatras of Light-Sound-Taste-Smell and Consciousness; Prithvi or Devi is of Bhumi Swarupa; Pathika or Traveller all over / A woman immersed in sweet thoughts in the absence of her dear husband;
*Prithudohini or She like the reputed Prithu Chakravarti in the lineage of Chakshusa Manu was of the bestower of endless materials to the Beings in the Universe-[ The illustrious Monarch of the Bhuloka after whose name Priththvi came to be known by his name Prithu was an ideal and most virtuous Administrator endeared by human beings and Maharshis alike; in his regime where were no physical ailments, mental tensions and natural calamities and was the very first performer of Rajasuya Yagna as a Symbol of Invincibility across the Globe as a Chakravarty ie whose Chariot could be obstructed by any force on Earth; he controlled Bhu Devi to such an extent that She tried to escape from his rigours by assuming the form of a cow but he chased and forced her to yield as much milk as various Beings in whatever form that they desired; Prithu himself milked her and milked food grains to his population- it is stated that the concept of eating food as from grains earlier since the practice was food by way of consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk only; Devatas milked Bhu Devi as Cow who yielded Pushtikaahara or heathy food, Pitru Devas secured ‘Swadha’ as milk, Rishis secured milk as Vedas; Nagas obtained milk in the form of poison; Asuras secured Maya or Illusions; Yakshas the art of Antardhana or of Disppeareance; Gandharvas sought Fragrance as milk, Rakshasas opted for blood; Mounains preferred ‘Aoushadhis’ and so on thus satisfying all the Beings];
*Puraana Nyaya Meemaamsa or analysis and research of the Orthodox Sciences of Justice and Virtue from the Ashtaadasha Maha *Puranas-Nyaya Shastra-and Meemaamsa or Assessment ; [* Ashtaa -dasha or Eighteen Maha Puranas are Brahma- BrahmaVaivarta-Brahmanda-Bhagavata-Vishnu-Matsya-Kurma-Varaha-Vamana-Shiva-Linga-Skanda-Markandeya-Agni-Narada-Padma-Bhavishya-Garuda Puranas ; besides there are Eighteen Upa Puranas viz. Devi Bhagavata-Sanat Kumara-Narasimha-Brihannaaradiya-Shiva Rahasya-Durvaasa-Kalki-Vamana-Bhargava-Varuna-Saamba-Nandi-Surya- Paraashara-Vasishtha-Ganesha-Hamsa; besides there are any number of Minor Puranas like Sthala-Tula / Kaveri, Ganga, Maagha- Vaishakha-Nilamata and so on; Nyaya Meemaamsa constitutes a part of Shaddarshanas or Six Darsshanas besed on Vedas, Upanishads and other Scriptures and the Darshanas are Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Sankhya, Purva Meemaamsa, Uttara Meemaamsa or Vedanta and Yoga];
*Paatali pushpa gandhini or Devi is like the fragrance of Paatali flower- [It is said that Paatali-Karaveera-Jaaji-Sampangi-Vangula-Vakula-Mandaara-Parijaata-Bandhuka -Ashoka and such other flowers which are fallen on ground, carried by the wicked, torn, dried, packed in cloth, buds, over blossomed are unworthy for worship of the Lord or Devi];
Punya Praja or She is the Supreme Mother of Persons with Punya or of fruitful achievements; Paraadaatri or She is of the Supreme Saviour and Uplifter; Paramargyaika Gochra or She could be realised only by extraordinary means; Pravala Shobha or She is the brightness of Coral one of the Gems; Purnaashaa or the Fullfillment personified; Pranava or the Omkara Swarupini; Pallavodari or Devi has the belly of a soft bud - an epithet of Manmatha the God of Love; Phalini or She is like the essence of fresh fruits; Phala or She indeed is the Outstanding and the most luscious fruit;
*Phalgu or the Sacred River of Phalgu - near Gaya-where Pinda -pradana is performed especially in the Pitru Paksha is performed in the Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month;
Phut kaari or the hiss of a serpent as Devi is like the Swarupa of Lord Balarama the Incarnation of Adi Sesha himself; Phalakaakriti or She is of the Form of a Shield which protects -She is also like the piercing top of an arrow that destroys ; Phanindra bhogashayana or Devi is comfortably reclining in the luxurious bed of a curled up King of Sarpas; Phanimandala mandita or She is resplendent in the Naga Loka; Balabaala or She is mighty Shakti Swarupa in the incarnation of Baala ; Bahumata or She is venerated by all; Balaa tapa nibhaamshuka or Gayatri enhances the brilliance of Tapas or Deep Meditation of Balaa Shakti; Balibhadra priya or She is fond of Balabhadra in the Swarupa of Devi Revati; Vandya or She is venerated by one and all; Badava or She is like the huge flames of forests; Buddhi samanvita or She is the Unique Fund of knowledge and maturity; Bandi Devi or She is worshiped by devotees kept in complete bondage of Samsara;
*Bila Vati or Baala Devi like Kamakshi who meditated in Kamakoti Maha Bila or the Great Sacred Cave of Bliss as scripted by Sage Markandeya in the Annexture of Markandeya Purana titled Kamakshi Vilasa; Bandishaaghni or She demolishes the hooks that charm the attractions of Samsara; Bali priya or She likes sacrifices and oblations or alternatively She is soft-minded to Bali Chakravarti who gave away three feet of land to Vamana Deva in a self-destructive mode of charity while the Incarnation of Vishnu asssumed his Virat Swarupa and occupied Tri Lokas instead; Baandhavi or She that binds all the Beings in existence-alternatively stated She is a close relation to one and all; Bodhita or She who is the one advised and instructed; Buddhi or the essence of understanding and discernment; Bandhuka Kusuma priya or She likes pale-yellow trumpet flowers; Bala bhanu prabhaakaara or Gayatri is just like the brightness of Rising Sun; Braahmi or of the power of Lord Brahma; Brahmana Devata or the Unique and daily venerated Goddess by the entire Brahmanaas; Brihaspati Stuta or Gayatri is deeply worshipped by the Deva Guru Brihaspati;
*Vrinda or Gayatri is of the manifestation of Devi Radha as Vrinda as vividly described in Brahma Vaivarta Purana in which Krishna was the Supreme Purusha - not Krishna as human incarnation- and Radha as Prakriti the Goddess of Goloka and Raasa Mandali;
Vrindaavana Viharini or She is Radha again as human incarnation who was the Queen of Brindavana Gardens; Baalaakini or Gayatri is of of the characteristics of a teen age girl or alternatively a garland of Vakula flowers; Bilaahara or She enjoys Satvika Aahara or alternatively Devi Gayatri once pleased could instantly demolish past sins; Bilaavasa or She stays in a cave; [Bahudaka or like a Jeeva Nadi or an ever flowing River She glitters with the speedy flow of water]; Bahunetra-Bahupaada or She has countless eyes and feet ie She visions every thing and She has enormous mobility all over the Tri Lokas; Bahu karnaavatamsika or She hears and absorbs each and every happening all over the Universe; Bahu baahu yuta or She is equipped with innumerable hands to bless, reward, provide and also punish;
* Beeja Rupini or Devi Gayatri in her many manifestations as several Shakti-beejas for eg. as Saraswati / Vaag Devi the Beeja Rupa is ‘Aim’; Lakshmi Beeja as ‘Shreem’; Kamaraja beeja as ‘Kleem’; Tara beeja as ‘treem’; Kaali beeja as ‘kreem’; Bhuvaneshwari Beejas as Aim-Hreem-Shreem and so on; Bhu rupini or Devi Gayatri assumes several Swarupas; *Bindunaada kalaateeta or Devi Gayatri is beyond Bindu or Zero or Nothingness-Naada or the premordial or very original Shabda or Sound-Kalaateeta or of the various aspects of Universal Existence; Bindu naada Swarupini or Gayatri is the essence of the very original mystic sound of OM; Baddha godhangulitraana or She has the shoulder and finger shield of archery or alternatively She has the cover of Godha Charma around her fingers in context of archery; Badarya-ashrama vaasini or the One who resides at an Ashram or hermitage at ‘Badari’ the Sacred Tirtha of Badari Narayana; Brindaaraka or Her abode is at Brindara;
*Brihat Skandha or the Gigantic Aggregation of various aspects of Existence- [* Adhikaari Skandha-Sadhana Skandha-Pushti Skandha-Purushartha Skandha-Sthiti Skandhi-Vasana Skandha-Niraasana Skadha-Nirodha Skandha-Aashraya Skandha-Mukti Skandha and so on];
* Brihati or the Seven Vedic Meters and the Seven Horses of Surya’s chariot –[*viz. Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnik, Jagati, Trishtup, Anushtup and Pankti]; Baanapaatini or she rains arrows against enemies;
Vrindaadhyaksha or Devi is the presiding Deity of Brindavana; Bahu nutaa or the One prayed who is to by innumerable followers; Vanita or the Symbol of Supreme Womanhood; Bahuvikrama or She has overcome several by their devotion and dedication; Baddha Padmasanaasina or She is always in the squatting positon with crossed legs with feet raised on thighs resembling a lotus; Bilwapatra tala stitha or She is seated under a bilwa tree; Bodhi druma nijaavaasa or Devi Gayatri is settled under a Bodhi( Peepul) Tree which is a symbol of Self-Realisation as in the case of Gautama Budhha; Bandisthaa or She is situated right in Samasara but totally detached from it-[Balistha or She is famed as High Form of the most Valiant] ; Bindu Tarpana or She is delighted with the Tarpana of Bindu or the central dot of Shri Chakra; Bala or Gayatri assumes the Swarupa of Kanya Shakti; Baanaasana- vati or She is seated on powerful arrows as also holding a Power driven Bow and arrrows; Badabaanala vegini or She is rapid in her spread like huge flames; Brahmanda bahirantastha or She is present all over alike inside and outside the Universe;
*Brahma(na) kankana sutrini or Devi Gayatri represents Brahma Kankana Sutra as a symbol of Brahma Vidya Prachara as also as a security before initiating any auspicious Project signifying the warding off of any possible obstacles and the Kankana is tied with a turmeric cotton thread around the right hand wrist or even as copper or golden bracelet - [ Three allusions are offered as under: *(1) In the Poorvanga or Preparatory Stage of Upanayana, the Procedure comprises the following viz. Anugjna or permission and blessings from elders-Vighneswara Puja-Sankalpa or the Vow-Udaka Shanti or Punyaah Vachana-Mantra Japa-Ankura Arpana or initiating the germination of Nava Dhanyas-Praadhi shara bandham or Kankana Dharana-Abhyudaya Shraadam or Naandi Shraadham; in fact Brahma Kankana dharana is a preparatory part of Yagnas;- 2) an alternate explanation of Brahma Sutra relates to Lord Brahma’s bestowing a Golden bracelet to Skanda Kumara before the latter made the Sankalpa to demolish Tarakasura when Vishnu gifted a Jaya Mala or Victory Garland, Brahma a Suvarna Kankana, Ganga a pot of Amrita, Twashta Prajapati a cock, Varuna Deva a snake of Shakti, Vayu a Mayura or Peacock, Indra a Banner, Kubera a huge army of Yakshas etc.-3) yet another explanation of Brahma Sutras as based by Badarayana / Vyasa Maharshi consisting of Samanyaya or Synchronization and Coordination- Avirodha or non-encounter-Saadhana or Paths of Accomplishment and means thereof-and finally Phala or Achievement; incidentally the Prasthaana Traya or the Three Paths of Realisation are Dualism or Distinction of ‘Atma’ or Individual Soul and Paramatma-Qualified Dualism or ‘Atma’ joining Jeevatma and then merging into Paramatma- and Absolute Non-Dualism or Advaita ie. Atma merging with Paramatma or the Singular Paramatma];
Bhavani or Gayatri as an incarnation of Parvati; Bheeshanavati or the Sign of ferocity; Bhaavini or She is emotional and sensitive yet straight forward; Bhaya haarini or the smasher of fear and apprehensions; *Bhadra Kaali or Gayatri is of the Blessed Swarupa of the Three Eyed, Eighteen Handed Shakti of Blue Complexion who was born of Rudra’s heightened fury when Devi Sati performed self-immolation in Yagna Kunda out of desperation as Daksha accused her husband Parama Shiva and along with Veerabhadra devastated Daksha Yagna ; Bhujankaakshi or She possesses penetrating eyes of a poisonous snake ready to pounce to death with anger and revenge; Bharati or the incarnation of Devi Saraswati; Bharataashraya or the Idealogy and Aspiration of Bharati; Bhairavi or one of the Maha Vidyas mentioned above representing the wrath of Rudra as the Kriya Shakti or the Energy of Action; Bheeshanaakaara or Devi is of extreme ferocity too and vengefulness against villany and viciousness;
*Bhutida or one of the hundred and thirty Pitruganas , nine of whom are stated to be responsible to safeguard Dasa Dishas or the Ten Directions viz. Vishwa-Vishwabhuk, Aaradhya, Dharma, Dhyana, Shubhanana, Bhutida, Bhutikrit and Bhuti providing prosperity and contentment as per Markandeya Purana; however Linga and Shiva Puranas emphasise that among the Shakti Swarupas are Bhutida;
Bhutimalini or Devi Gayatri represents the garlands of prosperity and fame; Bhamini or She gets angry and annoyed at times- or alternatively Bhamini is alluded to Devi Satyabhama the consort of Lord Krishna; Bhoganarata or Devi is a Represenation of comfort and luxury in the company of Bhuvaneshwara while enjoying the offerings so devotionally dedicated to her; Bhadrada or She is the assurer of security and propitiousness; Bhuri Vikrama or She is the personification of Valour and courage; Bhutavaasa or She exists with and within all the Praanis or Beings;
*Bhrigu lata or Devi Gayatri is like the renowned Bhrigu Maharshi and his lineage-[*Bhrigu’s son Chyavana Maharshi married Sukanya the daughter of King Saryati who was the son of Vaivaswata Manu; Chyavana begot Pramati who with Apsara Ghritachi gave birth to the illustrious Ruru and so on; Bhrigu was the Manasika Putra of Lord Brahma and was among the Sapta Rishis; he was deputed by the Rishis as to who should be the most eligible among Tri Murtis to be the Chief Guest at the Purnaahuti or the Grand Finale at the Yagna; Bhrigu was turned out from Brahma loka as Bramhma was busy; access was denied to Maha Deva as the latter was busy with Devi Parvati; and finally Vishnu was told that he was in Yoga Nidra; an angry Bhrigu barged in and hit Vishnu on his chest; Vishnu apologised to Bhrigu and exclaimed that the Muni’s sacred and soft feet might have been hurt against Vishnu’s hard chest; Bhrigu was overcome with Bhagavan’s spontaneous and maganimous reaction and Vishnu was delared to be the best; but Lakshmi was hurt and cursed Bhrigu that Brahmanas as a clan would become paupers; a repentant Bhrigu prayed to Lakshmi when she softened down. Bhrigu then scripted ‘Bhrigu Samhita’ on Astrology the pioneer of its kind as a post Script of Jyotisha as one of the Six Vedangas];
Bhargavi or Gayatri is the Form of Bhargavi Shakti one of Lakshmi Swarupas; Bhusurarchita or She is primarily worshipped by Brahmanas the sons of Bhudevi; Bhagirathi or She is Ganga who descended from Vishnu paada down to Earth entirely due to the arduous efforts of King Bhagiratha; Bhogavati or the Sacred River by that name as also the essence of Luxuries; Bhavanastha or She exists in future as well as the present and past or eternally; Bhishagvara or She is the most reputed Vaidya or Physician to cure the ills of one’s existence; Bhogini or the Form of Fortunes and Happiness;. Bhasha or She is the Language, Expression, Script and Thought; Bhavani or Devi Parvati; *Bhuridakshina or abundant dakshinas or gifts / gratifications to Brahmanas who conduct various functions like Yagnas, Homa kriyas, Samskaras, Vratas, Pitru Karyas or any such Vedic and traditional tasks of faith as Bhagavan Vishnu asserted that any Dakshina given to Brahmanas would reach Him only);
Bhagatmika Bhimavati Bhavabandha vimochani, Bhajaneeya Bhutadhatriranjita Bhuvaneshwari/ Bhujangavalaya Bheema Bherundaa Bhagadheyani, Maataa Maayaa Madhumati Madhujihvaa Madhupriya/Mahadevi Mahaa bhaagaa Malini Meenalochana, Mayaateeta Madhumati Madhu maamsaa Mathudravaa/ Maanavi Madhusambhutaa Mithlaapura vaasini, Madhukaitabha samhatri Modini Meghamaalini/ Mandodari Maha Maya Maithili Masrunapriya, Mahalakshmirmahaakaali Mahakanyaa Maheswari/ Maahendri Merutanaya Mandaara kusumarchita, Manju Manjeera charana Mokshadaa Manju bhashini/ Madhura draavini Mudraa Malaya Malayanvita, Medhaa Maakata shyaamaa Maagadhi Menakaatmaja/ Mahamaari Mahaveera Mahaashyaama Manustuta, Matrikaa Mihiraabhaasa Mukundapada vikrama/ Moolaadhaarastha Mugdhaa Manipoorakavaasini, Mrigaakshi Mahishaarudhaa Mahishasura mardini/ Yogasanaa Yogagamyaa Yogaa Youvanakaash –raya, Youvani Yuddha madhyasthaa Yamuna Yugadhaarini/ Yakshini Yogayuktaa cha Yaksharaaja prasutini, Yatraa Yaanavidhaanajnaa Yaduvamsha samudbhavaa/ Yakaaraadi hakaaraantaa Yajushi Yagnarupini, Yamini Yoga nirataa Yaatudhaana bhayankari/ Rukmini Ramani Ramaa Revati Renukaa Ratih, Roudri Roudra priyaakaaraa Rama maataa Ratipriya/ Rohini Rajyadaa Revaa Ramaa Rajiva lochana, Raakeshi Rupa sampanna Ratna simhaasasthitaa/ Rakta malyaambara dharaa Rakta Gandhaanulepana, Rajahamsa samaarudhaa Ramyaa Rakta balipriya/ Ramaneeya Yugaadhaara Raajitaakhila bhutalaa, Rurucharma paridhanaa Rathini Ratna maalikaa/ Rogeshi Rogashamani Raavini Romaharshini, Ramachandra padaakraantaa Ravanaccheda kaarini/ Ratnavastra paricchinna Rathasyaa Rukma Rukma bhushanaa, Lazzadhidevataa Lolaa Lalitaa Lingadharini/ Lakshmi Lolaa Luptavisha Lokini Loka vishrutaa, Lazzaa Lambodari Devi Lalanaa Lokadhaarini/ Varada Vanditaa Vidyaa Vaishnavi Vipulaakritih, Vaaraahi Virajaa Varshaa Varalakshmi Vilaasini/ Vinata Vyoma madhyasthaa Vaarijaasana samsthitaa, Vaaruni Venu sambhutaa Veetihotra Virupini/ Vayamandala madhyasthaa Vishnurupaa Vidhipriyaa, Vishnupatni Vishnumati Vishaalaakshi Vasundharaa/ Vaamadeva priyaa Velaa Vajrini Vasudohini, Vedaakshara pareetaangi Vaajapeya phalapradaa/ Vbasavi Vaamajanani Vaikuntha nilayaa Varaa, Vyaasapriyaaa Varmadharaa Valmiki parisevitaa/ Shaakambhari Shivaa Shaantaa Sharadaa Sharanaagatih, Shaatodari Shubhaachaaraa Shumbhaasura vimardini/ Shobhaavati Shivaakaaraa Shankaraartha sharirini, Shonaa Shubha -ashayaa Shubhraa Shiraassandhaana kaarini/ Sharaavati Sharaanandaa Sharajjyotsnaa Shubhaananaa, Sharabhaa Shulini Shuddaa Shabari Shuka vaahanaa/ Shrimati Shridharaanandaa Shravanaanda daayani, Sharvaani Sharvari vandyaa Shadbhaashaa Shadritupriyaa/ Shadaadhara sthitaa Devi Shanmukha priya kaarini, Shadrupa Sumati Suraasura namaskritaa/ Saraswati Shada -adhaaraa Sarva Mangala kaarini, Samaganapriyaa Sukshmaa Savitri Saama sambhavaa/ Sarva vaasaa Sadaanandaa Sustani Saagaraambara, Sarvaishvarya Priyaa Siddhih Saadhu bandhu paraakramaa/ Saptarshi mandalagataa Somamandala vaasini,Sarvagjna Saandrakaruna Samaanaadhika varjitaa/ Sarvottungaa Sanga heenaa Sadgunaa Sakaleshtadaa, Saraghaa Surya tanaya Sukeshi Somasamhatih/ Hiranya varnaa Harini Hreemkari Hamsa vaahini, Kshoumavastra pareetangi Kheerabdhi tanayaa Kshamaa/ Gayatrichaiva Saavitri Parvati cha Saraswati, Vedagarbhaa Varaarohaa Shri Gayatri Paraambikaa/ ( 121-155)
Bhagatmika or Gayatri is the Soul of splendour; Bhimavati or She is fuming and incensed on battle fronts ready to charge and destroy evil energies however extraordinary they might be; Bhavabandha vimochani or She is unique in smashing the tough and harsh bonds of Samsara; Bhajaniya or She is always worthy of litanies and supplications; Bhutadhaatri ranjita or She is the prime reason of existence and upkeep of all the Beings in Creation; Bhuvaneshwari or the Shakti due to whom the Universal evolution is made possible and the various Beings are sustained without hassles; Bhujangavalaya or Gayatri like a mighty coiled serpent encircles and controls the worlds in her hands; Bhima or the ferocious against the demons;
*Bherunda or Lalitha Devi’s fifteen Nitya Swarupas being the Limbs or Lalitha who is basically the Form of Pure Consciousness-[ The Nitya Swarupas are: Kameswari obsessed with desire with Five Forms of Kamadeva viz. Kamaraja, Manmatha, Kandarpa, Makara and Manobhava-Bhagamalini of flowering yoni in the phase of Bright Moon as a wet, restless and passionate- Nityaklinna surrounded by Fourteen Shaktis viz. Kshobini, Mohini, Leela, Nitya, Niranjana, Klinna, Khedini, Madanaatura, Mahadrava, Dravini, Vidhana, Madavila, Mangala, Manmathaartha, Manashwini, Moha, Amoda, Manonmayi, Maya, Manda and Manovati- Bherunda surrounded by Shikhini, Nilakanthi and Roudri Shaktis being the Chief Administrator of Betalas with three eyes, eight arms with body of molten gold-Vahnivasini or the Resider in Agni surrounded by Jwalini, Vishphulingini, Mangala, Samanohara, Kanaka, Ankita, Vishwa and Vividha-Maha Vajreshwari who is gold throned, ornamented with red rubies and adorned by red flowers, floating in the ocean of blood and drunk with red wine- Duti or Shiva Duti surrounded by Rishis; Twarita or Totaala Devi representing swiftness and speed being a Sadhaka Devi or the Provider Shakti of auspiciousness and Benevolence , accompaneid by Jaya and Vijaya Maha Shaktis , surrounded by Eight Types of Maha Sarpas viz. Ananta, Kulika, Vaasuki, Shankhapaala, Takshaka, Maha Padma, Padma and Karkotaka, as also surrounded by Shaktis viz. Humkari, Khechari, Chandi, Chedini, Kahepani, Strikari, Dumkari, Kahemakari all of whom are like Ashta Loka palikas; Kalaa Sundari with Six faces and twelve arms surrounded by Kinnaras, Yakshas and Gandharvas being the Source of Jnana, Kala, Vaata Kapha Sleshmas etc, besides being accompanied by Agni-Surya-Chandras ; Nitya like Rising Surya surrounded by Dakini,Shakini and Rakini like Shaktis and Deha Dhatus bestowing good health; Nilapataaka or the Flagship of Blue Sapphire and the Ruler of Yakshinis and sixty Chetakas with innumerable Siddhis like Khadga Siddhi or the achivement of an Invincible Sword, Anjana Siddhi or Distant Vision, Paduka Siddhi or Instant Tavel of Distances etc; Vijaya Nitya or the dreadful wearer of garlands of human skulls; Sarva Mangala Nitya the Ruler of Chatusshashthi Kalaas or Sixty Four Art Forms besides thirty eight Male Shaktas and as many female Shaktis; Jwalamaalini or the Wearer of Flame Garlands with Six Faces and Twelve Arms being the Reliever of Fears and finally Chitra Nitya the provider of boons;- Another explanation of Ghanda Bherunda was the double faced mythological bird referred to in Puranas which was a manifestation of Lord Shiva as it became impossible to restrain and tranquilize the fury of Lord Narasimaha after decimating the then biggest menace in Trilokas viz. the Danava Hiranyakashipu];
Bhagadheyani or Gayatri is the Provider of Excellent Prosperity; Maata or the Singular Mother of the Universe; Maya or the Mula Prakriti Swarupa; Madhumati or the Only Source of Nectar; Madhu Jihwa or the one with the Tongue of Nectar; Madhu Priya or the One totally delighted with the drink of nectar ; Maha Devi or Moola Prakriti; Maha Bhagaa or the Incomparable benefactor of fortune; Malini or Gayatri who wears different kinds of garlands ranging from flowers to jewels and even to skulls as per the manifestations of Devis and Shaktis as required; Meenalochana or She assumes the looks and eyes sparkling and likening to fishes in waters; Mayaateeta or far beyond the realms of Maya or delusions; Madhumati or She is engrossed in drinking honey or sweet liquors; Madhu maamsa rupa or She has the profile of One engaged in consuming wine and meat; Madhudrava or She is pleased with the offerings of honey / wine; Manavi or She assumes human form; Madhu Sambhuta or She comes to human form in the Chaitra Maasa or at the beginning of the Year formally; Mithilaa -pura vasini or Devi Sita the spouse of the Epic Hero Shri Rama; Madhukaitabha samharti or Maha Shakti who decimated Madhu Kaitabha Demons; Modini or She is the Emblem of Happiness; Megha maalini or She is surrounded by clouds as though She is wearing a necklace of clouds;
*Mandodari or Devi Gayatri assumes the Form of Mandodari the soft bellied wife of Ravanasura the Epic Villian of Ramayana and the daughter of Mayasura- [ She is reckoned as one of the Select Pancha Kanyas or the Five illustrious maidens of the yore viz Ahalya Drupadi Kunti Taraa Mandodari tathaa, Panchakanyaa smarennityam Maha Pataka naashanam/];
Maha Maya or the Almighty Maya or Prakriti Swarupa; Mythili or Devi Gayatri takes to the Swarupa of Devi Sita too; Masrunapriya or She is fond of sweet and soft materials to eat; Maha Lakshmi Maha Kaali Maha Kanya Maheswari or Devi Gayatri assumes the Premier Forms of Devis representing Prosperity, Destruction, Virginity and Might respectively; Mahendri or of the Swarupa of Devi Shachi the consort of Indra Deva; Merutanaya or She takes the Form of the daughter of Meru Mountain; Mandara Kusumarchita or She is worshipped with Mandara Flowers; Manjumanjeera charana or She is adorned with jingling ornaments of ankles; Mokshada She is the Unique Shakti who is capable of bestowing Salvation;Manjubhashini or Devi has an outstanding soft and sonorous voice; Madhura -dravini or Devi is used to drink sweet liquids or She talks in low, sweet and melting tones of voice;
*Mudra representative gestures of hand-palm fingers expressing thoughts, ideas and actions-[ like Abhaya Mudra symbolising Protection and fearlessness, Anjali Mudra or expression of respect and reverence, Jnaana-Chin-Yoga Mudra displaying Dhyana and Meditation etc.]; Malaya or She as Kalyani who resides at Malayaachala ( vide the description of Siddha Peethaas in Devi Bhagavata Purana); Malayaanvita or She possesses the fragrance of ‘chandana’ or the paste of Sandalwood tree bark ; Medha or the Essence of Buddhi or Mental capacity; Marakata Shyaama or or the complexion of Marakata gem; Magadhi or She who is specially worshipped in Magadha desha; Menakatmaja or Devi Parvati; Mahamaari or She is of the Swarupa of Mahamaari Shakti; Maha Veera or the One with Supreme Valiant Form of Shakti; Mahashyaama or She is the colour of thick blue clouds ready to rain; *Manustuta or Gayatri is prayed to by the successive lineage of all the Fourteen Manus[ viz. Syayambhu- Swarochisha-Uttama-Tamasa- Raivata- Chakshusa-the present Vaiaswata-Savarni- Bhoutya-Rouchya and four more Savarnyas]; *Matrika or Gayatri is of the Ashta Matrika Swarupini of Brahmi, Vaishnvi, Maheshwari, Aindri, Kaumari, Vaarahi, Chandika and Narasimhi’; Mihiraabhaasa or She is of the effulgence of Surya Deva; Mukunda pada vikrama or Devi Gayatri is the follower of the footsteps of Bhagavan Vishnu;
*Muladharasthitaa or She is of the Kundali Swarupa or the Life Force as the coiled energy shining at the Moolaadhara at the base of the spine in a human body which symbolises memory and the sense of Time and Space and the merger point of Ida-Pingala-Sushumna-
[*Kundalini is the dormant cosmic energy in the form of a coiled serpent which that needs to be aroused by Yogi techniques especially the Laya Yoga by meditation blocking senses when the Kundalini Shakti needs to travel upwards from Moolaadhara at the base of the spine through the most significant Nadis or Body tissues viz. Ida-Pingala-Sushumna besides of course the other relevant nadis as the Sushumna Nadi extending from Mooladhara chakra between the anus and genital right upto the Brahma Randhra on the top middle point of Head through the other chakras viz.Swadhishtana below the navel symbolising Reasoning- Manipura chakra at the navel point / Solar plexus signifying will power-Anahata Chakra near the heart standing for recognition or sense of awareness-Vishuddhi Chakra at the neckpoint or throat signifying celestial Love above human bonds-Agnya chakra between eye brows signifying celestial Vision-and finally Sahasraara Chakra or State of Bliss or the Sukha Mandala. In other words the Cosmic Energy in the Kundalini needs to traverse in the Yogic Path from Mooladhara through the various Nadis especially the Ida-Pingala-Sushumna through the other Chakras of Swadhishtana-Manipura-Anahata-Vishuddha-Agjnya-Sahasraara upto Brahma Randhra];
Manipura nivasini or Devi exists in Manipura Chakra or Sacral plexus; Mrigakshi or Devi Gayatri’s eyes surpass in their sparkle far superior to those of the liquid eyes of a deer; Mahishaaroodha or Devi like Lord Yama Dharma Raja is carried by a buffalo; Mahishasura Mardini or Devi Gayatri assumes the Swarupa of Durga in annihilating the notorious Mahishasura; Yogaasana or Devi is comfortably seated in Yogaasana with crossed legs and thighs there on; Yoga gamya or She aims at the acccomplish-ment of Yoga; *Yoga or She is what Yoga is all about-[*Yoga sadhana is the Practice of physical exercises and alignment of the body limbs and the inner consciousess deriving not only physical fitness by way of memory power, health, longevity and various direct benefits of good sight and hearing, good digestion, correctives of deficiencies of limbs like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight control, epilepsy etc, by harnessing the Karmendriyas and Jnaanindriyas but also by pursuing the path of Realising the Supreme. The most significant Yoga is that of ASHTANGA YOGA is not only a Physical Exercise but a Spititual Experience and Discipline comprising Yama-Niyama-Asana-Prana yama-Pratyahara- Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi: Yama comprises Ahimsa or Non-Violence, Satya or Truthfulness, Asteya or non stealing, Brahmacharya or celibacy, and Aparigraha or non- greediness; Niyama comprising Shoucha or Purity, Santosha or Contentment, Tapas or austerity, Swadhyaya or Self Teaching or Inrtrospection and Ishwara Pranidhana or inquisitiveness of Divinity; Yogasana or the sitting posture of a yogi which serves five purposes viz. normal activity of limbs, exercise of limbs, mental energy, intellectual enhancement and Spiritual Awareness- there could be many postures of Asanas while standing, forward bending, supine or prostrate, inverted, abdomnal or lumbar, twisting, back beding, balancing and on on but the Padmasana is the most popular for Ashtanga yoga; Pranayama or control of breathing- the methods being Sahita Kumbhaka or retention techniques for physical and mental soundness, Surya bhedi Pranayama or inhalation (Puraka) through right nostril and exalation (Rechaka) through the right nostril for good digestion and removing impurities of body and mind, Ujjayi Pranayama or travel of breathing between nose and heart to control cough and cold besides removal of impurities, Bhramari or concentrated and fixed pattern of breathing to improve concentration and will power, Murccha Pranayama is an extreme form of breath retention which only yogis could perform as it would be a near unconsious state and finally Kewali Pranayama is temporary stoppage of breath; Pratyahara is extraction and suppression of senses from karmendriyas and Jnanendriyas; Dharana or retention of that stage for long durations; Dhyana or immersion of the Self in deep meditation and Samadhi or the climactic stage of trance];
Youvanaashraya or She is always surrounded by the youthful; Youvani or She is the essence of youth; Yuddha madhyastha or She is right in the centre stage of battles against the forces of vice and the evil; Yamuna or She is of the Sacred form of River Yamuna; Yuga dharini or She sustains the cycle of Yugas; Yakshini or She is of the Yakshini Swarupa or Devi represents the benevolent Supernatural Powers headed by Lord Kubera who also controls the malevolent Yakshas; Yogayuktaa or She is with and around the Yoga Practioners; Yaksharaja prasutini or She is the Mother of Kubera the King of Yaksha-Yakshinis; Yatra or She is the traveller to all Punya Tirthas and Kshetras to which all the devotees are lined up to and grants their wishes; Yana vidhaanagjna or She is a unique exponent and expert of the Science of Flying and aeroplanes; Yaduvamsha samudbhava or She is of the lineage of King Yadu and his clan to which Bhagavan Shri Krishna was born into; Yakaraadi Kshakaaraanta or She is the Alphabets which the total Vidya or knowledge is drawn from; Yaajushi or She is the manifestation of Yajurveda; Yagjna rupini or Devi Gayatri is the Swarupa of Yagjnas; Yam ini or She is the Profile of Nights and Darkness too besides being the Fund of Splendour and Brightness; Yoga nirata or She is the high Practitioner of Yoga; Yatudhana bhayankari or She is the One who frightens Rakshasas to their core; Rukmini-Ramani-Raama-Revati-Renuka-Sati or Deva Gayatri is at once of the manifestations of Rukmini the Prime Spouse of Lord Krishna, Ramani or the provider of happiness, Raama or the giver of bliss to yogis, Revati the wife of Bala Rama, Renuka or the Mother of Parashurama and Rati the beloved of Manmatha; Roudri or She is the female counterpart of Bhagavan Rudra; Roudrapriyakara or She likes to assume the Form of Rudra Deva; Ram Maata or Devi as Koushalya; Ratipriya or She is like Rati Devi the spouse of Manmatha; Rohini or She is like Rohini Devi the mother of Balarama known as Samkarshana as his virility was transferred from the womb of Devaki Devi to that of Rohini; Reva or Devi is like the the Sacred River Reva; Rama or Gayatri is of Devi Lakshmi Swarupa; Rajivalochana or She has the charming eyes of a Lotus; Rakeshi or She retains Chandra on her forehead; Rupa sampanna or She is the embodiment of beauty and grace; Ratna simhasana sthita or She is comfortably seated on a Golden Throne studded with precious gems; Rakta maalyaambara dhara or She is adorned with blood red garlands and clothes; Raktagandha -anulepana or She is attractively smeared with red paste of sandalwood all over her body; Raja hamsa samaarudha or She is being carried nicely on a Swan King with opulent luxury; Rabha or Devi is like Rambha the Celestial Damsel of Glory; Raktabalipriya or Devi Gayatri is thrilled with the flows of Sacrifical blood of fallen demons on battle grounds; Ramaniya yugaadhaaa or She is the hold and hinge of Yuga Chakras or Cycles; Ranjitaakhila bhutala or She is the grandeur and dignity of the entire Bhu Loka; Rurucharma paridhana or She wears the skin of the Golden Deer; Rathini or the Rider of a Magnificent of Chariot; Ratnamaalika or She wears exquisite garlands of precious gems; Rogeshi or the Principal Deity of those who suffer from ailments so that they are instantly cured; Roga shamani or She is the High Therapist and Physician; Raavini or Devi is like a roaring and frightful lioness to the wicked; Romaharshini or She is such that even by her very thought her admirers and devotees are enraptured; Ramachandra padaakranta or She merely follows the foot steps of Shri Rama the human incarnation of Vishnu; Ravanaccheda kaarini or Devi is like Sita who indeed was the root cause of the annihilation of Ravanasura; Ratnavastra paricchinna or She is splendidly dressed up in the robes decorated with precious gems; Rathastha or She travels seated admirably in a celestial chariot; Rukma bhushana or She is festooned with grand golden ornaments; Lajjadhi Devata or She is the Goddess of Modesty and Humility; Lola or of wobbly and attraactively featured capriciousness typical of a youthful maiden; Lalitha or Tripura Sundari the quitessence of sweetness, softness, beauty and grace; Linga dharini or Gayatri wears the Outstanding Emblem of Bhagavan Shiva in Linga Swarupa; Lakshmi or She is the emblem of Goddess of Maha Lakshmi in several auspicious images of abundance of Dhana-Dhanya-Vidya-Santana- Keerti-Veera-Vijaya-Gaja-Aishwarya- Soubhagya-Rajya-Vara Lakshmis; Luptavisha or the Great Absorber and antiseptic form of Poisons; Lokini or the Virat Swarupini of Trilokas; Lokavishruta or of Univerasally Glorious Goddess of Supremacy; Lajja or Devi the Symbol of Modesty; Lambodari or the One with Ginantic Belly to cover up Tri Lokas; Lalana or the empowerment of womanhood and the Shakti Swarupa Maya; Lokadharini or the One who holds and sustains the Lokas; Varada or the boon bestower; Vandita or the Saluted and worshipped; Vidya or Saraswati; Vaishnavi or the Shakti of Vishnu Bhagavan and the Ashta Matrika Swarupini; Vimalaakriti or the Profile of Purity; Vaarahi or the Matrika Shakti the Consort of Varaha Deva or Bhu Devata; Viraja or Devi Viraja the Homa Rupini as also the Viraja Nadi; Varsha or Samvatsara Rupini or the Form of Showers; Varalakshmi or Devi Lakshmi the Fulfiller of Desires; Vilasini or She who grants Mental Contentment; Vinata or Devi of the Form Vinata the Mother of Garuda the carrier of Vishnu and Aruna the charioteer of Surya besides the entire population of the aviation species ; Vyoma madhyastha or Devi Gayatri is situated in the center of Akasha or the Sky; Varijasana samsthita or Devi is seated on the High Seat of Lotus; Vaaruni or Devi Gayatri is of the Vaaruni Shakti the Goddess of Rains; Venu sambhuta or She is displayed from Venu or Flute the musical favourite of Lord Krishna; Veetihotra or Gayatri is a significant expression of Homa Karyas; Virupini or She is a distinct form of Appearance; Vayu mandala madhyasthaa or She is situated in the mid region of the Zone of Air; Vishnu Rupa or She is of the profile of Vishnu; Vidhi Priya or the beloved of Brahma the Creator and Destiny Maker of all the Beings; Vishnu Patni or the alternate Swarupa of Lakshmi Devi; Vishalaakshi or the Broad Visioned Devi Parvatil; Vasundhara or Bhu Devi;
*Vamadeva Priya or the beloved of Vama Deva viz. Devi Parvati-[As Mahadideva split into Parama Shiva and Para Shakti, Parama Shiva assumed ‘Pancha Mukhas’ or Five Faces viz. Sadyojata the West Faced propagating Parama Shiva Shakti associated with Brahma signifying Earth; Vamadeva the north facing sustaining the aspect of Parama Shiva associated with Vishnu signifying Water; Aghora the South faced assumed the destructive aspect of Parama Shiva associated with Rudra signifying Agni or Fire; Tatpurusha facing East representing Rishis and Yogis signifying Vayu or Air; Ishana facing Ishanya or North East sustaining the aspect Parama Shiva sustaining his form of Universal Existence representing Ether and signifying the Concealed Meaning of Parama Shiva; Vama Deva Swarupa’s Ekadasha Rudras are Ajayapada, Ahirbudhnya, Virupaksha, Raivata, Hara, Bahurupa, Trayambika, Savita, Pinaki and Aparajita];
Vela or Devi Gayatri is the Administrator of Kala Maana or the Cycle of Time; Vajrini or Gayatri in the form of a Vajraayudha the destructive weapon first ulilised by Indra to destroy Vritraasura materialised by the back bone of Maharshi Dadhichi; Vasudohini or Gayatri as Vasudevi / Bhudevi bestows considerable wealth by way of Food Grains and other material; Vedakshara paritangi or each and every body part of Gayatri is consummate with Vedaaksharas or innumerable Letters of Vedas; Vajapeya phalaprada or worship to Gayatri excels the returns of executing Vajapeya Yagjna; Vasavi or Indrani; Vamajanani or the Mother of Vama Maharshi; Vaikuntha nilaya or Gayatri as of Lakshmi resides in Vaikuntha; Vara or One glorious Forn of Ashta Lakshmis as Vara Lakshmi; Vyasa Priya or Devi Gayatri is companion of Veda Vyasa; Var ma dhara or She wears a body shield and armoury as She appears in battle fields; Valmiki parisevita or She was worshipped by Valmiki Rishi the Illustrious Scripter of the ever reputed epic of ‘Ramayana’; Shakambhari or Shakti Swarupini the benefactor of agriculturl produce of foodgrains, fruits, Vegetables, and flowers; Shiva or the Supreme manifestation of auspiciousness and contentment; Shanta or the Flagship of Tranquility; Sharada or the Vidya-Jnana swarupini Saraswati; Sharanaagati or the Last Refuge of Security and Assurance; Shatodari or the effulgent bellied; Shubhaacharya the One with high descipined form of propiciosness; Shumbhasura Mardini or the annihilator of Shumbha and Nishumbha brothers; Shobhavati or Devi Gayatri is the personification of Magnificence and Splendour; Shivakara or the everlasting bestower of auspicouus- ness; Shankaraartha Swaripini or Arthanaarishwari Devi; Shona or the One with the features of blood red profile; Shubhaashaya or the Unique Deposit of Propitiousness; Shubhra or the Emblem of Cleanliness; Shira sandhanakarini or She aims right at the heads of the Danavas and other Evil Forces; Sharavati or the celebrated Saviour with the flows of speedy arrows; Sharananda or She secures immense pleasure in releasing arrows and smashing enemies; *Sharadjjyotsnaa or Devi Gayatri is lustrous like the Full Moon of Sharad / Autumn Season commencing from Aswiyuja to Kartika Months; Shubha -anana or Gayatri possesses the face and looks surfiet with auspiciouness; Sharabha or She is like a Deer strolling around freely; Shuddha or the Full Profile of Purity; Shulini or Shakti with a deadly spear ready to bounce the Evil;
*Shabari- the Parama Bhakta of Lord Shri Rama-[ * Shabari was the daughter of a hunter who developed aversion of killing hunted animals in forests for food and left her home in search of peace till he reached Matanga Rishi whom she considered as her Spiritual Guru and continued to stay in his Ashram; as the Rishi died eventually She was asked by the Rishi to patiently waited with unwavering devotion for the arrival of Rama whom she met finally and worshipped him in person by offering him fresh fruits but only ensuring that they were sweet enough only after tasting them; Rama was too happy to enjoy the pre-tasted fruits and blessed her to attain Salvation];
Shuka vahana or She moves about with a bright and colourful parrot as her carrier to places; Shrimati or Devi Gayatri the Signage of womanhood with brightness and happiness; Shridharaananda or She is the provider of joy to Bhagavan Vishnu; Shravanaanada daayani or She confers extreme pleasure of hearing about her grandeur and sublimity as also her Sacred deeds; Sharvani or Bhaganan Shiva’s Prakriti Shakti ie. Devi Parvati; Sharvari Vandya or She is venerated at the Pradosha Kaala of the evenings or thereafter;
*Shadbhaasha or Gayatri is acclaimed as Shad Bhasha Swarupini- or Six Vedangas viz. Siksha and Sangeeta, Kalpa Grandha, Vyakarana, Nirukta Varnana, Chhandas Shastra, and Jyotisha- another explanation is that She is an expert of Sanskrit, Praakriti, Magadhi, Paishachi, Souraseni and Apabhramsha;
*Shad Ritupriya or She is fond of and active during all the Six Seasons-[The Rithus are Vasanta or Spring Season viz. Chaitra and Vaishakha or mid February to mid April; Greeshma or Summer or Jyeshtha-Ashadha ie.last April to last June; Varsha or Monsoon during Shravana and Bhadrapada approx end July-end August; Sharad or Autumn viz. Ashwiyuja and Kartika ie end August to end October approx.; Hemanta or Pre Winter during Margaseersha to Pushya approximating last week October to last week of December; and Sishira or Winter viz. Magha and Phalguna ie last week of Dec to mid February approx.]
*Shadaadhaara Sthita Devi or based on Moolaadhara, Gayatri is hinged on Shat chakraas or Six Wheels viz. Swadhshtana-Manipura-Anahata-Vishuddha-Aagjna-Sahasrara Chakras; *Shanmukha Priya karini or Devi Gayatri has immense liking for Lord Subrahmanya the Six Headed destroyer of Tarakasura-[* His six heads and faces are stated to reprsent Six Chakras mentioned above- The Six Countenances also represent Six Attributes of Maha Deva viz. Jnaana or Knowledge, Vairagya or detachment, Bala / Might, Kirti or highly esteemed Fame and Glory, Sree or wealth and Aishwarya or Magnificence-the Six faces also represent Pancha Karmendriya and Jnanendriys plus Buddhi. Incidentally, the names of His consorts are Valli and Daivayani; He married Valli the Gandharva way -without the consent on both sides that is Shiva- Parvati and her foster daughter of a Hunter King- since he desired her but having tested with her qualities again and again. Daivayani is the daughter of Indra as the latter gifted her in gratitude since Shanmukha destroyed Tarakasura];
Shadangarupa sumati or the Six Countenanced and Nobility incarnate Kumara worships Devi Gayatri; Suraasura Namaskrita or Devi Gayatri is venerated by Deva-Danavas too; Saraswati or Gayatri is another Rupa of Vagdevi; Sadaadhara or She is the fulcrum point of all Beings always; Sarva Mangala karini or She is the benefactor to one and all; Saamagana Priya or She is particularly pleased with the rendering of Saama Veda; Sukshma or Devi is so minute in her appearance that one’s sensory organs including Mind fail to realise her; Savitri or Gayatri is renowned as Bhagavati Savitri too; Saama sambhava or Gayatri is stated to emerge from Sama Veda; Sarvaavasa or She exists in all Beings in Srishti; Sarvaananda or Devi is so splendid that She is placid and warm to everybody; Sustani or Her figure is well curved and excellently shaped; Sagarambara or She has the appearance of Oceans but supports the Sky as well; Sarvaishwarya priya or She loves being the deposits of all kinds of fortunes and abundances; Siddhih or She is the manifestation of all Siddhis or Accoplishments like for instance the Ashta Siddhis like Anima-Garima-Laghima-Prapti-Prakamya-Mahima-Ishitwa-Vashitwa, as explained above; Sadhu bandhu parakrama or She displays her heriosm for the sake of the Virtuous and Noble;
*Saptarshi Mandalagataa or Devi Gayatri some times soujorns in the Sapta Rishi Mandala which is above Bhur-Bhuvar-Swar Lokas-Antariksha-Surya Mandala-Chandra Mandala-Shukra-Budha-Mangala-Guru-Shani Mandala where the well wishers of the Lokas beneath reside as the Sapta Rishis viz. Marichi, Angirasa, Atri, Pulasthya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vashishtha; [ The Saptas Rishis are subject to revision by Yugas];
Soma Mandala Vaasini or some time Devi resides in Soma Mandala as per her choice and convenience too; Sarvagjna or She is Omni-Scient; Sandra Kuruna or Gayatri is replete with Unreserved Compassion; Samanaadhika varjita or She is fully non-discriminatory; Sarvottunga or She is the common occupant of all the species; Sanagaheena or She has no special interest in any except among her keen followers; Sadguna or She is the Signage of all Noble features and qualities ; Sakaleshtada or She is ready to fulfill all the desires of anybody; Saradha or she is ommipresent including honey bees and flies; Sutya tanaya or She is of the Swaupa of Yamuna Devi the daughter of Surya Deva; Sukeshi or She is possessive of gorgeous hair style; Soma samhati or She has of the unique brigthness of several Moons; Hiranya varna or Devi’s physical complexion is golden; Harini or is distinct with the yellowish colour of a golden deer; Hreemkari or Gayatri is of the Beeja Swarupa called ‘Hreem’-‘H’ is stated to represent Maha Deva and ‘R’ for Para Shakti ; Hamsa Vahini or an illustrious Swan is Devi’s Carrier; Kshouma Vastra Pareetaangi or Devi Gayatri is magnificent in the apparel of bright silks; Ksheerabdhi Tanaya or Devi Gayatri like Shri Lakshmi is famed as the daughter of considerable eminence; Kshama or Devi Gayatri is the embodiment of Forgiveness and Tolerance; Shri Gayatri chaiva Savitri Parvaticha Saraswati or Shri Gayatri is also the same manifestaton of Savitri, Parvati and Saraswati; Veda Garbha Varaaroha Shri Gayatri Parambika: Devi Gayatri is celebrated all over the Universe as the Veda Garbha or the very Originator of One Veda which was further divisioned and edited subsequently into four Vedas as Rik-Yajus-Saama- Atharvarvana branches; Vararoha or the Outstanding Bestower of Boons; Shri Gayatri or Maha Devi Gayatri; Paraambika or the Supreme Maha Shakti Mother!)
Phala shruti
Iti Saahasrakam naamnaam Gayatryaschaiva Narada, Punyadam Sarva Paapaghnam Maha Sammpatti daayayakam/ Evam naamnaani Gayatryaa sthotoshotpatti kaarinih, Ashtamyaamcha Visheshena Pattitavyam Dwijjai saha/ Japam krutwaa Homa Pujaa Dhyanam kritwaa visheshtah, Yasmai kasmai na daatavyam Gayatraastu visheshitah/ Subhaktaaya Susishyaaya Vaktavyam Bhusuraaya vai,Bhrashtebhyah Saadhakebhyascha Bandvebhyo na darshayet/ Yadgruhai likhitam Shastram Bhayam tasya na kasyachit, Chanchalaapi Sthira bhutwaa Kamalaa tatra tishthati/ Idam rahasyam paramam Guhyaad Guhyaataram Mahat,Punyapradam Manushanaam Daridranaam Nidhi pradam/ Mokshapradam Mumukshaanaam Kaaminaam Sarva Kaamadam, Rogaadvyai muchyatey Rogi Baddhow muchyet bandhanaat/ Brahma hatyaa suraapana suvarnasteyino Naraa, Gurutalpa gato vaapi vaapi Paatakaan muchyatey sakrit/ Asatpreetagrahaaschaivaabhakshaad viseshitah, Paakhandaanruta Mukhyebhyah pathanaadeva muchyatey/ Idam rahasyamamalam mayoktam Padmajodbhava,Brahma Saayujjyadam Nrinaam Satyam na Samshyah/
( Narada! This Sahasra naama of Bhagavati Gayatri is very significant, provider of Maha Punya, reliever of all the sins committed and abundant prosperity. This is the best way of making Gayatri happy especially if it is sincerely read and heard in the company of Brahmanas on Ashtami Tithis. If this deed is accompanied by Japa- Homa-Puja-and Dhyana the effort secures manifold benefits. However there should be a word of precaution that Gayatri Sahasra Naama should not be instructed in a formal manner to a non deserving person but required to be taught to ideal devotees and sincere Brahmanaas, let alone even close relatives who are not committed. Indeed there needs to be no publicity about it as it might be counter productive. Those who practise the rendition and interpretation of the Sahasra Naama suffer no fear and apprehension; a wavering Lakshmi would settle down in their homes for good; human beings would turn out to be highly virtuous and those from abject poverty would gradually become prosperous; Yogis and Seekers would traverse on the Path of Salvation with firm foot steps; persons steeped in illnesses would recover rapidly and those in imprisonment would insantly released. Even thos who might have committed the proverbial Pancha Maha Patakas or Five inexcusable sins [viz. Brahma Hatya, Sura Paana or Intoxication, Suvarna Chourya or thieving especially of gold, Guru Patni Gamana or adultery especially with the wife of Guru and keeping company or abetting of any of these vices] could be rescinded by the reading, hearing and absorbing the meaning of Gayatri Sahasra Naama. Acceptance of disqualified offerings as renumerations, consumption of forbidden eats and drinks, indulgence in untruth and ingratitude, waywardly and errant behavior verging on impropriety and anti-socialism could be quashed too by the recourse of Devi Gayatri Sahasra Naama!
Muktaavidruma Hema Nila Dhavalacchaayairmukhairtryakshanaih, Yuktaamindu nibaddha Ratna Makutaam Tatwaartha Varnatmikaam/ Gayatrim Varadaamayaankushankushaah Shubhram Kapaalam Gunam, Shankham Chakramathaaravindu yugalam hastairvahahanteem bhajey!
(May we sincerely meditate and worship Devi Gayatri with Five Faces of the complexions of Pearls,Corals, Golden Yellow, Blue Nila and Milky White; She is Three Eyed representing Tri Lokas-Trigunas and Three Actions of Srishti-Sthithi-Samhara; She is ornamented with a gem-studded headgear with a Symbol of Half Moon; She is possessive of Eight Arms adorned with Varadaabhaya Mudra or a Protective Hand Sign, Ankusha or Goad; Gada or Mace, Shankha or Conch Shell, Chakra or the Mighty Disc, Kapaala Gunam or a Skull and two Lotus Flowers each signifyinng Suhbhrata or Purity and Vidya or Knowledge and Wisdom).