

Essence Of
Bhavishya Purana


13    ‘Vyoma’ the ‘Ayudha’ of Surya and its ‘Lakshanas’ (Features)
Surya Deva’s ‘Ayudha’ (Weapon) is ‘Vyoma’ with Four Shringas or Horns, like Varuna’s ‘Paasha’, Bramha’s ‘Hunkaar’ sound, Vishnu’s Chakra, Triambika’s Trishula, and Indra’s Vajra. Within Vyoma are situated Eleven Rudras, Twelve Adityas, Ten Vishwa Devas, Eight Vasuganas and Two Ashwini Kumars.The Rudras are Hara, Sharva, Triambika, Vrishhakapi, Shambhu, Kapardi, Raivata, Aparaajita, Eshwar, Ahibrudhna and Bhuva; the Vasus are Dhruva, Dhara, Soma, Anila, Anala, Apu, Pratyusha and Prabhasa; Kratu, Daksha, Vasu, Sathya, Kaal, Kaam, Dhruti, Kuru, Shankumaatra and Vamana are the Vishvadevas; and Ashwinikumars are Naasatya and Dasna. Also Vyoma includes Saadhya, Tushita, Marut and other Devatas; Swayambhu, Swaarochisha, Uttama, Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusa and the current Manu Vaivaswata (the future Manus being Arkasaawarni, Brahmasaavarni, Rudrasaavarni, Dharmasaavarni, Dakshasaavarni, Roucha and Bhoutya); Indras of the corresponding Manvantaras, viz. Vishnubhuk, Vidyuti, Vibhu, Prabhu, Shikhi, Manojava and Ojaswi (the future ndras being Bali, Adbhut, Tridiva, Susaatvika, Kirti, Shatadhaama and Divaspati); Saptarshis viz. Kashyapa, Atri, Vasishtha, Bharadwaja, Gautama, Vishwamitra and Jamadagni; Seven Marutganas viz. Pravaha, Aavaha, Udyuha, Samvaha, Vivaha, Nivaha and Parivaha along with seven each sub-Ganas; ThreeAgnis viz.Suryagni named Shuchi, Vaidyut Agni called Paavaka, and Arani which is produced by ‘Manthana’ or churning called Pavamaana; Progeny of thirty nine Agnis; Brahma Putras viz. Samvatsara, Parivatsara, Indratsara, Anvatsara and Vatsara; Three Pitras viz. Souma, Bahirshad and Agnishvatta; Nava Grahas of Surya, Soma, Bhauma, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu; fathers of the Grahas excepting Bhauma whose originator being Bhu Devi) respectively being Kashyapa, Dharma, Chandra, Prajapati Bhrigu( father of Guru and Shukra), Surya, Simhika and Brahma.
Sapta Lokas are Bhu, Bhuvah, Swar, Mahar, Jana, Tapas and Brahma; the Ruling Deity of Bhu loka is Agni; that of Bhuvarloka where Marudganas stay the Deity is Vayu; Swarlok is the Place of stay for Rudra, Ashwini kumars, Aditya, Vasuganas and Devaganas and the Chief is Surya; in Maharlok Prajapatis are the Ruling Deities; the fifth is Janaloka where the residents are the donors of Bhumi; the Tapolok is the residing Place of Ribhu, Sanatkumar and Rishis like Vairaj; the Seventh is Satya loka where those who are rid of the cycle of birth and death and attained ‘Mukti’ and the Ruler is Brahma Himself. Deva, Danava, Gandharva, Yaksha, Bhuta and Vidyadharas are all the residents of Vyoma too. So are Maruts, Pitars, Agni and Grahas; that is the reason why, human beings must practise the worship of Vyoma. The names of Vyoma are Akash, Kha, Dik, Antariksha, Nabha, Ambara, Pushkar, Gagan, Meru, Vipul, Bila, Aapochhidra, Shunya, Tamas and Rodasi. There are Seven Samudras of Lavan (Salt), Ksheer (Milk-Sugar mix with cooked rice), Dadhi (Curd), Ghrita (Ghee), Madhu (Honey), Ikshu (Sugar cane juice) and Suswad (Sweet water). Six rain bearing Great Mountains are Himavan, Hemakut, Nishadh, Neel, Sweta and Shringvan, while the Central Mountain is called Maharajat. Mahendri, Agneyi, Yamya, Nairuti, Vaaruni, Vaayavi, Soumya and Ishaani are the Deva Nagars atop these Mountains. Above Prithvi is Lokalok Mountain and beyond it is Andakapaal; much beyond are stated to be the Places of Agni, Vayu, Sky etc. Far above are expected to be Bhagavan Surya. Underneath Earth are the under-Sea Lokas of Tala, Sutala, Patala, Talaatala, Atala, Vitala and Rasatala. Kanchana Meru Mountain is spread out in the Center of Earth at a height of eighty four thousand yojanas or approx. one hundred sixteen thousand km (@fifteen km per yojana). Meru has four ‘Shringas’or towers named ‘Soumanasa’ made of Gold, ‘Jyotisha’ made of ‘Padmaraaga’, ‘Chitra’ made of ‘Sarvadhatu’ (All-metal) and ‘Chandroujask’ made of Silver. Surya Deva rises from the Soumanasa Shringa at Uttarayana and sets at Dakshinayana at Jyotishka Shringa. The Place in between the two Shringas is known as Vyoma where Surya Deva resides.

Prev:Surya’s Dwadasha Murtis and his Moderated Form (Stuti by Devas included)

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