श्रीललिता चतुःषष्ट्युपचारसंग्रहः
ॐ हृन्मध्यनिलये देवि ललिते परदेवते ।
चतुष्षष्ट्युपचारांस्ते भक्त्या मातः समर्पये ॥ १॥
कामेशोत्सङ्गनिलये पाद्यं गृह्णीष्व सादरम् ।
भूषणानि समुत्तार्य गन्धतैलं च तेऽर्पये ॥ २॥
O Devi Lalita, Supreme Devata, your abode is in the middle of our hearts. Mother, I offer with devotion the 64 ceremonial services to you. (1)
Devi, seated on the lap of Sri Kameswara, please accept gracefully the water for washing feet. I shall offer fragrant oil after removing the ornaments. (2)
स्नानशालां प्रविश्याऽथ तत्रस्थ मणिपीठके ।
उपविश्य सुखेन त्वं देहोद्वर्तनमाचर ॥ ३॥
उष्णोदकेन ललिते स्नापयाम्यथ भक्तितः ।
अभिषिञ्चामि पश्चात्त्वां सौवर्णकलशोदकैः ॥ ४॥
Devi, please enter the snana shala, be seated comfortably on the gem studded seat there, and apply fragrant unguents on the body. (3)
Lalita, I shall bathe you in hot water with devotion and then pour on you the waters from golden pitchers. (4)
धौतवस्त्रप्रोच्छनं चारक्तक्षौमाम्बरं तथा ।
कुचोत्तरीयमरुणमर्पयामि महेश्वरि ॥ ५॥
ततः प्रविश्य चालेपमण्टपं परमेश्वरि ।
उपविश्य च सौवर्णपीठे गन्धान्विलेपय ॥ ६॥
Supreme Iswari, I offer removal of the white dress and covering with red silk and red colored upper dress. (5)
Parameswari, please then enter the anointing room, and, seated on the golden couch, apply sandalpaste and other unguents. (6)
कालगरुजधूपैश्च धूपये केशपाशकम् ।
अर्पयामि च माल्यादि सर्वर्तुकुसुमस्रजः ॥ ७॥
भूषामण्टपमाविश्य स्थित्वा सौवर्णपीठके ।
माणिक्यमुकुटं मूर्ध्नि दयया स्थापयाम्बिके ॥ ८॥
I shall offer incense of Agaru to your lock of hairs. I shall then offer garlands strung with flowers of all seasons. (7)
Ambike, please now enter the ornamentation hall, be seated on the golden couch and compassionately wear the crown studded with rubies on your head. (8)
शरत्पार्वणचन्द्रस्य शकलं तत्र शोभताम् ।
सिन्दूरेण च सीमन्तमलङ्कुरु दयानिधे ॥ ९॥
भाले च तिलकं न्यस्य नेत्रयोरञ्जनं शिवे ।
वालीयुगळमप्यम्ब भक्त्या ते विनिवेदये ॥ १०॥
Let your head shine with the crescent moon of the autumn season. O Ocean of compassion, decorate your parting of hair with vermilion. (9)
O Auspicious Devi, apply auspicious mark (tilaka) on your forehead and collyrium on the eyes. Mother, I also offer with devotion the pair of ear ornaments. (10)
मणिकुण्डलमप्यम्ब नासाभरणमेव च ।
ताटङ्कयुगळं देवि यावकञ्चाधरेऽर्पये ॥ ११॥
आद्यभूषणसौवर्णचिन्ताकपदकानि च ।
महापदकमुक्तावल्येकावल्यादिभूषणम् ॥ १२॥
Mother, I offer the gem studded ear hangings and nosestuds; also the twin earstuds and the red lac on the lips. (11)
Also the initial ornaments, the pendants (padakas) of gold and Chintamani hanging on the neck, pearl necklace with a large pendant and single string of pearls etc. (12)
छन्नवीरं गृहाणाम्ब केयूरयुगलं तथा ।
वलयावलिमङ्गुल्याभरणं ललिताम्बिके ॥ १३॥
ओड्याणमथ कट्यन्ते कटिसूत्रञ्च सुन्दरि ।
सौभाग्याभरणं पादकटकं नूपुरद्वयम् ॥ १४॥
Mother, accept Channavira (pendant hung from neck) and the pair of armlets. Mother Lalita, also accept rows of bangles and finger rings. (13)
O beautiful Devi, wear waistband and girdle on the waist. Also ornaments of auspiciousness including foot-bracelets and pair of anklets. (14)
अर्पयामि जगन्मातः पादयोश्चाङ्गुलीयकम् ।
पाशं वामोर्ध्वहस्ते ते दक्षहस्ते तथाङ्कुशम् ॥ १५॥
अन्यस्मिन्वामहस्ते च तथा पुंड्रेक्षुचापकम् ।
पुष्पबाणांश्च दक्षाधः पाणौ धारय सुन्दरि ॥ १६॥
O Mother of the worlds, I offer rings for the feet, the noose for the upper left hand, the goad for the right hand.(15)
O beautiful Devi, please wear bow of red sugarcane in the other left hand and the flower-arrows in the lower right hand. (16)
अर्पयामि च माणिक्यपादुके पादयोः शिवे ।
आरोहावृतिदेवीभिः चक्रं परशिवे मुदा ॥ १७॥
समानवेषभूषाभिः साकं त्रिपुरसुन्दरि ।
O Auspicious Devi, I offer ruby studded footwear at your feet. O Supreme Auspicious Devi, please mount happily the Srichakra along with Avarana Devatas, who are dressed and decorated same as you, O Tripurasundari. (17)
तत्र कामेशवामाङ्कपर्यङ्कोपनिवेशिनीम् ॥ १८॥
अमृतासवपानेन मुदितां त्वां सदा भजे ।
शुद्धेन गाङ्गतोयेन पुनराचमनं कुरु ॥ १९॥
There (in Srichakra) I always worship you, seated on Kameswara as the couch and also on Kameswara's left side, and cheerful after drinking nectar of flower.
Now please sip pure Ganga water again. (18-19)
कर्पूरवीटिकामास्ये ततोऽम्ब विनिवेशय ।
आनन्दोल्लासहासेन विलसन्मुखपङ्कजाम् ॥ २०॥
भक्तिमत्कल्पलतिकां कृतीस्यां त्वां स्मरन् तदा ।
मङ्गलारार्तिकं छत्रं चामरं दर्पणं तथा ।
ताळवृंतं गन्धपुष्पधूपदीपांश्च तेऽर्पये ॥ २१॥
Mother, then put in your mouth aromatic betel leaf with arecanut.
Meditating on your lotus face bubbling with gentle and cheerful smile and you as Kalpaka creeper towards devotees, I offer auspicious Aarti (waving of lamp), parasol, chowries, mirror, palm leaf fan, fragrant flowers, incense and lighted lamps. 20-21)
श्रीकामेश्वरि तप्तहाटककृतैः स्थालीसहस्रैर्भृतम् दिव्यान्नं घृतसूपशाकभरितं चित्रान्नभेदैर्युतम् ।
दुग्धान्नं मधुशर्करादधियुतं माणिक्यपात्रार्पितम् माषापूपकपूरिकादिसहितं नैवेद्यमम्बाऽर्पये ॥ २२॥
Sri Kameswari, Mother, I offer divine food brought in thousands of golden vessels, full of ghee, soup and vegetables with various types of mixed rice, and milk rice with honey and sugar (payasam)and curd rice in ruby studded vessels, accompanied by Mashapupakas (vadas) and puris. (22)
साग्रविंशतिपद्योक्तचतुष्षष्ट्युपचारतः ।
हृन्मध्यनिलया माता ललिता परितुष्यतु ॥ २३॥
श्रीमुखाख्यस्य वर्षस्य तुलायां शुक्लपक्षके ।
चतुर्थ्यामपराह्णे च ललितार्पितमानसः ॥ २४॥
May Mother Lalita, seated in the centre of my heart, be happy with the sixty-four offerings covered in these slokas numbering over twenty. (23)
Created in Srimukha year, Tula month, Shukka Paksha, Chaturthi, in the afternoon, by mind dedicated to Lalita. (24)
साग्रविंशतिपद्यैस्तु चतुष्षष्ट्युपचारकान् ।
समग्रहीत्पराम्बायाः प्रीत्यै नारायणो मुदा ॥ २५॥
नारायणः श्रीपुरुषोत्तमात्मजोऽलिखन्महीषूरपुरे वसन्कृती ।
देवीसपर्यामखिलाभिलाषदां कामेशवामाङ्कगता प्रसीदतु ॥
॥ इति शिवम् ॥
Narayana (Shastri) put together these verses numbering over twenty, conveying sixty-four offerings for the love of the Supreme Mother. (25)
This Stotra is composed by Narayana, son of Purushottama, resident of Mahishurpura (Mysuru). May Devi on the left of Kameswara bless this Devi Puja, which bestows fulfilment of all desires.
Translated: P. R. Kannan