श्रीनटेशपञ्चशती - Sri Natesa Panchashati

Sri Natesa Panchashati

ओङ्कारपरमार्थैकभवनाय नमो नमः ।
चिदम्बरसभानन्दनृत्ताङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
विराठृदय पद्मस्थ सभेशाय नमो नमः ।
सच्चिदानन्दसम्पूर्ण चिद्घनाय नमो नमः ।
चिदाकाशपरञ्ज्योतिस्स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । (5)

Prostrations to
The unique abode of the supreme state of Omkara.
One whose dance of bliss is seen in the Sabha of Chidambaram.
Sabhapati, who resides in the heart lotus of Virat Purusha.
The solidified Consciousness full of Sat- Existence, Chit- Consciousness, Ananda- Bliss.
Form of Supreme Light in the Space of Consciousness. (5)

परात्परपरब्रह्ममूर्तये ते नमो नमः ।
अवाङ्मानस चारित्रवैभवाय नमो नमः ।
व्यक्ताव्यक्तपरन्तत्वप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमो नमः ।

समस्तजगदाधाराव्याकृते ते नमो नमः ।
महाकैलास शिखर नित्यस्थाय नमो नमः । १० ।

Prostrations to
The Supreme Brahman, higher than the highest.
The glory of whose sport is beyond the ken of human speech and thought.
One who established the lofty principle of Manifest and Unmanifest.
One who is Unexpounded and who is the foundation of all the universes.
One whose permanent abode is in the peak of the glorious Kailasa mountain. ।10।

पतञ्जलिसुसन्दृष्ट परमाय नमो नमः ।

त्रिचत्वारिंशत्कोणश्रीचक्राङ्गाय नमो नमः ।

सम्मेलनसभायन्त्रमध्यनृत्ताय ते नमः ।
सभानट महाविद्यार्णाकाराय नमो नमः ।

सदानन्दमयीरूपचिन्मयाय नमो नमः । (15)

Prostrations to
The Supreme Being, who gave darshan to Patanjali
Who is in the Srichakra, consisting of 43 triangles
One who dances in the middle of Yantra in the Sabha where all Devas congregate
Nataraja who dances in Chitsabha and whose very form is Supreme Vidya
Who is Sat- Existence, Ananda- Bliss, Chit- Consciousness (15)

सहस्राक्षरसद्विद्यासुपूज्याय नमो नमः ।
भानुकोटि प्रकाशान्त मन्दिराय नमो नमः ।

सहस्रस्तम्भसंयुक्त मण्टपाय नमो नमः ।

स्वशक्त्यादिमहाशक्त्यासनस्थाय नमो नमः ।

शिवकामसुन्दरीश्रीवल्लभाय नमो नमः । २० ।
Prostrations to
One who is worshipped by Sahasrakshara mantra (used in Devi Puja)
Whose abode shines with the brilliance of a crore of Suns
Who shines in Hall having a thousand pillars
Who is seated in Mahashaktis including Svashakti
The splendid beloved of Sivakamasundari (20)

सामीकलत्रभागात्तशरीराय नमो नमः ।

हिमशैलेन्द्रतनयालिङ्गिताय नमो नमः ।

विलसद्दिव्यकर्पूरगौराङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
कन्दर्पायुत सङ्काशलावण्याय नमो नमः ।

बहुनूत्नार्कसदृशविमानाय नमो नमः । (25)

Prostrations to
One who has Moon, the husband of stars, on his form
Who is embraced by the daughter of Himavan
Who shines with divine white camphor-like form
Who has handsomeness of numberless Manmathas
Whose vimana (canopy) shines with the brilliance of many rising Suns. (25)

इन्दिरारमणप्रीत सुन्दराय नमो नमः ।

अखण्डसच्चिदानन्द नादान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सुरत्नखचित स्वर्णकिरीटाय नमो नमः ।
अशेषाण्डस्यूत जटामण्डलाय नमो नमः ।

अनूपमसुलावण्यस्वदेहाय नमो नमः । ३०
Prostrations to
The Handsome One, dear to Vishnu, the lover of Lakshmi
One, who is in the Nada (primeval sound) arising from the unbroken Sat Chit Ananda
Who has the diadem of gold studded with beautiful gems
Whose matted tresses hold all the Brahmandas
Whose form has unparalleled beauty (30)

सदा मुदानन्द सुधार्णमग्नाय नमो नमः ।
परमानन्द चिद्रूपप्रकाशाय नमो नमः ।

इच्छाज्ञानक्रियाशक्ति सन्नुताय नमो नमः ।

तप्तकाञ्चनसङ्काशजटारण्याय ते नमः ।

मणिसुन्दरमन्दारमौलिबद्धाय ते नमः । (35)
Prostrations to
One who is ever immersed in the ocean of nectar of cheer and Bliss
Whose form is brilliant with Supreme Bliss and Knowledge
Who is adored by Iccha, Gnana and Kriya shaktis (powers of will, knowledge and action)
Whose forest of matted tresses shine like molten gold
Who has beautiful gems and Mandara flowers tied in his hair (35)

पिञ्जालङ्कृतहेमाभकपर्दाय नमो नमः ।

वियद्गङ्गाम्बुपूर्णाभमूर्धजाय नमो नमः ।

गङ्गाकल्लोलद्रोणीन्दुमस्तकाय नमो नमः ।

चारुशीतांशुशकलशेखराय नमो नमः ।

त्रिपुण्ड्रविलसत्फालफलकाय नमो नमः । ४०

Prostrations to
One whose matted tresses shine like gold adorned with moon
Whose head shines with fullness of waters of Akashaganga
Whose head has the wavy Ganga and Moon
Whose head is adorned with the beautiful cool-rayed crescent moon
Whose forehead shines with the three horizontal lines of Vibhuti (40)

त्रिपथत्रिदशाकारत्रिनेत्राय नमो नमः ।

दक्षिणाभिमुखाम्भोजविमलाय नमो नमः ।

सोमपावकमार्ताण्ड लोचनाय नमो नमः ।

कर्णपूरोत्पलस्पर्धि स्वीक्षणाय नमो नमः ।
वासुकी तक्षकलसत्कुण्डलाय नमो नमः । (45)
Prostrations to
One with three eyes, representing the three paths (to salvation, viz. Karma, Bhakti and Gnana) and three states (waking, dream and deep sleep)
The Pure One with lotus face towards South
With three eyes of Moon, Agni and Sun
With eyes rivaling in beauty with the lotus ear ornaments
With shining ear rings of serpents Vasuki, Takshaka (45)

तमालश्यामलाकारकर्णिकाय नमो नमः ।
मुख्य भस्माङ्कितस्मेरवदनाय नमो नमः ।

कामकार्मुकसौन्दर्य हसनाय नमो नमः ।

शङ्खवृत्तमृदुस्निग्ध कन्धराय नमो नमः ।

जातीमन्दाररुचिर ग्रैवेयाय नमो नमः । ५०

Prostrations to
One with ear ornaments, black in colour like Tamala tree
With smiling face marked by Vibhuti
With laughter, beautiful as the flower arrows of Manmatha
With neck, round like conch and soft and glossy
With garlands of jasmine and mandara flowers on the neck (50)

अमृताब्धि समुद्भूत श्रीकण्ठाय नमो नमः ।

विधिशीर्षालिसम्बद्ध सुहाराय नमो नमः ।
ज्वलदग्नि लसत्पाणि पल्लवाय नमो नमः ।
कराब्जधृत कालाग्निज्वलनाय नमो नमः ।

मार्गाधर्मप्रवृत्तानां अधः कर्त्रे नमो नमः । (55)

Prostrations to
One with blue throat caused by the poison arising from the ocean of Amrita (nectar)
One who wears a majestic garland of rows of heads of Brahmas
With shoot-like arm shining with flaming Agni
Holding in lotus hand the flaming Kalagni (Fire at the time of Dissolution)
One who pushes down those who follow the path of Adharma (55)

मुक्ति सूचिसव्यवीज हस्ताब्जाय नमो नमः ।
डमड्डमरुवाद्यूर्ध्वदक्षहस्ताय ते नमः ।

सदाऽभयप्रदकरसारसाय नमो नमः ।

विजयश्रीलसद्बाहुमण्डलाय नमो नमः ।

अनेकरत्नसञ्छन्नसुहाराय नमो नमः । ६०
Prostrations to
One with lotus like extended left hand indicating Mukti
With upper right hand holding the beating Damaru
With (right lower) lotus hand showing the gesture of freedom from fear
With arms shining with the splendour of victory
Wearing beautiful necklaces studded with many gems (60)

मौक्तिकस्वर्णरुद्राक्षमालिकाय नमो नमः ।

अम्लानदिव्यकुन्दादिलम्बनाय नमो नमः ।

विद्युन्नागोपवीताभमहोरस्काय ते नमः ।
मृगमातङ्ग हर्यक्षत्वग्धराय नमो नमः ।

व्याघ्रचर्मोत्तरीयांससुन्दराय नमो नमः । (65)
Prostrations to
One with necklace of Rudrakshas studded with hold and pearl
With divine garland of unwithered jasmine and other flowers
With splendid chest shining with yagnopavita of flashing serpents
Wearing the skin of elephant and other animals
With beautiful shoulders holding the tiger skin (65)

ह्रीमादिजप्तमन्त्रात्तसुहृदे ते नमो नमः ।

रत्नकौशेयसंवीत कटिदेशाय ते नमः ।

सौदामिनी सुमच्छायसुवस्त्राय नमो नमः ।

सुवर्णरत्नसिञ्जान श‍ृङ्खलाय नमो नमः ।

प्रालम्बिसुदृढोल्लग्नभूषणाय नमो नमः । ७०
Prostrations to
One who is the well wisher of those who chant mantras like Hrim
With waist adorned with silken robe and gem studded ornaments
Wearing apparel shining like sky with lightning
Wearing golden waistband studded with jingling gems
Wearing ornament hanging down from neck and firmly sitting on the chest (70)

तिलप्रसूनहेमाङ्गाभरणाय नमो नमः ।
तटिल्लसदुरः सूत्रालङ्कृताय नमो नमः । कटीतटलसत्सर्पाशावासाय नमो नमः । सौवर्णकिङ्किणीयुक्त कटिस्थाय नमो नमः । शिञ्जानमणिमञ्जीर कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रे नमो नमः । (75)
Prostrations to
Natesa Wearing til flower golden ornaments
Adorned with Yagnopavita shining like lightning on the chest
Wearing no dress (with only directions as dress) with shining serpent adorning the waist
Wearing waistband with golden jingling bells
With curved foot (Kunchitapada) adorned with anklet with jingling bells (75)

लीलयोद्धृतवामाङ्घ्रिवामनाय नमो नमः । कृपयात्तात्ममायापस्मारस्थाय नमो नमः । अशेषदेवताराध्यपादुकाय नमो नमः ।
धगद्धगित रत्नाच्छपादुकाय नमो नमः । मदमुदितमदनदमनाय नमो नमः । ८०

Prostrations to
Natesa with bent left foot raised sportingly
Who lays his (right) foot compassionately on Apasmara, the very form of his own Maya
With Padukas worshipped by all Devatas without exception
With Padukas shining with beautiful resplendent gems
Who subdued Manmatha who was puffed with pride. (80)

यमुनानुजभवन शमनाय नमो नमः ।
विशेषपादुकाराध्य सिद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । चक्राब्जरेखायुक्ताङ्घ्रि पङ्कजाय नमो नमः । त्रिसाहस्रद्विजेन्द्रार्च्य पदाब्जाय नमो नमः । गारुडोपलगाम्भीर्यपादुकाय नमो नमः । (85)
Prostrations to
Natesa who subdued the pride of Yama, the brother of Yamuna
Bestower of Siddhis (special powers) on those who specially worship Padukas
With lotus feet having lines of Chakra and lotus
With lotus feet worshipped by the three thousand glorious Dikshitas
With splendid golden Padukas inlaid with emerald stones (85)

सूक्ष्मघण्टामणिप्रोत नूपुराय नमो नमः । वटपत्रसमाकारसूदराय नमो नमः ।
काकोदर फणारत्नग्रैवेयाय नमो नमः । ब्रह्मबृन्दकपालालिमालिकाय नमो नमः । शुण्डादण्डवदाकार वीजहस्ताय ते नमः । ९०
Prostrations to
Natesa wearing anklets with tiny bells and studded with gems.
Having well formed belly looking like leaf of banyan tree
Wearing necklace of jewels from the hoods of snakes.
Wearing garland of rows of skulls of groups of Brahmas
With (left) hand extended like the trunk of elephant. (90)

रत्नाङ्गुलीयविलसत् हस्ताब्जाय नमो नमः । सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्न सुमुखाय नमो नमः ।
प्रवालाधर विकसत्सुस्मिताय नमो नमः ।
अतिशीतल चन्द्राहि शेखराय नमो नमः । हरिन्मणिनिभस्वेच्छवामार्धाय नमो नमः । (95)
Prostrations to
Natesa with lotus hands shining with gem studded finger rings.
With cheerful face having all auspicious and beautiful signs.
With enticing smile from bloomed shootlike lips.
With very cool moon and serpent on the head.
With left half given voluntarily to Devi shining like emerald. (95)

स्वच्छाच्छ स्फटिकाकार सव्यार्धाय नमो नमः । सर्वालङ्कारसंयुक्त सर्वाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
भवानी स्मितमाधुर्य वीक्षणाय नमो नमः ।
बिल्वोत्तमाङ्ग सौन्दर्य मुखाब्जाय नमो नमः ।
हीरसार त्रिपुण्ड्राङ्क मस्तकाय नमो नमः ॥ १००
Prostrations to
Natesa whose right half shines like clear crystal.
With all limbs adorned with all beautiful ornaments.
Looked at sweetly with the smile of Bhavani.
With beautiful lotus face and head adorned with bilva leaves.
Whose head is marked with choicest diamond ornaments and Tripundram (100)

विवृत्तोद्यद्धीरकान्ति दन्तपङ्क्त्यै नमो नमः । बहिरन्ताखिलाण्डालि भास्कराय नमो नमः । देवीपरिणयाकार मङ्गलाय नमो नमः ।
नृत्ताटोपेक्षणोमार्ध विग्रहाय नमो नमः । उमाश्लिष्टाङ्गविलसद् दिव्याङ्गाय नमो नमः । (105)
Prostrations to
Natesa with open row of teeth radiating shine like rising Sun.
Who is Surya lighting up rows of Brahmandas within and without.
Who is auspiciousness personified in the form of marriage with Devi
With Uma in half the form, who looks at the glory of your dance.
With divine limbs shining with the embrace of Uma. (105)

उमाक्षीन्दीवर सुमाहस्कराय नमो नमः । गुहमत्तेभवदनजनकाय नमो नमः । श्रीवाणीविधिविष्ण्विन्द्र यजनाय नमो नमः । महामन्त्रमहायन्त्रायतनाय नमो नमः ।
शिवानन्द परज्योतिर्ज्वलनाय नमो नमः । ११०

Prostrations to
Natesa who is Surya to the blue lotus eyes of Uma.
The father of Guha with face like ruttish (excited) elephant.
Worshipped by Lakshmi, Saraswati, Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
Abode of Mahamantras and Mahayantras.
Who is Agni with the supreme flame of bliss of Shiva. (110)

धर्माकृति वृषश्रेष्ठवाहनाय नमो नमः ।
मोक्षरूपवृषेन्द्रस्व केतनाय नमो नमः । वृषध्वजावृतार्कादिमण्डलाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वंसहा महद्दिव्यस्यन्दनाय नमो नमः । सुधांशुभास्कराकाररथाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa whose mount is the splendid bull, who is Dharma incarnate.
Whose flag has the great bull of the very form of Moksha.
Who is in the region of Surya and other celestials surrounded by the flag of the bull.
With splendid divine chariot which can bear everything (during Tripura Samhara).
With chariot wheels of Moon and Sun. (115)

ऋग्यजुस्सामाथर्वात्त तुरगाय नमो नमः । सारथीभूतवैरिञ्चिविनुताय नमो नमः । सुरारिवैरिज्वलनमार्गणाय नमो नमः । चामीकरमहाशैलकार्मुकाय नमो नमः । ज्याभूतादिशेषबद्ध सुधन्वने नमो नमः । १२०
Prostrations to
Natesa who had as horses the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas (during Tripura Samhara)
Worshipped by Brahma who functioned as charioteer.
Who used as flaming arrow Vishnu, the enemy of Asuras.
Who used as bow the huge golden mountain (Meru).
Whose bowstring was Adisesha. (120)

हास्यभस्मी कृताशेष त्रैपुराय नमो नमः ।
स्तम्बेरघोरदैतेय दारणाय नमो नमः । सनकादिसमाराध्ययोगेशाय नमो नमः । शोकमोहरोगतिग्म विदूराय नमो नमः ।
प्रारब्धजन्ममरण क्षणहन्त्रे नमो नमः । (125)
Prostrations to
Natesa who reduced Tripuras completely to ashes by a mere smile.
Who rent the asura called Gajasura.
Yogiswara worshipped by Sanka and other sages.
Remover of the heat of grief and delusion.
One who destroys in a second Prarabdha karma (karma which has come to fruition in this birth), birth and death. (125)

चिद्घनानन्दसन्दोहगुहान्ताय नमो नमः । निरन्तरानन्दसुखसंविद् दात्रे नमो नमः । कैवल्यशुद्धसन्मार्ग सम्पद्दात्रे नमो नमः । अनन्तवेदवेदान्तसंहृदे ते नमो नमः ।
रत्नसोपान सम्बद्ध सभान्ताय नमो नमः । १३०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is inside the cave of abundant mass of Consciousness and Bliss.
Bestower of the Supreme knowledge of eternal Bliss.
Bestower of the wealth of the pure and virtuous path leading to Moksha (Kaivalya).
One who has the endless Vedas and Vedanta in his heart.
One who is inside the Sabha built well with gem studded steps. (130)

नयनानन्दजनकनर्तनाय नमो नमः । नादबिन्दुकलान्तात्मस्वरूपाय नमः । पूर्णानन्दैकविज्ञानपरमाय नमः । तापत्रयातीतमहाताण्डवाय नमः । सशिवानन्दसायुज्य सिद्धिदाय नमः । (135)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the dancer bestowing Bliss on the beholder's eyes.
Of the form holding in itself Nada, Bindu and Kala (the primal sounds of creation).
Who is the Supreme Knowledge which alone bestows complete Bliss.
Whose great Tandava dance takes one beyond the three afflictions (Adhidaivika, Adhibhoutika and Adhyatmika).
Bestower of enjoyment of Bliss of Sayujya (merger) with Natesa and Sivakamasundari. (135)

सत्सन्तानादि सौभाग्य निचयाय नमः । अज्ञानतिमिरभ्रान्तिध्वंसकाय नमः । आदिमध्यान्तरहितस्थाणवे ते नमः । मायामयमहामोहविनिर्भेत्त्रे नमः ।
पयस्स्थ घृतवत्प्राज्ञविदिताय नमः । १४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the heap of good luck like virtuous progeny etc.
Destroyer of the illusion of darkness of ignorance (Agnana).
Sthanu (immovable) devoid of beginning, middle and end.
One who rends apart the great delusion full of Maya.
Known to the wise like ghee in milk. (140)

पुत्रमित्र कलत्रादिबन्धहर्त्रे नमो नमः । बहिरन्तसुकृत्सौख्य वृद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । दम्भाहङ्कार दर्पाल्पगर्वघ्नाय नमो नमः । ऐहिकामुष्मिकसुखाद्यसङ्गाय नमो नमः । तृणीकृताशापपदत्रिसाहस्राय ते नमः । (145)
Prostrations to
Natesa the remover of bondage like son, friend, wife etc.
Bestower of ample happiness arising from virtuous deeds inside and outside (mental and physical).
Destroyer of mean pride of hypocrisy, ego and arrogance.
Bestower of detachment from comforts here and hereafter.
One who made short work of the curses of the three thousand Munis (of Darukavana). (145)

प्रणवैकस्मृतिपरदिदृक्षाय नमो नमः । कृतनिन्दास्तुतानन्दमानसाय नमो नमः ।
ज्योतिर्मय शिवालिङ्गाम्रनाथाय नमो नमः । फणिराडाच्छादितास्य पञ्चकाय नमो नमः । सर्वतोमुखदीप्तेन्दु शेखराय नमो नमः । १५०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is keen on meditating on Pranava alone and experiencing the Supreme.
Who is of blissful mind on listening to Nindastuti (praise appearing like censure).
Who is of the form of Jyotirlinga (Linga of radiance) as Ekamranatha (Lord at the foot of the single mango tree).
Who has five faces sheltered by the king of serpents (Adi Sesha).
With moon shedding light in all directions on his head. (150)

गङ्गाम्बुग्रथितजटाकलापाय नमो नमः ।
महाहीरक मकुटाभरणाय नमो नमः । निजाक्षिजाग्निसन्दग्धमन्मथाय नमो नमः । भस्मीकृतस्मरोज्जीववीक्षणाय नमो नमः । कामाक्षीसुदृढाश्लिष्टयुग्मवक्षोभृते नमः । (155)
Prostrations to
Natesa who has matted tresses holding Ganga waters.
With crown of glorious diamonds decorating the head.
Who burnt Manmatha with the fire from his third eye.
Who brought Manmatha, who had been reduced to ashes, back to life by his look.
Whose chest is embraced tightly by the bosom of Kamakshi. (155)

स्वशरीरार्धदृग्वेणीनारीदात्रे नमो नमः । नीलेन्दीवरनीकाशवामार्धाय नमो नमः । निजास्यनेत्रसम्भूतकुमाराय नमो नमः ।
सुवीक्षित शिवार्धांश ताण्डवाय नमो नमः । उत्फुल्लरत्नकमलसहस्रार्च्याय ते नमः । १६०
Prostrations to
Natesa who gave half of his body including eye and hair to his female consort.
Whose left half appears like blue lotus.
Who generated Kumara from his third eye in the face.
Whose Tandava dance was seen with enjoyment by the consort on the left half.
Who was worshipped by a thousand gems of blossomed lotus (by Vishnu). (160)

राजीवाक्षार्पिताब्जाभलोचनाय नमो नमः । वैकुण्ठाधिपविष्णवाख्य पददात्रे नमो नमः । भावनामात्रसन्तुष्टवरदाय नमो नमः ।
तत्वातीतगुणातीत स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । अप्राकृतमहादेवीपरस्थाय नमो नमः । (165)
Prostrations to
Natesa who was offered eyes shining like lotus by the lotus eyed Vishnu.
Who gave the state of Vishnu the lord of Vaikuntha.
Who is pleased with only emotion of devotion and bestows boons.
Whose form is beyond all principles and attributes.
Who has on his other (left) side Mahadevi who is beyond all creation. (165)

दारुकावन मौनिस्त्रीमोहिताय नमो नमः ।
कृताभिचार किञ्चिज्ज्ञतापसाय नमो नमः । व्याघ्राहिवह्नयपस्मार सेविताय नमो नमः । वैष्णवीमोहिनी दृष्ट नटनाय नमो नमः । जलन्धरासुरशिरश्छेदनाय नमो नमः । १७०
Prostrations to
Natesa who deluded the women of Munis of Darukavana.
Against whom Aabhichara (maledictory ritual) was used by austere munis of little knowledge .
On whom tiger, serpent, fire and Apasmara (demon representing ignorance, literally epilepsy) were directed.
Whose dance was witnessed by Vishnu in Mohini form.
Who decapitated the asura Jalandhara. (170)

मार्कण्डेयाश्लिष्टशिवलिङ्गमूर्ते नमो नमः । एतद्भक्ताकृष्ट मृत्युमथनाय नमो नमः । दक्षाङ्घ्रिघात शमितशमनाय नमो नमः । मार्कण्डेयमनोऽभीष्ट सिद्धिदाय नमो नमः । दक्षयज्ञध्वंसवीरभद्रमूर्ते नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the form of Shivalinga embraced by Markandeya.
Who tortured Yama who came to take away this devotee.
Who kicked Yama efficiently with his foot.
Who bestowed on Markandeya fulfilment of his wishes.
Who took the form of Virabhadra and destroyed the yagna of Daksha Prajapati. (175)
बलान्धकासुरप्राणजिघृक्षाय नमो नमः ।
शूलस्यूतान्धकस्तोत्रप्रार्थिताय नमो नमः ।
गाणाधिपेन्द्र साम्राज्य पद दात्रे नमो नमः । विखण्डिताजपञ्चास्यनखराय नमो नमः । मुरारिनेत्रपूज्याङ्घ्रिपङ्कजाय नमो नमः । १८०

Who was keen to take away the life of the strong Andhakasura.
Who was begged by Andhakasura who was impaled on Trisula.
Who bestowed on him the position of the chief of Ganas.
Who removed the fifth head of Brahma with his finger nails.
Whose lotus feet were worshipped by Vishnu, the enemy of Mura, with his eyes. (180)

कुठारनासिदैतैय दारणाय नमो नमः ।
झलञ्झलितलोकालि नूपुराय नमो नमः । भक्तियुक्तक्षुल्लकादि स्वीकृताय नमो नमः । बिल्वकाष्ठचन्दनाति सुप्रियाय नमो नमः । वन्य पुष्पपत्रफलामोदिताय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who dissected Asuras with the nose of his axe.
Whose anklets' jingling sound reverberates across rows of worlds.
Who accepts even lowly persons with devotion.
Who very much loves bilva and chandana woods.
Who is pleased with forest flowers, leaves and fruits. (185)

वसन्तप्रमुखानेकऋतुभ्यस्ते नमो नमः । भक्तहृत्पद्मसुलभ दर्शनाय नमो नमः । औदाराम्भोधिमध्यस्थकृपारत्नाय ते नमः । अपस्मारोपरि क्षुण्ण दक्षिणाङ्घ्रे नमो नमः । दक्षपादाङ्गुलिन्यस्त दशकण्ठाय ते नमः । १९०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the form of many seasons like spring etc.
Who gives easy darshan in the lotus heart of devotee.
Who is the gem of compassion in the middle of the sea of generosity.
Whose right foot tramples upon Apasmara (ignorance, epilepsy) the demon.
Who crushed the ten headed Ravana with his right foot toe finger. (190)
चराचराशेषलोकशरण्याय नमो नमः । अधः कृततमोरूपघोरणाय नमो नमः । समस्तजगदाधार चिद्घनाय नमो नमः । दुःखजन्मजरामृत्युनाशनाय नमो नमः । धर्मार्थकाममोक्षादि फलदाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the only refuge of the world of moving and non-moving things.
Who brought down the demon of darkness.
Who is solidified Consciousness, the very foundation of all worlds.
Destroyer of sorrow, birth, old age, death.
Bestower of fruits including Dharma, Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha. (Liberation). (195)

उत्पत्तिस्थितिकर्त्रादिजनकाय नमो नमः । चराचरजगन्मध्य साक्षिभूत्यै नमो नमः । पिपीलिकादिदेव्यन्तहृदिष्ठाय नमो नमः । क्रन्दत्स्तनन्धयक्रोडस्तन्य दात्रे नमो नमः । नारसिंहसुहृत्प्रीतशरभाय नमो नमः । २००
Prostrations to
Natesa the primal progenitor, who creates and sustains the worlds.
The Witness in the centre of the world of moving and non-moving objects.
One who is established in the heart of all creatures from ant to Devi.
One who gave breast milk to the crying pig babies.
One who took the form of Sarabha bird to help Narasimha lovingly. (200)

एवमादिस्वभूगर्व भञ्जनाय नमो नमः । एवमादिसुरेन्द्रात्तगर्व हर्त्रे नमो नमः । महाकल्पान्तप्रलयभैरवाय नमो नमः । परमानन्दसम्पूर्णस्वात्मस्थाय नमो नमः । परप्रकाशानन्दनाथसत्यज्ञाय नमो नमः ।(205)

Prostrations to
Natesa who thus destroyed the pride of Brahma.
Who thus removed the conceit of Indra.
Who is Bhairava bringing about the great destruction at the end of Mahakalpa.
Who has the Supreme Bliss filled in his Atma.
Knower of Truth, which holds sway over the supreme light and Bliss. (205)

महापातकतूलौघ पावकाय नमो नमः ।
आपातालोर्ध्वसङ्क्रान्त स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । अनाद्यन्तस्वप्रणवनिरूपाय नमो नमः ।
आदिमानन्द विज्ञानसंवेद्याय नमो नमः । सप्तकोटिमहामन्त्रप्रतीकाय नमो नमः । २१०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is fire for the cotton bales of grave sins.
Whose form extends from Patala upwards.
Who represents his own Pranava, which has no beginning, nor end.
Who is the complete knower of the True Knowledge of primal Bliss.
Who is the image of the seven crore Mahamantras. (210)

कोटिकोटिमहामन्त्र स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । सर्वमन्त्रमयान्ताप्तसिद्धिदाय नमो नमः । स्वरसंप्राप्तगीर्वाण भूषणाय नमो नमः ।
अनन्तानन्द सञ्जात संविद् दात्रे नमो नमः ।
नमितानन्द सन्दोह ज्ञानदाय नमो नमः । (215)l
Prostrations to
Natesa whose form is of crores and crores of Mahamantras.
Whose interior is of all Mantras and who grants Siddhis (of Mantras) to devotees who pray.
Whose adornment is glory of speech attained through swarm.
Giver of Supreme Knowledge generating endless Bliss.
Giver of Knowledge producing mass of Bliss to the worshippers. (215)

भक्तभक्ति प्रसन्नात्मवैभवाय नमो नमः ।
अतुलोदार सौहार्दवामाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
स्वरत्र्यक्षरसंयुक्त नृत्तवेद्यै नमो नमः ।
अनन्तमहिमाराव सुनादाय नमो नमः । अचिन्त्यानन्तमाहात्म्यतात्पर्याय नमो नमः । २२०
Prostrations to
Natesa whose glory extends to happiness with the devotion of devotee.
Whose left half comprises incomparable and generous goodwill.
Knower of dance accompanied by sound conveying three letters (of Maheswara Sutras- A I Un etc.). (The feminine gender in this attribute refers to Parvati on the left).
Of the form of sweet and loud sound of endless glory.
Of the form of purport of unthinkable and endless glory. (220)

अप्रमेयात्म चारित्र पुराणाय नमो नमः ।
मुदा हृदम्बुजावासनटराजाय नमो नमः ।
प्रणवार्थ सभानाथ परस्मै ब्रह्मणे नमः । पराशक्तिसमायुक्त परेशाय नमो नमः । परब्रह्ममयोङ्कारमन्त्रार्थाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa the Primal Deity whose own history is beyond measure.
Nataraja who happily resides in the lotus heart (of devotee).
Para Brahman, the lord of Chitsabha, which is the meaning of Pranava.
Supreme Iswara, accompanied by Supreme Shakti.
Meaning of Omkara Mantra, which is suffused with Para Brahman. (225)

सहस्रनामजापीष्ट फलदाय नमो नमः । त्रिसहस्रद्विजेन्द्राद्यकूटस्थाय नमो नमः ।
त्रिकूटश‍ृङ्ग विलसत्सभेशाय नमो नमः ।
श्रीयन्त्र शिवशक्त्यैक्य नर्तिने ते नमो नमः । परमानन्दनटन विनोदाय नमो नमः । २३०
Prostrations to
Natesa who bestows desired fruits on chanting Sahasranama.
Who is in the midst of the primal three thousand Dikshitas (best brahmanas).
Sabhesa shining in the peak of Trikuta mountain.
Dancer expounding the unity of Sriyantra and Shiva -Shakti.
Reveller in dance of Supreme Bliss. (230)

कोमलालोलनृत्तेक्षमोहनाय नमो नमः । वामगामञ्जुवीक्षण्यासेचनाय नमो नमः ।
ओङ्कार लिङ्ग मूर्ध्न्यूर्ध्व निवासाय नमो नमः । भ्रूमध्यलिङ्ग हृत्पद्म निलयाय नमो नमः । श्रीमत्पञ्चार्णसोपान सभान्ताय नमोनमः । (235)
Prostrations to
Natesa the deluder whose dance is witnessed by the gentle rolling eyes of Devi.
Who is filled with the sweet glance of Devi on left half.
Who resides at the top of the head of Linga of Omkara.
Whose abode is in the Linga in the centre of eye brows and in heart-lotus.
Who is inside the Sabha reached by the five steps of the splendid five letters (Panchakshara - Namah Shivaya). (235)

चिदम्बरमहायन्त्रविलासाय नमो नमः ।
नादबिन्दु कलाहंसचित्पराय नमो नमः ।
मुक्तिमार्गद्योत घण्टाऽऽरागाराय नमो नमः । ज्वलितध्वनिमन्त्रौघ प्रभान्ताय नमो नमः । चतुस्स्तम्भार्षेयमध्य निगूढाय नमो नमः । २४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is radiant with the Mahayantra at Chidambaram (Rahasyam).
Who is beyond Nada, Bindu, Kala (the primal sound causes of creation) and Consciousness.
Who is pleased with the bell which illumines the path of Mukti. (Reference is to the special deep sonorant pleasing sound of the bell at the temple).
Who is inside the halo of the multitude of Mantras with brilliant sound.
Who is hidden at the centre of the sacred space marked by four pillars (Chitsabha). (240)

षट्शास्त्रस्तम्भयुक् श्रीशपीठस्थाय नमो नमः । वैरिञ्चिविष्णुरुद्रेशासनस्थाय नमो नमः ।
उन्मनीस्थान निवसदुत्तमाय नमो नमः । द्वादशान्तपदावास व्योमस्थाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वशान्त निरालम्बशाश्वताय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the Kanaka Sabha with six pillars of six Shastras.
Who is seated in (Sphatika) Linga housing Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.
Who is the Ideal residing in Unmani (beyond mind) state (of Yoga).
Who is in the Space above the uppermost chakra (Dvadasanta).
Who is the eternal presence in that state of absence of everything related to body and needing no support from outside. (245)

मनोवचोभिरग्राह्य पूरणाय नमो नमः ।
पूर्णात्पूर्ण शिवानन्द परोक्षाय नमो नमः ।
माहेशोपरि विन्यासनृत्तेशाय नमो नमः । सदाशिवोपरिव्योमनटेशाय नमो नमः । मायायवनिकाच्छन्न रहस्याय नमो नमः । २५०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is full ocean who is beyond grasp of mind and words.
Who is beyond the fullest Bliss of Shiva.
Iswara of dance who is above Maheswara.
Iswara of dance in Space, who is above Sadashiva.
Who is Rahasya (Esoteric Power) concealed by the curtain of Maya. (250)

चिन्तामणिमहामन्त्रनिजाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
षोडशी मन्त्र युक्तश्रीचक्रान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सदा शैलादिसन्दृष्टसभेशाय नमो नमः । अकाराद्यक्षरारम्भनामार्थाय नमो नमः । भक्तिगम्यानन्तरूपप्रकाशाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa whose own limbs comprise of Mahamantras, which are wish-fulfilling Chintamani.
Who is inside Srichakra with the Shodasi mantra.
Sabhesa who is always in the sight of Nandi, son of Silada.
Who is the meaning of names starting with letters 'A' etc.
Whi shines in endless forms attained through devotion. (255)

ॐ नमस्ते इषवे रुद्र धन्वने ते नमः ।
नमस्ते मन्यवे रुद्र बाहुभ्यां ते नमो नमः ।
नीलग्रीवाय सदय सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
नमस्ते मीढुषे तुभ्यमायुधाय नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते धृष्णवे भर्ग हिरण्यबाहवे नमः । २६०
Om. Prostrations to
Natesa's bow and arrow again and again.
Your anger and the two arms.
You with blue throat and thousand eyes shedding compassion.
You, who bestow all desires of worshippers and your weapons.
You, who are capable of harming, and with golden arms. (260)
From here onwards the composer has drawn on mantras of Sri Rudram.

दिशां च पतये शर्व सेनान्ये ते नमो नमः ।
सस्पिञ्जराय सर्वेश पशूनां पतये नमः ।
त्विषीमते पथीनां च पतये ते नमो नमः ।
विव्याधिने बभ्लुशायाप्यन्नानां पतये नमः ।
उपवीतिने नमस्तुभ्यं हरिकेशाय ते नमः । (265)
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the lord of directions, and the head of the army of destruction.
Of mixed colour of red and yellow, like tender grass, and lord of all beings.
Who is brilliant with Gnana, and the pioneer of Vedic and Tantric paths.
Who harms (evil persons) much, is seated on the bull, and is the lord of all foodstuff.
With yagnopavita and having dark hair (ever young). (265)

पुष्टानां पतये तुभ्यं भवस्य हेत्यै नमः ।
जगतां पतये तुभ्यं रुद्रायाथ नमो नमः ।
नम्रातताविनेशान क्षेत्राणां पतये नमः ।
सूताय चाथाहन्त्याय वनानां पतये नमः ।
रोहिताय स्थपतये वृक्षाणां पतये नमः । २७०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the lord of those filled with knowledge, wealth etc., and is like a weapon to cut off the tree of samsara.
Lord of Liberation of jivas, and destroyer of the sorrow of samsara.
One who protects devotee with bow readily strung, and protector of bodies of jivas.
Charioteer driving the chariot of the world, Light of Atma, incapable of being harmed by anybody, and lord of forests.
Of red colour, remaining everywhere and protecting everything, and lord of trees. (270)

मन्त्रिणे वाणिजायाय कक्षाणां पतये नमः ।
भुवन्तये नमो वारिवस्कृताय नमो नमः ।
औषधीनां च पतये चोच्चैर्घोषाय ते नमः ।
सन्ततं चाक्रन्दयते पत्तीनां पतये नमः ।
धावते कृत्स्नवीताय सत्त्वनां पतये नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa the lord of Mahamantras, knower of dealings in all regions like a trader, lord of areas difficult of access.
Nourisher of earth, residing in devotees.
Protector of trees, plants etc., maker of loud sound (in war etc.).
One destroying enemies always, lord of soldiers.
One who runs (to save devotees), pervading in all worlds, lord of the virtuous. (275)

निव्याधिने नमस्तुभ्यं सहमानाय ते नमः ।
आव्याधिनीनां पतये ककुभाय नमो नमः ।
निषङ्गिणेऽथ स्तेनानां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते चेषुधिमते निषङ्गिणे नमो नमः ।
तस्कराणां च पतये वञ्चते ते नमो नमः । २८०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is capable of striking enemies well, who bears devotees' faults.
Lord of armies, capable of facing and striking all, the best among thieves.
One who holds sword in hand, lord of thieves who steal stealthily.
One who has quiver of arrows, one who holds arrow in hand for stringing in the bow.
Lord of robbers who steal openly, lord in the form of one who cheats the master and stelas his materials sometimes. (280)

परिवञ्चते च स्तायूनां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
नमो निचेरवे परिचराय ते नमो नमः ।
अरण्यानां च पतये मुष्णतां पतये नमः ।
उष्णीषिणे प्रकृन्तानां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
गिरिचराय कुलुञ्चानां पतये ते नमो नमः । (285)
Prostrations to
Natesa in the form of one who cheats the master at all times and in all matters; one who associates as confidante and steals without other's knowledge.
One who moves about in forest with thieves; one who moves about in marketplace for stealing things.
Lord of thieves in forests; and of those who steal food grains in fields.
One who wears headgear like villagers; lord of those who kill others and steal their belongings.
One who moves about in mountains; lord of those who rob houses, fields etc. (285)

नमो भवाय शर्वाय रुद्राय च नमो नमः ।
नीलग्रीवायाथ पशुपतये ते नमो नमः ।
कपर्दिने नमो भीम शितिकण्ठाय ते नमः ।
नमस्ते व्युप्तकेशाय सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
शतधन्वने नमस्तुभ्यं गिरिशाय नमो नमः । २९०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the cause of birth of the universe; the destroyer; the remover of misery of samsara and bestower of Moksha.
Black throated Iswara, the lord of all beings.
The terrible One with matted locks; with white throat (before consuming the poison).
One with clean shaven head; with many eyes.
One with many bows, residing in Kailasa mountain. (290)

मीढुष्टमायाथ शिपिविष्टायेषुमते नमः ।
ह्रस्वाय वामनायोग्र बृहते च नमो नमः ।
वर्षीयसे च वृद्धाय संवृध्वने नमो नमः । प्रथमायाग्रियायाशवेऽजिराय नमो नमः ।
शीघ्रियाय च शीभ्याय तुभ्यमूर्म्याय ते नमः । (295)
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the form of Brahma; Vishnu; with excellent arrows.
One with small form; with small limbs.
One with noble qualities; to the aged one; adored by unique songs.
The Foremost; First to exist; all-pervading; going everywhere.
One present in waters traveling fast; present in large masses of flowing waters; present in waves. (295)

स्रोतस्यायावस्वन्याय द्वीप्याय च नमो नमः ।
ज्येष्ठाय च कनिष्ठाय पूर्वजाय नमो नमः । नमश्चापरजायाथ मध्यमाय नमो नमः । जघन्यायापगल्भ्याय बुध्नियाय नमो नमः ।
सोभ्याय प्रतिसर्याय याम्याय च नमो नमः । ३००

Prostrations to
Natesa present in small streams; in waters making no sound; islands surrounded by waters.
Natesa of the form of those higher in age, learning etc.; of those who do not possess such merits; the first cause of everything.
Who is also the result occurring later; in the form of youth.
One in the form of calf etc.; in the form of a boy; in the form of root at the foot of tree etc.
Who appears in the world of men; present in the universe of moving beings; present in Yamaloka. (300)

उर्वर्याय च क्षेम्याय खल्व्याय च नमो नमः ।
श्लोक्याय चावसान्याय वन्याय च नमो नमः ।
प्रतिश्रवाय कक्ष्याय श्रवायाथ नमो नमः । शूरायाशुरथायाथाशुषेणाय नमो नमः । वरूथिनेऽवभिन्दते वर्मिणे च नमो नमः । (305)
Prostrations to
Natesa present in place full of foodgrains; present in Swargaloka; present in the threshing floor.
One who is extolled through Vedic mantras; established by Upanishads occurring at the end of Vedas; one in the form of tree etc. in the forest.
One in the form of echo (or answer); in the form of creeper etc. in bushes; in the form of sound (or is famous).
One who is valorous; whose chariot moves fast; whose army moves fast.
One who protects the charioteer; who rends those who spoil dharma; one wearing armour. (305)

बिल्मिने च कवचिने च श्रुताय च नमो नमः ।
सततं श्रुतसेनाय दुन्दुभ्याय नमो नमः ।
धृष्णवे चाहनन्याय प्रमृशाय नमो नमः ।
दूताय प्रहितायाथ निषङ्गिणे नमो नमः ।
नमस्तीक्ष्णेषवे चेषुधिमत आयुधिने नमः । ३१०
Prostrations to
Natesa who wears headgear and armour for protection during war; who is celebrated in Vedas.
One who always has famous armies; who is present in kettle-drum.
One who does not run away from battle showing his back; who is present in the stick used to beat the drum; who knows the intricacies of the enemy army.
One who is a proficient emissary; who is sent by master for fulfilling a task; holder of sword.
Holder of sharp arrows; holder of quiver of arrows; holder of superior weapons. (310)

सुधन्वने स्वायुधाय स्रुत्याय च नमो नमः ।
पथ्याय चाथ काट्याय नीप्याय च नमो नमः ।
सूद्याय च सरस्याय नाद्याय च नमो नमः ।
वैशन्ताय च कूप्याय चावट्याय नमो नमः ।
अवर्ष्याय च वर्ष्याय मेघ्याय च नमो नमः । (315)
Prostrations to
Natesa the holder of superior bow and superior weapons; one who walks in narrow pathway.
One who is in wide road; is in small channel; is in large streams.
One who is in muddy place; is in tank; is in rivers.
One who is in small ponds; is in wells: is in ditches.
One who is in drought condition; is in rain waters; is in cloud. (315)

विद्युत्यायेद्ध्रियायाथ चातप्याय नमो नमः ।
वात्याय रेष्मियायाथ वास्तव्याय नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते ते वास्तुपाय नमस्ते ते नमो नमः ।
नमस्सोमाय रुद्राय ताम्राय च नमो नमः । नमश्शङ्गायारुणाय पशुपतये ते नमः । ३२०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in lightning; is in clear clouds; is in Sun's heat.
One who is in air; who is in the time of Pralaya; is in cow, horse etc.
One who protects the house plot.
One who is with Uma; who relieves the misery of Samsara; who is in the form of Surya of copper hue at dawn.
One who reaches comforts to people; who is in the form of light red colour at dawn; protector of all beings. (320)

भीमाय चोग्राय चाग्रेवधाय च नमो नमः ।
दूरे वधाय हन्त्रे च हनीयसे नमो नमः ।
मयोभवे शम्भवे च ताराय ते नमो नमः ।
मयस्कराय च नमः शङ्कराय नमो नमः ।
नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च नमो नमः । (325)
Prostrations to
Natesa the terrible, greater than all, who is ahead of his devotees and kills enemies.
One who destroys the enemies of devotees at a great distance; who torments; who torments very much.
One who is cause of happiness in the upper world; cause of happiness in this world; who rescues Jivas from samsara.
One who bestows happiness in the upper world thro Acharya, Sastra etc.; who provides comfort in this world in the form of parents et al.
Bestower of all merits and auspiciousness; the greatest among the bestowers of merits and auspiciousness. (325)

नमस्तीर्थ्याय कूल्याय पार्याय च नमो नमः ।
प्रतरणाय च नमश्चावार्याय नमो नमः ।
नमश्चोत्तरणायाथ चातार्याय नमो नमः ।
आलाद्याय च शष्प्याय फेन्याय च नमो नमः ।
सिकत्याय प्रवाह्याय चेरिण्याय नमो नमः । ३३०

Prostrations to
Natesa who is in holy waters; is in the banks; is in the opposite bank of the river.
One in the form of mantra chant enabling tidings over sins; who resides on this bank of the river.
One whose form is the greatest Gnana; who stays in the place of our return.
One who inspires Jiva enjoying fully the fruits of karma; who is in tender grass; who is in foam.
One who resides in sands; is in torrential flows; is in salty land. (330)

किंशिलाय क्षयणाय प्रपथ्याय नमो नमः ।
पुलस्तये च गोष्ठ्याय गृह्याय च नमो नमः ।
कपर्दिने च तल्प्याय गेह्याय च नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते गह्वरेष्ठाय हृदय्याय नमो नमः ।
पांसव्याय रजस्याय निवेष्प्याय नमो नमः । (335)
Prostrations to Natesa who is in the region full of small stones; is in place suitable for living; is in path worn out with use by many.
One with nice hair; who is in cow-pen; is in house.
One with matted tresses; is in a cot; is in upper floor.
One who is in mountain cave; is in deep vortices.
One who is in minute dust; is in larger dust particles; is in snowy water. (335)

शुष्क्याय च हरित्याय लोप्याय च नमो नमः । उलप्यायाथ चोर्व्याय सूर्म्याय च नमो नमः ।
नमः पर्ण्याय ते पर्णशद्याय च नमो नमः । नमोऽपगुरमाणायाभिघ्नते ते नमो नमः ।
आःखिदते नमस्तुभ्यं प्रःखिदते ते नमो नमः । ३४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in dry trees; is in moist green trees; is in grassless ground.
One who is in tiny grass; is in earth; is in rivers with beautiful waves.
One who is in leaves; is in heaps of dry leaves.
One who carries weapons (to punish sinners); who beats them.
One who causes minor trouble; who causes much misery. (340)

जीवसे तवसे तुभ्यं क्षयद्वीराय ते नमः ।
चतुष्पदे च द्विपदे चायजे ते नमो नमः ।
तनये ते च गोघ्ने च पुरुषघ्ने नमो नमः ।
प्रचेतसे कद्रुद्राय मीढुष्टमाय ते नमः ।
तव्यसे च नमस्तुभ्यं भवातोकाय ते नमः । (345)

Prostrations to
Natesa who, for the living persons, is strong and kills enemies by mere sight.
One who grants comfort to animals With four legs and two legs.
(Be kind to) your sons, oh destroyer of cows and children.
Happy, delighted giver of all desired things to worshippers.
Strong Natesa, be kind to our children. (345)

पित्रे मात्रे च भ्रात्रेऽथ कर्त्रे हर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
नमः स्थिरधन्वने च क्षिप्रेषवे नमो नमः ।
देवायाथ स्वधाम्ने च प्याषाल्हाय नमो नमः ।
वेधसे सहमानाय तिग्मायुधाय नमो नमः ।
सत्वने च नमस्तुभ्यं पुरुहूताय वै नमः ॥ ३५०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the father, mother, brother, the creator and the destroyer.
One with steady bow and quick arrows.
The resplendent Being in full glory.
Creator, forbearing of devotees' faults, with pointed weapons.
Powerful Iswara, invoked by many. (350)

नमोऽधिपतये मित्रपतये ते नमो नमः ।
क्षत्रपताय च नमः स्वःपताय नमो नमः ।
धनपताय च नमः सर्वाधिपतये नमः ।
नमोऽन्नपतये तुभ्यं एकाक्षाय नमो नमः । रुद्रायावपन्नादाय दीरसदे नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the overlord, the lord of friends.
Ruler of the worlds, the lord of Swarga.
Lord of wealth, overlord of all.
Lord of foods, one-eyed.
Rudra, who expands Nada, the bestower of splendid essence. (355)

नमः स्थिराय च स्थिरधन्वने ते नमोनमः ।
नमः प्रतिपदायाथ पटरिणे नमो नमः ।
नमस्त्रियम्बकाय कपर्दिने च नमो नमः ।
भवाशर्वौ नमः प्रतीचीनाय ते नमो नमः ।
क्रन्दाय ते नमस्तुभ्यं प्राणाय ते नमो नमः । ३६०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the firm one with steady bow.
The resplendent one moving gradually.
The three eyed lord with matted tresses.
Creator and destroyer; turned towards the devotee.
One who makes the enemies cry; the very life breath of every being. (360)

अमर्त्य ते नमस्तुभ्यं सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
मुखाय ते नमस्तुभ्यं चक्षूंषि ते नमो नमः ।
त्वचे रूपाय सन्दृशे तेऽङ्गेभ्यस्ते नमो नमः ।
उदराय ते जिह्वाय आस्याय ते नमो नमः ।
दद्भ्यो नमस्ते गन्धाय विघसे ते नमो नमः । (365)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the immortal with myriad eyes.
The face, the eyes of beings.
The skin, the form, the sight, the limbs of beings.
The stomach, the tongue, the mouth of beings.
The hands, the smell, the food. (365)

तस्यै नमो भवारुद्रौ उभावुग्रौ नमो नमः ।
आयते ते नमस्तुभ्यं परायते नमो नमः ।
तिष्ठते ते नमस्तुभ्यं आसीनाय नमो नमः ।
ताभ्यां नमो नमः सायं प्रातारात्र्यै नमो नमः ।
दिवा नमो भवाय च शर्वाय च नमो नमः । ३७०
Prostrations to
Natesa the creator and Rudra the destroyer; the two terrible aspects of Shiva.
One who comes, who returns.
One who stands, who sits.
The prayers at dusk and dawn.
The daytime, the energizer and the One giving rest. (370)

अस्मै नमोऽप्स्वन्तस्तुभ्यं तस्मै तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
मृडाय यजमानाय पशूनां पतये नमः ।
महास्येभ्यश्च ते श्वभ्यो घोषिणीभ्यश्च ते नमः । केशिनीभ्यश्च ते तुभ्यं नमस्कृताभ्यस्ते नमः ।
नमस्ते सम्भुञ्जतीभ्यो देवसेनाभ्यस्ते नमो नमः । (375)
Prostrations to
Natesa, your inner core; you who are here and also there.
Merciful Iswara, in the form of sacrificer, lord of all beings.
Iswara in the form of large- mouthed beings, dogs, evil spirits.
Iswara in the form of female demons, persons adored.
Iswara in the form of those who enjoy together; army of celestials. (375)

श्रुत्यन्तसर्वविद्यानां ईशानाय नमो नमः । सहस्राक्षाङ्घ्रिशिरस्तत्पुरुषाय नमो नमः ।
घोराय दुष्टवृत्तीनां शिष्टाघोराय ते नमः ।
घोरासुरमरुद्धन्त्रे चाघोराय नमो नमः ।
वामदेवाय ज्येष्ठाय श्रेष्ठाय च नमो नमः । ३८०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the lord of all departments of Knowledge ending with Vedas.
Tatpurusha, the Supreme Spirit, with countless eyes, feet, heads.
Terrible One, who chastises evil tendencies.
Terrible One, who destroyed a terrible Asura who came in the firm of wind.
Iswara above human forms, the senior most, the best. (380)

नमो रुद्राय कलविकरणाय नमो नमः ।
नमः कालाय बलविकरणाय नमो नमः ।
नमो बलाय बलप्रमथनाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वभूतदमनाय मनोन्मनाय ते नमः ।
बहिरन्तः सदा ध्यातृ सद्यो जाताय वै नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, Rudra, the Incomprehensible .
Time, Cause of various forces.
Strength; the destroyer of strength.
Subduer of all beings; who leads to state of absence of mind.
Iswara, who always meditates inside and outside; the First born. (385)

भवे भवेऽनातिभवे भवस्व प्रभवे नमः ।
भवोद्भव भूतभव्य भविष्यद्भ्यो नमो नमः ।
भवोद्भवाय भव्याय भूताय भाविने नमः ।
प्रशस्तान्नमय प्राणभूतात्मब्रह्मणे नमः । निवृत्तिपायुभूगन्धब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः । ३९०
Prostrations to
Natesa, lord, do not consign me to birth after birth; lead me to state beyond birth.
Cause of births, past, present and future.
Cause of prosperity; gracious, ever present Reality.
Indwelling Brahman, the extolled form of food and vital breath.
Brahman in the form of Earth and associated attribute of Smell; abstinence from bodily attachments. (390)

समान घ्राणकरण भवे भवे नमो नमः ।
प्रतिष्ठोदान चिन्नीर वामदेवाय ते नमः ।
जिह्वोपस्थ विष्णुरस मनोन्मनाय ते नमः ।
व्यानचक्षू रुद्ररूपघोराय ते नमो नमः । वागहङ्कारविद्याऽथ घोरेभ्योऽथ नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, Bhavodbava, the cause of Samana Prana, the vital breath distributing energy equally in body.
Vamadeva, the Udana vital breath taking energy from heart above; Consciousness in the form of water, essence.
Manonmana, essence of Vishnu present in tongue and generative organ.
Terrible Rudra, the Vyana vital breath passing through nerves; present in eyes.
Terrible One, in the form of Speech, self identity and knowledge. (395)

शान्त्यपान बुद्धिपाणिपुरुषाय नमो नमः । त्वक्स्पर्शवाय्वनन्तेश महादेवाय ते नमः ।
शान्त्यतीत प्राणमन ईश्वराय नमो नमः । श्रोत्रपादाकाशशब्द ईशानाय नमो नमः ।
सदाशिव परामोद विद्येशाय नमो नमः । ४००

Prostrations to
Natesa, the activator of peace, the Apanavayu, the excretory air, the intellect, the hands.
Mahadeva, lord of skin, touch, air, the infinite.
Lord of vital breath and mind beyond the state of peace.
Isana, the lord of ears, feet, space, sound.
Sadashiva, the lord of the knowledge of Supreme Bliss. (400)

ब्रह्माधिपतये नित्यं ब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः ।
ऋतं सत्यं परं ब्रह्म पुरुषं ते नमो नमः । कृष्णपिङ्गलवर्णाढ्यस्वरूपाय नमो नमः ।
ऊर्ध्वरेतो विरूपाक्ष विश्वरूप नमो नमः । निगमान्तसमुद्गीत रहस्याय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the overlord of Vedas and all learning, the eternal Brahman.
The Supreme Brahman, the very form of cosmic rhythm and reality, the driving force.
The rich form of colours of black and gold (Vishnu and Shiva).
The celibate, the One with different eye (third eye), whose form is the universe.
The very secret sung with adulation by Vedanta. (405)

कर्मज्ञानेन्द्रियातीत प्रज्ञान ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
अहं ब्रह्मास्मि तत्वार्थ दर्शयित्रे नमो नमः ।
तत्त्वमसि महावाक्य बोधयित्रे नमो नमः ।
अयमात्मा ब्रह्मतत्वचोदयित्रे नमो नमः ।
छन्दः शब्दगुणाकाशहृदयाय नमो नमः । ४१०
Prostrations to
Natesa, Brahman of the form of Supreme Knowledge, beyond the ken of sense organs of action and perception.
Preceptor of the purport of the principle of the Mahavakya, I am Brahman.
Preceptor of the Mahavakya, the Supreme Statement, You are That.
Impeller of the principle of Brahman, the Mahavakya, This is Atman.
The Heart having Space whose attribute of sound is Veda. (410)

करतलान्तामलक प्रत्यक्षाय नमो नमः ।
नाना विचित्रनिर्माणजगद्धात्रे नमो नमः । सर्वप्राणिबुद्धिस्वस्व कूटस्थाय नमो नमः । सर्वप्रकाशपरमचिन्मात्रज्योतिषे नमः । हृत्पुण्डरीकमध्यस्थ परात्मने नमो नमः । (415)
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is as directly perceptible as the gooseberry fruit on the palm.
Protector of the universe built with variegated wonders.
The Immovable residing in the intellects of all living beings.
The Light which is but Supreme Consciousness lighting up everything.
Supreme Atman present in the centre of the heart lotus. (415)

स्वात्मद्विधाकृतार्धस्रीपुरुषाय नमो नमः । आनन्दहृदयाकाशस्वानन्दाय नमो नमः ।
प्रणवान्तर्गत ब्रह्मतत्व बोधे नमो नमः ।
सर्वधी साक्षिभूतैक विमलाय नमो नमः ।
विश्वातीतगगन सदृश वैदेहाय नमो नमः । ४२०

Prostrations to
Natesa, who made his form into two, woman and man.
One's own Bliss experienced in the heart Space filled with Bliss.
Awakener to the Principle of Brahman residing inside Pranava (Omkara).
The Pure One, the only Witness of the intellects of all.
The One outside of bodily functions, like the Space beyond the universe. (420)

अतिभावस्वरूपाख्यसुखात्मने नमो नमः । मधुकृद्वेदपुष्पाढ्य शिरीषाय नमो नमः ।
सर्ववेदान्त संवेद्यब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः ।
हृन्मध्य लोहितो दह्र पुण्डरीकाय ते नमः ।
जीवात्मैक्य प्रदातारनिस्सङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the form of Bliss which is beyond sentiments.
Unattached and forbearing like the Sirisha flower, sweet with profuse flowers of Veda.
Brahman, known only through all Upanishads.
Red Lotus in the heart Space.
Unattached One, bestowing the unity of Jiva and Atman. (425)

गन्तव्यदेश निर्मुक्त स्थाणवे ते नमो नमः । व्यक्ताव्यक्तचतुर्विंशत् शरीराय नमो नमः । सत्यासत्यविनिर्मुक्त सन्मात्राय नमो नमः ।
हृदाकाश चिदादित्य स्वतेजसे नमो नमः । अशेषप्राणिहृत्प्राण रक्षणाय नमो नमः । ४३०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the firm and immovable, without having to move to any destination.
The twenty four Principles making up the manifest and unmanifest forms.
The Unitary Existence, free from the alternatives of being and non-being.
Self-shining One, the Surya of Consciousness shining in heart Space.
Residing in the hearts of all beings without exception and protecting their life breath. (430)

शुद्धज्ञानशिवानन्दस्वयङ्कर्त्रे नमो नमः । श्रुतिसारांशतत्वार्थस्वयंश्रोत्रे नमो नमः । अनाद्यन्तवतीमायास्वयं स्रष्ट्रे नमो नमः । आर्द्रापर्वव्यतीपात स्वयं यष्ट्रे नमो नमः । स्वस्वरूपानुसन्धान स्वयं द्रष्ट्रे नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to Natesa, the Source of the Pure Knowledge and Bliss of Siva.
The very hearer of the purport of the Principles of essence of Vedas.
The very creator of Maya, which has no beginning nor end.
One who himself performs yagnas on sacred days of Ardra star, Vyatipata etc.
The very seer of the innate form of Atman in meditation. (435)

समनोभूत ब्रह्मादिहृदिस्थाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वदा शमरूपाति शान्तान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सर्वान्तरस्थ सद्वर्गप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमो नमः ।
सर्वभूतात्मविभव शाश्वताय नमो नमः । सूक्ष्मकेवलसन्मात्र स्वभावाय नमो नमः । ४४०
Natesa who resides in the hearts of Brahma and others out of compassion.
The pinnacle of peace beyond the state of mind control.
One who establishes virtuous tendencies from the inside of all beings.
Eternal One, who provides splendour from the inside of all beings.
Of the very nature of pure Existence in subtle form. (440)

कायिकादिविनिर्मुक्त केवलाय नमो नमः । शतजल्पाल्पवचनदुर्लक्ष्याय नमो नमः । कालात्मतानन्दमयलयात्मने नमो नमः । प्रपञ्चोत्पत्तिहेतुत्व चिदाकाशाय ते नमः । हृदाकाशपराकाशशयानाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa the Absolute free from the attachments of body etc.
One who cannot be attained by verbose and powerless words.
One immersed in Bliss with Time at his beck and call.
Consciousness Space the cause of the dawn of universe.
One who rests in the heart Space as well as the Space beyond. (445)

नैरन्तर्यचिदानन्द चैतन्याय नमो नमः ।
रज्जुसर्पभ्रान्ति बुद्धिविच्छेत्रे ते नमो नमः ।
अखण्डरस चिन्मात्र ब्रुवाणाय नमो नमः ।
सदा हृदम्बुजाकाश सन्निविष्टाय ते नमः । नित्यचिन्मात्रसकलविज्ञानाय नमो नमः । ४५०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is Consciousness and Bliss which is uninterrupted.
The One who destroys the illusion of rope and serpent in the intellect.
The One who speaks (communicates) Consciousness of unbroken sweetness.
The One who dwells always in the lotus heart Space.
The eterbal Consciousness which comprehends everything. (450)

मौनसर्वफलावाप्तमुदिताय नमो नमः । वर्णाश्रमधर्मकर्मबन्धहर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
क्ष्म्र्यूमाख्य मनुजप्तेष्टसुखदाय नमो नमः ।
सदा मृष्टान्न सन्दत्तविजिघत्साय ते नमः । सदार्द्रसच्चिदानन्दधनदाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is joyous on attaining all fruits of (mental) silence.
Destroyer of bondage of Dharma and karma of Varna, Asrama.
Bestower of desired happiness on chantibgthe mantra called Kshmryum.
One who is never hungry, being offered sweet food.
Bestower of the wealth of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss always out of compassion. (455)

वेदान्तगणपस्तुत्यविभवाय नमो नमः ।
महानन्द पदद्वन्द्व भवानीशाय नमो नमः । प्रलब्धपुण्यकल्याणपूर्णार्णाय नमो नमः ।
संविन्मय सदानन्दानुभवाय नमो नमः । सत्तामात्रान्तरालक्ष्य शोभनाय नमो नमः । ४६०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who has the glory of being extolled by the protector of all Vedantas.
Lord of Bhavani, whose twin feet represent the Supreme Bliss.
Ocean full of auspiciousness attained out of religious merit.
Experience of Existence- Consciousness- Bliss.
Splendour of pure Existence with no interruption. (460)

नित्यसच्चिद्विलासात्म बोधकाय नमो नमः ।
केवलानन्द शुद्धात्म भावनाय नमो नमः । सकलेन्द्रियोपरम पञ्जराय नमो नमः ।
शिवशक्ति समायोग परमाय नमो नमः ।
कुसुमान्त सुगन्ध्यात्मनिगूढाय नमो नमः । (465)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the preceptor of the eternal glory of Existence- Consciousness of Atman.
Experience of the Unitary Bliss of the pure Atman.
Atman in the body in which all sense organs are withdrawn.
Supreme who represents the union of Shiva and Shakti.
One who is hidden in Atman like the fragrance in the flower. (465)

प्रशान्त कलनारम्भनीरागाय नमो नमः ।
हेयोपादेयनिर्मुक्त कुशलाय नमो नमः ।
दर्शनप्रत्ययाभास स्वयम्भु ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
चिन्मनः कलनाकार प्रकाशाय नमो नमः । अखण्ड़इतचिदाकाश ब्रह्मयोन्यै नमो नमः । ४७०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is free from attachment, leading to supreme peace.
One who is skilful to avoid acceptance and rejection of mundane matters.
Self-existent Brahman, shining in the medium of philosophy.
Light which shines in the mind which has fully taken the form of Consciousness.
Space of uninterrupted Consciousness, which is the source of Brahman. (470)

समस्तदेवतोपास्य श्री शिवाय नमो नमः । मुनिजनौघहृत्पद्मवासिने ते नमो नमः ।
विनतभक्त जन्मार्ति हारिणे ते नमो नमः । धनदादर्शिसौहार्दशोभिने ते नमो नमः ।
हृत्स्वच्छ भान्तमिहिर कोटिभाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the glorious Shiva , worshipped by all Devatas.
One who resides in the heart lotus of a number of Munis.
Remover of the misery of birth of the worshipping devotees.
One who possesses the splendour of showing kinship to Kubera.
One who shines with the brilliance of a crore of Suns in pure heart. (475)

निजाज्ञा काङ्क्षिवैरिञ्चिहरीन्द्राय नमो नमः । सर्वकर्मफलप्राप्तिकारणाय नमो नमः । भक्तहृद्रोगनिर्नाशपेशलाय नमो नमः ।
पार्वतीनयनानन्द सूचनाय नमो नमः ।
अशब्दाव्यय रूपाति प्रकाशाय नमो नमः । ४८०
Prostrations to
Natesa, whose instructions are waited upon by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
Cause of attaining the fruits of all actions.
One who is dexterous in destroying the disease of heart of devotees.
Indicator of the Bliss in the eyes of Parvati.
Brilliant Light whose form is free from sound and decline. (480)

अशेषजगज्जन्मार्तिभञ्जनाय नमो नमः । अस्पर्शाङ्गुष्ठमात्राय निर्धूमज्योतिषे नमः । आम्नायान्तैकसंसिद्ध सुकराय नमो नमः । आम्नायतत्वमञ्चस्थ परमाय नमो नमः । आविर्भूतमहानन्दमहाराजाय ते नमः । (485)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the complete destroyer of misery of all the worlds.
Light without smoke, of thumb size, untouched.
Do-gooder, established well and uniquely by Vedanta.
Supreme, abiding in the platform of the principle of Veda.
Manifest Emperor, of the form of Supreme Bliss.(485)

स्वात्मरूपतया नित्यं प्रतीताय नमो नमः । स्वानन्दराशिसंलग्नबाणभक्ताय ते नमः ।
सदा निजानन्दमग्नभानुकम्पाय ते नमः ।
करणग्रामसंहार कालातीताय वै नमः । खादिपञ्चभूतसृष्टि कारणाय नमो नमः । ४९०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is always known as one's own Atman.
One worshipped by Banasura, immersed always in his own huge Bliss.
One who bestows continuous own Bliss on Bhanukampa, the Shivagana.
One who is beyond Time, who destroys the group of instruments of action.
Cause of projection of the five elements like Space etc. (490)

श्रीपर्णगाम्बुकणवत् पञ्चकृत्याय ते नमः । घटादिजगदाकाररहिताय नमो नमः ।
ङाङीङू संज्ञितार्थानामगम्याय नमो नमः । चमन्त्रार्थनिषण्णानाममृताय नमो नमः । छादनच्छन्दनच्छन्नविभागाय नमो नमः । (495)

Prostrations to
Natesa, who performs the five actions (projection, sustenance, destruction, concealment, blessing) sportingly like the drop of water on lotus leaf.
One who is free from forms of the world like the pot etc.
One who is not reachable by mundane sense objects known by various names (ङा ङी ङू)
Amrita (nectar) for those engaged in the meanings of Chamaka mantras.
One who divided one into many through the function of the trio, cover, act of covering and that which is covered. (495)

जयार्थितजगच्छक्ति स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । ज्ञप्तिमात्रैकनिष्ठानां मुक्तिदाय नमो नमः । नित्यप्रत्यक्षनिर्णीतनिगमाय नमो नमः । भक्तहृत्पद्मसद्मैकनिषण्णाय नमो नमः । ममकारमहामोहनिवृत्ताय नमो नमः । ५००
Prostrations to
Natesa, who has the power of the world as his form as prayed by Devi.
Bestower of Liberation on those who are intent on knowing him only.
One who is of the form of Veda, which determines that which is eternal and that which is seen by eyes.
One who is seated lovingly in the abode of the heart lotus of devotee.
One who is free from the great delusion of mineness. (500)

महामोहतमोहारि स्वच्छन्दज्योतिषे नमः । महामन्त्रैकवाच्यार्थ महसे ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
मुहूर्तं चिन्तयन् नॄणां मुक्तिदाय नमो नमः । यथार्थप्रत्यगद्वैत सिद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । लोलाचञ्चलसंसार नाशनाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the spontaneous Light removing the darkness of the great delusion.
The brilliant Brahman, who is the only purport of the Mahamantra.
Bestower of Liberation on persons who meditate on Brahman for a Muhurtha (48 minutes).
Bestower of attainment of Advaita (non duality) in its real and innate form.
Destroyer of Samsara, the transient cycle of births and deaths. (505)

वाञ्छा वागुरविच्छित्तिहेतु भूत्यै नमो नमः ।
वेदवेदान्त निष्ठात्मभूतिदाय नमो नमः । मोदप्रमोदानन्दात्मशिवेष्टाय नमो नमः ।
क्षों चित् शुद्ध चित्तात्मप्रसन्नाय नमो नमः ।
महदानन्द सन्दोह स्वानन्दाय नमो नमः । ५१०
इति श्रीनटेशपञ्चशती सम्पूर्णा ।

Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the cause of breaking the snare of desires.
Bestower of the glory of Atman established in Veda and Vedanta.
Lover of Atman, who is Shiva, of the form of Bliss overflowing with joy.
One who is cheerful with experience of Atman, pointed out by pure mind, cultivated by the bijakshara क्षों
One who is established in his own overflowing bliss. (510)

Thus ends Sri Natesa Panchashati.

Translated: P. R. Kannan

Sri Natesa Panchashati

ओङ्कारपरमार्थैकभवनाय नमो नमः ।
चिदम्बरसभानन्दनृत्ताङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
विराठृदय पद्मस्थ सभेशाय नमो नमः ।
सच्चिदानन्दसम्पूर्ण चिद्घनाय नमो नमः ।
चिदाकाशपरञ्ज्योतिस्स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । (5)

Prostrations to
The unique abode of the supreme state of Omkara.
One whose dance of bliss is seen in the Sabha of Chidambaram.
Sabhapati, who resides in the heart lotus of Virat Purusha.
The solidified Consciousness full of Sat- Existence, Chit- Consciousness, Ananda- Bliss.
Form of Supreme Light in the Space of Consciousness. (5)

परात्परपरब्रह्ममूर्तये ते नमो नमः ।
अवाङ्मानस चारित्रवैभवाय नमो नमः ।
व्यक्ताव्यक्तपरन्तत्वप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमो नमः ।

समस्तजगदाधाराव्याकृते ते नमो नमः ।
महाकैलास शिखर नित्यस्थाय नमो नमः । १० ।

Prostrations to
The Supreme Brahman, higher than the highest.
The glory of whose sport is beyond the ken of human speech and thought.
One who established the lofty principle of Manifest and Unmanifest.
One who is Unexpounded and who is the foundation of all the universes.
One whose permanent abode is in the peak of the glorious Kailasa mountain. ।10।

पतञ्जलिसुसन्दृष्ट परमाय नमो नमः ।

त्रिचत्वारिंशत्कोणश्रीचक्राङ्गाय नमो नमः ।

सम्मेलनसभायन्त्रमध्यनृत्ताय ते नमः ।
सभानट महाविद्यार्णाकाराय नमो नमः ।

सदानन्दमयीरूपचिन्मयाय नमो नमः । (15)

Prostrations to
The Supreme Being, who gave darshan to Patanjali
Who is in the Srichakra, consisting of 43 triangles
One who dances in the middle of Yantra in the Sabha where all Devas congregate
Nataraja who dances in Chitsabha and whose very form is Supreme Vidya
Who is Sat- Existence, Ananda- Bliss, Chit- Consciousness (15)

सहस्राक्षरसद्विद्यासुपूज्याय नमो नमः ।
भानुकोटि प्रकाशान्त मन्दिराय नमो नमः ।

सहस्रस्तम्भसंयुक्त मण्टपाय नमो नमः ।

स्वशक्त्यादिमहाशक्त्यासनस्थाय नमो नमः ।

शिवकामसुन्दरीश्रीवल्लभाय नमो नमः । २० ।
Prostrations to
One who is worshipped by Sahasrakshara mantra (used in Devi Puja)
Whose abode shines with the brilliance of a crore of Suns
Who shines in Hall having a thousand pillars
Who is seated in Mahashaktis including Svashakti
The splendid beloved of Sivakamasundari (20)

सामीकलत्रभागात्तशरीराय नमो नमः ।

हिमशैलेन्द्रतनयालिङ्गिताय नमो नमः ।

विलसद्दिव्यकर्पूरगौराङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
कन्दर्पायुत सङ्काशलावण्याय नमो नमः ।

बहुनूत्नार्कसदृशविमानाय नमो नमः । (25)

Prostrations to
One who has Moon, the husband of stars, on his form
Who is embraced by the daughter of Himavan
Who shines with divine white camphor-like form
Who has handsomeness of numberless Manmathas
Whose vimana (canopy) shines with the brilliance of many rising Suns. (25)

इन्दिरारमणप्रीत सुन्दराय नमो नमः ।

अखण्डसच्चिदानन्द नादान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सुरत्नखचित स्वर्णकिरीटाय नमो नमः ।
अशेषाण्डस्यूत जटामण्डलाय नमो नमः ।

अनूपमसुलावण्यस्वदेहाय नमो नमः । ३०
Prostrations to
The Handsome One, dear to Vishnu, the lover of Lakshmi
One, who is in the Nada (primeval sound) arising from the unbroken Sat Chit Ananda
Who has the diadem of gold studded with beautiful gems
Whose matted tresses hold all the Brahmandas
Whose form has unparalleled beauty (30)

सदा मुदानन्द सुधार्णमग्नाय नमो नमः ।
परमानन्द चिद्रूपप्रकाशाय नमो नमः ।

इच्छाज्ञानक्रियाशक्ति सन्नुताय नमो नमः ।

तप्तकाञ्चनसङ्काशजटारण्याय ते नमः ।

मणिसुन्दरमन्दारमौलिबद्धाय ते नमः । (35)
Prostrations to
One who is ever immersed in the ocean of nectar of cheer and Bliss
Whose form is brilliant with Supreme Bliss and Knowledge
Who is adored by Iccha, Gnana and Kriya shaktis (powers of will, knowledge and action)
Whose forest of matted tresses shine like molten gold
Who has beautiful gems and Mandara flowers tied in his hair (35)

पिञ्जालङ्कृतहेमाभकपर्दाय नमो नमः ।

वियद्गङ्गाम्बुपूर्णाभमूर्धजाय नमो नमः ।

गङ्गाकल्लोलद्रोणीन्दुमस्तकाय नमो नमः ।

चारुशीतांशुशकलशेखराय नमो नमः ।

त्रिपुण्ड्रविलसत्फालफलकाय नमो नमः । ४०

Prostrations to
One whose matted tresses shine like gold adorned with moon
Whose head shines with fullness of waters of Akashaganga
Whose head has the wavy Ganga and Moon
Whose head is adorned with the beautiful cool-rayed crescent moon
Whose forehead shines with the three horizontal lines of Vibhuti (40)

त्रिपथत्रिदशाकारत्रिनेत्राय नमो नमः ।

दक्षिणाभिमुखाम्भोजविमलाय नमो नमः ।

सोमपावकमार्ताण्ड लोचनाय नमो नमः ।

कर्णपूरोत्पलस्पर्धि स्वीक्षणाय नमो नमः ।
वासुकी तक्षकलसत्कुण्डलाय नमो नमः । (45)
Prostrations to
One with three eyes, representing the three paths (to salvation, viz. Karma, Bhakti and Gnana) and three states (waking, dream and deep sleep)
The Pure One with lotus face towards South
With three eyes of Moon, Agni and Sun
With eyes rivaling in beauty with the lotus ear ornaments
With shining ear rings of serpents Vasuki, Takshaka (45)

तमालश्यामलाकारकर्णिकाय नमो नमः ।
मुख्य भस्माङ्कितस्मेरवदनाय नमो नमः ।

कामकार्मुकसौन्दर्य हसनाय नमो नमः ।

शङ्खवृत्तमृदुस्निग्ध कन्धराय नमो नमः ।

जातीमन्दाररुचिर ग्रैवेयाय नमो नमः । ५०

Prostrations to
One with ear ornaments, black in colour like Tamala tree
With smiling face marked by Vibhuti
With laughter, beautiful as the flower arrows of Manmatha
With neck, round like conch and soft and glossy
With garlands of jasmine and mandara flowers on the neck (50)

अमृताब्धि समुद्भूत श्रीकण्ठाय नमो नमः ।

विधिशीर्षालिसम्बद्ध सुहाराय नमो नमः ।
ज्वलदग्नि लसत्पाणि पल्लवाय नमो नमः ।
कराब्जधृत कालाग्निज्वलनाय नमो नमः ।

मार्गाधर्मप्रवृत्तानां अधः कर्त्रे नमो नमः । (55)

Prostrations to
One with blue throat caused by the poison arising from the ocean of Amrita (nectar)
One who wears a majestic garland of rows of heads of Brahmas
With shoot-like arm shining with flaming Agni
Holding in lotus hand the flaming Kalagni (Fire at the time of Dissolution)
One who pushes down those who follow the path of Adharma (55)

मुक्ति सूचिसव्यवीज हस्ताब्जाय नमो नमः ।
डमड्डमरुवाद्यूर्ध्वदक्षहस्ताय ते नमः ।

सदाऽभयप्रदकरसारसाय नमो नमः ।

विजयश्रीलसद्बाहुमण्डलाय नमो नमः ।

अनेकरत्नसञ्छन्नसुहाराय नमो नमः । ६०
Prostrations to
One with lotus like extended left hand indicating Mukti
With upper right hand holding the beating Damaru
With (right lower) lotus hand showing the gesture of freedom from fear
With arms shining with the splendour of victory
Wearing beautiful necklaces studded with many gems (60)

मौक्तिकस्वर्णरुद्राक्षमालिकाय नमो नमः ।

अम्लानदिव्यकुन्दादिलम्बनाय नमो नमः ।

विद्युन्नागोपवीताभमहोरस्काय ते नमः ।
मृगमातङ्ग हर्यक्षत्वग्धराय नमो नमः ।

व्याघ्रचर्मोत्तरीयांससुन्दराय नमो नमः । (65)
Prostrations to
One with necklace of Rudrakshas studded with hold and pearl
With divine garland of unwithered jasmine and other flowers
With splendid chest shining with yagnopavita of flashing serpents
Wearing the skin of elephant and other animals
With beautiful shoulders holding the tiger skin (65)

ह्रीमादिजप्तमन्त्रात्तसुहृदे ते नमो नमः ।

रत्नकौशेयसंवीत कटिदेशाय ते नमः ।

सौदामिनी सुमच्छायसुवस्त्राय नमो नमः ।

सुवर्णरत्नसिञ्जान श‍ृङ्खलाय नमो नमः ।

प्रालम्बिसुदृढोल्लग्नभूषणाय नमो नमः । ७०
Prostrations to
One who is the well wisher of those who chant mantras like Hrim
With waist adorned with silken robe and gem studded ornaments
Wearing apparel shining like sky with lightning
Wearing golden waistband studded with jingling gems
Wearing ornament hanging down from neck and firmly sitting on the chest (70)

तिलप्रसूनहेमाङ्गाभरणाय नमो नमः ।
तटिल्लसदुरः सूत्रालङ्कृताय नमो नमः । कटीतटलसत्सर्पाशावासाय नमो नमः । सौवर्णकिङ्किणीयुक्त कटिस्थाय नमो नमः । शिञ्जानमणिमञ्जीर कुञ्चिताङ्घ्रे नमो नमः । (75)
Prostrations to
Natesa Wearing til flower golden ornaments
Adorned with Yagnopavita shining like lightning on the chest
Wearing no dress (with only directions as dress) with shining serpent adorning the waist
Wearing waistband with golden jingling bells
With curved foot (Kunchitapada) adorned with anklet with jingling bells (75)

लीलयोद्धृतवामाङ्घ्रिवामनाय नमो नमः । कृपयात्तात्ममायापस्मारस्थाय नमो नमः । अशेषदेवताराध्यपादुकाय नमो नमः ।
धगद्धगित रत्नाच्छपादुकाय नमो नमः । मदमुदितमदनदमनाय नमो नमः । ८०

Prostrations to
Natesa with bent left foot raised sportingly
Who lays his (right) foot compassionately on Apasmara, the very form of his own Maya
With Padukas worshipped by all Devatas without exception
With Padukas shining with beautiful resplendent gems
Who subdued Manmatha who was puffed with pride. (80)

यमुनानुजभवन शमनाय नमो नमः ।
विशेषपादुकाराध्य सिद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । चक्राब्जरेखायुक्ताङ्घ्रि पङ्कजाय नमो नमः । त्रिसाहस्रद्विजेन्द्रार्च्य पदाब्जाय नमो नमः । गारुडोपलगाम्भीर्यपादुकाय नमो नमः । (85)
Prostrations to
Natesa who subdued the pride of Yama, the brother of Yamuna
Bestower of Siddhis (special powers) on those who specially worship Padukas
With lotus feet having lines of Chakra and lotus
With lotus feet worshipped by the three thousand glorious Dikshitas
With splendid golden Padukas inlaid with emerald stones (85)

सूक्ष्मघण्टामणिप्रोत नूपुराय नमो नमः । वटपत्रसमाकारसूदराय नमो नमः ।
काकोदर फणारत्नग्रैवेयाय नमो नमः । ब्रह्मबृन्दकपालालिमालिकाय नमो नमः । शुण्डादण्डवदाकार वीजहस्ताय ते नमः । ९०
Prostrations to
Natesa wearing anklets with tiny bells and studded with gems.
Having well formed belly looking like leaf of banyan tree
Wearing necklace of jewels from the hoods of snakes.
Wearing garland of rows of skulls of groups of Brahmas
With (left) hand extended like the trunk of elephant. (90)

रत्नाङ्गुलीयविलसत् हस्ताब्जाय नमो नमः । सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्न सुमुखाय नमो नमः ।
प्रवालाधर विकसत्सुस्मिताय नमो नमः ।
अतिशीतल चन्द्राहि शेखराय नमो नमः । हरिन्मणिनिभस्वेच्छवामार्धाय नमो नमः । (95)
Prostrations to
Natesa with lotus hands shining with gem studded finger rings.
With cheerful face having all auspicious and beautiful signs.
With enticing smile from bloomed shootlike lips.
With very cool moon and serpent on the head.
With left half given voluntarily to Devi shining like emerald. (95)

स्वच्छाच्छ स्फटिकाकार सव्यार्धाय नमो नमः । सर्वालङ्कारसंयुक्त सर्वाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
भवानी स्मितमाधुर्य वीक्षणाय नमो नमः ।
बिल्वोत्तमाङ्ग सौन्दर्य मुखाब्जाय नमो नमः ।
हीरसार त्रिपुण्ड्राङ्क मस्तकाय नमो नमः ॥ १००
Prostrations to
Natesa whose right half shines like clear crystal.
With all limbs adorned with all beautiful ornaments.
Looked at sweetly with the smile of Bhavani.
With beautiful lotus face and head adorned with bilva leaves.
Whose head is marked with choicest diamond ornaments and Tripundram (100)

विवृत्तोद्यद्धीरकान्ति दन्तपङ्क्त्यै नमो नमः । बहिरन्ताखिलाण्डालि भास्कराय नमो नमः । देवीपरिणयाकार मङ्गलाय नमो नमः ।
नृत्ताटोपेक्षणोमार्ध विग्रहाय नमो नमः । उमाश्लिष्टाङ्गविलसद् दिव्याङ्गाय नमो नमः । (105)
Prostrations to
Natesa with open row of teeth radiating shine like rising Sun.
Who is Surya lighting up rows of Brahmandas within and without.
Who is auspiciousness personified in the form of marriage with Devi
With Uma in half the form, who looks at the glory of your dance.
With divine limbs shining with the embrace of Uma. (105)

उमाक्षीन्दीवर सुमाहस्कराय नमो नमः । गुहमत्तेभवदनजनकाय नमो नमः । श्रीवाणीविधिविष्ण्विन्द्र यजनाय नमो नमः । महामन्त्रमहायन्त्रायतनाय नमो नमः ।
शिवानन्द परज्योतिर्ज्वलनाय नमो नमः । ११०

Prostrations to
Natesa who is Surya to the blue lotus eyes of Uma.
The father of Guha with face like ruttish (excited) elephant.
Worshipped by Lakshmi, Saraswati, Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
Abode of Mahamantras and Mahayantras.
Who is Agni with the supreme flame of bliss of Shiva. (110)

धर्माकृति वृषश्रेष्ठवाहनाय नमो नमः ।
मोक्षरूपवृषेन्द्रस्व केतनाय नमो नमः । वृषध्वजावृतार्कादिमण्डलाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वंसहा महद्दिव्यस्यन्दनाय नमो नमः । सुधांशुभास्कराकाररथाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa whose mount is the splendid bull, who is Dharma incarnate.
Whose flag has the great bull of the very form of Moksha.
Who is in the region of Surya and other celestials surrounded by the flag of the bull.
With splendid divine chariot which can bear everything (during Tripura Samhara).
With chariot wheels of Moon and Sun. (115)

ऋग्यजुस्सामाथर्वात्त तुरगाय नमो नमः । सारथीभूतवैरिञ्चिविनुताय नमो नमः । सुरारिवैरिज्वलनमार्गणाय नमो नमः । चामीकरमहाशैलकार्मुकाय नमो नमः । ज्याभूतादिशेषबद्ध सुधन्वने नमो नमः । १२०
Prostrations to
Natesa who had as horses the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas (during Tripura Samhara)
Worshipped by Brahma who functioned as charioteer.
Who used as flaming arrow Vishnu, the enemy of Asuras.
Who used as bow the huge golden mountain (Meru).
Whose bowstring was Adisesha. (120)

हास्यभस्मी कृताशेष त्रैपुराय नमो नमः ।
स्तम्बेरघोरदैतेय दारणाय नमो नमः । सनकादिसमाराध्ययोगेशाय नमो नमः । शोकमोहरोगतिग्म विदूराय नमो नमः ।
प्रारब्धजन्ममरण क्षणहन्त्रे नमो नमः । (125)
Prostrations to
Natesa who reduced Tripuras completely to ashes by a mere smile.
Who rent the asura called Gajasura.
Yogiswara worshipped by Sanka and other sages.
Remover of the heat of grief and delusion.
One who destroys in a second Prarabdha karma (karma which has come to fruition in this birth), birth and death. (125)

चिद्घनानन्दसन्दोहगुहान्ताय नमो नमः । निरन्तरानन्दसुखसंविद् दात्रे नमो नमः । कैवल्यशुद्धसन्मार्ग सम्पद्दात्रे नमो नमः । अनन्तवेदवेदान्तसंहृदे ते नमो नमः ।
रत्नसोपान सम्बद्ध सभान्ताय नमो नमः । १३०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is inside the cave of abundant mass of Consciousness and Bliss.
Bestower of the Supreme knowledge of eternal Bliss.
Bestower of the wealth of the pure and virtuous path leading to Moksha (Kaivalya).
One who has the endless Vedas and Vedanta in his heart.
One who is inside the Sabha built well with gem studded steps. (130)

नयनानन्दजनकनर्तनाय नमो नमः । नादबिन्दुकलान्तात्मस्वरूपाय नमः । पूर्णानन्दैकविज्ञानपरमाय नमः । तापत्रयातीतमहाताण्डवाय नमः । सशिवानन्दसायुज्य सिद्धिदाय नमः । (135)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the dancer bestowing Bliss on the beholder's eyes.
Of the form holding in itself Nada, Bindu and Kala (the primal sounds of creation).
Who is the Supreme Knowledge which alone bestows complete Bliss.
Whose great Tandava dance takes one beyond the three afflictions (Adhidaivika, Adhibhoutika and Adhyatmika).
Bestower of enjoyment of Bliss of Sayujya (merger) with Natesa and Sivakamasundari. (135)

सत्सन्तानादि सौभाग्य निचयाय नमः । अज्ञानतिमिरभ्रान्तिध्वंसकाय नमः । आदिमध्यान्तरहितस्थाणवे ते नमः । मायामयमहामोहविनिर्भेत्त्रे नमः ।
पयस्स्थ घृतवत्प्राज्ञविदिताय नमः । १४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the heap of good luck like virtuous progeny etc.
Destroyer of the illusion of darkness of ignorance (Agnana).
Sthanu (immovable) devoid of beginning, middle and end.
One who rends apart the great delusion full of Maya.
Known to the wise like ghee in milk. (140)

पुत्रमित्र कलत्रादिबन्धहर्त्रे नमो नमः । बहिरन्तसुकृत्सौख्य वृद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । दम्भाहङ्कार दर्पाल्पगर्वघ्नाय नमो नमः । ऐहिकामुष्मिकसुखाद्यसङ्गाय नमो नमः । तृणीकृताशापपदत्रिसाहस्राय ते नमः । (145)
Prostrations to
Natesa the remover of bondage like son, friend, wife etc.
Bestower of ample happiness arising from virtuous deeds inside and outside (mental and physical).
Destroyer of mean pride of hypocrisy, ego and arrogance.
Bestower of detachment from comforts here and hereafter.
One who made short work of the curses of the three thousand Munis (of Darukavana). (145)

प्रणवैकस्मृतिपरदिदृक्षाय नमो नमः । कृतनिन्दास्तुतानन्दमानसाय नमो नमः ।
ज्योतिर्मय शिवालिङ्गाम्रनाथाय नमो नमः । फणिराडाच्छादितास्य पञ्चकाय नमो नमः । सर्वतोमुखदीप्तेन्दु शेखराय नमो नमः । १५०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is keen on meditating on Pranava alone and experiencing the Supreme.
Who is of blissful mind on listening to Nindastuti (praise appearing like censure).
Who is of the form of Jyotirlinga (Linga of radiance) as Ekamranatha (Lord at the foot of the single mango tree).
Who has five faces sheltered by the king of serpents (Adi Sesha).
With moon shedding light in all directions on his head. (150)

गङ्गाम्बुग्रथितजटाकलापाय नमो नमः ।
महाहीरक मकुटाभरणाय नमो नमः । निजाक्षिजाग्निसन्दग्धमन्मथाय नमो नमः । भस्मीकृतस्मरोज्जीववीक्षणाय नमो नमः । कामाक्षीसुदृढाश्लिष्टयुग्मवक्षोभृते नमः । (155)
Prostrations to
Natesa who has matted tresses holding Ganga waters.
With crown of glorious diamonds decorating the head.
Who burnt Manmatha with the fire from his third eye.
Who brought Manmatha, who had been reduced to ashes, back to life by his look.
Whose chest is embraced tightly by the bosom of Kamakshi. (155)

स्वशरीरार्धदृग्वेणीनारीदात्रे नमो नमः । नीलेन्दीवरनीकाशवामार्धाय नमो नमः । निजास्यनेत्रसम्भूतकुमाराय नमो नमः ।
सुवीक्षित शिवार्धांश ताण्डवाय नमो नमः । उत्फुल्लरत्नकमलसहस्रार्च्याय ते नमः । १६०
Prostrations to
Natesa who gave half of his body including eye and hair to his female consort.
Whose left half appears like blue lotus.
Who generated Kumara from his third eye in the face.
Whose Tandava dance was seen with enjoyment by the consort on the left half.
Who was worshipped by a thousand gems of blossomed lotus (by Vishnu). (160)

राजीवाक्षार्पिताब्जाभलोचनाय नमो नमः । वैकुण्ठाधिपविष्णवाख्य पददात्रे नमो नमः । भावनामात्रसन्तुष्टवरदाय नमो नमः ।
तत्वातीतगुणातीत स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । अप्राकृतमहादेवीपरस्थाय नमो नमः । (165)
Prostrations to
Natesa who was offered eyes shining like lotus by the lotus eyed Vishnu.
Who gave the state of Vishnu the lord of Vaikuntha.
Who is pleased with only emotion of devotion and bestows boons.
Whose form is beyond all principles and attributes.
Who has on his other (left) side Mahadevi who is beyond all creation. (165)

दारुकावन मौनिस्त्रीमोहिताय नमो नमः ।
कृताभिचार किञ्चिज्ज्ञतापसाय नमो नमः । व्याघ्राहिवह्नयपस्मार सेविताय नमो नमः । वैष्णवीमोहिनी दृष्ट नटनाय नमो नमः । जलन्धरासुरशिरश्छेदनाय नमो नमः । १७०
Prostrations to
Natesa who deluded the women of Munis of Darukavana.
Against whom Aabhichara (maledictory ritual) was used by austere munis of little knowledge .
On whom tiger, serpent, fire and Apasmara (demon representing ignorance, literally epilepsy) were directed.
Whose dance was witnessed by Vishnu in Mohini form.
Who decapitated the asura Jalandhara. (170)

मार्कण्डेयाश्लिष्टशिवलिङ्गमूर्ते नमो नमः । एतद्भक्ताकृष्ट मृत्युमथनाय नमो नमः । दक्षाङ्घ्रिघात शमितशमनाय नमो नमः । मार्कण्डेयमनोऽभीष्ट सिद्धिदाय नमो नमः । दक्षयज्ञध्वंसवीरभद्रमूर्ते नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the form of Shivalinga embraced by Markandeya.
Who tortured Yama who came to take away this devotee.
Who kicked Yama efficiently with his foot.
Who bestowed on Markandeya fulfilment of his wishes.
Who took the form of Virabhadra and destroyed the yagna of Daksha Prajapati. (175)
बलान्धकासुरप्राणजिघृक्षाय नमो नमः ।
शूलस्यूतान्धकस्तोत्रप्रार्थिताय नमो नमः ।
गाणाधिपेन्द्र साम्राज्य पद दात्रे नमो नमः । विखण्डिताजपञ्चास्यनखराय नमो नमः । मुरारिनेत्रपूज्याङ्घ्रिपङ्कजाय नमो नमः । १८०

Who was keen to take away the life of the strong Andhakasura.
Who was begged by Andhakasura who was impaled on Trisula.
Who bestowed on him the position of the chief of Ganas.
Who removed the fifth head of Brahma with his finger nails.
Whose lotus feet were worshipped by Vishnu, the enemy of Mura, with his eyes. (180)

कुठारनासिदैतैय दारणाय नमो नमः ।
झलञ्झलितलोकालि नूपुराय नमो नमः । भक्तियुक्तक्षुल्लकादि स्वीकृताय नमो नमः । बिल्वकाष्ठचन्दनाति सुप्रियाय नमो नमः । वन्य पुष्पपत्रफलामोदिताय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who dissected Asuras with the nose of his axe.
Whose anklets' jingling sound reverberates across rows of worlds.
Who accepts even lowly persons with devotion.
Who very much loves bilva and chandana woods.
Who is pleased with forest flowers, leaves and fruits. (185)

वसन्तप्रमुखानेकऋतुभ्यस्ते नमो नमः । भक्तहृत्पद्मसुलभ दर्शनाय नमो नमः । औदाराम्भोधिमध्यस्थकृपारत्नाय ते नमः । अपस्मारोपरि क्षुण्ण दक्षिणाङ्घ्रे नमो नमः । दक्षपादाङ्गुलिन्यस्त दशकण्ठाय ते नमः । १९०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the form of many seasons like spring etc.
Who gives easy darshan in the lotus heart of devotee.
Who is the gem of compassion in the middle of the sea of generosity.
Whose right foot tramples upon Apasmara (ignorance, epilepsy) the demon.
Who crushed the ten headed Ravana with his right foot toe finger. (190)
चराचराशेषलोकशरण्याय नमो नमः । अधः कृततमोरूपघोरणाय नमो नमः । समस्तजगदाधार चिद्घनाय नमो नमः । दुःखजन्मजरामृत्युनाशनाय नमो नमः । धर्मार्थकाममोक्षादि फलदाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the only refuge of the world of moving and non-moving things.
Who brought down the demon of darkness.
Who is solidified Consciousness, the very foundation of all worlds.
Destroyer of sorrow, birth, old age, death.
Bestower of fruits including Dharma, Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha. (Liberation). (195)

उत्पत्तिस्थितिकर्त्रादिजनकाय नमो नमः । चराचरजगन्मध्य साक्षिभूत्यै नमो नमः । पिपीलिकादिदेव्यन्तहृदिष्ठाय नमो नमः । क्रन्दत्स्तनन्धयक्रोडस्तन्य दात्रे नमो नमः । नारसिंहसुहृत्प्रीतशरभाय नमो नमः । २००
Prostrations to
Natesa the primal progenitor, who creates and sustains the worlds.
The Witness in the centre of the world of moving and non-moving objects.
One who is established in the heart of all creatures from ant to Devi.
One who gave breast milk to the crying pig babies.
One who took the form of Sarabha bird to help Narasimha lovingly. (200)

एवमादिस्वभूगर्व भञ्जनाय नमो नमः । एवमादिसुरेन्द्रात्तगर्व हर्त्रे नमो नमः । महाकल्पान्तप्रलयभैरवाय नमो नमः । परमानन्दसम्पूर्णस्वात्मस्थाय नमो नमः । परप्रकाशानन्दनाथसत्यज्ञाय नमो नमः ।(205)

Prostrations to
Natesa who thus destroyed the pride of Brahma.
Who thus removed the conceit of Indra.
Who is Bhairava bringing about the great destruction at the end of Mahakalpa.
Who has the Supreme Bliss filled in his Atma.
Knower of Truth, which holds sway over the supreme light and Bliss. (205)

महापातकतूलौघ पावकाय नमो नमः ।
आपातालोर्ध्वसङ्क्रान्त स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । अनाद्यन्तस्वप्रणवनिरूपाय नमो नमः ।
आदिमानन्द विज्ञानसंवेद्याय नमो नमः । सप्तकोटिमहामन्त्रप्रतीकाय नमो नमः । २१०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is fire for the cotton bales of grave sins.
Whose form extends from Patala upwards.
Who represents his own Pranava, which has no beginning, nor end.
Who is the complete knower of the True Knowledge of primal Bliss.
Who is the image of the seven crore Mahamantras. (210)

कोटिकोटिमहामन्त्र स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । सर्वमन्त्रमयान्ताप्तसिद्धिदाय नमो नमः । स्वरसंप्राप्तगीर्वाण भूषणाय नमो नमः ।
अनन्तानन्द सञ्जात संविद् दात्रे नमो नमः ।
नमितानन्द सन्दोह ज्ञानदाय नमो नमः । (215)l
Prostrations to
Natesa whose form is of crores and crores of Mahamantras.
Whose interior is of all Mantras and who grants Siddhis (of Mantras) to devotees who pray.
Whose adornment is glory of speech attained through swarm.
Giver of Supreme Knowledge generating endless Bliss.
Giver of Knowledge producing mass of Bliss to the worshippers. (215)

भक्तभक्ति प्रसन्नात्मवैभवाय नमो नमः ।
अतुलोदार सौहार्दवामाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
स्वरत्र्यक्षरसंयुक्त नृत्तवेद्यै नमो नमः ।
अनन्तमहिमाराव सुनादाय नमो नमः । अचिन्त्यानन्तमाहात्म्यतात्पर्याय नमो नमः । २२०
Prostrations to
Natesa whose glory extends to happiness with the devotion of devotee.
Whose left half comprises incomparable and generous goodwill.
Knower of dance accompanied by sound conveying three letters (of Maheswara Sutras- A I Un etc.). (The feminine gender in this attribute refers to Parvati on the left).
Of the form of sweet and loud sound of endless glory.
Of the form of purport of unthinkable and endless glory. (220)

अप्रमेयात्म चारित्र पुराणाय नमो नमः ।
मुदा हृदम्बुजावासनटराजाय नमो नमः ।
प्रणवार्थ सभानाथ परस्मै ब्रह्मणे नमः । पराशक्तिसमायुक्त परेशाय नमो नमः । परब्रह्ममयोङ्कारमन्त्रार्थाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa the Primal Deity whose own history is beyond measure.
Nataraja who happily resides in the lotus heart (of devotee).
Para Brahman, the lord of Chitsabha, which is the meaning of Pranava.
Supreme Iswara, accompanied by Supreme Shakti.
Meaning of Omkara Mantra, which is suffused with Para Brahman. (225)

सहस्रनामजापीष्ट फलदाय नमो नमः । त्रिसहस्रद्विजेन्द्राद्यकूटस्थाय नमो नमः ।
त्रिकूटश‍ृङ्ग विलसत्सभेशाय नमो नमः ।
श्रीयन्त्र शिवशक्त्यैक्य नर्तिने ते नमो नमः । परमानन्दनटन विनोदाय नमो नमः । २३०
Prostrations to
Natesa who bestows desired fruits on chanting Sahasranama.
Who is in the midst of the primal three thousand Dikshitas (best brahmanas).
Sabhesa shining in the peak of Trikuta mountain.
Dancer expounding the unity of Sriyantra and Shiva -Shakti.
Reveller in dance of Supreme Bliss. (230)

कोमलालोलनृत्तेक्षमोहनाय नमो नमः । वामगामञ्जुवीक्षण्यासेचनाय नमो नमः ।
ओङ्कार लिङ्ग मूर्ध्न्यूर्ध्व निवासाय नमो नमः । भ्रूमध्यलिङ्ग हृत्पद्म निलयाय नमो नमः । श्रीमत्पञ्चार्णसोपान सभान्ताय नमोनमः । (235)
Prostrations to
Natesa the deluder whose dance is witnessed by the gentle rolling eyes of Devi.
Who is filled with the sweet glance of Devi on left half.
Who resides at the top of the head of Linga of Omkara.
Whose abode is in the Linga in the centre of eye brows and in heart-lotus.
Who is inside the Sabha reached by the five steps of the splendid five letters (Panchakshara - Namah Shivaya). (235)

चिदम्बरमहायन्त्रविलासाय नमो नमः ।
नादबिन्दु कलाहंसचित्पराय नमो नमः ।
मुक्तिमार्गद्योत घण्टाऽऽरागाराय नमो नमः । ज्वलितध्वनिमन्त्रौघ प्रभान्ताय नमो नमः । चतुस्स्तम्भार्षेयमध्य निगूढाय नमो नमः । २४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is radiant with the Mahayantra at Chidambaram (Rahasyam).
Who is beyond Nada, Bindu, Kala (the primal sound causes of creation) and Consciousness.
Who is pleased with the bell which illumines the path of Mukti. (Reference is to the special deep sonorant pleasing sound of the bell at the temple).
Who is inside the halo of the multitude of Mantras with brilliant sound.
Who is hidden at the centre of the sacred space marked by four pillars (Chitsabha). (240)

षट्शास्त्रस्तम्भयुक् श्रीशपीठस्थाय नमो नमः । वैरिञ्चिविष्णुरुद्रेशासनस्थाय नमो नमः ।
उन्मनीस्थान निवसदुत्तमाय नमो नमः । द्वादशान्तपदावास व्योमस्थाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वशान्त निरालम्बशाश्वताय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the Kanaka Sabha with six pillars of six Shastras.
Who is seated in (Sphatika) Linga housing Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.
Who is the Ideal residing in Unmani (beyond mind) state (of Yoga).
Who is in the Space above the uppermost chakra (Dvadasanta).
Who is the eternal presence in that state of absence of everything related to body and needing no support from outside. (245)

मनोवचोभिरग्राह्य पूरणाय नमो नमः ।
पूर्णात्पूर्ण शिवानन्द परोक्षाय नमो नमः ।
माहेशोपरि विन्यासनृत्तेशाय नमो नमः । सदाशिवोपरिव्योमनटेशाय नमो नमः । मायायवनिकाच्छन्न रहस्याय नमो नमः । २५०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is full ocean who is beyond grasp of mind and words.
Who is beyond the fullest Bliss of Shiva.
Iswara of dance who is above Maheswara.
Iswara of dance in Space, who is above Sadashiva.
Who is Rahasya (Esoteric Power) concealed by the curtain of Maya. (250)

चिन्तामणिमहामन्त्रनिजाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
षोडशी मन्त्र युक्तश्रीचक्रान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सदा शैलादिसन्दृष्टसभेशाय नमो नमः । अकाराद्यक्षरारम्भनामार्थाय नमो नमः । भक्तिगम्यानन्तरूपप्रकाशाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa whose own limbs comprise of Mahamantras, which are wish-fulfilling Chintamani.
Who is inside Srichakra with the Shodasi mantra.
Sabhesa who is always in the sight of Nandi, son of Silada.
Who is the meaning of names starting with letters 'A' etc.
Whi shines in endless forms attained through devotion. (255)

ॐ नमस्ते इषवे रुद्र धन्वने ते नमः ।
नमस्ते मन्यवे रुद्र बाहुभ्यां ते नमो नमः ।
नीलग्रीवाय सदय सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
नमस्ते मीढुषे तुभ्यमायुधाय नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते धृष्णवे भर्ग हिरण्यबाहवे नमः । २६०
Om. Prostrations to
Natesa's bow and arrow again and again.
Your anger and the two arms.
You with blue throat and thousand eyes shedding compassion.
You, who bestow all desires of worshippers and your weapons.
You, who are capable of harming, and with golden arms. (260)
From here onwards the composer has drawn on mantras of Sri Rudram.

दिशां च पतये शर्व सेनान्ये ते नमो नमः ।
सस्पिञ्जराय सर्वेश पशूनां पतये नमः ।
त्विषीमते पथीनां च पतये ते नमो नमः ।
विव्याधिने बभ्लुशायाप्यन्नानां पतये नमः ।
उपवीतिने नमस्तुभ्यं हरिकेशाय ते नमः । (265)
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the lord of directions, and the head of the army of destruction.
Of mixed colour of red and yellow, like tender grass, and lord of all beings.
Who is brilliant with Gnana, and the pioneer of Vedic and Tantric paths.
Who harms (evil persons) much, is seated on the bull, and is the lord of all foodstuff.
With yagnopavita and having dark hair (ever young). (265)

पुष्टानां पतये तुभ्यं भवस्य हेत्यै नमः ।
जगतां पतये तुभ्यं रुद्रायाथ नमो नमः ।
नम्रातताविनेशान क्षेत्राणां पतये नमः ।
सूताय चाथाहन्त्याय वनानां पतये नमः ।
रोहिताय स्थपतये वृक्षाणां पतये नमः । २७०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the lord of those filled with knowledge, wealth etc., and is like a weapon to cut off the tree of samsara.
Lord of Liberation of jivas, and destroyer of the sorrow of samsara.
One who protects devotee with bow readily strung, and protector of bodies of jivas.
Charioteer driving the chariot of the world, Light of Atma, incapable of being harmed by anybody, and lord of forests.
Of red colour, remaining everywhere and protecting everything, and lord of trees. (270)

मन्त्रिणे वाणिजायाय कक्षाणां पतये नमः ।
भुवन्तये नमो वारिवस्कृताय नमो नमः ।
औषधीनां च पतये चोच्चैर्घोषाय ते नमः ।
सन्ततं चाक्रन्दयते पत्तीनां पतये नमः ।
धावते कृत्स्नवीताय सत्त्वनां पतये नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa the lord of Mahamantras, knower of dealings in all regions like a trader, lord of areas difficult of access.
Nourisher of earth, residing in devotees.
Protector of trees, plants etc., maker of loud sound (in war etc.).
One destroying enemies always, lord of soldiers.
One who runs (to save devotees), pervading in all worlds, lord of the virtuous. (275)

निव्याधिने नमस्तुभ्यं सहमानाय ते नमः ।
आव्याधिनीनां पतये ककुभाय नमो नमः ।
निषङ्गिणेऽथ स्तेनानां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते चेषुधिमते निषङ्गिणे नमो नमः ।
तस्कराणां च पतये वञ्चते ते नमो नमः । २८०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is capable of striking enemies well, who bears devotees' faults.
Lord of armies, capable of facing and striking all, the best among thieves.
One who holds sword in hand, lord of thieves who steal stealthily.
One who has quiver of arrows, one who holds arrow in hand for stringing in the bow.
Lord of robbers who steal openly, lord in the form of one who cheats the master and stelas his materials sometimes. (280)

परिवञ्चते च स्तायूनां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
नमो निचेरवे परिचराय ते नमो नमः ।
अरण्यानां च पतये मुष्णतां पतये नमः ।
उष्णीषिणे प्रकृन्तानां पतये ते नमो नमः ।
गिरिचराय कुलुञ्चानां पतये ते नमो नमः । (285)
Prostrations to
Natesa in the form of one who cheats the master at all times and in all matters; one who associates as confidante and steals without other's knowledge.
One who moves about in forest with thieves; one who moves about in marketplace for stealing things.
Lord of thieves in forests; and of those who steal food grains in fields.
One who wears headgear like villagers; lord of those who kill others and steal their belongings.
One who moves about in mountains; lord of those who rob houses, fields etc. (285)

नमो भवाय शर्वाय रुद्राय च नमो नमः ।
नीलग्रीवायाथ पशुपतये ते नमो नमः ।
कपर्दिने नमो भीम शितिकण्ठाय ते नमः ।
नमस्ते व्युप्तकेशाय सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
शतधन्वने नमस्तुभ्यं गिरिशाय नमो नमः । २९०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is the cause of birth of the universe; the destroyer; the remover of misery of samsara and bestower of Moksha.
Black throated Iswara, the lord of all beings.
The terrible One with matted locks; with white throat (before consuming the poison).
One with clean shaven head; with many eyes.
One with many bows, residing in Kailasa mountain. (290)

मीढुष्टमायाथ शिपिविष्टायेषुमते नमः ।
ह्रस्वाय वामनायोग्र बृहते च नमो नमः ।
वर्षीयसे च वृद्धाय संवृध्वने नमो नमः । प्रथमायाग्रियायाशवेऽजिराय नमो नमः ।
शीघ्रियाय च शीभ्याय तुभ्यमूर्म्याय ते नमः । (295)
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in the form of Brahma; Vishnu; with excellent arrows.
One with small form; with small limbs.
One with noble qualities; to the aged one; adored by unique songs.
The Foremost; First to exist; all-pervading; going everywhere.
One present in waters traveling fast; present in large masses of flowing waters; present in waves. (295)

स्रोतस्यायावस्वन्याय द्वीप्याय च नमो नमः ।
ज्येष्ठाय च कनिष्ठाय पूर्वजाय नमो नमः । नमश्चापरजायाथ मध्यमाय नमो नमः । जघन्यायापगल्भ्याय बुध्नियाय नमो नमः ।
सोभ्याय प्रतिसर्याय याम्याय च नमो नमः । ३००

Prostrations to
Natesa present in small streams; in waters making no sound; islands surrounded by waters.
Natesa of the form of those higher in age, learning etc.; of those who do not possess such merits; the first cause of everything.
Who is also the result occurring later; in the form of youth.
One in the form of calf etc.; in the form of a boy; in the form of root at the foot of tree etc.
Who appears in the world of men; present in the universe of moving beings; present in Yamaloka. (300)

उर्वर्याय च क्षेम्याय खल्व्याय च नमो नमः ।
श्लोक्याय चावसान्याय वन्याय च नमो नमः ।
प्रतिश्रवाय कक्ष्याय श्रवायाथ नमो नमः । शूरायाशुरथायाथाशुषेणाय नमो नमः । वरूथिनेऽवभिन्दते वर्मिणे च नमो नमः । (305)
Prostrations to
Natesa present in place full of foodgrains; present in Swargaloka; present in the threshing floor.
One who is extolled through Vedic mantras; established by Upanishads occurring at the end of Vedas; one in the form of tree etc. in the forest.
One in the form of echo (or answer); in the form of creeper etc. in bushes; in the form of sound (or is famous).
One who is valorous; whose chariot moves fast; whose army moves fast.
One who protects the charioteer; who rends those who spoil dharma; one wearing armour. (305)

बिल्मिने च कवचिने च श्रुताय च नमो नमः ।
सततं श्रुतसेनाय दुन्दुभ्याय नमो नमः ।
धृष्णवे चाहनन्याय प्रमृशाय नमो नमः ।
दूताय प्रहितायाथ निषङ्गिणे नमो नमः ।
नमस्तीक्ष्णेषवे चेषुधिमत आयुधिने नमः । ३१०
Prostrations to
Natesa who wears headgear and armour for protection during war; who is celebrated in Vedas.
One who always has famous armies; who is present in kettle-drum.
One who does not run away from battle showing his back; who is present in the stick used to beat the drum; who knows the intricacies of the enemy army.
One who is a proficient emissary; who is sent by master for fulfilling a task; holder of sword.
Holder of sharp arrows; holder of quiver of arrows; holder of superior weapons. (310)

सुधन्वने स्वायुधाय स्रुत्याय च नमो नमः ।
पथ्याय चाथ काट्याय नीप्याय च नमो नमः ।
सूद्याय च सरस्याय नाद्याय च नमो नमः ।
वैशन्ताय च कूप्याय चावट्याय नमो नमः ।
अवर्ष्याय च वर्ष्याय मेघ्याय च नमो नमः । (315)
Prostrations to
Natesa the holder of superior bow and superior weapons; one who walks in narrow pathway.
One who is in wide road; is in small channel; is in large streams.
One who is in muddy place; is in tank; is in rivers.
One who is in small ponds; is in wells: is in ditches.
One who is in drought condition; is in rain waters; is in cloud. (315)

विद्युत्यायेद्ध्रियायाथ चातप्याय नमो नमः ।
वात्याय रेष्मियायाथ वास्तव्याय नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते ते वास्तुपाय नमस्ते ते नमो नमः ।
नमस्सोमाय रुद्राय ताम्राय च नमो नमः । नमश्शङ्गायारुणाय पशुपतये ते नमः । ३२०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in lightning; is in clear clouds; is in Sun's heat.
One who is in air; who is in the time of Pralaya; is in cow, horse etc.
One who protects the house plot.
One who is with Uma; who relieves the misery of Samsara; who is in the form of Surya of copper hue at dawn.
One who reaches comforts to people; who is in the form of light red colour at dawn; protector of all beings. (320)

भीमाय चोग्राय चाग्रेवधाय च नमो नमः ।
दूरे वधाय हन्त्रे च हनीयसे नमो नमः ।
मयोभवे शम्भवे च ताराय ते नमो नमः ।
मयस्कराय च नमः शङ्कराय नमो नमः ।
नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च नमो नमः । (325)
Prostrations to
Natesa the terrible, greater than all, who is ahead of his devotees and kills enemies.
One who destroys the enemies of devotees at a great distance; who torments; who torments very much.
One who is cause of happiness in the upper world; cause of happiness in this world; who rescues Jivas from samsara.
One who bestows happiness in the upper world thro Acharya, Sastra etc.; who provides comfort in this world in the form of parents et al.
Bestower of all merits and auspiciousness; the greatest among the bestowers of merits and auspiciousness. (325)

नमस्तीर्थ्याय कूल्याय पार्याय च नमो नमः ।
प्रतरणाय च नमश्चावार्याय नमो नमः ।
नमश्चोत्तरणायाथ चातार्याय नमो नमः ।
आलाद्याय च शष्प्याय फेन्याय च नमो नमः ।
सिकत्याय प्रवाह्याय चेरिण्याय नमो नमः । ३३०

Prostrations to
Natesa who is in holy waters; is in the banks; is in the opposite bank of the river.
One in the form of mantra chant enabling tidings over sins; who resides on this bank of the river.
One whose form is the greatest Gnana; who stays in the place of our return.
One who inspires Jiva enjoying fully the fruits of karma; who is in tender grass; who is in foam.
One who resides in sands; is in torrential flows; is in salty land. (330)

किंशिलाय क्षयणाय प्रपथ्याय नमो नमः ।
पुलस्तये च गोष्ठ्याय गृह्याय च नमो नमः ।
कपर्दिने च तल्प्याय गेह्याय च नमो नमः ।
नमस्ते गह्वरेष्ठाय हृदय्याय नमो नमः ।
पांसव्याय रजस्याय निवेष्प्याय नमो नमः । (335)
Prostrations to Natesa who is in the region full of small stones; is in place suitable for living; is in path worn out with use by many.
One with nice hair; who is in cow-pen; is in house.
One with matted tresses; is in a cot; is in upper floor.
One who is in mountain cave; is in deep vortices.
One who is in minute dust; is in larger dust particles; is in snowy water. (335)

शुष्क्याय च हरित्याय लोप्याय च नमो नमः । उलप्यायाथ चोर्व्याय सूर्म्याय च नमो नमः ।
नमः पर्ण्याय ते पर्णशद्याय च नमो नमः । नमोऽपगुरमाणायाभिघ्नते ते नमो नमः ।
आःखिदते नमस्तुभ्यं प्रःखिदते ते नमो नमः । ३४०
Prostrations to
Natesa who is in dry trees; is in moist green trees; is in grassless ground.
One who is in tiny grass; is in earth; is in rivers with beautiful waves.
One who is in leaves; is in heaps of dry leaves.
One who carries weapons (to punish sinners); who beats them.
One who causes minor trouble; who causes much misery. (340)

जीवसे तवसे तुभ्यं क्षयद्वीराय ते नमः ।
चतुष्पदे च द्विपदे चायजे ते नमो नमः ।
तनये ते च गोघ्ने च पुरुषघ्ने नमो नमः ।
प्रचेतसे कद्रुद्राय मीढुष्टमाय ते नमः ।
तव्यसे च नमस्तुभ्यं भवातोकाय ते नमः । (345)

Prostrations to
Natesa who, for the living persons, is strong and kills enemies by mere sight.
One who grants comfort to animals With four legs and two legs.
(Be kind to) your sons, oh destroyer of cows and children.
Happy, delighted giver of all desired things to worshippers.
Strong Natesa, be kind to our children. (345)

पित्रे मात्रे च भ्रात्रेऽथ कर्त्रे हर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
नमः स्थिरधन्वने च क्षिप्रेषवे नमो नमः ।
देवायाथ स्वधाम्ने च प्याषाल्हाय नमो नमः ।
वेधसे सहमानाय तिग्मायुधाय नमो नमः ।
सत्वने च नमस्तुभ्यं पुरुहूताय वै नमः ॥ ३५०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the father, mother, brother, the creator and the destroyer.
One with steady bow and quick arrows.
The resplendent Being in full glory.
Creator, forbearing of devotees' faults, with pointed weapons.
Powerful Iswara, invoked by many. (350)

नमोऽधिपतये मित्रपतये ते नमो नमः ।
क्षत्रपताय च नमः स्वःपताय नमो नमः ।
धनपताय च नमः सर्वाधिपतये नमः ।
नमोऽन्नपतये तुभ्यं एकाक्षाय नमो नमः । रुद्रायावपन्नादाय दीरसदे नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the overlord, the lord of friends.
Ruler of the worlds, the lord of Swarga.
Lord of wealth, overlord of all.
Lord of foods, one-eyed.
Rudra, who expands Nada, the bestower of splendid essence. (355)

नमः स्थिराय च स्थिरधन्वने ते नमोनमः ।
नमः प्रतिपदायाथ पटरिणे नमो नमः ।
नमस्त्रियम्बकाय कपर्दिने च नमो नमः ।
भवाशर्वौ नमः प्रतीचीनाय ते नमो नमः ।
क्रन्दाय ते नमस्तुभ्यं प्राणाय ते नमो नमः । ३६०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the firm one with steady bow.
The resplendent one moving gradually.
The three eyed lord with matted tresses.
Creator and destroyer; turned towards the devotee.
One who makes the enemies cry; the very life breath of every being. (360)

अमर्त्य ते नमस्तुभ्यं सहस्राक्षाय ते नमः ।
मुखाय ते नमस्तुभ्यं चक्षूंषि ते नमो नमः ।
त्वचे रूपाय सन्दृशे तेऽङ्गेभ्यस्ते नमो नमः ।
उदराय ते जिह्वाय आस्याय ते नमो नमः ।
दद्भ्यो नमस्ते गन्धाय विघसे ते नमो नमः । (365)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the immortal with myriad eyes.
The face, the eyes of beings.
The skin, the form, the sight, the limbs of beings.
The stomach, the tongue, the mouth of beings.
The hands, the smell, the food. (365)

तस्यै नमो भवारुद्रौ उभावुग्रौ नमो नमः ।
आयते ते नमस्तुभ्यं परायते नमो नमः ।
तिष्ठते ते नमस्तुभ्यं आसीनाय नमो नमः ।
ताभ्यां नमो नमः सायं प्रातारात्र्यै नमो नमः ।
दिवा नमो भवाय च शर्वाय च नमो नमः । ३७०
Prostrations to
Natesa the creator and Rudra the destroyer; the two terrible aspects of Shiva.
One who comes, who returns.
One who stands, who sits.
The prayers at dusk and dawn.
The daytime, the energizer and the One giving rest. (370)

अस्मै नमोऽप्स्वन्तस्तुभ्यं तस्मै तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
मृडाय यजमानाय पशूनां पतये नमः ।
महास्येभ्यश्च ते श्वभ्यो घोषिणीभ्यश्च ते नमः । केशिनीभ्यश्च ते तुभ्यं नमस्कृताभ्यस्ते नमः ।
नमस्ते सम्भुञ्जतीभ्यो देवसेनाभ्यस्ते नमो नमः । (375)
Prostrations to
Natesa, your inner core; you who are here and also there.
Merciful Iswara, in the form of sacrificer, lord of all beings.
Iswara in the form of large- mouthed beings, dogs, evil spirits.
Iswara in the form of female demons, persons adored.
Iswara in the form of those who enjoy together; army of celestials. (375)

श्रुत्यन्तसर्वविद्यानां ईशानाय नमो नमः । सहस्राक्षाङ्घ्रिशिरस्तत्पुरुषाय नमो नमः ।
घोराय दुष्टवृत्तीनां शिष्टाघोराय ते नमः ।
घोरासुरमरुद्धन्त्रे चाघोराय नमो नमः ।
वामदेवाय ज्येष्ठाय श्रेष्ठाय च नमो नमः । ३८०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the lord of all departments of Knowledge ending with Vedas.
Tatpurusha, the Supreme Spirit, with countless eyes, feet, heads.
Terrible One, who chastises evil tendencies.
Terrible One, who destroyed a terrible Asura who came in the firm of wind.
Iswara above human forms, the senior most, the best. (380)

नमो रुद्राय कलविकरणाय नमो नमः ।
नमः कालाय बलविकरणाय नमो नमः ।
नमो बलाय बलप्रमथनाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वभूतदमनाय मनोन्मनाय ते नमः ।
बहिरन्तः सदा ध्यातृ सद्यो जाताय वै नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, Rudra, the Incomprehensible .
Time, Cause of various forces.
Strength; the destroyer of strength.
Subduer of all beings; who leads to state of absence of mind.
Iswara, who always meditates inside and outside; the First born. (385)

भवे भवेऽनातिभवे भवस्व प्रभवे नमः ।
भवोद्भव भूतभव्य भविष्यद्भ्यो नमो नमः ।
भवोद्भवाय भव्याय भूताय भाविने नमः ।
प्रशस्तान्नमय प्राणभूतात्मब्रह्मणे नमः । निवृत्तिपायुभूगन्धब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः । ३९०
Prostrations to
Natesa, lord, do not consign me to birth after birth; lead me to state beyond birth.
Cause of births, past, present and future.
Cause of prosperity; gracious, ever present Reality.
Indwelling Brahman, the extolled form of food and vital breath.
Brahman in the form of Earth and associated attribute of Smell; abstinence from bodily attachments. (390)

समान घ्राणकरण भवे भवे नमो नमः ।
प्रतिष्ठोदान चिन्नीर वामदेवाय ते नमः ।
जिह्वोपस्थ विष्णुरस मनोन्मनाय ते नमः ।
व्यानचक्षू रुद्ररूपघोराय ते नमो नमः । वागहङ्कारविद्याऽथ घोरेभ्योऽथ नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, Bhavodbava, the cause of Samana Prana, the vital breath distributing energy equally in body.
Vamadeva, the Udana vital breath taking energy from heart above; Consciousness in the form of water, essence.
Manonmana, essence of Vishnu present in tongue and generative organ.
Terrible Rudra, the Vyana vital breath passing through nerves; present in eyes.
Terrible One, in the form of Speech, self identity and knowledge. (395)

शान्त्यपान बुद्धिपाणिपुरुषाय नमो नमः । त्वक्स्पर्शवाय्वनन्तेश महादेवाय ते नमः ।
शान्त्यतीत प्राणमन ईश्वराय नमो नमः । श्रोत्रपादाकाशशब्द ईशानाय नमो नमः ।
सदाशिव परामोद विद्येशाय नमो नमः । ४००

Prostrations to
Natesa, the activator of peace, the Apanavayu, the excretory air, the intellect, the hands.
Mahadeva, lord of skin, touch, air, the infinite.
Lord of vital breath and mind beyond the state of peace.
Isana, the lord of ears, feet, space, sound.
Sadashiva, the lord of the knowledge of Supreme Bliss. (400)

ब्रह्माधिपतये नित्यं ब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः ।
ऋतं सत्यं परं ब्रह्म पुरुषं ते नमो नमः । कृष्णपिङ्गलवर्णाढ्यस्वरूपाय नमो नमः ।
ऊर्ध्वरेतो विरूपाक्ष विश्वरूप नमो नमः । निगमान्तसमुद्गीत रहस्याय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the overlord of Vedas and all learning, the eternal Brahman.
The Supreme Brahman, the very form of cosmic rhythm and reality, the driving force.
The rich form of colours of black and gold (Vishnu and Shiva).
The celibate, the One with different eye (third eye), whose form is the universe.
The very secret sung with adulation by Vedanta. (405)

कर्मज्ञानेन्द्रियातीत प्रज्ञान ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
अहं ब्रह्मास्मि तत्वार्थ दर्शयित्रे नमो नमः ।
तत्त्वमसि महावाक्य बोधयित्रे नमो नमः ।
अयमात्मा ब्रह्मतत्वचोदयित्रे नमो नमः ।
छन्दः शब्दगुणाकाशहृदयाय नमो नमः । ४१०
Prostrations to
Natesa, Brahman of the form of Supreme Knowledge, beyond the ken of sense organs of action and perception.
Preceptor of the purport of the principle of the Mahavakya, I am Brahman.
Preceptor of the Mahavakya, the Supreme Statement, You are That.
Impeller of the principle of Brahman, the Mahavakya, This is Atman.
The Heart having Space whose attribute of sound is Veda. (410)

करतलान्तामलक प्रत्यक्षाय नमो नमः ।
नाना विचित्रनिर्माणजगद्धात्रे नमो नमः । सर्वप्राणिबुद्धिस्वस्व कूटस्थाय नमो नमः । सर्वप्रकाशपरमचिन्मात्रज्योतिषे नमः । हृत्पुण्डरीकमध्यस्थ परात्मने नमो नमः । (415)
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is as directly perceptible as the gooseberry fruit on the palm.
Protector of the universe built with variegated wonders.
The Immovable residing in the intellects of all living beings.
The Light which is but Supreme Consciousness lighting up everything.
Supreme Atman present in the centre of the heart lotus. (415)

स्वात्मद्विधाकृतार्धस्रीपुरुषाय नमो नमः । आनन्दहृदयाकाशस्वानन्दाय नमो नमः ।
प्रणवान्तर्गत ब्रह्मतत्व बोधे नमो नमः ।
सर्वधी साक्षिभूतैक विमलाय नमो नमः ।
विश्वातीतगगन सदृश वैदेहाय नमो नमः । ४२०

Prostrations to
Natesa, who made his form into two, woman and man.
One's own Bliss experienced in the heart Space filled with Bliss.
Awakener to the Principle of Brahman residing inside Pranava (Omkara).
The Pure One, the only Witness of the intellects of all.
The One outside of bodily functions, like the Space beyond the universe. (420)

अतिभावस्वरूपाख्यसुखात्मने नमो नमः । मधुकृद्वेदपुष्पाढ्य शिरीषाय नमो नमः ।
सर्ववेदान्त संवेद्यब्रह्मणे ते नमो नमः ।
हृन्मध्य लोहितो दह्र पुण्डरीकाय ते नमः ।
जीवात्मैक्य प्रदातारनिस्सङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the form of Bliss which is beyond sentiments.
Unattached and forbearing like the Sirisha flower, sweet with profuse flowers of Veda.
Brahman, known only through all Upanishads.
Red Lotus in the heart Space.
Unattached One, bestowing the unity of Jiva and Atman. (425)

गन्तव्यदेश निर्मुक्त स्थाणवे ते नमो नमः । व्यक्ताव्यक्तचतुर्विंशत् शरीराय नमो नमः । सत्यासत्यविनिर्मुक्त सन्मात्राय नमो नमः ।
हृदाकाश चिदादित्य स्वतेजसे नमो नमः । अशेषप्राणिहृत्प्राण रक्षणाय नमो नमः । ४३०
Prostrations to
Natesa, the firm and immovable, without having to move to any destination.
The twenty four Principles making up the manifest and unmanifest forms.
The Unitary Existence, free from the alternatives of being and non-being.
Self-shining One, the Surya of Consciousness shining in heart Space.
Residing in the hearts of all beings without exception and protecting their life breath. (430)

शुद्धज्ञानशिवानन्दस्वयङ्कर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
श्रुतिसारांशतत्वार्थस्वयंश्रोत्रे नमो नमः ।
अनाद्यन्तवतीमायास्वयं स्रष्ट्रे नमो नमः ।
आर्द्रापर्वव्यतीपात स्वयं यष्ट्रे नमो नमः ।
स्वस्वरूपानुसन्धान स्वयं द्रष्ट्रे नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to Natesa, the Source of the Pure Knowledge and Bliss of Siva.
The very hearer of the purport of the Principles of essence of Vedas.
The very creator of Maya, which has no beginning nor end.
One who himself performs yagnas on sacred days of Ardra star, Vyatipata etc.
The very seer of the innate form of Atman in meditation. (435)

समनोभूत ब्रह्मादिहृदिस्थाय नमो नमः ।
सर्वदा शमरूपाति शान्तान्ताय नमो नमः ।
सर्वान्तरस्थ सद्वर्गप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमो नमः ।
सर्वभूतात्मविभव शाश्वताय नमो नमः । सूक्ष्मकेवलसन्मात्र स्वभावाय नमो नमः । ४४०
Natesa who resides in the hearts of Brahma and others out of compassion.
The pinnacle of peace beyond the state of mind control.
One who establishes virtuous tendencies from the inside of all beings.
Eternal One, who provides splendour from the inside of all beings.
Of the very nature of pure Existence in subtle form. (440)

कायिकादिविनिर्मुक्त केवलाय नमो नमः । शतजल्पाल्पवचनदुर्लक्ष्याय नमो नमः । कालात्मतानन्दमयलयात्मने नमो नमः । प्रपञ्चोत्पत्तिहेतुत्व चिदाकाशाय ते नमः । हृदाकाशपराकाशशयानाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa the Absolute free from the attachments of body etc.
One who cannot be attained by verbose and powerless words.
One immersed in Bliss with Time at his beck and call.
Consciousness Space the cause of the dawn of universe.
One who rests in the heart Space as well as the Space beyond. (445)

नैरन्तर्यचिदानन्द चैतन्याय नमो नमः ।
रज्जुसर्पभ्रान्ति बुद्धिविच्छेत्रे ते नमो नमः ।
अखण्डरस चिन्मात्र ब्रुवाणाय नमो नमः ।
सदा हृदम्बुजाकाश सन्निविष्टाय ते नमः । नित्यचिन्मात्रसकलविज्ञानाय नमो नमः । ४५०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is Consciousness and Bliss which is uninterrupted.
The One who destroys the illusion of rope and serpent in the intellect.
The One who speaks (communicates) Consciousness of unbroken sweetness.
The One who dwells always in the lotus heart Space.
The eterbal Consciousness which comprehends everything. (450)

मौनसर्वफलावाप्तमुदिताय नमो नमः । वर्णाश्रमधर्मकर्मबन्धहर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
क्ष्म्र्यूमाख्य मनुजप्तेष्टसुखदाय नमो नमः ।
सदा मृष्टान्न सन्दत्तविजिघत्साय ते नमः । सदार्द्रसच्चिदानन्दधनदाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is joyous on attaining all fruits of (mental) silence.
Destroyer of bondage of Dharma and karma of Varna, Asrama.
Bestower of desired happiness on chantibgthe mantra called Kshmryum.
One who is never hungry, being offered sweet food.
Bestower of the wealth of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss always out of compassion. (455)

वेदान्तगणपस्तुत्यविभवाय नमो नमः ।
महानन्द पदद्वन्द्व भवानीशाय नमो नमः । प्रलब्धपुण्यकल्याणपूर्णार्णाय नमो नमः ।
संविन्मय सदानन्दानुभवाय नमो नमः । सत्तामात्रान्तरालक्ष्य शोभनाय नमो नमः । ४६०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who has the glory of being extolled by the protector of all Vedantas.
Lord of Bhavani, whose twin feet represent the Supreme Bliss.
Ocean full of auspiciousness attained out of religious merit.
Experience of Existence- Consciousness- Bliss.
Splendour of pure Existence with no interruption. (460)

नित्यसच्चिद्विलासात्म बोधकाय नमो नमः ।
केवलानन्द शुद्धात्म भावनाय नमो नमः । सकलेन्द्रियोपरम पञ्जराय नमो नमः ।
शिवशक्ति समायोग परमाय नमो नमः ।
कुसुमान्त सुगन्ध्यात्मनिगूढाय नमो नमः । (465)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the preceptor of the eternal glory of Existence- Consciousness of Atman.
Experience of the Unitary Bliss of the pure Atman.
Atman in the body in which all sense organs are withdrawn.
Supreme who represents the union of Shiva and Shakti.
One who is hidden in Atman like the fragrance in the flower. (465)

प्रशान्त कलनारम्भनीरागाय नमो नमः ।
हेयोपादेयनिर्मुक्त कुशलाय नमो नमः ।
दर्शनप्रत्ययाभास स्वयम्भु ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
चिन्मनः कलनाकार प्रकाशाय नमो नमः । अखण्ड़इतचिदाकाश ब्रह्मयोन्यै नमो नमः । ४७०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is free from attachment, leading to supreme peace.
One who is skilful to avoid acceptance and rejection of mundane matters.
Self-existent Brahman, shining in the medium of philosophy.
Light which shines in the mind which has fully taken the form of Consciousness.
Space of uninterrupted Consciousness, which is the source of Brahman. (470)

समस्तदेवतोपास्य श्री शिवाय नमो नमः । मुनिजनौघहृत्पद्मवासिने ते नमो नमः ।
विनतभक्त जन्मार्ति हारिणे ते नमो नमः । धनदादर्शिसौहार्दशोभिने ते नमो नमः ।
हृत्स्वच्छ भान्तमिहिर कोटिभाय नमो नमः ।
Prostrations to
Natesa, the glorious Shiva , worshipped by all Devatas.
One who resides in the heart lotus of a number of Munis.
Remover of the misery of birth of the worshipping devotees.
One who possesses the splendour of showing kinship to Kubera.
One who shines with the brilliance of a crore of Suns in pure heart. (475)

निजाज्ञा काङ्क्षिवैरिञ्चिहरीन्द्राय नमो नमः । सर्वकर्मफलप्राप्तिकारणाय नमो नमः । भक्तहृद्रोगनिर्नाशपेशलाय नमो नमः ।
पार्वतीनयनानन्द सूचनाय नमो नमः ।
अशब्दाव्यय रूपाति प्रकाशाय नमो नमः । ४८०
Prostrations to
Natesa, whose instructions are waited upon by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.
Cause of attaining the fruits of all actions.
One who is dexterous in destroying the disease of heart of devotees.
Indicator of the Bliss in the eyes of Parvati.
Brilliant Light whose form is free from sound and decline. (480)

अशेषजगज्जन्मार्तिभञ्जनाय नमो नमः । अस्पर्शाङ्गुष्ठमात्राय निर्धूमज्योतिषे नमः । आम्नायान्तैकसंसिद्ध सुकराय नमो नमः । आम्नायतत्वमञ्चस्थ परमाय नमो नमः । आविर्भूतमहानन्दमहाराजाय ते नमः । (485)
Prostrations to
Natesa, the complete destroyer of misery of all the worlds.
Light without smoke, of thumb size, untouched.
Do-gooder, established well and uniquely by Vedanta.
Supreme, abiding in the platform of the principle of Veda.
Manifest Emperor, of the form of Supreme Bliss.(485)

स्वात्मरूपतया नित्यं प्रतीताय नमो नमः । स्वानन्दराशिसंलग्नबाणभक्ताय ते नमः ।
सदा निजानन्दमग्नभानुकम्पाय ते नमः ।
करणग्रामसंहार कालातीताय वै नमः । खादिपञ्चभूतसृष्टि कारणाय नमो नमः । ४९०
Prostrations to
Natesa, who is always known as one's own Atman.
One worshipped by Banasura, immersed always in his own huge Bliss.
One who bestows continuous own Bliss on Bhanukampa, the Shivagana.
One who is beyond Time, who destroys the group of instruments of action.
Cause of projection of the five elements like Space etc. (490)

श्रीपर्णगाम्बुकणवत् पञ्चकृत्याय ते नमः । घटादिजगदाकाररहिताय नमो नमः ।
ङाङीङू संज्ञितार्थानामगम्याय नमो नमः । चमन्त्रार्थनिषण्णानाममृताय नमो नमः । छादनच्छन्दनच्छन्नविभागाय नमो नमः । (495)

Prostrations to
Natesa, who performs the five actions (projection, sustenance, destruction, concealment, blessing) sportingly like the drop of water on lotus leaf.
One who is free from forms of the world like the pot etc.
One who is not reachable by mundane sense objects known by various names (ङा ङी ङू)
Amrita (nectar) for those engaged in the meanings of Chamaka mantras.
One who divided one into many through the function of the trio, cover, act of covering and that which is covered. (495)

जयार्थितजगच्छक्ति स्वरूपाय नमो नमः । ज्ञप्तिमात्रैकनिष्ठानां मुक्तिदाय नमो नमः । नित्यप्रत्यक्षनिर्णीतनिगमाय नमो नमः । भक्तहृत्पद्मसद्मैकनिषण्णाय नमो नमः । ममकारमहामोहनिवृत्ताय नमो नमः । ५००
Prostrations to
Natesa, who has the power of the world as his form as prayed by Devi.
Bestower of Liberation on those who are intent on knowing him only.
One who is of the form of Veda, which determines that which is eternal and that which is seen by eyes.
One who is seated lovingly in the abode of the heart lotus of devotee.
One who is free from the great delusion of mineness. (500)

महामोहतमोहारि स्वच्छन्दज्योतिषे नमः । महामन्त्रैकवाच्यार्थ महसे ब्रह्मणे नमः ।
मुहूर्तं चिन्तयन् नॄणां मुक्तिदाय नमो नमः । यथार्थप्रत्यगद्वैत सिद्धिदात्रे नमो नमः । लोलाचञ्चलसंसार नाशनाय नमो नमः ।

Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the spontaneous Light removing the darkness of the great delusion.
The brilliant Brahman, who is the only purport of the Mahamantra.
Bestower of Liberation on persons who meditate on Brahman for a Muhurtha (48 minutes).
Bestower of attainment of Advaita (non duality) in its real and innate form.
Destroyer of Samsara, the transient cycle of births and deaths. (505)

वाञ्छा वागुरविच्छित्तिहेतु भूत्यै नमो नमः ।
वेदवेदान्त निष्ठात्मभूतिदाय नमो नमः । मोदप्रमोदानन्दात्मशिवेष्टाय नमो नमः ।
क्षों चित् शुद्ध चित्तात्मप्रसन्नाय नमो नमः ।
महदानन्द सन्दोह स्वानन्दाय नमो नमः । ५१०
इति श्रीनटेशपञ्चशती सम्पूर्णा ।

Prostrations to
Natesa, who is the cause of breaking the snare of desires.
Bestower of the glory of Atman established in Veda and Vedanta.
Lover of Atman, who is Shiva, of the form of Bliss overflowing with joy.
One who is cheerful with experience of Atman, pointed out by pure mind, cultivated by the bijakshara क्षों
One who is established in his own overflowing bliss. (510)

Thus ends Sri Natesa Panchashati.

Translated: P. R. Kannan

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