17 Lakshmi Puja by Indra -‘shodashopachaaraas’ (Sixteen Services) and ‘Stuti’ | |
An ever grateful Indra to Devi Lashmi then performed formal worship to the restored Swarga Lakshmi as follows commenced with Dhyana: ‘Parama Pujya Bhagavati Maha Lakshmi seated on a thousand petalled Lotus illuminated with the lustre of countless Chandras! We are mesmerised to vision your stunning and gorgeous Rupa like that of molten gold wearing silks of extraordinary grace and charismatic smile as the Embodiment of Affluence and Propitiousness. May we deserve the extraordinary fortune of worshipping you in person?’ Asanam: Amulya Ratna saaram cha nirmitam Vishwakarmanaa, Pashyaani prakrush -taani varaani durlabhaani cha, Aasaanamcha vichitram cha Maha Lakshmi pragruhnataam/ (Bhagavati Maha Lakshmi! May I offer in your service an invaluable and distinguished seat made of Choicest Jewels specially designed and crafted by Vishwakarma, the Celestial Designer!) Paadyam: Shuddham Gangodakamidam Sarva Vanditameepsitam, Paapedhma vahni rupam cha gruhyataam Kamalaalay/ (Kamalaalaye! This pure and hallowed Ganga water is borne by the heads of one and all as the same is endeared and revered by them; this is considered as Agni Swarupa which burns off all kinds of sins; do kindly accept it to wash your sacred feet); Arghyam: Pushpa chandana durvaadi samyuktam Jaahnaveejalam, Shankha garbhastitam shuddham gruhnataam Padma vaasini/( Padmavaasini! This Ganga water in a Shankha along with flowers, Chandana, Durva and such other consecrated material is offered to you as a welcome drink) Sugandhi Pushpa thailam: Sugandhi pushpa thailam cha Sugandhaamalaki phalam, Deha Soundrya beejam cha gruhnataam Shri Harey Priye! (Shri Hari Priye! This fragrant oil extracted from Amala fruit is a pleasing application to enrich physical beauty and skin smoothening; do please allow it to be used as a bathing device); Dhoop :Vriksha niryaa swarupam cha Gandhadravyaadi samyutam, Shri Krishna kaantey dhupam cha pavitram prati-guhyataam/(Shri Krishna Kantey! I proffer ‘dhoop’or the aromatic smoke of incense material mixed with a vegetable gum; do kindly accept this smoke offered with sanctity); Chandan: Malayaachala sambhutam vriksha saaram manoharam, Sugandha yuktam sukhadam Chandanam Devi gruhnataam/ (Devi! this chandana ‘gandha’ which originated from the chandana tree on Malaya mountain is not only sweet-smelling but also provider of coolness; I request you to apply on your body to give soothening effect); Deepam: Jagacchasthuh swarupam cha dhwaanta pradhwansa kaaranam, Pradeepam shuddha rupam cha gruhyataam Parameswari/ (Parameswari! Kindly allow this Sacred Light which is the vision of eyes, remover of darkness and a symbol of Purity to please you and light the surroundings); Naivedya: Naanopahaara rupam cha nanaa rasa samanvitam, Naanaa swaadukaram chaiva Naivedyam Pratigruhnnataam/ (Devi! I am tendering this ‘Naivedya’or the offering of various eats and juices which have been prepared with taste and flavor; I should be obliged of these snacks are consumed to please me). Anna: Annam Brahma swarupam cha Pranarakshana kaaranam, Tushtidam Pushtidam chaiva Devyaannam pratigruhyataam/ (Devi! Annam/ food is considered to be of Brahma Swarupa; food is also a life saving material which ensures eating-satisfaction and enhances strength in the natural way; I request you to taste this food); Kheer: Shaalyakshata supakwam cha sharkaraagavya samyutam suswaadu samanoharam, Swaadu yuktam Maha -Lakshmi Paramaannam Pratiguhyataam/( Maha Lakshmi! This Kheer or cooked rice with sugar and ghee is specially prepared for your taste; please taste this preparation); Swaastika Mishtaanna: Shakaraa gavya pakwam cha suswaadu sumanoharam, Mayaa niveditam LakshmiSwaastikam pratiguhnataam/ (Lakshmi! This is ‘Mrishta- anna’/Sweet rice called Swastika which is a mix of sugar and ghee in cooked rice which is being offered as a Naivedya to you for your kind acceptance). Phala: Naanaa vidhani ramyaani pakkvaani cha phalaanicha, Swaaduyuktaani Kamaley gruhyataam phaladaani cha/ (Devi Kamaley! These are various fruits ripe for eating, which are not only sweet luscious but also desire-fulfilling; may I present these juicy fruits for approval). Dughdha: Surabhistana sambhutam swaadu sumanoharam, Martra -amrutam sugavyam cha gruhnnataamachyuta priye/ (Achyuta Priye! This pure milk which is fresh from Surabhi cow’s udder is meant for Martyaloka residents and is tasty like ambrosia; I beseech you to taste it and gratify me!) Gud / Jaggery: Suswaada rasa samyuktamikshu vriksha samudbhavam, Agnipakkamati swaadu gudam cha prati- guhyataam/ (Devi! this jaggery has been made of sugarcane juice heated up and solidified; indeed this is very sweet and fresh; please savour this). Mrishtaanna: Yava godhuma sashyaanaam churna renu samudbhavam, Supakvam guda gavyaaktam Mrishtaannam Devi gruhyataam/ (Devi! This is a sweet preparation made of wheat and ‘Yava’grains-mix, nicely cooked with jaggery and ghee which too is very appetizing for favour of your taste); Pishtak: Shasyachurnodbhavam pakkvam Swastikaadi sumanvitam, Mayaa niveditam DeviPishtakam pratigruhyataam/ (Devi! This pishtak made of rice powder with Swastika and other signs is a fried and crisp savoury for your taste); Eik/ Sugar cane: Paarthivo vriksha bhedascha vividha dravya kaaranam, Suswaadurasa samyutam Eikshuscha pratigruhyatam/ (Devi! This sugar cane is an extraordinary tree on Earth and is a source of several bye products like jaggery, sugar and simple juice from raw cane; this juice is indeed very sweet and succulent; it is my prayer that you may drink up this juice!); Vyanjan: Sheeta vaayu pradam chaiva daahey cha sukhadam param, Kamaley! Gruhyataam chedam vyajanam shweta chaamaram/ (Kamaley! In this stuffy climate, a white ‘chamara’/ hand fan would certainly bring relief and happiness; may I serve you with ‘Vyanjana’ for your comfort); Taamboola: Taambulamcha varam ramyam karpuraadi suvaasitam, Jihwaa jaadyacchedakaram Taamboolam Devi gruhyataam/ (Devi! This ‘Taamboola’ made of tender betel leaves and fragrant materials like ‘karpura’/ camphor and other scented edible digestibles would provide freshness and good feeling to your tongue and mouth; may I tender this to you); Jala: Suvaasitam sheetalamcha pipaasaa naashakaaranam, Jagajjevaa rupamcha jeevanam Devi gruhyataam/ (Devi! To quench thirst, there is nothing like very cold, nicely scented and life-reviving water; do please accept this as well); Maalya: Deha soundarya bijam cha sadaa Shobha vivardhanam, Kaarpaasaja cha krumijam vasanam Devi gruhyataam/ (Devi! The bouquets and garlands made of a wide variety of fresh and perfumed seasonal flowers provide invaluable joy to the wearers of these as also enhance beauty and grace to them; it is my privilege and unique opportunity to proffer these flowers to you); Achamaneeya: Punya tirthakam chaiva Vishuddham Suddhidam sadaa, Grhnateem Krishna Kaantey twam ramyamaachaneeyakam/ ( Krishna Kaantey! This ‘Tirtha jala’which is sanctified on its own as also purify others is highly worthy of ‘Achamaneeya’; do accept the same); Shayya: Ratnasaaraadi nirmaanam pushpachandana samyutm, Ratnabhusha bhushaadhyam sutalpam Devi gruhnnataam/ (This invaluable and highly comfortable bed with soft cotton and silk clothing, which is bejewelled and treated with fresh and intoxicating flowers and fragrances, is tendered to you Devi! please do accept this for your relaxation); Apurva Dravya: Yadyad dravyamapurvam cha Prithivyaapi durlabham, Deva bhushaarbhogyam cha taddrayam Devi gruhnataam/ (Devi! Not only these but whatever invaluable and even impossible maretials are available on Earth or elsewhere that are worthy of adorning your body would be available at your nod of head!) After performing the ‘Shodashopa -charaas’ thus, Indra pleased Devi Lakshmi with the recital of the Moola Mantras which were taught to him by Brahma Deva: These Mantras include: ‘Shri Beeja’ (Shreem), ‘Maya Beeja’ (Hreem), ‘Kama Beeja’ (Kleem), and ‘Vani Beeja’ (Aim), followed by the word ‘Kamalavaasinyai’ and further adding the word ‘Swaahaa’; the Mantrarajaa would be : SHREEM HREEM KLEEM AIM KAMALAVAASINYAI SWAAHAA/ Kubera recited this Mantra for long time to Devi Lakshmi and attained unprecedented ‘Aishwarya’(Wealth); also Daksha Savarni Manu secured unique Sovereignty of ‘Sapta Dwipas’. As Bhagavati Maha Lakshmi gave ‘darshan’ (vision) to Indra Deva, he was overtaken by extreme emotion and praised her as follows: Indra ‘Stuti’ to Devi Lakshmi Om Namo Maha Lakshmyai/ Om Namah Kamala vaasinyai Naraayanyai Namo Namah, Krishnapriyayai Suraaryai Padmaayai cha Namo Namah/ Padmapakshetranaayai cha Padmaasyaayai Namo Namah, Padmaasanaayai Padmasanaayai Padminyai Vaishnavyai cha Namo Namah/ Sarasampatsarwarupaayai Sarva daatryai Namo Namah, Sukhadaayai Moksadaayai Siddhidaayai Namo Namah/ Haribhakti pradaatryai cha Harshadaatryai Namo Namah, Krishna vakshahsthaalaayai cha Krishneyshaayai Namo Namah/ Krishna shobha swarupayai ratna padmey cha shobhaney, Samapattadhishthaatru Devyai Maha Devyai Namo Namah/ Shasyaadhishthaatru Devyai Shasyaayai cha Namo Namah, Namo Buddhiswarupayai Buddhidaayai Namo Namah/ Vaikunthey yaa Mahaalakshmeeryaa Lakshmeeh ksheerasaagarey, Swarga Lakshmeerindra gehey Rajyalakshmeernupaalaye/ Grihalakshmischa grihaanaam gehey cha Griha Devataa, Surabhih saa gavaam Maataa Dakshinaa Yajnakaaminee/ Aditirdeva mataa twam Kamalaa Kamalaalaye, Swaahaa twam cha Havirdaaney Kaavya daavey Swadhaa smrutaa/ Twam hi Vishnuswarupaa cha Sarvadhaaraa Vasundharaa, Shuddha Satwa Swarupaa Twam Naraayanaparaayanaa/ Krodha himsaa varjitaa cha Varadaa cha Shubhaananaa, Paramaarthapradaa twam cha Haridaasyapradaa Paraa/ Yayaa vinaa Jagatsarwam Bhasmee bhutamasaarakam, Jeevanmritam cha Vishvam cha Shavastulyam yayaa vinaa/ Sarveshaam cha Paraa twam hi Sarva bandhavarupini, Yayaa vinaa na Sambhaashyo Baandharvair baandhavah sadaa/ Twayaa heeno Bandhu heeno twayaa yuktah sabaandhavah, Dharmaartha kaama mokshaanaam twam cha Kaarana rupinee/ Yathaa Maataa stanandhaanaam shishuunaam Shaishavey sadaa, Tathaa twam sarvadaa Maataa Sarveshaam Sarvarupatah/ Maatru heenah stanaandhascha sa chejjeevati Daivatah, Twayaa heeno janah kopina Jeevatyeva nischitam/ Suprasanna Swarupaa twam maam prasanna Bhavaambikey, Vairigrastam cha ishyam dehi mahyaam Sanaatani/ Vayam yaavat twayaa heenaa bandhu heenascha Bhikshukaah, Sarava sampad viheenaascha taava Deva Haripriye/ Raajyam dehi Shriyam dehi Balam dehi Sureswari, Keertim dehi Dhanam dehi Yasho Mahyaamcha dehi vai/ Kaamamdehi Matim dehi Bhogaan dehi Haripriye, Jnaanam dehi Dharmam cha Sarva Soubhaagyameepsitam/ abhaavamcha Prataapamcha Sarvaadhikaaraevacha, Jayam Paraakramam Yuddhey Paramaishwarya meyvacha/ [ Bhagavati Kamalavaasini, Devi Narayani, my repeated greetings to you. Samsaara saara bhutaa Krishna Priya Bhagavati Padma! My innumerable greetings to you. You possess lotus eyes and lotus face, Bhagavati Maha Lahshmi! My repeated salutations to you Maha Lakshmi; you are called Padmaasana, Padmini and Devi Vaishnavi; you are also Sukha daayani, Sarva Sampadswarupini, Moksha daayani, and Siddhi daayani. You lead to the Sacred Path of dedication to Shrihari and the Provider of Happiness to those who excel in devotion to Him. My sincere salutation to you as you exist in full bloom on Krishna’s chest and is therefore called as Krishna’s Hridayeshwari. You are the major possessor of Krishna’s Shobha or Splendour and the ‘Adhisthatri’ (Sovereign) of ‘Sampurna Sampatti’ (the Totality of Wealth) as also the Adhishthatri of ‘Dhanya’ (Harvest) and Dhanya Swarupa. You are the Maha Lakshmi of Vaikuntha, Lakshmi of Ksheera Sagara, Rajya Lakshmi of Kingdoms, Swarga Lakshmi in Indra’s Swarga, Griha Lakshmi in households, Griha Devata, Go Lakshmi called Surabhi, Dakshina Lakshmi in Yagnaas, Aditi Maataa Lakshmi to Devas, Swaha Lakshmi at Havyapradaana at Yagnaas,and Swadha Lakshmi at the Kavya Pradaana. You are the Bhu Lakshmi, Sudha Satwa Swarupa, ‘Akrodhi Swarupa’, ‘Ahimsa Swarupa’, Varada, Sharada, Shubhaa, Paramaarthadaa and Haridaasapradaa. Without you, the entire Universe is dissipated and dead. You are the ‘Bandhu Swarupa’ and the Gateway to Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The World is your milk-providing toddler and you are the ever kind Mother whose natural trait is to help with patience! Hari Priye! Till I could not vision you, I am a ‘Bandhu heen’, a beggar, and a pauper. Mother, grant me Rajya, Opulence, Power, Fame, Prosperity, any possession of my choice, Buddhi, Bhoga, Jnaana, Dharma , Sowbhagya, Prabhava, Pratapa, Adhikaara /Authority, Victory in battles, Parakrama and Paramaishwarya.] Those who recite the above Stuti thrice a day could retain Lakshmi for ever. | |
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