3 Brahma’s Secondary creation, his own progeny and that of their offspring | |
Authorised by Bhagavan Krishna, Brahma Deva took up the further Srishti of Eight principal Mountains viz. Sumeru, Kailasa, Malaya, Himalayas, Udayachal, Agasthya -chal, Suvela and Gandhamadana; Seven Seas viz. Lavana, Ikshurasa, Sura, Ghrita, Dahi, Kseera, and Suswaadu; Seven Dwipas viz. Jambu Dwipa, Shaka Dwipa, Kusha Dwipa, Pluksha Dwipa, Kouncha Dwipa, Nyagrodha or Shalmali, and Pushkara Dwipa.; Eight Loka paalakas viz. Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirutthi, Varuna, Vayu, and Ishana atop Eight ‘Shikharas’ of Meru and Eight ‘Puras’; Ananta Sesha Naga at the root of the Meru; Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka; on the highest peak of Meru Brahmaloka is situated and there above the Dhruva loka. Underneath the Meru are Atala, Vitaala, Sutala, Talaatala, Mahatala, Pataala and Rasaatala. Thus the Sapta Dwipas, Sapta Swargas and Sapta Pataalas together constitute the Brahmanda. While Vaikuntha, Shivaloka and Goloka are stated to be constant, the rest is ‘Kritrima’/ ‘Anitya’ (temporary). Meanwhile, Devi Savitri generated the immortal Vedas of Ruk-Yajur-Sama and Atharava as also ‘Nyaya’ (Justice) and ‘Vyakarana’ (Grammar), the various Shastras and the Thirty Divine ‘Raagaas’ (Musical compositions) including Kanakambari, Bhanumati, Manoranjani, Sindhu Bhairavi, Mayamalawa Goula, Malahari, Chakravaram, Haatakambati, Hindolam, Keeravaani, Karahaproya, Kapi, Madhyamavati, Shivaranjani, Kamboji, Mohanam, Bilahari, Hamsadhwaini, Suddha Saveri, Naga Bharanam, Keeravani, Bhava Priya, Mohana Kalyani, Amrita Varshini, Rasika Priya Kusumakaram etc. Savitri also created the Four Yugas of Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kalaha Priya Kaliyuga; days, nights, weeks, Sandhyas (Evenings), Ushas (early mornings), months, Seasons, Tithis, Dandas, Kshanas; Pushti (health), medha (brain power), victory, six Krittikas, Yoga, Karana, Devasena the Chief of Matrikas. Savitri also produced from her breast-milk three Kalpas viz.Brahma, Padma and Vaaraaha; four Pralayas viz. Nitya, Naimitthika, Dwiparaartha and Prakrita, Kaala, Mrityu Kanya and Vyadhiganas. Later on Brahma continued his Srishti from his ‘Prishta’ (rear side) the tow entities ‘Adharma’ and ‘Alakshmi’; from his ‘nabhi’ (navel) Vishwakarma the Shilpa Guru, from his ‘Balaparaakrama’or prowess the Eight Vaus; Manasa Putras (mind-born sons) Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanatkumaras; Swayambhu Manu and his wife Shatarupa the Administrator of the Universe; Eleven Rudras viz. Mahan, Mahatma, Matimaan, Bhishan, Bhayankar, Ritudwaja, Urthvakesha, Pingalaaksha, Ruchi, Shuchi and Kaalaagni Rudra. From Brahma’s right ear came out Pulastya, left ear Pulaha, right eye Atri, left eye kratu, nosetip Arani, face Angira and Ruchi, from left side Bhrigu, right side Daksha, from Brahma’s shadow came out kardama, Panchashikha from his navel, from chest came out Odhu, from Brahma’s throat came Narada, shoulder Marichi, from neck Apaantaratama, from tongue Vasishtha, from lips Pracheta, from left belly came out Hamsa (Swan) and Yati from the right belly. Brahma Deva then ordered his progeny to take up the task of furthering their own descendants; Sanaka and the three other Kumars were allowed by Brahma to take up ‘Tapasya’ and asked Narada to create, but Narada insisted against family life and there were exchange of curses betweeen Brahma and Narada on this count. However all others performed extensive Srishti. Maharshi Marichi created Kashyapa Prajapati. Atri Maha Muni rubbed his eyes and created Chandra Deva in the Ksheera Sagara. Pracheta Maharshi materialised Goutama from his mind. Mitra Varuna was the son of Pulastya’s mind. Manu and Devi Rupa gave birth to three Pativrataas viz. Akruti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Manu and Shatarupa begot two illustrious sons called Priyavrata and Uttanapaada. Manu’s daughter Akruti married Prajapati Ruchi and Prasuti was married to Daksha Prajapati. Uttanapada’ son was the memorable Dhruva. Devahuti was wedded to Kardama Muni and their son was Kapila Muni. Daksha and Prasuti gave birth to sixty daughters of whom eight were married to Dharma, eleven were wedded to Ekadha Rudras, thirteen were given to Kashyapa, twenty seven were given to Chandra and one to Shiva Mahadeva. Now, Dharma’s wives were Shanti, Pushti, Dhriti, Tushti, Kshama, Shraddha, Mati and Smriti; Shanti’s son was Santosh, Pushti’s son was Mahaan, Dhriti’s son was Dhairya; Tushti’s sons were Harsha and Darpa; Kshama’s son was Sahishnu and Shraddha’s son was Dharmik. Mati had a son Jnaan and Smriti had Jatismara. Dharma’s first wife was Murti and their sons were Nara-Narayana Rishis. Rudra’s sons were Kala, Kalavati, Kaashthaa, Kaalika, Kalaha Priya, Kandali, Bhishana, Raastraa, Pramocha, Bhushana and Shuki. Kashyap’s wives were Deva’s mother Aditi, Dyatya’s mother Diti, Sapra’s (serpents) mother Kadru, Pakshi’s (birds) mother Vinata, Surabhi was the mother of cows and buffalos, Saarameya was the mother of dogs, the rest of animals were born to Sarama and Danu was the mother of Danavas. Indra and Twelve Adityas [Amsa, Armayan, Bhaga, Dhriti, Mitra, Pusan, Sakra, Savitur, Twastur, Varuna, Vuishnu, and Vivaswat as per Vishnu Purana] and Upendra (Vamana) and other Devatas were Aditi’s children. Indra and Shachi Devi begot Jayanta. Surya Deva’s wife (Vishwakarma’s daughter) Savarna gave birth to sons Shanaischar and Yamaraja and Kalindi their daughter. Upendra and Prithi gave birth to Mangala Deva. From Diti and Kashyapa were born two greatest Daithyas Hiranyaaksha and Hiranya Kashipu, besides a daughter Simhika or Nirruti who gave birth to Saihikeya (Rahu). Hiranyaaksha had no children since he was terminated by Varaha Deva, but Hiranya-Kashipu had the memorable son Prahlada whose son Virochana gave birth to the famed Bali Chakravarti. Bali’s son was Banasura the Yogi, Jnaani and Sevaka of Shankara. Kadru’s vamsha had such impressive Sarpa’s lineage of Ananta,vaasuki, Kaliya, Dhananmjaya, Karkotaka, Takshaka, Padma, Iravata, Maha Padma, Shankhu, Shaankh, Samraran, Dhrita raashtra, Durdharsha, Durjaya, Durmukha, Bala, Goksha, Gokaamuka and Virupa. Of Kadru’s daughter was Mansa Devi whose husband was Jaratkaaru born out of Bhagavan Narayana’s ‘Amsa’. Asteek was the son of these whose very name demolishesd the fear of Nagas! Vinata had two sons viz. Aruna and Garuda, both being as mighty as Vishnu and the entire race of birds emerged out of them. Chandra’s wives-the daughters of Daksha-were the twenty seven Stars, of whom Rohini attracted him most and the other Stars complained to Daksha who gave a ‘Shaap’to Chandra to become a leper; Chandra approached Shiva who cured him and kept Chandra on his head. As the daughters approached Daksha to return Chandra from Shankara, the latter declined as Chandra had already adorned his head. As Daksha was about to curse, Mahadeva approached Vishnu to save him from Daksha’s curse; Shiva also pleaded that he was not prepared to leave Chandra as the latter sought Shiva’s refuge; then Vishnu gave a special dispensation that half of Chandra would be returned to Daksha and his daughters and the other half would continue on Shankara’s head. But the halved-Chandra given to Daksha was not cured of the Raja-Yakshma disease as an impact of Daksha’s original curse and Vishnu made a further dispensation that Chandra would grow day by day in his brightness from Padyami to Purnima and from the ensuing Padyami till Amavasya in the Krishna paksha his brightness would wane down. Such was Srishti by Brahma by himself and that of the further process of Creation of his descendents subsequently. | |
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