Essence of Brahmanda Purana


Essence Of
Brahmanda Purana


2    Purusha and Prakriti, Maha Tatwa and Kshetrajna, Brahmanda and Tri Murtis

Sincerely greeting Veda Vyasa the Vishnu Swarupa and the Illustrious Scripter of Maha Puranas, Suta Muni addressed a congregation of Rishis at Nimaisharanya (Naimisha Forest) where the rim of Dharma Chakra or the wheel of Virtue fell down crashed indicating the heralding of the Kali Yuga; an alternative explanation was that Bhagavan Vishnu destroyed the Evil Forces in a Nimisha or a Minute of Time. The Muni  paid his obeisances to  Paramatma and stated:

Dhanyam Yashasyamaayushyam Swargeym Shatrughna mevacha,

Keertanam Sthirakeertinaam Sarveshaam Punyakarmanaam/

Yasmaat Kalpaayatey Kalpah Samagram Shuchaye Shuchih,

Tasmai Hiranya garbhaaya Purushaayeshwaraayacha/

Ajaaya Prathamaayaiva Varishthaaya  Prajaasrujey,

Brahmaney Loka tantraaya Namaskrutya Swayambhuvey/  

Mahadaadyam Viseshaantam Savairupyam salakshanam,

Pancha Pramaanam Shatshraantam Purushaadhishtitam cha yat/

Asamyayat pravakshyaami Bhutasargamanuttama,

Avyaktam Kaaranam yattannityam Sadasaatmakam/

Pradhaanam Prakritim chaiva Yamaahusttatwachintikaah,

Gandha rupa rasair heenam shabdasparsha vivarjitam/

Jagadyonim Maha Bhutam Param Brahmasanaatanam,

Vigraham Sarvabhutaa -naamavyaktamabhavaktila/

Anaadyantamajam Sukshmam Trigunam Prabhavaapyayam,

Asampratikamajneyam Brahma yatsadamatparam/

Tasyaatmanaa Sarvamidam Vyaapta -maseettamoyam,

Gunasaamey Tadaa tasmannibhayaanta tamomayam/

Sarvakaaley Pradhaanasya Kshetrajnaadhishtitasya vai/

Gunabhaavadbhaasamaaney Maha Tatwam babhuva ha/

( We are indeed fortunate that we are going to hear the narration of this Brahmanda Purana. Whoso ever follows this narration would ensure that the Vamsha of the person concerned would achieve fame, longevity, destruction of enemies and Swarga.  It was that Paramatma Brahma, the Pradhaana Purusheshwara, the Swayambhu or Self Born,  the Undefinable and the Everlasting- materialised Prakriti  of ‘Sat-Asat’ or of Real-Falsity nature with Pancha-Pramaanaas like Pratyaksha, Anumaana, Agama, Kevalaadi Proofs and Shat-Shraanta or Six Types of Vehicles; this Prakriti is devoid of Gandha-Rasa-Sparsha or Smell-Taste-Touch; Indeed that Prakriti is the Cause of Creation;  the Sanatana or the Most Ancient, the Everlasting Form of the Universe; the Unknown, All-Pervading, Sarva Bhutaanaam, Sukshmam or the Minutest, Trigunam of Satwa-Rajas-Taamasa. As there was no illumination before Srishti, Prakriti was of Tamo Guna but as the thought of Srishti Illumination emerged and that indeed was the Kshetrajna, named Maha Tatwa; It was that  MahaTatwa that inspired                                      Satwa Guna and  Maha Srishti!).

The transformation of Maha Purusha and his ‘alter-ego’ Prakriti ie the Kshetrajna and Maha Tatwa led to the Brahmanda or the Golden Egg in which sat the Four Faced Hiranya Garbha-Brahma, the Creator. Within the Golden Egg, are situated Seven Lokas, Prithivi, Seven Samudras and Seven Dwipas, Massive Mountains and Thousands of Rivers. Within the Golden Egg are the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets, Wind and Lokaloka. While there is an enclosure of water as huge as ten times more around the Golden Egg, there is ten times more of Tejas or Radiance surrounding the water. Ten times larger than the enclosure of Illumination is of Vayu (Wind). Around the the enclosure of Wind is that of Ether (Akaasha or the Sky) which is ten times more of Wind. Even enveloping the enclosure of  ‘Nabhas’ or Ether is that of  ‘Bhutadi’ (Ahamkara or Ego) and that too ten times larger. Yet another enclosure to Bhutadi is ten times more of Nabhas , but that of ‘Mahat’ is equally bigger to Bhutadi. Filnally, Mahat is surrounded by ‘Pradhana’ or the Supreme. Thus there are seven enclosures around the Cosmic Egg viz. water, radiance, wind, ether, Bhutadi, Mahat and the Pradhana the Unknown; all these ‘Avaranaas’ cling to each other.


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