Kruta Yuga, Thretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga are the four Yugas. In Kruta Yuga, there were Mathsya. Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha and Vamana Avatars and the avatars disappeared after their work. In Thretha Yuga there were Parasurama and Rama Avatars who lived for thousands of years and did many wonders. In Dwapara Yuga Krishna Avatar and Balarama Avatar happened. These Avatars living for thousands of years did a lot of leelas (wonders). Among such leelas the Deepavali Celebration was one. Starting with Bhuthana (the demon in mother's form) Kanna Piran (Sri Krishna) did all leelas single handedly. But for the leela of killing Narakasura which resulted in Deepavali, Kanna Piran went on war against the demon along with Sathya Bama. The reason being when Lord Narayana was with His Booma Devi, Narakasuran was born. "Nara" means man, ‘Naraka’ means a person who does despicable things. For the Asuras drinking human blood of good persons is akin to eating food and drinking water for ordinary human beings. Even though Naraka was born as a human being he became an Asura (demon). He, performing penance in wrong ways, got lot of boons and he tortured many Kings and common man. A person is good at birth but becomes bad due to circumstances. So, due to his bad deeds and his torturing the Devas and others, Narakan was to be punished (by Narayana) even though he was the latter’s son. This is the justice of olden days.
One can see this justice in the story of Manu Needhi Chozha. A calf was hit and died under the Rath of his son. But he dispensed justice, by putting his own son under his chariot and himself driving it over. This happened in Kali Yuga! So, Sri Krishna goes with Satyabama, an amsa (share) of Sri Booma Devi and starts the war with Narkasura. By the time the leela was over Sri Booma Devi appears herself. Normally, if somebody dies, the day is condoled (every year). But both Sri Booma Devi and Narakasura prayed to Sri Krishna with Sathyabama, "Oh Lord, nobody should observe this day of death of your son as a day of mourning. You are the Lord, I am your Devi and at our hands this son of ours attains Moksha. This day removes darkness all around. Hence everybody, right from children to the parents, should observe it as a day of happiness. By taking Mangala Snanam (Oil bath), they should get the phala (fruits) of Ganga Snanam and get the benign blessings of Sri Lakshmi Devi". Happy over Sri Booma Devi’s supplication, both Sri Krishna and Sathyabama granted her request. That boon became “Deepa Oli” (Light of the lamp) which is Deepavali. Deepavali also can be considered as Deepa Avali, avali meaning rows, as rows of lamps are lit on that day. As this was started with the love, affection, duty, rule of law and justice, may all celebrate this Deepavali Day observing dharma and practice the disciplines as told to Arjuna by Sri Krishna in Bagavadh Geetha. Let us pray to get all prosperity from Sri Krishna on this day. When we pray on special days like Deepavali, the benefit is many folds more than when we pray on ordinary days. If we take bath, our body gets purified. But when take bath on the auspicious day like Deepavali we get the benefit of Ganga Snan. On this auspicious day of Deepavali our complete, heartfelt blessings to all.
(His Holiness Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji will be camping at Kasi during Diwali 2010)