8) Yevaha Thadmutra Yadmutra tha dinvah:
Whatever is there, it is here and that which is here is there too;
9)Anyadeva thadvithadayo Aviditha dapi: That is beyond the Known and Unknown;
10) Easha tha Antaratma antaryamrita: That Atma of yours is itself Antharyami and Amrita or inner consciousness and ever lasting;
11) Sa yaschayam Purusho yaschamavaditye sa ekah : Whatever exists in this person and Sun God is the same;
12) Ahamasmi Parabrahma param paratparam : I am Parabrahma myself;
13) Veda Sastra Guruthvath svapananda lakshanam: I am as happy as Guru who knows Vedas and Sastras;
14) Sarva bhutashitham Brahmat dehaha na samasyaha : Brahma who exists in all the beings, undoubtedly;
15) Tatvasya Pranohamasmi : I am the life of Tatvas and the Earth;
16) Apam cha Praanohamasmi: I am the Life and water;
17) Vayoscha Pranohamasmi Akshasya Pranohamasmi: I am the Life of Wind and Sky
18) Trigunasya Pranohamasmi: I am the Life of Three Gunas
19) Sarvoha Sarvatmakoh Samsaro Yadbhut uccha bhavyam yadvarthamanam Sarvatmika tvad vithiyoham: I am the Universal Soul as also second to none in the past, present and future; 20) Sarvam khilvada Brahma: This is all Brahma Himself;
21) Sarvoha Vimuktoham : I am everything and free;
22) yo sowseeham hamsaha so hamasmi : I am present as a Swan.