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7 Chandra’s origin, wedding with Stars, Tara and birth of Budha & their progeny | |
Suta Mahamuni desired to know about Chandra Deva who was in charge of Pirtu Lokas. As Brahma instructed one of his ‘Manasa Putras’ Maharshi Atri to take up take up some responsibility to ‘Srishti’, the Maharshi performed an ‘Anutthar’ (unprecedented) ‘Tapasya’due to which the Unique Paramatma whom Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Surya reside was pleased to materialise ‘Ashtamaamsu Shishu’ or Chandra Deva from the mind’s eye of Shiva and as a result flowed out a stream of illumination from the Maharshi’s physical eyes. That radiance filled up all the ‘dishas’ (directions) and a woman appeared who was conceived and confined for three hundred years; as she could not carry the child, she sacrificed her life and Lord Brahma pulled out a ‘Purusha’ of extraordinary blaze with arms decorated with ‘Audhaas’and placed him on a chariot driven by thousand horses with ‘Vedamantras’and took him away to Brahmaloka. There Brahmarshis declared that the newly arrived Youth was their Chief and as Pitaras, Gandharvas and personified Aushodhis arrived, all the Devas and Brahma extolled him by ‘Somadaivitya’ Mantras. With the ‘Stutis’ (praises), Chandra’s glow increased manifold and‘Aoushadhis’ started germinating on the Earth in the nights and the Chandra mandala became by the day from Amavasya to Pournami and waned till next moon-fall till the moon-rise again. Daksha, the son of Pracheta, gave away his twenty seven daughters in wedding to Chandra. Later on, Chandra performed Tapasya to Bhagavan Vishnu for tewnty lakh years who felt pleased and fulfilled Chandra’s wishes that he would like to win over Indraloka by which Devas could come to his residence in person and take away their respective shares of Yagnas. He also secured a boon to perform a Rajasuya Yagna in which Brahma and other Devas were the invitees, Maha Deva was the protector to ward off Rakshasas and other evil forces, Maharshi Atri was the ‘Hota’ as Rigveda Paathak, Bhrigu as ‘Adharvyu’ (Yajur Veda Paathak), Brahma as Sama Vedak Paathak, Vishnu as ‘Upadrishta’ and Atharva Veda Paathak, Sanaka Kumaras as ‘Sadasyas’, and the Ten Vishvadeva Chamasaatharvyu or as the Soma Rasa drinkers. Ruthvijas arrived from all the Lokas and received Dakshinas. At the time of ‘Avabhruta snaana’ the excellent Form of Chandra desired to witness and without their husbands separately, came the Devis like Lakshmi without Narayana, Cinivaali without Kardama Muni, Dhtuti without Vibhavasu, Tushti without Brahma, Prabha without Prabhakara, Kuhoo without Havishmaan, Kirti withot Jayant, Vasu without Kashyapa the Marichi putra, and Dhruti without Nandi. Thereafter, Chandra Deva illuminated all the Sapta Lokas and dominated all the ‘Dishas’. In course of time, Chandra got infatuated with Devi Tara, the wife Deva Guru Brihaspati and took her away to his residence despite heavy protests of Deva Guru, Sadhyagana, Lokapalakas, Marudganas, and even Bhagavan Shiva himself. Shiva felt highly offended and invoked the Ekadasha Rudras led by Vamadeva, pulled out his bow called ‘Ajagava’, and accompanied by eighty four Ganas, Ganesha, Kubera with his shata koti Yakshas, Padma Vetala, three lakh Nagas and twelve lakh Kinnaras and so on. Chandra on his part too elisted the support of Nakshatras, Rakshasas, Asuras, Daityas, Shanishwara, Mangala, and so on. The entire Universe was tensed up and finally, Brahma intervened and gave a curse to Chandra at the ‘Maha Pataka’ of the latter to have enticed Tara Devi the Guru Patni and brought the Universe to a precipice; the curse was while the entire world woud be blessed with peace, happiness and coolness till the Paurnami during the first half a month, Chandra would be treated as a Paapa Graha (sinful) as a Papa Graha in the second half. Brihaspati excused Tara’s misdeeds and accepted her back. Devi Tara gave birth to Budha who was highly intellectual with erudition in ‘Artha Shastra’ (Economics), Gaja Shastra, and Administration and was known as Rajaputriya, and Palakapya. Brahma granted Budha the status of a ‘Graha’ (Planet / Mercury). From Budha and his wife Ila, there was a famous son called Pururava who was respected by one and all and performed over hundred Ashwamedha Yagnas, as also executed worship to Vishnu for several years, ruled Sapta Dwipas, killed innumerable Daityas like Keshi, got Apsara Urvashi infatuated with him, and by the grace of Lord Vishnu, secured half of Indra’s throne! Once three Maharshis personifying Dharma, Artha and Kama visited Pururava and desired to test him; Puru made them seated on golden thrones and performed puja to Dharma first, continued with the puja to Artha and later to Kama, but he took longer time in the worship to Dharma, two-thirds of it to Artha and only half of the least time to Kama; both Artha and Kama gave curses to Puru; Artha cursed him saying that the latter would become greedy and that would ruin the King; Kama cursed Puru that he woul be a victim of ‘Viyog’ for Urvasi; but Dharma gave the King the boons of long life, reputation for ages till Surya and Chandra would exist and that his ‘Vamsa’(clan) would thrive for ages! Having tested the King, the Maharshis disappeared and the curses given by Artha and Kama also proved to be actually their blessings! Pururava was in the habit of visiting Amarapura in Indraloka daily; once he found two Apsaras viz. Chitralekha and Urvashi were being kidnapped by Danavaraja Keshi and on seeing the plight of the Apsaras, Pururava threw away the Danava off by ‘Vayavyastra’- feat that even Indra could not in the past. Indra was highly pleased and honoured Pururava with a dance drama titled ‘Lakshni swayamvara’ that was enacted under the direction of Bharat Muni, the famed authority on Natya Shastra. But Urvashi was so much absorbed looking at Pururava that she faltered in the dance steps and Bharat Muni cursed both Urvashi and Puru that they would suffer pangs of separation from each other after her fall down to Earth for fifty five years of family life begetting eight sons and after the limit when she would return to Swarga and he would become a Piscacha wandering and searching for her till the time limit of the curse lasted. The eight sons were Ayu, Dhrudhaayu, Ashwaayu, Dhanaayu, Dhritimaan, Vasu, Shuchividya and Shataayu. Ayu was blessed with five sons viz.Nahusha, Vriddhi Sharma, Raji, Dambha and Vipaapma. The illustrious Nahusha had seven sons namely Yati, Yayati, Samyati, Udbhav, Paachi, Sharyati, and Meghajaati. As Yati renounced the normal world and became a Yogi, Yayati took over the Kingship. King Yayati was virtuous, invincible, and reputed. He married Sharmishtha, the daughter of Danava King Vrishaparva and Devayani, the daughter of Shukracharya. From Yayati, Devayani gave birth to Yadu and Turvasu, while Sharmishtha begot Druhu, Anu and Puru. As King Yayati became old, he called all the sons and proposed that any of the sons might assume his old age in exchange of their youth so that he continued as a King for more time not only to enjoy his life but also to perform certain Dharmic activities like Yagnas, chatities and Tirtha Yatras etc. which could not be completed as Shukracharya the father of Devayani cursed him to lose his youth and presentbility since he instructed that he should not sleep with her. All the sons declined the exchange proposal made by Yayati, excepting the youngest son of Sharmishtha; Yayati cursed all the other sons of both the wives, excepting Puru, named Puru as his heir apparent so that his Vamsa or Clan would henceforth be known as Puru Vamsa and by his ‘Tapobal’ (might of his meditation) exchanged his old and ugly body with that of youthful and handsome Puru. | |
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