His Holiness blesses Matsyakara Samiti meet at Tirupati


Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamiji blessed a meeting organised by Matsyakara Samithi in the holy city of Tirupati. In His anugraha bhashanam, His Holiness said that Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism is a way of life and five elements (pancha bhoota) are worshipped in temples and also nurtured and nourished because all the elements are part of Nature and which is an inseparable manifestation of the divine. Hence protecting nature and serving society are part of this great civilisation.
His Holiness recalled the great role of Sage Vyasa and appealed to the community to remember and get inspired by the great Sage who propounded Dharma in the deepest manner possible. His Holiness also advised them to follow the path of Dharma to build the society on the basis of Dharma as enshrined in Vedas to uphold Truth, respect elders, serve society, protect Mother land and do Seva for the well being of the whole world.

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