Sri Chandramouleeswara Namaha
Sri Sankara Bhagavatpaadaacharya Paramparagatha Moolanmnaya Sarvagnapeeta
His Holiness Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetadhipathi
Srimatam Samsthanam
No.1 Salai Street, KANCHIPURAM 631502

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Sri Mukam 1 and Sri Mukam 2


Sri Mukam

Surya Ashtothram
Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 3 Slokas 10 to 31 and 75 to 79.

When Dharmaputra went on exile (vanavas) he did not know how to feed the number of Brahmins who accompanied him to the jungle. He approached Maharishi Dhowmya who was his guru and Dhowmya Rishi advised him to pray to Lord Surya Baghavan with a set of 108 names. These names were first given to Indra by Brahma. Indra in turn gave it to Narada who in turn gave it to Maharishi Dhowmya. Dhowmya initiated Dharmaputra. With due respect and devotion, Dharmaputra prayed Surya Bhagavan uttering these names with all sincerity and was blessed by Surya Bhagavan with Akshaya Patra.

One who after a purifying bath, utters with a clear and concentrated mind the names of Surya Bhagavan will get liberated and cross over the sorrowful ocean of this Samsar. He/ She will obtain all their desire in their lives.

The balasmriti of the Ashtothram in Mahabharata says:

One who with concentrated mind utters these names at the time of sunrise will get desired wife, sons, wealth, precious stones, the knowledge of the previous birth, courage and good wisdom.

If one prays with these names both during the sunrise and sunset, even if he/she gets into trouble, will come out successfully and gets released of bondage.

One who repeats these names daily will come out successfully from all trouble, get sufficient wealth, released of all sins and in the end reach the abode of Surya Bhagavan.


Surya Ashtothram

1. Soorya:
2. Aryama
3. Bhagaha
4. Thwashta
5. Poosha
6. Arka
7. Savitha
8. Ravi
9. Gabasthiman
10. Aja:
11. Kaala:
12. Mrithyu
13. Dhatha
14. Prabhakara:
15. Prithvi
16. Aapa:
17. Theja:
18. Kha(Aakash)
19. Vaayu
20. Parayana
21. Soma
22. Brihaspati
23. Sukra:
24. Budha:
25. Angaraka:(Mangala)
26. Indira:
27. Vivaswan
28. Dheepamasu
29. Suchi
30. Sowri
31. Sanaischara:
32. Brahma
33. Vishnu
34. Rudhra:
35. Skandha:
36. Varuna:
37. Yama:
38. Vaidyutagni
39. Jhataragni
40. Aindhanagni
41. Thejapathi
42. Dharma Dhwaja:
43. Veda Kartha
44. Vedhanga:
45. Veda Vahana:
46. Kritha
47. Tretha
48. Dwapara
49. Sarvamalaashraya Kali
50. Kala Kaashta Muhurtha Roopa Samaya
51. Kshapa(Raathri)
52. Yaama:
53. Kshana:
54. Samvatsara Kara:
55. Aswaththa:
56. Kala Chakra Pravarthaka Vibhavasu
57. Saswatha Purusha:
58. Yogi
59. Vyakthavyaktha:
60. Sanathana:
61. Kaladhyaksha:
62. Prajadhyaksha
63. Viswakarma
64. Thamonudha:
65. Varuna:
66. Saagara
67. Amsu
68. Jeemotha:
69. Jeevana:
70. Ariha
71. Bhoothashraya:
72. Bhoothapathi:
73. Sarva Loka Namaskritha:
74. Srashta
75. Samvarthaka:
76. Vahni
77. Sarvadhi
78. Alolupa:
79. Anantha:
80. Kapila:
81. Bhanu
82. Kaamadha:
83. Sarva Atho Mukha:
84. Jaya:
85. Vishala:
86. Varadha:
87. Sarvadhathu Nishechitha
88. Manasuparna
89. Bhoothadhi
90. Seegraka:
91. Pranadharaka:
92. Dhanvanthari
93. Dhooma Kethu
94. Aadhi Dheva:
95. Adhithi Suta:
96. Dhwadhasathma
97. Aravindaksha:
98. Pitha- Mata Pitamaha:
99. Swarga Dwara
100. Mokshadwara
101. Dhehakartha
102. Pasanthathma
103. Viswathma
104. Viswathamukha:
105. Characharathma
106. Sookashathma
107. Maithreya
108. Karunanvitha: