Kasi Math's Tribute to The Sage of Kanchi

Sri-la-Sri Kasivasi Muthukumarasvami Tambiran Svamigal, Tiruppanandal

Among the several Maths founded by Sankara, the one at Kanchi has for over the last half of century and more, come to be well known here in India and abroad as well, thanks mainly to the greatness and unique personality of Srimad Chandrasekharendra Sarasvathi Swamigal. We, the Head of the Kasi Math at Tiruppanandal and the Kumaraswamy Math at Varanasi are immensely happy learn that the sage of the Kanchi Sankara Math will ere long, be completing his hundredth year of age.

It may be observed that the theistic school of though in Hinduism are notionally, (to be precise, just only academically), divided among themselves, in their interpretation of certain religious concepts. They are: the one founded by and advocating the adhering to that concept, but a bit differently, in the manner adumbrated by Ramanujacharya; the Dwaitic School founded by Madhwacharya; and the Saiva Siddhanta School of though the concepts of which were, in the first instance, expounded by Saint Thirumular (during the 5 century) and later systematized by saint Meikandar (13th century) and subsequently elaborated logically by saints like Arulnandi Sivacharya. Maragnana Sambandhar and Umapati Sivacharya. Though there is what may appear to be diversity among these schools in their interpretation of certain basic tenets of Hinduism, there is an unmistakable unity among them. To wit, the idea that the God-head is one and only one though Its Name is given differently by each school and its nature interpreted by them variously. Here is, thus an apt example of Unity in Diversity.

We, the Head of Saiva Siddhanta Math functioning mainly at Tirupanandal in the south of India and Kasi in the north, are of the view, and hence happy to note, that the adherents of the Sankara School are (as in our opinion, Adi Sankara himself was) in actual practice, ardent devotees (Bakthas) of Lord Siva, as much as those who claim to be Saiva Siddhantins. The well-known compositions of Sankara, in adoration of Siva and His Sakthi, standing testimony to this view, and these view, and these have perhaps paved the way for a meaningful and worthy development in temple worship.

We are all the more happy to learn that offerings on a large scale are to made by the Sankara Math Kanchi to the deities in all the Siva temples sanctified by the visits and songs of saints Gnana Sambandhar, Appar, Sundarar and Manikkavachakar, on the day fixed for the commemoration of the completion of the hundredth year of age of the sage adorning the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham.

We would further like to pay our tribute to the sage, who has, by his sheet greatness, enhanced the reputation of his institution, by reminding ourselves about a striking similarity between that institution and ours. Adi Sankara's services in the fields of religion and social uplift were, as ordained by his Guru, mainly in the north of India, and especially at Kasi, and so were those of saint Kumaraguruparar, the founder saint of our Math.

May the name and fame to Srimad Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal, an exceptionally unique Siva Baktha, inspire all devoted men aspiring for a life divine.

Siva Siva