A pleasant remembrance

Mrs Seetha Chidambaram

My mother Mrs. M.S. Chidambaram and her mother visited Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham in 1952 at a Siva temple in Mambalam to ask and receive His benign blessing before Sri M.A. Chidambaram started to build the Adyar House at Kotturpuram, Madras. the Paramacharyal greeted the proposal heartily. He recalled His stay many times at the residence of Mrs. Chidambaram's father in Konapet in Chettinad and reminisced His carrying her as a baby.

At this meeting, His Holiness was seated under the Nelli tree. Suddenly Nelli fruit got dislodged and fell on the ground. Hid Holiness asked my mother eat the fruit remarking that it would taste the sweet.

Then He blessed her and granted her wish. He said that the house to be built at Kotturpuram will be prosperous ad joyous. He added that the entire neighborhood would develop specially into a fine and affluent colony. It should be kept in mind that at the time Paramacharya said this Kotturpam was just a wilderness and godforsaken woods where poisonous reptiles had their free habitation.

But one who visits Kotturpuram today will marvel at the rate of growth with planned and palatial houses all around and with its hum of human activity.

Paramacharya's words never fail. My mother, Mrs. Chidambaram's family are happy because of His blessings. She remembers this incident as distinctly as on the day of receiving His blessings. May his grace continue to project us all.