

Essence Of
Brahma Purana


19    Kandopaakhyana : Vishnu Stuti included

The famed Kandu Muni in the Purushottama Kshetra was a rare example of Dharma, Satya and Veda Vedanga Kushala / expert, always engaged in Vratas, Upavaasaas / fastings, niyama or discipline, Mouna, and Tapasya. Lord Indra was concerned that the Muni might be a threat to Indratwa and asked an Apsara named Pramlocha to arrtact and entice him. Initially she was reluctant to take up the mission as the Muni might give her a curse but Indra praised her capabilities to shake away the mental balance of such great Munis as per her past record, more so since he asked Kama Deva and Vasanta Rithu to assist in her mission. She descended from Swaga and requested the Muni to allow her to assist him in his daily worship even as the Vasanta Ritu and Kama Deva were at work in disturbing his feelings. Gradually the Muni got attracted and even neglected his daily duties of Sandhyavandana, Homa, Japa, Puja, Swadhyaaya of Vedas, fastings and so on. With the passage of time, he got so entangled that he kept on requesting him to stay for more time as and when she proposed to go back to Swarga. Once he asked her casually as to how long she had been in his company and she replied that she had been there for nine hundred seven years, six months and three days! The Muni got a severe shock, cursed her that he neglected his duties, cursed himself as he became a victim of Kama Piscacha, threw her out, repented deeply and performed concentrated Tapasya by way of pitched up fastings and intolerable physical sacrifces. He reached Jagannatha and prostrated before him with prayers, sobbings, appeals and even threats of self-sacrifice. Finally Lord Jagannadha responded with his hallowed Darshan, keeping in view the erstwhile life of Kandu Muni of Dharma and Satya. The Muni was mesmerized at the live appearance of Deva Deva in his full glory with four hands ornamented by Shankha-Chakra-Gada-Saranga / Dhanush, wearing Peetaambara attire, and seated on Garuda Deva. Veda Vyasa described the daze of Kandu Muni and quoted the latter’s mumblings as follows:

Paramparam Vishnurapaara paarah Parah Parebhyaha Paramartha Rupah,

Sa Brahma Paarah Parapaara bhutah Parah Paranaamapi Paara Paarah/

Sakaaranam Kaarana Samshritopi tasyaapi hetuhu Parahetu hatuh,

Kaaryopi chaisha Sahakarma Kartru-----Rupairanekairava teeha Sarvam/ Brahmaprabhurbrahma sa Sarva bhuto Brahma Prajaanaam Patirachyuto sow, Berahmaavyayam Nityamajam sa Vishnurapaksha –yaadwairakhilaira sangah, Brahmaaksharamajam nityam yadaasow Purushotthamah,

Tadaa raagaadayo doshaah prayaantu prashamam mama/

(Vishnu is the Kaarana or the Cause; he is also the Cause of the Tanmaatraas or features of Pancha Bhutas. He is the feeling of Self-Consciousness or Ahamkaara which results in Maha Tatwa; Paramatma is also the root-cause Maha Tatwa. He is the Kriya Rupa or the Basic Form of Action, the Act and the Actor! He is the Veda-Vedanga Swarupa, Veda Nirvaahaka, the Prabhu of Prabhus; Paramatma, Brahma paarah or beyond Brahma; Avyaya-Nitya-Shadbhaava Rahita or devoid of Kama Krodhaadi bhaava; May I bend my knees to that Purushottama to eradicate my Gunaas of Raaga and Dweshas).

As Lord Janannadha asked Kandu Muni to secure a boon, the Muni got confused and prostrated by breaking into an ecstatic Stuti as follows:

‘Narayana Harey Krishna Shrivatsaanka Jagatpatey

Jagadbija Jagaddhaama Jagadsaaks Namo Namostutey/

Avyaktaha Jishnoh Prabhavah Pradhaanaha Purushotthamah,

Pundareekaaksha Govinda Hrishikesha Namostutey/

Hiranyagarbhaha Shri Naathaha Padmanaabhjah Sanaatanah,

Bhugarbhaha Dhruvah Ishaanah Hrishikeshah Namostutey/

Anaadyantaamrutaajeya Jayatvam Jaataam Varah,

Ajitaakhanda Shri Krishna Shrinivaasa namostutey/

Parjanya Dharma Kartaacha dushpaara duradhishthita,

Duhkaarti naashanah Harey Jalashaayinnamostutey/

Bhutapaavyakta Bhutesha Bhutatatvairanaakula,

Bhutaadi vaasah Bhutgaatmanbhutagarbhah Namostutey/

YajnahaYajyanyajnadharah Yajnadaata –abhayaabhayapradah,

Yajnagarbhaha Hiranyaangah Vrishnigarbhah Namostutey/

Kshetrajnah Kshtrabhrutkshetri Kshetrahaa Kshetrakrudwashi,

Kshetraatmankshetra rahita Kshetrasrashtey Namostutey/

Gunaalayah Gunaavaasah Gunaashrayah Gunaavahah

Gunabhoktuh Gunaaraamaha Gunatyaaginnamostutey/

Twam Vishnustwam harishachakreetam Jishnustwam Janaardanah,

Twam bhutastwam vashatkaarastwam bhavyastambhavatprabhuh/

Twam bhuta krutastwamavyaktastwam bhavobhuta brudbhddhavaan,

Twam Bhuta  bhaavano Devastwaamaahuraja meeswaram/

Twamanantaha krutajnastwam Prakrutistwam Vrishaakapih,

Twam Rudrastwam Duraadharkshastvamoghastwameeswarah/

Twam Vishwakarmaajishnustwam Twam Shambhustwam Vrusaakrutih,

Twam Shankarastwamushanaatwam Satyam twam tapojanah/

Twam Vishwa jetaatvam Sharmastwam Sharanyastwamaksharam,

Twam Shambhustwam Swayam bhutaschatwam Jeyshthastwam paraayanah/

Twamaadistwam omkaarasatwastwam praanastwamisrahaa,

Tama Parjanyaswam Prathita Vedhaastwam Sureswarah/

Twamruyajuh Saama chaivatwanammatobhavaan,

Twamagnistwam cha Pavanastwastwamaapova sudaa bhavaan/

Twam Srashtaa twam bhoktaa hotaatwam cha havih kratuh,

Twam Prabhustwam Vibhhuh Shreshthastama lokapatirachyutah/

Twam Sarva Darshanah Shrimamstwam Sarva damanoriha,

Twamahastwam tathaa raatristwaa maahuvatsaram Budhaah/

Twam kaalastwam kalaa kaashthatwam Muhurtah Kshanaa Lavaah,

Twam Baalastwam tathaa vriddhatwam Pumaa Stree Napumsakah/

Twam Vishwa Yonistwam chakshutwam Vedaangastwamavyayah,

Twam Shaaswatatastwa –majitastwamupendas twamamuttamah,

TwamVeda Vedastwam Dhaataa Vidhaataatwam Samaahitah/

Twam Sarva Vishwa Sukhadastwam Vedaangam Twamavyayah,

Twam Veda Vedastwam Dhataa Vidhaataastwam Samaahitah/

Twam Jalanidhiraamulam Twam Dhaataatwam Punarsasuh,

Twam Vaidyastwam Dhrutaatmaacha twamateendriya gocharah/-------

Namastey Sarva Lokesha, Namastey Kamalaalaya,

Gunaalaya Namastestu Gunaakara/

Vaasudevah Namastestuh Namastestu Surotthama,

Janaardana Namestestu Sanaatana/

[The meanings of the above Stuti are self-explanatory)

Pleased by the Stuti, Bhagavan besowed Mukti to Kandu Muni and said:

Bhaktosi mey Muni sreshtha maa maaraadhya Nityasah,

Matprasaadaadhruvam Moksham Praapsysi twam sameehitam/

Madbhaktyaa Kshatriyaa Vaisyaah Striya Shudraanthya jaatijaah,

Praanuvantivaraam Siddhim kim punastwam Dwijotthama/

Shwapaakopi cha ma Bhaktah Samyakshradhaa samanvitah,

Praapnotimabhimataam Siddhimanyashaam tatra kaa tathaa/

(Muni Shiromani! You are my Bhaktaa performing my Araadhana always. Due to my grace, you will attain Moksha for sure. Any of my Bhaktaas of any Varna or Kula- be granted Parama Siddhi, provided they prove their sincerity and dedication; there need not be any doubt on this count. Even a dog-meat eater of proven devotion, commitment and Shraddha are dear to me).

Yeh patheycchrunuyaadwaapi kathaam Kandormahaatmanah,

Vimuktah Sarva Paapebhyah Swargalokamsa gachhati/

(Those who read or hear about Kanda Muni’s story would have their sins demolished and attain Swarga).

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