

Essence Of
Brahma Purana


20    Shri Krishna Charitra in brief

Shri Vyasa addressed the Congregation of Munis at Naimisharanya as follows:

Namaskturwaa Sureshaaya Vishnavey Prabha Vishnavey,

PurushaayaPuraanaahya Shaswataavyayaayacha/

Chuturvyuhaatmaney tasmai Nirgunaaya Gunaayacha,

VarishthaayaGarishthaaya Varenyaamitaayacha/

Yajnaayaangaakhilaangaaya Devaadvaireepsitaayacha,

Yasmaadanuaram naasti yasmaannaasti bruhattaram/

Yena Vishwamidam Vyaaptamajeena Sacharaachatam,

Aavirbhaava tirodhaana drushtaadrushta vilakshanam/

Vadanti yatktrushtamiti tathai vyaapyupa samhrutam,

Brahmaneychaadi Devaaya Namaskrutya Samaadhinaa/

Avikaaraaya Suddhaaya Nityaaya Paramaama,

Sadaika Rupa Rupaaya Jishnavey Vishnavey Namah/

Namo Hiranya Garbhaaya Haraey Shankaraacacha,

Vaasudevaaya Taaraaya Sarga Sthityanta kaariney/

Yekaaneka Swarupaaya Sthula Sukshaatmaney Namah,

Avyakta Vyakta Bhutaaya Vishnavey Mukti hetavey/

Swargasthiti vinaashaanaam Jagatoyo Jaganmayah,

Mula Bhuto N amastasmai Vishnavey Paramaatmaney/

Aadhaara bhutam Vishvasya –apyaneeyaamsa Maneeyasaam,

Pranamya Sarva Bhutastha -machyutam Purushottamam/

Jnaana Swearupa matyantam nirmalam Paramaarthatah,

Gamdevaartha Swarupena bhraanti darshanatah sthitam/

Vishnum grasishnum Vishwasya sthitou sargey tathaa prabhum,

Anaadim Jagataameesha maja makshaya vyayam/

( My salutations to Sureshwara who is the root-cause of Srishti, Vishnu, Purana Purusha, Saashvata, Avyaya, Chaturvyuhatma Nirguna and Guna Swarupa, Varishtha, Garishtha, Varenya, Amita, ChaturVyuhaatma; Yajnaanga, and Sarvaanga; I greet that Nirvikaara who is the tiniest and the biggest in stature; he who has no features like birth, old age or termination; he is present all over or everywhere; he is Hiranyagarbha or of the golden egged Brahma; he is the Vyaktaavyakta Rupa; Samasaara taarana; Muktihetu; Jnaana Swarup; Nirmala; Bhranti drushyatama; Sarga Sthiti Samhara Kaarana; Avyaya; Ananta; Akshaya, and Aja!). As Bhu Devi approached Brahma and Devas and stated that Agni was the Guru (Mentor) of Gold, Surya was the Guru of Cows and Narayana was her own Guru and she therefore have to make a supplication to Narayana that the burden on her was assuming highly unbearable proportions as Bhumi was under such pressure that she might collapse! The much hatred and cruel Kamsa -who was Daitya Kalanemi in his earlier birth and killed by Vishnu in the past- along with hundreds of Asuras like Arishta, Dhenuka, Keshi, Pralamba, Naraka, Sundasura, Banasura, and so on with their own Senas of Akshouhinis of soldiers adept and trained in warfare were stalking the Earth without fear or opposition and Adharma, Anaachaara, and Anyaya were the order of the day).

The ever-merciful Janardana heard the wailings and prayers of Bhu Devi and agreed to descend on Earth for Dharma Samsthapana,  Dushkrua Vinaashanna and Sadhu Paritraana ( Yadaa yadaa cha Dharmasya glaanih samupajaayatey, Abhutthhaana madharmasya tadaatmaanam srujasya sow); he reminded Brahma, Bhu Devi and Devas as to how Dharma was revived in the past by assuming various Incarnations:

Bhutvaapuraa Varaahena tundey naapo virasyacha,

Ekayaa damshtrayotkhaataa Nalineeva Vasundhdaraa,

Krutwaa Nrisimha Rupamcha Hiranyakashipur -hatah/

Viprachitti mukhaaschaaney Daanavaa vinipaatitaah

mukhaaschaaney Daanavaa vinipaatitaah,

Vaavanam rupamaasthaaya Balim samyamya maayayaa/

Trilokyam kraantavaaneva vinirjatya Diteyh sutaan,

Bhrogorvamshey samutpanno jaamadagnyah prataapavaan/

Jaghaana Kshatriyaanraamah piturvadha manusmaran,

Tathaatri tanayo bhutwaa Dattaatreyah prataapavaan/

Yogamashtaanga -maachakhaavalarkaaya Mahaatmaney,

Ramodaasharathirbhutwaa satudevah pradaamamaan/

Jaghaana Ravanam sankhey Trilokyasya bhakankaram,

Yadaachai –kaarnavey supto Devadevo jagatpatih/

Sahasrayuga paryantam Naagaparyakago vibhuh,

Yoga nidraam samaasthaaya swye mahimni Vyavasthitah/

Trailokya -mudarey krutwaa Jagatsdthaavara Jangamam,

Janalokagataih Siddhaih stuyamaano Maharshibhih/

(In the past as Varaha Deva with his single ‘damshtra’ spilled over deep waters up and pulled up Bhudevi from Rasatala as though he plucked a lotus flower; He incarnated as Nrisimha Deva and devastated Hiranya Kashipu and also demolished Viprachitta and many other powerful Daanavas; He took to the Form of Vaamana (midget) and by using his powers of Maya secured three feet of Place and measured Tri Lokaas in the bargain; He as Bhargava Rama the son of Muni Jamadagni took revenge as Kartaveeryaarjuna killed the Muni and uprooted the Kshatriya clan of Kings for their evil deeds; He assumed the Avatar of Dattatreya the son of Atri  and as the Supreme Yogi taught and trained Mahatma Alarka the nuances of Ashtaanga Yoga; and in Treta Yuga as Dasharatha Nandana Shri Rama liquidated the most obnoxious Daanava Raavana, Kumbhakarna and his son Indrajit and restored Dharma and Peace on Earth. As the entire Srishti was affected at the Pralaya Time and the Universe was submerged in water, Deva deva Jagatpati lies on water in Yogik sleep on Seshanaaga and retains the Sthavara Jangamaas or the Movable and Immovable Beings in his belly as the Great Maharshis were never tired of extolling and praying to Him).

Brahma, Bhu Devi and Devas expressed their gratitude at the assurance of Bhagavan Vishnu that Vasu Deva and Devi Devaki would beget seven children and the eighth child would by the Parama Purusha as Lord Shri Krishna; a Celestial Voice alerted Kamsa the brother of Devaki that the last child who would be Bhagavan Himself would kill him. Instantly, Devaki and Vasudeva were imprisoned so that he could kill the infants as soon as were born. Bhagavan instructed Yoga Nidra as follows: As per my orders, you proceed to Pataala and facilitate the birth of the first six sons (these were stated to be the sons of Hiranyakashipu); the seventh child would be of the ‘Amsha’ of Sesha Naga and his embryo should be transferred from the Garbha of Devaki to that of Rohini the second wife of Nanda Gopala-the first wife being Yashoda- and as the embriyo of Seshaamsha would be born due to transfer or Garbha Sankarshana from Devaki to Rohini he would be eventually called   Sankarshana. As regards the seventh garbha of Devaki, it would be believed that it was not materialized due to the fright of Kamsa the King of Bhoja: Saptamo Bhojarajasya bhayaadrodho -parodhatah, Devakyaah patoto garbha iti loko vadishyati! Then Bhagavan continued the instruction to Yoga Nidra: I would be born to Devaki on Shravana Bahula Ashtami during the rainy season at midnight and as per my prompting Vasu Deva would cross Yamuna which would actually be in spate but the River would give way to Vasudeva to carry my Bala Rupa on his head safely and keep me in Yashoda’s bed who along with Nanda Gopala would believe that a boy was born to them and not a female child and that would be You Yoga Nidra! whom Vasudava would bring back to Devaki’s bed; the Sacred Task of exchanging me and You from Devaki’s bed to Yashoda and vice versa would all be executed under a thick shroud of Vishnu Maya which would get the Dwarapalakas lulled to sleep, the doors of the prison and the chains of the Vasudeva couple would be freed and so on till the operation of Krishna Janma would be perfected. Kamsa would eventually try to hit you as the female child and you should fly away to Antariksha where Indra would pay respects to you as my own sister where after you shall kill Shumbha Nishumba and several Daityas in different places and timings in varying Rupas; You would be worshipped by different names: Twam Bhutih Sannatih Keertih Kantirvai Prithivi Dhritih, Lajjaa Pushtirusha yaacha kaachinadya twameva saa/ Ye twaamaaryeti Durgeti Vedagarbhey Ambiketicha, Bhadreti Bhadra Kaaliti Kshemya Kshemamkareeti cha/ Praataschaivaaparaahnecha stoshyam tyaanamramurtah, Teshaam hi Vaanchitam Sarvam Matprasaadaad -bhavishyati/  (Yoga Nidra Maya! You are the Bhuti, Samnati, Kirti, Prithivi, Dhriti, Lajja, Pushti, Usha and many other Namadhari; Devotees would bend down their heads in reverence in the mornings or mid days and address you by various names such as Arya, Durga, Vedagarbha, Ambika, Bhadraa, Bhadra Kaali, Kshemya, Kshemankari and so on and their wishes would all be fulfilled due to my benevolence; Devi! Do as I have asked you.) The entire proceedings as instructed by Vishnu Deva unfolded to perfection: Devas extolled Devaki Devi as Swaaha Devi, Swadhaa Devi, Vidya Devi, Sudhaa Swarupini; as Jagadadhaara Janaaddana was born at midnight, mild thunders were heard and lightnings were noticed; Devas showered fragrant flowers and Vasudeva and Devaki were in trance to witness Vishnu in full form with four hands duly armed and ornamented and Vasudeva said: Jnaatosi Deva Devesha Shankha Chakra Gadaadhara, Divyam Rupamidam Deva Prasaadenopa samhara (Devadeva! I am thrilled to witness your Swarupa with Shankha-Chakra-Gada, but do wind up this Form-as Kamsa would torment us if he came to know about this Darshana); Devaki alson said:  Swarupa with Shankha-Chakra-Gada, but do wind up this Form-as Kamsa would torment us if he came to know about this Darshana); Devaki also said: Yonanta rupokhila Vishwa rupo Garbheypi lokaanvapushaabibharti, Praseedataamesha sa Devadevah Swamaayayaavishkruta Balarupah/ (Devadeva, may we be blessed to witness your Balarupa as were are spelled and even frightened, mainly because of  Kamsa). Bhagavan replied that both of you prayed to me that I should be born to you and I have now fulfilled your request and my promise! As Kamsa had arrived meanwhile and sought to hit the baby with a powerful club, Yoga Maya flew off from his hands displaying her real form with eight hands fully armed and laughing away in frightening and loud voice: Kamsa! What if you tried to hit me! Your killer has already taken his solid position elsewhere quite safely and the time of your ruin is not too far!) As this incident happened Kamsa got extremely disrupted and called his confidants Keshi, Dhenuka, Putana, Arishta and others to search for the Ashtama Putra of Vasudeva and Devaki. He felt there was no point further in imprisoning the latter as the Ashtama Putra was stated to be elsewhere and thus let them free while the couple felt relaxed that the child was safe with Nanda and Yashoda who were enjoying the company of the new arrival to their hearts’s content. Meanwhile Rakshasi Putana scented the existence of Vaasudeva in Gokula and having taken the form of a youthful and respectable maid arrived at Yashoda-Nanda’s house and gave milk from her chest to the child snipped her nipple and the Mayavi died at once. There was a commotion in the house and of the neighborhood at this unusual threat to the child. Garga Muni then performed the Baka Samskaras of Namakarana etc. As Krishna and his elder brother Balarama grew up gradually as inseparable companions, Yashoda and Rohini went into raptures and so did the neighborhood at the playful pranks and acts of the growing kids along with friendly groups of Gopas and Gopikas and the entire Village of Gokula witnessed a virtual experience of a fairyland with daily excitement and experiences! The ‘Venu naada’/ flute music of Krishna became such an intense lure of all the residents of Gokula irrespective of age, sex and Varnas; even animals and birds especially of the plentiful number of cows of the village and the villagers whose staple occupation was centered to the Gopalas. The Village Head Nanda Gopala’s illustrious sons became the cynosure of all the eyes and it looked that Swarga descended to Gokula. But soon the tranquility of the Village got disturbed by the frequent attacks of Asuras like Shakaaasura and Dhenukaasura and Nanda Gopa, Yashoda, Rohini, Krishna-Balaraamas shifted to Brindavana along with a sizeable number of Gokulites. But Krishna Leelas or the miracles of Lord Krishna continued such as Kaaliya Mardana, Pralambaasura Vadha, Govardhanodhharana, Arishta Vadha, Kesi Vadha and so on.

Raasakreedaa Vilasa was an integral part of Krishna Leelas. One cool moon night of Sharat Month, Lord Krishna felt like relaxing by the play of his flute and groups of Gopika maids gathered as they got attracted to the music. As one maid followed him in a trance, another Gopika was mesmerized by looking at his countenance forever!; yet another could not resist the temptation of addressing him as Krishna! Krishna! One youthful maid touched his body with hesitation; another restrained herself since her father-in-law was not far away but closed her eyes imagining her caressing his cheeks. While Krishna suddenly disappeared from their midst, they experienced the pangs of Viraha (separation) and as his Darshan was available again on a tree-top or a nearby water pond teasing them with his celestial lyrics of flute, they made a bee-line to reward themselves with his enchanting appearance ensuring that he would not fly away encircled him with watchful eyes! This started the concept of Raasaleela in huge circles as they gave him the feeling of one-to-one familiarity as some dancing away with him, some hugging him and some others experiencing ‘Tadaatmyta’ or a feeling of unification or oneness. As the Rasakreedas were gaining speed and climaxes, the Gopikas were in such ecstasy and frenzy that they were transported to the Swarga of Self-Realization beyond the stages of Saameepya and Saamaikyata. Despite the warnings of fathers, fathers-in-law, and husbands, the Gopikas were after Krishna and Krishnatwa or Krishna Tatwa, which was accessible only to Parama Yogis! Indeed the intense feelings of Pure and Sacred Love that Gopikas experienced with Paramatma Krishna was far, far beyond the barriers of physical interaction but of Supreme Heights of Salvation!

Feeling restless and confused with the paranoia and mania of Krishna, Kamsa dispatched Mahatma Akrura as his emissary to ostensibly invite Krishna and Balarama to Mathura to a social evening followed by a Dhanush Yagna as a part of Utsava of Mathura; his inner feeling was to kill Balarama and Krishna, especially the latter, by engaging them in a Mallayudha or a friendly wresting match with professional wrestlers Mushti-Chaarunas, little realizing that the so-called Friendly Visit of Balarama-Krishnas versus the wrestlors would be Kamsa’s last evening. Akrura considered this prospect as God-sent since it was an opportunity to vision, converse and inter-act the Parama Devas! As the chariot of Akrura approached the banks of River Yamuna in Brindavana, he was suddenly confused to see for himself the two brothers relaxing on an afternoon by sheer fortune- one was the Mightiest Maha Sesha Naaga who bore the brunt of the Universe and other the Paramatma Himself! He became speechless and dumb and after gradual recovery of senses broke into an ecstatic eulogy with his raised hands saying:

 Om Namo Vaasu- devaaya Namassankarshanaayacha, Pradyumnaaya Namastubhyamaniruddhhaa –tey Namah/ Tanmaatra rupineychintya Mahimney Paramaatmaney, Vyaapineynaika rupaika swarupaaya Namonamah, Shabda rupaayateycinthya havirbhataaya tey namah, Namo Vigjnaana Rupaaya Paraaya Prakriteyh Prabho/  As Akrura conveyed the Invitation of Kamsa to visit Mathura and as the news spread out like fire, the most disappointed were the Gopikas, more than the parents of Balarama-Krishna and it was problem to control the feelings of the Gopis assuring them that after-all the separation was for a few days only. Having entered the city of Mathura, Krishna-Balaramas preferred walking and advised Akrura to return home. As the brothers were strolling on Mathura roads, the citizens were surprised to see the strangers, started whispering trying to figure them out and gradually identified them as the famed Krishna-Balaramas even as crowds got collected to see them, talk to them and were mesmerized them. On way the brothers had encounters with a Washerman whom they requested to lend them for two pairs of dresses to suit their body-colours and he was extremely impolite and boorish, apparently puffed up by the support of the royalty of King Kamsa; in a provocative language he made uncivil aspersions on the parentage of the brothers and unable to gulp it, hit the Rajaka to ground and selected the clothes of their choice. On seeing this scene, a Gardener carrying fresh flower garlands enquired of the brothers and having learnt about them offered charming garlands which were ornamented the graceful necks of Balarama-Krishnas. He prostrated before them and on realizing their antecedents prayed to them; Krishna blessed the gardener and blessed him with contentment and prosperity in his on-going life and Divya Loka Prapti thereafter. The brothers also had an encounter with a Kubja carrying Angaraaga Chandana for the personal use of Kamsa; she offered the Chandana to them and pleased the brothers with her politeness and frankness; Lord Krishna decided to help her by using his ‘Ullapana Vidhi Vidya’ (the procedure of setting right the Kubjatwa or bone-reconstruction) held her chin up with his two fingers as she was straightened and became shapely; the miracle was witnessed by the throng of followers and there were acclamations all around. Kubja Devi invited Balarama Krishnas to her residence nearby and worshipped them. Thereafter the brothers proceeded to Dhanushaala and by Krishna’s light lift of the famed Dhanush (Bow) which was unusually heavy and a proud possession of the Royal ancestry broke into two pieces resulting in the reverberating sound all over the city of Mathura; Kamsa realized that Akrura had brought Balarama Krishnas on hearing the huge sound and alerted the Mahout of Kuvalayapeeda and Mallayuddha experts Chaanura, Mushtika and Toshala. The mahout of the elephant was ordered to train to trample the brothers at the entry point itself so that the eventuality of terminating them by the wrestlers in full public view might not arise. Kamsa then waited for the next Sunrise with hope against hope and night-long sleepless excitement that his arch enemy Krishna would finally be destroyed. Next day at the appointed time Balarama and Krishna arrived at the Rangamanch which was packed up to witness the Utsava / Celebration with Kamsa in the throne and the Saamanmta Rajas or the Subservient Kings, Kamsa’s Ministers, Officials and Royal soldiers besides huge public. At the entry point itself Kalalaya charged suddenly and the ever vigilant Krishna Balaramaas who had extraordinary hind-sight and fore-thought pounded the Giant elephant with their fists and the animal succumbed to instantaneous death while the mahout ran away for life. The brothers entered the gates with smiles as though nothing was amiss, greeted the staggering crowd as the latter stood up screaming Jaya Jaya Krishna, Jaya Balarama as they were indeed aware of the magnificence of the Guests. There were announcements to the Public indicating that the two boys would entertain the Public even as the wrestler Chamura arrived in the Wrestling Ring while jumping and Mushtika came in while playing a cymbal. By now the Public became aware that Rama Krishna brothers felled the gigantic and infamous Kuvalayapeeda whose task had been to trample those who were the targets of royal punishments! The Malla Yuddha commenced and the tiny brothers looked no match to the mammoth figures of the colossal and ferocious Chanura-Mushtika-Toshlaks. Krishna and Balarama started their playful pranks of dodges and escapes, running around and under the massive legs of the champions and provided comic relief to the boisterous shouts of delighted masses. The mighty wrestlers got fed up with the ‘hide and seek’ strategies of the exasperating moves of the boys, tried to lift them up and in the process slipped down while the equally impatient Balarama Krishnas jumped up on the shoulders of the wrestlers and battered their heads as the latter’s enormous bodies crashed down the floor with resounding sound of thuds. A dazed public fell silent and the remaining wrestlers in the ring who were to be the stop gap ones to provide rest to the principal ones ran away out of fright. Kamsa shouted to say that let the cow-herd boys be thrown out, sinner Nanda be imprisoned  at once, and those supporters of Yadava community who were shouting in favour of Krishna Balaramas be brought to book, their cows and properties be confiscated. Krishna smiled and jumped up from the wrestling arena to Kamsa, threw down his Swarna Kireeta / golden headgear, pulled his long hair to floor him, throttled him and mercilessly dispatched him to Naraka loka. Later on Krishna Balaramas prostrated before their parents and declared Kamsa’s father Ugrasena who too was imprisoned for long, as the King again. The brothers then received formal education from Guru Sandeepa in Veda Vedangas, Shastras, Dhanur Vidya, and ‘Rana Neeti’ or the nuances of Warfare-all in a matter of sixty days. As a Guru dakshina, they brought back Sandeepa’s son who got drowned in Prabhasa Kshetra Samudra by praying Samudra Deva who stated that an Asura named Panchajana of the shape of a Shankha / conchshell kidnapped and killed the Guruputra; after killing Panchajana, he secured a powerful Shankha called Panchajanya  from the bones of the demon by sounding which enemies retreat at once; asked Balarama to go fight with Yamaraja and finally brought back the dead boy back to life and gifted the dead son to the Guru!

As a sequel to Kamsa Vadha, King Jarasandha of Magadha Desha, the father-in-law of Kamsa, visited Mathura to mitigate the sorrow of his daughters Asti and Prapti and attacked Mathura to defeat the new King Ugrasena or indirectly provoke Krishna; Jarasandha was a very powerful King with a sena of twenty three Akshouhini soldiers. Krishna came to the rescue of the new Mathura King and successfully defended him from Jarasandha. But the latter attacked Mathura again and again and finally surrounded it when he also forged alliance with a Yavana King Kaalayavana and brought in his soldiers too. One fine morning, Krishna walked out of the fortress of Mathura attracting the attention of Kaalayavana who followed Krishna and entered a mountain cave which was pitch dark inside; Krishna cleverly hid himself and Kaalayavan mistook somebody lying asleep as Krishna; that was Mahatma Muchikunda who had been in slumber from the time of the previous ‘Kalpa’; by the design of Krishna Maya, Kaalayavana trampled Mahatma Muchukunda who got disturbed from his long rest and by the ‘Krodhaagni’ or the sharp fiery looks of Muchiknda, Kaalaayavana turned into a  heap of bhasma /ash; Krishna introduced himself as the Vaasudeva of Yadu Kula of Chandra Vamsha to Muchukunda who got the boon of long slumber and whosover saw him when disturbed would be burnt to ashes and  else would be seen thereafter would be Paramatma himself! Gargya Muni gave the boon to Muchukunda to secure the Vision of Deva Deva in the Twenty Eighth Drapara Yoga in the Form of Shri Krishna as result of the yeoman services to Devas in the context of battles with Daityas without sleep for innumerable years.

As Krishna and Balarama abandoned Mathura and shifted to Dwaraka on the west coast of Bharata Varsha, Balarama wedded Devi Revati the daughter of Prajapati Raivata, [although the age difference was stated to be as much as a Yuga, since the Prajapati of Treta yuga took his daughter to Brahma for a suitable match and Brahma suggested Balarama, but as Raivata and Revati reached Bharata Varsha, Dwaraka was re-built for Yadavas by Krishna and Balarama in the Dwapara Yuga!] Shri Krishna eloped with Rukmini Devi -of Lakshmi Devi’s partial incarnation-at the nick of time by her forced wedding with Shishupala despite her desire for Krishna; Rukmi the brother of Rukmini forced the wedding with the instigation and active support of Jaraasandha, Shishupala, Poundraka, Dantavaktra, Vithuratha, Shaalva and such others evil-mined enemy Kings who were all executed by Krishna eventually. Rukmi attacked Krishna and so did the soldiers of the enemy kings but the invincible Krishna took away as she was deeply in love with him. Rukmi took a vow not to enter Kundinapara City of Vidarbha Kingdom if he did not subdue or kill Krishna in the battles before the famed Rukmini- Krishna Elopment! Krishna and Rukmini holy wedding took place at Dwaraka with great pomp in the presence of the parents, foster parents, Balarama, Rukmini’s father Bhishmaka. Krishna and Rukmini gave birth to Pradyumna of Manmatha’s Amsha or Part- manifestation; Pradyumna was kidnapped even on the sixth day of his birth by Shambharaasura but having realized that boy was Krishna’s own son, threw the child in the Sea and a fish ate up the child who survived due to the ‘jatharaagni’ in the stomach of the fish. A fisherman netted the fish and along with other fishes took it to Shambhara –asura as gift. The Asura sent the fishes to the Kitchen where a house maid called Mayavati was the manageress of the Kitchen who cut a fat fish and found to her great surprise a cute child and wondered as to a child got into the fish! Narada  Maharshi appeared and told her that the boy was Paramatma Shri Krishna and Lakshmyaamsi Devi Rukmini’s own child and Shambharaasura kidnapped him even as a six-day old child but threw him in Sea as he came to realize the reality but was devoured by a big fish which was gifted back to the Asura and that was the background! Mayavati brought up the child with intense care and as he grew up fell in love with him as he came up as a handsome and intelligent youth. On coming to know the past, Pradyumna challenged the Asura and killed him. Both Mayadevi and Pradyumna approached Krishna and Rukmini as Krishna knew that Mayavati was Rati Devi herself and Pradyumna was Manmatha who was turned to ashes as he and Rati together sought to apply Pushpa Baanaas / flowery arrows on Shiva to speed up Deva Deva’s wedding with Devi Parvati for the benefit of mankind to facilitate the birth of Skanda!                                                                                          

Besides Rukmini, Shri Krishna’s Chief Queens were Kaalindi, Mitravinda, Satya the daughter of Nagnajita, Jambavati, Bhadra, Satyabhama the daughter of Satraajit. Besides, as sixteen thousand more Kanyas released by the prisons of Narakaasura, who was terminated by Bhagavan, prayed to Krishna to wed them and he accepted them too.

Indra approached Shri Krishna at Dwaraka and sensitized him about the endless evil acts of Narakaasura who was the notorious son of Bhu Devi stationed at Pragjyotishapura. He had been harassing Devas, Siddhas and various Kings and forcibly taking away their daughters; he stole the chhatra / umbrella of Varuna Deva which provides rains to the world; he carried away the Mandara Mountain’s peak which yielded precious stones and diamonds; my mother Aditi’s ear-rings which provided Amrit always were stolen away; and he was also demanding the Celestial Elephant Airavata. Krishna then mounted Garutmanta, the Vahana of Vishnu and reached Pragjyitishapura which had an expanse of hundred yojanas encircled by thick and impregnable iron railings which were cut through by the Sudarshana Chakra. The most powerful Muraasura and his seven thousand strong Veera Putras defended the fortress of Bhoumaasura. Muraasura’s defence was snipped off and the sons were slashed by the mighty Chakrayudha like flies on a massive outbreak of fire. Then Krishna attacked Bhouma and a ferocious battle ensued with the sea-like Daityas who were mighty, wily and none-easy to control. After a prolonged war, Krishna finally commanded his Sudarshana Chakra which sliced the Asura’s body into two.

As soon as Naraka fell down, Bhu Devi returned Aditi’s sacred Karna Kundalaas to Aditi and addressed Vaasudeva as follows:  

Yadaahmudhrutaa Naatha twayaa Sukara Murtinaa,

Tatsampara bhuvah putraastadyaama mayya jaayata/

Soyam twaaiva dattemey twaayaiva vinipaatitah---

Twam Kartaa cha vikartaacha Samhartaa Prabavovyaha!

(Deva! When you saved me in the Avataara of Varaha , this son  was born to me; he was given and was killed by you--- You are the Creator as also the Destroyer!)


As the Mission of Narakaasura Vadha was concluded, Krishna and Satyabhama visited Nandanavana in Swarga and desired to take away the Celestial Parijata Tree to Dwaraka, but Sachi Devi objected and so did Indra and  after a brief altercation between Sachi Devi and Satyabhama, followed by a war-like situation between  the respective husbands, Indra realized his indiscretion and gifted Parijata to Satyabhama and stated that he would not be ashamed to get defeated by Paramatma who was responsible to Sarga-Samhaara and Sthiti:

Sakala Bhuvana murteyrmurti kalpaa su sookshmaa,

Vidita Sakala Vedairjnaayuatey yasya naanyaih/

Tamajakruta meesam Shaswatam Swecchayainam,

Jagadupakriti maadyam kovijetam samarthah!

(He is Sakala Bhuvana Swarupa and the Suksmaati Sukshma rupa; He who is not comprehensible by SakalaVedas; Who in the Universe could overcome him as he is Aja, Shaashvata and the Foremost to help and provide to one and all). In reply, Krishna replied: Devendra! You are a Devata but Satyabhama and I are mere human beings and we cannot possibly argue with you! You have Iravata the Celestial Elephant, you also possess Vajraayudha and indeed Parijata would appropriately be in your possession only in Swarga’s Nandanavana. Devendra replied: Prabhu! Why are you taunting me that you are a mere Manava as Maya overcame me for a while and ruined my ego which was fanned further by Sachi Devi; I have now learnt the lesson the hard way. It is with your grace that we have come to enjoy our luxuries. Kindly accept this Parijata to be planted in Devi Satya’s garden. Finally the Tree was brought to Prithvi as the proud possession of Satyabhama and its fragrance got spread out all over Dwaraka!)

Shri Krishna Niryaana was the climax of the termination of Yadukula that got initiated by a few playful Yadu Kumaraas at Pindaraka Tirtha who dressed the son of Jambavati called Saambu as an expectant woman and asked a group of Rishis to ascertain whether the woman would deliver a boy or a baby! The Munis under reference included Kanwa-Narada and Viswamitra who from their Divya drishti realized the hoax of the fake garbhini and said in anger that the woman would deliver neither a boy nor a girl but a ‘Musala’ or a lump of an iron instead and that would result in the destruction of Yadu Vamsha!  The Yadava Boys were stunned at the reply and reported the matter to Ugrasena! Saambu did deliver a Musala which was pounded as powder but the remainder bit was thrown into the Sea and it was devoured by a fish and a fisherman called Jara caught hold of the fish and as he cut it he found a sharp iron piece which he kept for subsequent use.

Meanwhile, a few Devas appeared before Krishna and prayed to him as follows: ‘Devaadi Deva! Indra has asked us as well by Ashtaavasus, Marud Devatas , Rudras , Saadhyas and Adityas that at our instance you had very kindly assumed an incarnation and lightened the enormous burden on Earth by demolishing innumerable Danavas and other Dushta Shaktis for a long hundred years and over and the Three crores of Devas are now at peace; we request you to know your mind as to how to proceed further’. Bhagavan replied: ‘ I am fully aware of my next move; I have already initiated the process of Yadava destruction as considerable annihilation of the enemy forces of the virtuous Pandavas including the killing of Jarasandha besides of Kauravas was concluded too. As I have still to complete the task of terminating Yadavas as I brought them to Dwaraka,that bit of task too once concluded, I shall be freed of my mortal responsibilities and return to Vaikuntha’.

So saying, Krishna made arrangements by dispatching Uddhava to Badarikaashrama on Gandhamaadana Parvat to Naranarayana Maharshi Ashrama where he would secure Siddhi after the close of his life. Select Yadavas including himself, Baladeva and elders like Ugrasena, Vasudeva left for Prabhasa Kshetra along concerned Devis; remaining Yadavas most of got dead drunk killed each other including Pradyumna, Saamba, Kritavarma, Satyaki, Aniduddha, Pruthu and Akrura by using the high grown sea beach grass roots which sprouted from the powder of the Musala delivered from Saambu’s garbha thus terminating Yadu Vamsha; the elders including Balarama etc who left for Prabasa Kshetra  took resort to Yogic ends and finally Krishna and the famed charioteer Daruka remained.

 Imagining a resting Krishna’s moving feet behind a tree bush as deer, Jara Vyaadha who recovered an iron left-over bit from the fish caught in the Sea, sharpened his arrow and shot at the Lord’s  moving feet and ashamed to do so but the ever merciful Krishna bestowed him Siddhi. Krishna then sent Daruka to convey the news of Krishna Niryana to his dear disciple Arjuna to perform the obsequies of himself, of Balarama and the illustrious Yaduveeras; Rukmini and Krishna’s wives performed Krishna Sahagamana or sacrificing themselves in the a same Fire with which the mortal human form of the Avatara succumbed.

As Arjuna was totally drowned in uncontrollable grief and distress, Veda Vyasa assuaged his inner and core-emotions said: Bhagavan Krishna arrived as a human being along with us all as a Marga darshaka or a moral teacher to prescribe and guide us about the virtuous the innate values of life and to uproot the evils of the Society that Daityas and many in the form of Human beings came to adopt; now that the burden of Bhu Devi got lightened  Paramatma took up the need and the deed ; since the noble reason and requirement were fulfilled, he put the World back on its heels and disappeared, since Jatasya Maranam Dhruvam!  

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