Pujya Shankaracharya Swamiji visits Vagdevi mandir in Sampurnanand Sanskrit University in Varanasi


Pujya Shankaracharya Swamiji visited the Vagdevi Mandir located in the #Sampoornanda Sanskrit #University campus. The temple was constructed and consecrated by Jagadguru Pujya Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal at the request of Late Kashi Raja Vibhuti Narayan Singh in late eighties and early nineties. The temple is a beautiful blend of Southern and Northern temple architecture. It is the only temple dedicated to the Goddess of Learning Saraswathi in Kashi. The other divine forms of Goddess has been beautifully featured in the Ardha Mandapam of the temple and the Garbha Gruha possesses the Vagdevi aspect. There is a separate sannadhi for Jagadguru Adi Shankara in the presincts of the temple. It is one among the finest iconic structures blessed by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.
His Holiness was received by the senior faculty and deans of the University and taken to the temple. Special Deeparadhana was performed. Pada Puja to His Holiness was performed and Veda Swasthi chanted. In his Anugraha Bhashanam, His Holiness said that Sanskrit Language as its names suggests is just not a language but possesses the power to purify thoughts of mankind. His Holiness stressed the need for students to study the language with dedication so that the treasures can be shared to a greater population. Pujya Swamiji said that Sanskrit Bhasha shapes and channelises the Bhavana - thought process of humankind to lead it to Sattvik Swabhava which will usher harmony in society. His Holiness spoke in Sanskrit and continued in Hindi. After blessing Prasadam to devotees, Pujya Shankaracharya Swamiji returned to Srimatam camp at Hanuman Ghat.











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