[Stutis / Kavachaas, Ashtottaraas and Sahasranaamaas from the Series of Essence of Puranas]
Nrisimha Stuti by Aditi Devi
Namastestu Jagannatha Narasimhavapurandharah, Daityanaathasrujaa purna nakha shakti viraajita/
Tatah Sakalasamlagna Hemapingala Vigrah, Natosmi Padmanaabha twaam Surashakrajagadguro/
Kalpaantaambhoda nirghosha Suyakoti samaprabha, Sahasrayamasamkrodha Sahasrendra paraakrama/
Sahasradhanadaspheeta Sahasra varunaatmaka, Sahasra kaala rachita Sahasra niyatendriya/
Sasrabhumahaadhairya Sahasraananta murtiman, Sasra chandra pratima Sahasra graha vikrama/
Sahasra Rudra tejaska Sahasra Brahma Samstuta/
Sahasra baahuvegogra Sahasraasya nireekshana/
Sahasrayantra mathana Sahasra vadhamochana/
(Jagannadha! You had assumed the Form of Nrisimha and with the sharpness and might of your nails had torn apart Hiranyakashipu and tasted his blood, my reverences to you; Padmanabha!You are all pervading, your physique is of molten gold colour and you are the mentor of Devaraj Indra, my sincere greetings to you; Your lion’s-growl is like the continuous reverberation of black clouds at the Pralaya Time, your splendour is like that of crores of Suns, your rage is like that of thousands of Yamas, your valour is like that of thousands of Indras, your opulence is like that of thousands of Kuberas, your profusion is comparable to that of thousands of Varunas, abundance of your fortitude is comparable to that of thousands of Prithvi, your unique courage was amply scripted of the thousands of ‘Kaalas’ or times rolled by, your poise and coolness of attitude is comparable to thousands of Chandramas, your energy is thousand times more forceful than those of Navagrahas, your radiance is comparable to thousands of Rudras, thousands of Brahamas are ready to commend you, you are of thousands of hands, faces and eyes; your swiftness and momentum is of the highest order, your Shakti is such that it could devastate thousands of ‘yantras’/ machines in one go; and your competence is such that you could make or mar thousands of persons at a time.) [Essence of Matsya Purana]

This series of Stutis /Kavachas, Ashtottaras and Sahasranamas from the series of Essence of Puranas have been Compiled and edited by Sri. V.D.N.Rao,devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam and Retired Official of the Government of India. The author can be contacted at
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