Deivattin Kural - Volume 2

1. Tamilnadu's greatness

2. The old lady and the child

3.1. He belongs to the whole world

3.2. He belongs to the whole world. part 2

4.1. Tale of a king and Queen 1

4.2. Tale of a king and Queen 2

5.1. Guruparampara 1

5.2. Guruparampara 2

6. Subject of Dravida 1

7. Hunter is king jeeva is bramam

Section 1-Guru

1.1. Gurukulavasam 1

1.2. Gurukulavasam 2

1.3. Gurukulavasam 3

1.4. Gurukulavasam 4

1.5. Gurukulavasam 5

1.6. Gurukulavasam Part 6

2.1. Surrender above all

1.7. Gurukulavasam Part 7

2.2. Surrender above all_part 2

3.1. Devotion to the Guru 1

3.2. Devotion to the Guru part 2

Section 2-Advaitam

1.1. Advaitham part 1

1.2. Advaitham part 2

1.3. Advaitam_part 3

2.2. How is world an illusion 2

2.1.How is world an illusion 1

3. Different things seem different

4. Root of our religion

5. Past glory and present pathetic condition

6. The 14 abodes of knowledge

7. Those who conduct sacrifice

8. To discover the one truth

9. Brahmanam and Aryankam

10. Three fold purpose of yagnya

11. Celestials and Mortals part 1

12.1. The third way Part 1

12.3. The third way Part 3

11.2. Celestials and Mortals _part 2

12.2. The third way Part 2

Section 3-Vedic Religions

1.Why Religion

2.1. Advaitha or dwaitha . All in parasakthi's hands2

2.2. Advaitha or dwaitha . All in parasakthi's hands_part 2

3. Capacity to work and protect

4. Rights for celestials and pithrus

5. Purpose of rituals

6. The one goal

7. Animal sacrifice

8. The greatness of Vedhas

9. My duty

10.1. Veda Bashyam part 1

10.Veda Bashyam part 2

11. Word of God

12. Western Vedic Research

13. Manthra Yogam

14.1. Methods of chanting_

15. Vinayaka- Ganesh Chaturthi Special

14.2. Methods of Chanting 2

16. Brahmasutra

17. Brahmins and Non Brahmins

17.1. Vedhas are infinite 1

17.2. Vedhas are infinite 2

18.1. Upanishads part 1

18.2. Upanishads part 2

Section 4-Chandas

1. Root of Veda Purusha

2. Foot or pada

3. Feet and Syllables

4. How poetry was born

5. Foot for the Vedhas

6. Uses of Chandas sasthra

7. Some Metrical forms

Section 5-Vyakaranam

1. Mouth of the Veda purusha

2. Works on Grammar

3. Tamil and Sanskrit Grammar

4. Sanskrit, the Universal language

5. Linguistics studies

5.2.2. Linguistics studies part 2_

6. Mouth of the Veda Purusha

7. Works on Grammer

8. Sanskrit and Tamil Grammer

Section 6-Jyotisham

1. Eye of the Veda purusha

2. Astronomy and Astrology

3. Planets and stars

4. Grahas and human value

5. Omens and signs

6. Empirical truth

7.1. Not blind belief_1

7.2.Not blind belief 2

7.3. Not blind belief 3

8. Modern discoveries in Ancient work

9.1. Ancient mathematical treatise 1

9.2. Ancient mathematical treatise 2

Section 7-Siksha

1. The Nose of Veda purusha

2. Yoga and speech

3. Root language Sanskrit

4. Akshamala

5. Languages and scripts

6. Versions with slight differences

7. Other notable aspects of Siksha

8. Pronounciation

9. Impact of Siksha Sasthram

10.1. Names of months_ Part1

10.2. Names of months_Part 2

11.1. Vedhic localisation and greatness of regional language_part 1

11.2. Vedhic localisation and greatness of regional language_part 2

11.3. Vedhic localisation and greatness of regional language_part 3

11.4. Vedhic localisation and greatness of regional language_part 4

11.5. Vedhic localisation and greatness of regional language_part 5

12.1. Scripts 1

12.2.2 Scripts 2

12.3. Scripts 3

12.4. Scripts 4

13. Importance of Enunciation and Intonation

14. A language that has all phonemes

15. Languages Indian or Foreign

Section 8-Marriage

1.Age of Marriage and the Law

2.Our duty now

3.Three ways to Economy

4. Make marriages Simple of marriage

6.Duty of the bride groom

7.The real reform

8. Arrangements made by the Mutt

9. Family planning and female population

10. Upanayana for Girls

11. Controversy about age of marriage

12.For the practice of Dharma

13. Duty of women

14.Any use talking

15.2. Marriage expenses and Shastras part 2

16.1. Concept of Child Marriage Part 1

15.1. Marriage expenses _ shastras_part 1. mp3

16.2. Concept of Child Marriage Part 2

16.3. Concept of Child Marriage Part 3

16.4. Concept of Child Marriage Part 4

17.1.Forms of Marriage_1

17.2. Forms of Marriage_2

Section 9-Kalpa

1.Ear of the Veda Purusha

2.1. Hand of the Veda purusha 1

2.2.Hand of the Veda purusha 2

2.3.Hand of the Veda purusha 3

Section 10-Grihastashramam

1. Grihastha, Grihini

2. Aupasana

3. Greatness of Agni

4. Other Samskaras

6. Goal of Samskaras

7.1. Samskaras with Agni Part 1

5. Aupasana agni Vedic right

7.2. Samskaras with Agni Part 2

7.3.Samskaras with Agni Part 3

7.4. Samskaras with Agni Part 4

7.5. Samskaras with Agni Part 5

7.6. Samskaras with Agni Part 6

8.1. A day in the life of a Brahmin Part 1

8.2. A day in the life of a Brahmin Part 2

Section 11-Nyaya

1. Science of Reasoning

2. The Pramanas

3. The Power of discrimination is to know God

4.1. ome stories some arguments Part 1

4.2.2 Some stories some arguments Part 2

4.3. Some stories some arguments Part 3

5.3. Padarthas part 3

6. We need all types of knowledge

5.2. Padarthas part 2

5.1. Padarthas part 1

7. Tharka treatises

8.1.Cause of creation 1

8.2.Cause of creation 2

Section 12-Guru

1.1. Guru Parampara.part1

1.2. Guru Parampara part 2

1.3. Guru Parampara part 3

Section 13-Samskara

1. Samskara

2. Three Types of Worlds

3. Meaning of Samskaras

4. Names of Samskaras

5. Why all Samskaras_

6. Importance of Agni Samskara

7.1. Swargam or Path of Athmagyanam

7.2. Swargam or Path of Athmagyanam part 2

8.1. Qualities

8.2. Qualities part 2

9. Gunas

10.1. Samskaras to be performed by Parents Part 1

10.2. Samskaras to be performed by Parents Part 2

10.3. Samskaras to be performed by Parents Part 3

Section 14-Dharmashatra

1. Smruthis and Allied works

3. Freedom and discipline

4. Smruthis are not independent works

5. Smruthis Sruthi Srautha Smartha

6.1. Source of Smruthis is vedas part 1

6.2. Source of Smruthis is vedas part 2

7. Vaidhyanatha diksheteyam

8.1. Ideals of Purana Part 1

8.2. Ideals of Purana Part 2

Section 15-Puranas

1. Puranas are magnifying glass of Vedhas

2. Upa Puranas and others

3. Ithihas and Puranas

4.1.One as many part 1

4.2.One as many part 2

5. Importance of Sthala Puranas

7. Sthala Puranas

8. Who taught Puranams to whom

9. hey speak like a friend

10.2. Puranas and history part 2

10.1. Puranas and history

11. Meaningful even if imaginary

12.2. Vyasa_s priceless gift part 2

12.1. Vyasa_s priceless gift

13.1. Are Puranas a lie or Metaphorical Part 1

13.2. Are Puranas a lie or Metaphorical Part 2

13.3. Are Puranas a lie or Metaphorical Part 3

13.4. Are Puranas a lie or Metaphorical Part 4

14. Epics and their greatness

15.1. Why differences among the Gods

15.2. Why differences among God part 2

16. Many paths to one goal

17. Puranic discourses and films

18. Authenticity of sthala Puranas

19.1. Interconnected stories Part 1

19.2. Interconnected stories Part 2

19.4. Interconnected stories 4

20.2. Palm leaf manuscripts and libraries part 2

20.1. Palm leaf manuscripts and libraries

19.3. Interconnected stories part 3

19.5. Interconnectedstories part 5

Section 16-Brahmacharyam

1.1. Brahmacharyam

1.2.Upanayanam part 2

2. The Sasthras and popular custom

3. Basic to the Vedic tradition

4. Qualities of a Brahmachary

5. High status of our Women

6. What about Women

7. Gayathri

8. Domestic life and the carnal desire

9. Upanayanam- When to perform it_

10. Role models to Follow

11. Why age stipulation for Upanayanam_

12. Brahmins must keep body clean

13.1. Gayathri and samdyavandanam.part 1

13.2. Gayathri and samdyavandanam.part 2

13.3. Gayathri and samdyavandanam.part 3

14.1. Other aspects of Sandyavandanam part 1

14.2.2 Other aspects of Sandyavandanam part 2

15.1. Naishtika Brahmachary and Family life.part 1

15.2. Naishtika Brahmachary and Family life.part 2

15.3.Upanayanam- Naishtika Brahmachary and Family life Part 3

Section 17-Vidyasthanam

1.1. Upavedhas part 1

1.2. Upavedhas part 2

2. The foreign indigenous old and new

3. Required in the beginning to be given up later

Section 19-Mimamsa Karma Marga

1. Sankara and non vedhantic systems

2. Determine meaning of Vedic texts

3. How mimamsa is held in high Esteem

4. Vedantha and Mimamsa

5. Buddhism and Indian society

6. Nyaya and Mimamsa

Section 20-Shadanga

1.Six limbs of Vedas

Section 21-Vedic Religion

4.5. What do the vedas teach us Part 5

4.6. What do the vedas teach us Part 6

4.7. What do the vedas teach us Part 7

4.8. What do the vedas teach us Part 8

4.9. What do the vedas teach us Part 9

5.1. Essence of Upanishadhic teaching

5.2. Essence of Upanishadhic teaching part 2

1. Duty of brahmins

2.1. Steps to promote vedic learning part 1

2.2. Steps to promote vedic learning part 2

3. Vedhic sakhas

4.1. What do the Vedas teach us part 1

4.4. What do the Vedas teach us part 4

4.2. What do the Vedas teach us part 2

4.3. What do the vedas teach us Part 3

6.01.The ten Upanishads

6.02. The ten Upanishads part 2

6.05. The ten Upanishads part 5

6.06. The ten Upanishads Part 6

6.07. The ten Upanishads Part 7

6.08. The ten Upanishads Part 8

6.09. The ten Upanishads Part 9

7.01. Vedam and Vedantham Part 1

7.02. Vedam and Vedantham Part 2

7.03. Vedam and Vedantham Part 3

7.04. Vedam and Vedantham Part 4

7.05. Vedam and Vedantham Part 5

7.06. Vedam and Vedantham Part 6

7.07. Vedam and Vedantham Part 7

7.08. Vedam and Vedantham Part 8

7.09. Vedam and Vedantham Part 9

7.1. Vedam and Vedantham Part 10

6.1. The ten Upanishads Part 10

6.03. The ten Upanishads Part 3

6.04. The ten Upanishads Part 4

6.11. The ten Upanishads Part 11

Section 22-

1.Mangalaraththi Chapter-The beginning and the end are same.1

2.Mangalaraththi Chapter-The beginning and the end are same.2

Other Volumes:

Deivattin Kural - Volume 1

Deivattin Kural - Volume 3

Deivattin Kural - Volume 4

Deivattin Kural - Volume 5

Deivattin Kural - Volume 6

Deivattin Kural - Volume 7