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Kanchipuram and Kashmir

- The great Saint Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya, who hailed from the southern part of the country had travelled to Kashmir, more than two millenniums ago and spread the message of truth, oneness & harmony.
- The Rajatarangini authored by Kalhana has recorded the existence of a temple in the name of Shankaracharya and its renovation by a Kashmiri King Gopaditya. The Shankaracharya Hill on which the temple is situated in the heart of Srinagar is a place of great significance to the people of Kashmir and is one of the most important places of pilgrimage for those visiting Kashmir.
- The Kashmiri Pandits till date chant in their homes a hymn known as Gauri Dashakam composed by Adi Shankaracharya.
- History shows age old connection existed between Scholars of Kashmir and Kanchipuram based on available works on Kashmiri Sharada Script. Sarvajna Peetam exists in both the places
- Acharyas who have visited Kashmir
- Shri Adi Sankara
- Shri Shankara’s disciple Shri Sureshvara
- The 16th Acharya Shri Gauda Sadashiva was a Kashmiri
- Many later Acharyars are reverred by Kings as perceptors.
- King Lalitaditya of Kashmir established Anna dana shala in the name of 31st Acharya Shri Shilianidhi Brahmanandaghana
- Welfare of the Kashmiri people is uppermost in the minds of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji, who have performed yatras to J&K. The Seers have been striving hard towards the preservation of the Vedic Dharma there.
Sri Shankaracharya Hill- Shankaracharya Mandir
The Shankaracharya temple in Kashmir is situated in the Srinagar district on a hill, at a
height of 1100 ft. above surface level of the main city on the hill. It is believed that Raja Gopadatya got the
temple constructed , giving it the name of Gopadri. Sri Adi Shankaracharya is supposed to have stayed here when he
visited Kashmir to revive Sanatan Dharma, thus giving the temple the name of Shankaracharya Mandir and the hill
itself is referred to as Shankaracharya Hill.
The temple is of great importance, not only from the point of view of religion, but also from architectural
viewpoint. A high octagonal platform supports the temple, approached by a flight of approximately hundred steps.
sidewalls of the steps once bore some valuable inscriptions.
Their Holinesses Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi
Shankaracharya Swamiji visited the hill temple during Their tour to Jammu & Kashmir in June 1997. Their
Holinesses had visited several other temples in Jammu and Kashmir, and performed the Chandramouleeswara Puja at
Their camping place.
Kashmir Cultural Heritage Awareness Lecture Series
With benign blessings of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swamiji, a series of lectures are being organized every week on the Cultural Heritage of Kashmir.
Books & Articles
Various books and articles.
- Kashmira Stabakam - Book Released - 6th Oct. 2023 at Varanasi
- Kashmira Stabakam -online orders can be placed here
- Temples of Jammu & Kashmir - Photo -feature
- Kashmir and Kanchi Kamakoti Pitham through the ages - English Version, Hindi Version and Sanskrit Version
- Essence of
Kalhana’s Rajatarangini
Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is a work relating the Parampara of kings that ruled Kashmir. It is written by Kalhana in the form of poems in eight chapters termed Tarangas (Waves) describing the lives and exploits of these kings and the conditions that prevailed in Kashmir during their times. This way it contributes to the study of history of that region during those times. This study is based upon the book written by M.A.Stein, who has translated this work in English from the Sanskrit original. On kamakoti.org, the essence of each of the eight chapters is presented.
- Their Holinesses at Shankaracharya Temple, Kashmir - a page from the past
- Avantipur – By eminent Archaeologist – Dr. R. Nagaswamy – Notes on the magnificent temple built by Raja Avantivarman of Utpala Dynasty
- Amarnatha Mahatmyam - Bringeesha Samhita
- Tamil Translation of Article on Kashmir - In search of roots
- Martand - by Dr. R. Nagaswamy
- Shri Amarnatha Yatra Phala- Telugu Translation
- Essence of Amarnath Yatra Phala
- * Shri Amarnath Mahatmyam - Tamil Translation
- Lougakshi Gruhyasutram - Book released at Jammu
Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam - Saraswati Mandir at Rambhan, J&K
With blessings of Pujya Shankaracharya Swamijis, a temple for Saraswati Devi was consecrated at Rambhan. Click here for details.
Discourse & Special Talks
Year-wise list of Special Events and Pujas
With benign blessings of Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamiji of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, various spiritual and cultural activities and events and pujas are being held in Jammu & Kashmir for the past several years praying for the peace and welfare of Kashmiris. A brief list of some activities are given below:
Special Pujas & Events in 2023
- Jammu-Kashmir Mandir Chaitanya Vikas - Visesha havans at Varanasi for 8 days- 17-24 September 2023
- Two day International Seminar on Sun Worship and Resurgence of Bharat at Varanasi 23 & 24 September 2023
- Pujya Shankaracharya Swamiji blesses the Kashmiri Pandits Sammelan held at Shrimatam Camp in Bengaluru - 2nd June 2023
- Wishes on Shankara Jayanti to Kashmiris
Special Pujas & Events in 2021
Special Pujas & Events in 2019
Special Pujas & Events in 2017
Special Pujas & Events in 2016
Special Pujas & Events in 2015
Special Pujas & Events in 2014
- Kashmiri Pandits Sammelan held- Camp at Bangalore - 10 May 2014
- Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsav celebrated at Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 25 April - 4 May 2014
- Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsav at Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 25 April - 4 May 2014
- Shri Amarnatha Yatra Phala- Telugu Translation Published
- Essence of Amarnath Yatra Phala
Special Pujas & Events in 2013
- Shri Amarnath Mahatmyam - Tamil Translation- Published
- Sri Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsav celebrated at Srinagar, Kashmir -29 April - 15 May 2013
- Rudra Japam Performed at Jammu -17 - 19 April 2013
- Sri Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsav at Srinagar, Kashmir -29 April - 15 May 2013
- * 8 Jan 2013 - RAJATARANGINI - AUDIO CD Release
Special Pujas & Events in 2012
Special Pujas & Events in 2011
- 16 January 2011 - Kashmiri Pandits Sammelan held at Bangalore
- 13 March 2011 - Similarities of Kashmiri and South Indian Culture - Meet held in Chennai
- 24 April 2011 - Seminar on Kashmiri Culture, Tradition, Values & Pandits held at Sanskrit College, Chennai
- 1-10 September 2011 - Vishva Shanti Maha Yajna at Shrinagar, Kashmir
- 1-10 October 2011
-Vishwa Shanti Yagnya at Khir Bhavani Temple, Kashmir
-Poornahuti held in the presence of His Holiness - 7 October 2011 - Kashmri Pandits meet held at Delhi
- 10 October 2011 - Lougakshi Gruhyasutram - Book released at Jammu